Kako uporabljati oznake Avery 5160 v Excelu

Nalepke Avery so dobro znan standardni pisarniški izdelek, nalepke 5160 (med drugimi velikostmi) pa so združljive z izdelki Microsoft. Oznake Avery lahko natisnete iz Excela, vendar postopek končno zahteva spajanje dokumentov, da kategorizirate polja z nalepkami in jih uvozite v obliko zapisa nalepk.
Med postopkom spajanja dokumentov nastavite stolpce podatkov v Excelu in jih nato povežete s polji za oblikovanje v Microsoft Wordu. Postopek ni zapleten, vendar zahteva čas za pravilno nastavitev oblikovanja. Tudi veliki seznami stikov ali druge oblike podatkov v Excelu zahtevajo več časa za dokončanje.
Druga možnost za uporabo Excela z Wordom je ročno vnašanje vsake oznake ali zagon spajanja dokumentov prek drugega združljivega programa, kot je Microsoft Outlook. Možnost Microsoft Outlook je privlačna le, če storitev že uporabljate kot upravitelj pošte.
Nalepke Avery so standardne v formatiranju nalepk Microsoft Word, velikost pa je že shranjena v prednastavitvi, zaradi česar so odlična izbira za postopek označevanja. Druge pogoste znamke in postavitve nalepk so prav tako shranjene v oblikovanju nalepk za Microsoft.
Načini uporabe Excela za oznake
Preden skočite v Excel in uporabite program za gostovanje svojih podatkov, razmislite, ali je Excel najboljša uporaba za vašo posebno situacijo. Če izdelujete majhno število nalepk – na primer manj kot 100 z minimalnimi informacijami – je boljša možnost vnos informacij neposredno v Wordov dokument, oblikovan z nalepko. To še posebej velja za seznam za enkratno uporabo.
Excel je idealen za gostovanje velike količine informacij, kot je seznam stikov z imenom, naslovom in drugimi informacijami za stotine ali celo tisoče ljudi. Sezname, ki nenehno rastejo in se razvijajo, je enostavno upravljati v Excelu.
Excelov delovni zvezek ni dobra izbira za tiskanje nalepk za upravljani seznam, vendar oblikovanje omogoča preprosto premikanje podatkov v druge programe in oblike. Na primer, seznam stikov lahko preprosto naložite v upravitelja e-pošte iz Excela.
Uporabite Excel, če so informacije pomembne in jih boste še naprej uporabljali. V nasprotnem primeru razmislite o ročnem vnosu informacij neposredno v Wordov dokument.
Oblikovanje za tiskanje nalepk Avery
V Excelu formatirajte polja z oznakami z naslovi stolpcev. Vsak stolpec na primer začnite z določenim poljem, kot je ime , priimek , naslov , mesto , država , poštna številka , e-poštni naslov in vse druge podatke, ki jih obdržite na kontaktih. Nastavitev stolpca za vsak določen niz podatkov je pomembna, ko pride čas za oblikovanje oznak.
Vsaka vrstica ustreza enemu stiku ali nizu podatkov. Uporaba naslova stolpca za vsak podatek poveča vašo zmožnost, da pozneje, ko uporabite postopek spajanja dokumentov, postavite, kje se informacije nahajajo na oznakah. At this point, save the Excel worksheet and exit the program. Then, open Microsoft Word to run the mail merge and ultimately print the labels.
Format the Labels in Word
Head to the Mailings tab in the new Word document and select the Start Mail Merge option. Select Labels and click Label Options. This is where you format the Word document for the Avery 5160 labels.
Choose continuous feed printer or page printer based on the model you use. Below the printer options are the label options. Select the drop-down menu to view the suppliers and select Avery from this list.
Another list generates with all the Avery label styles. Click the 5160 model labels and select OK . The Word document sizes the labels to match the exact spacing and design necessary.
Now, click File and select the Advanced option to connect Excel to Word. Mark the Confirm file format conversion check box and select OK . Return to Mailings and click Select Recipients to locate your Excel file. Select the file to merge the information with Word.
Format the way your data should look on the labels in the Mailings settings as well. Use the <
An address label typically hosts the name, street address, city, state and ZIP code. You can also add a company name or any custom field as long as it exists in an Excel column. Format each column heading in the exact manner you want it to appear. This includes the spacing between words and the line on which it exists.
Adjust the font settings in this area as well. Using the default font as mapped from Excel works fine, but custom styling is an easy option for labels. Just run a print preview after merging to make sure the font and text size fit on the label.
Mail Merge Labels and Print
Now the Avery labels are formatted, and the information is connected. Click Match Fields under Mailings and make sure the column headings from Excel match the <
Click Finish and Merge under the Mailings tab to complete the process. Click Print to send the job to your printer. Place the Avery labels in the printer tray before executing the print function.
Also, do a print preview to double-check alignment and spacing and to locate any errors. Labels and printer ink are costly, and double-checking the file ensures you do not need to print more than one time.
Microsoft Outlook Shortcut
An alternative exists to running a mail merge between Excel and Word. The Outlook option is specific to contact lists, but it offers an easy method for loading contacts from Excel into the Outlook contact manager.
If you maintain email contact with anyone on the list, this feature is especially useful. Enter Outlook and choose Add contacts and select From file. You can use Excel or a standard CSV file to achieve the same result. Select the file and import everything into the Outlook manager.
Now, running a mail merge in Word is a much shorter process. Select all the desired contacts using the Shift +Control keyboard command to highlight multiple contacts.
Go to the Home tab in Outlook and choose Mail Merge followed by Only Selected Contacts . Choose the contact fields you want on the labels or click All Contact Fields to transfer everything. Choose New Document and select the type of document. Mailing Labels is the most obvious selection on the list.
This action triggers a Word document to open, and all the contact information is mapped and ready. You still need to use Word to select the Avery label style, but the process is the same as listed above.
If you are prudent, enter the Write and Insert Fields section in Word to double-check the mapping. You can also run a print preview to ensure everything is laid out correctly and ready to print. Otherwise, you are all set and can print out the labels quickly using the Outlook mail merge process.