Uravnoteženje zraka:16 načinov, kako lahko popravite vroča in hladna mesta ter vzdržujete enakomerno temperaturo

Neenakomerne temperature resnično pokvarijo razpoloženje, še posebej, če porabite dober znesek za račune za energijo, da ohranite idealno temperaturo. Morda boste opazili, da se nekateri deli vašega doma počutijo kot savna, medtem ko so drugi ledeno mrzli. Zaradi hladnih in vročih točk lahko ves čas spreminjate temperaturo termostata.
Temperaturne razlike so lahko zelo moteče in kažejo na neravnovesje zraka. Morda boste opazili dober pretok zraka v eni sobi, medtem ko je pretok zraka HVAC v drugi sobi malo ali nič. Lahko je posledica več razlogov. Včasih lahko vaš sistem HVAC izgubi ravnovesje, včasih pa so krivi kanali, ki puščajo.
To lahko vodi tudi do nepotrebnega skoka v računih za energijo. V tem primeru lahko pomaga zračno uravnoteženje.
Kaj je zračno uravnoteženje?
Uravnoteženje zraka je metoda, ki vključuje prilagoditev vaše HVAC enote, tako da vsaka soba prejme pravo količino klimatiziranega zraka. Vključuje tudi iskanje težav, ki povzročajo neenakomeren pretok zraka ali podtlak v vašem domu.
Uravnoteženje zraka HVAC izboljša kroženje zraka, poveča učinkovitost vaše enote in zmanjša stroške klimatske naprave.
Povsem mogoče je, da sami uravnavate temperaturo doma; vendar je najbolje, da vključite strokovnjake, če težave ne odpravite. Sestavili smo ta obsežen vodnik, da bi vam pomagali razumeti razloge za neravnovesje zraka v vašem domu in različne korake, ki jih lahko naredite, da to odpravite.
Kako veste, ali vaša hiša potrebuje zračno uravnoteženje?
Tukaj je nekaj znakov, ki kažejo, da ima vaš dom težave s pretokom zraka:
Vroče in hladne točke
Se vam zdi, da so nekatere sobe veliko bolj vroče ali hladnejše od drugih? Razlika dveh stopinj ni velika težava, a če je eno območje popolnoma toplo, drugo pa zmrzuje, obstaja težava, ki jo je treba odpraviti.
Visoki računi za energijo
Če vaši računi za ogrevanje ali hlajenje še naprej naraščajo brez kakršnega koli očitnega razloga, to lahko kaže na neravnovesje zraka.
Šibek pretok zraka iz zračnikov
Če vas zebe, tudi ko je vaš termostat nastavljen na visoko temperaturo, signalizira šibek pretok zraka. Položite roke pod zračnike in če čutite, da je zraka malo ali nič, boste morda morali uravnotežiti zračnike klimatske naprave.
Glavni razlogi za temperaturno neravnovesje v vašem domu
Namesto da zaženete termostat, poskusite najti glavni razlog za neravnovesje zraka v vašem domu, da pridete težavi do dna.
1. Termostat ni na idealnem mestu

Nepravilna namestitev termostata lahko povzroči napačne odčitke, kar prispeva k neenakomernim temperaturam. Na primer, če je vaš termostat nameščen v kotu spalnice ali blizu kuhinje, bo odčital samo temperaturo tega območja in signaliziral vašemu HVAC, da ustrezno deluje. Ko bo ta del vašega doma dosegel nastavljeno temperaturo, se bo vaš klimatski sistem izklopil, ne glede na temperaturo v drugih prostorih.
2. Temperaturna razlika med tlemi
Ko se toplota dvigne, postane drugo nadstropje toplejše od prvega. To ustvarja temperaturno neravnovesje med obema nadstropjema vašega doma. Poleg tega lahko uporaba enega samega termostata za nadzor obeh nadstropij poveča neravnovesje.
3. Slaba izolacija doma
Ko vaš dom ni ustrezno izoliran, prepih onemogoča ogrevanje ali hlajenje vašega doma.
Topel zrak potuje navzgor, tako da lahko, če vaše podstrešje nima izolacije, pozimi pusti občutek mraza v vašem domu. Druge težave z izolacijo doma, ki lahko povzročijo neenakomerne temperature, vključujejo prepih, okna, vrata in dotrajano izolacijo zunanjih sten.
4. Netesni kanal
Majhna puščanja in vrzeli morda ne zvenijo kot velika težava, vendar lahko bistveno spremenijo temperaturno ravnovesje v vašem domu. V primeru puščanja kanalov se ogret ali ohlajen zrak izgublja skozi razpoke, kar povzroči nihanje temperatur v vaši hiši.
5. Neustrezno dimenzionirana HVAC enota ali kanal
Prevelika enota HVAC bo imela neprekinjen kratek cikel, kar pomeni, da ne bo vklopljena dovolj dolgo, da bi pravilno ogrela ali ohladila vaš prostor. Po drugi strani pa se bo premajhna enota morala še posebej potruditi, da doseže nastavljeno temperaturo, kar bo povzročilo večjo obrabo.
Veliki kanali ne bodo vzdrževali ustreznega tlaka, kar bo povzročilo šibak pretok zraka. Podobno, če imate manjši kanal od zahtevanega, ne bo enakomerno porazdelil zraka v vaši hiši.
6. Lokacija vaših sob
Prostori, ki se nahajajo na jugu, imajo čez dan več neposredne sončne svetlobe, zaradi česar so precej topli v primerjavi s prostori na severni strani. Toplota sonca povzroča tudi neenakomerne temperature v vašem domu.
16 načinov za odpravo vročih in hladnih točk v hiši

Tukaj je 16 načinov, kako lahko odpravite temperaturna nihanja v svojem domu, od prilagajanja zračnikov do tesnjenja puščanja zraka.
1. Preizkusite metodo dveh stopinj
Za uravnoteženje temperature v dvonadstropni stavbi lahko poskusite z dvostopenjsko metodo. Zgornji del nastavite na 2 stopinji nižjo temperaturo kot v prvem nadstropju. Na primer, če je v prvem nadstropju 70 F, mora biti v drugem nadstropju 68 F. To bo pomagalo doseči želeno temperaturo v obeh nadstropjih.
2. Prilagodite zračnike za uravnoteženje zraka

Uravnoteženje zraka v vašem HVAC na začetku sezone je potrebno za spopadanje z vročimi in hladnimi točkami. Na začetku poletja in zime morate narediti nekaj prilagoditev, da ugotovite, kaj je najboljše za vaše udobje.
- Termostat nastavite na 76–78 F. Namenjen je samo za preizkušanje in uravnavanje pretoka zraka, saj vam omogoča spremembe, potrebne za odstranitev vročih in hladnih točk.
- Pustite na tej nastavitvi 24 ur.
- Na območjih, ki se zdijo prehladna, prilagodite stenske in stropne zračnike. To bo pomagalo prerazporediti hladnejši zrak v toplejša območja.
- Po 24 urah ponovno preverite ta področja. Če se počuti udobno, niso potrebne dodatne spremembe. Če pa je prostor še vedno topel, nadaljujte s prilagajanjem zračnikov, dokler ne dosežete želene temperature.
- Ko hladen zrak potone, odprite zračnike v zgornjem nadstropju in jih delno zaprite v prvem nadstropju in kleti.
- Nastavite termostat med 76–78 F. Ponovno preverite po 24 urah in izvedite potrebne prilagoditve zračnikov, kot je opisano zgoraj.
- Ko se toplota dvigne navzgor, se bo vsa toplota iz vašega ogrevalnega sistema zbrala v zgornjih nadstropjih in ustvarila hladne točke v prvem nadstropju. So, you will have to close the vents upstairs and in the open hall areas.
3. Clean Your Air Filters
Air filters help remove dust and contaminants, circulating fresh air in your home. However, they require regular cleaning; otherwise, they could get clogged. Dirty air filters result in weak airflow and hot, cold spots in your home.
Clean your air filters every two weeks and change them every 3-4 months for better air cleaning.
Constantly keeping a check on AC filters can be a hassle. Use a smart thermostat or smart AC controller that sends notifications to monitor cleanliness levels.
4. Choose the Best Thermostat Location
The thermostat takes average temperature readings, so ideally, it should be placed at a central location in your home. Moreover, the room you frequently use also makes a good placement area. For example, if you have a two-story building, a central location on the first floor is recommended.
Electronic equipment creates a lot of heat which can affect your thermostat reading. Keep your thermostat away from heat-generating appliances such as ovens, television, lamps, etc. Also, do not place the thermostat near doors and windows as cold drafts can affect the temperature measurements.
5. Remove Vent Blockages
If you feel little to no air blowing from your HVAC unit, something might be blocking your air vents. Check if any furniture is placed in front of the vents and relocate it. If you have no other place to put your furniture, you can get a magnetic air deflector to blow the air away from the obstruction and toward the center of the room.
6. Go for HVAC Zoning
HVAC zoning creates various clusters in your home. It allows you to set the temperature for each zone and make necessary adjustments without disturbing the whole house’s temperature. You can create and control each zone via a smart thermostat or smart AC controller.
Dual or multi-zoning helps to reduce hot and cold spots and prevent thermostat war in your home. A win-win situation!
7. Check for Drafts

In the winter season, drafty air seeping in from leaks and gaps can affect your cozy home environment. In summer, the cold air from your HVAC can leak out, creating hold and cold spots.
After finding air leaks in your doors, windows, and exterior walls, use caulking to seal them properly. In winter, your home could lose up to 85% of the heat through the holes and gaps in the attic. Therefore, insulating your attic is also important to prevent drafts.
8. Adjust Blower Fan Speed
To balance air pressure in your house, adjusting the blower fan speed can be beneficial.
In winter, adjust it to a lower speed as it helps to reduce airborne allergens and alter home humidity levels. In summer, you can turn the fan speed back to high.
To adjust the fan speed, follow these steps:
- Locate the air handler electrical disconnect box and turn off the switch.
- Remove the air handler cover and find the fan motor.
- Identify speed wires with the help of color-coding. Different manufactures use different colors, so refer to your user manual for that.
- Change the active speed wire, depending on the season.
- Run your HVAC system to test the speed. You will be able to feel the difference in the fan speed.
9. Install Window Covering
Direct sunlight entering through the window can significantly alter your room temperature in summer. Also, 30% of heat energy is lost through windows in the colder months. This puts pressure on your HVAC system, which in turn affects the air balance in your home.
Use curtains, blinds, or drape hangings to minimize heat loss and gain. You can also install window film insulation to protect against glare and ultraviolet exposure.
10. Install Sufficient Number of Return Air Ducts
To maintain neutral air pressure in your home, your ductwork needs to supply and return the same volume of air. Ideally, you should have both types of vents running to each room; however, older duct systems often have one central return vent, which is insufficient for the whole house.
Return air ducts are important as they help maintain the consistent temperature and airflow in your home. Using these ducts, the air is returned back to the system so it can be heated or cooled again, filtered contaminants, and redistributed inside your home.
11. Fix Leaky Ducts

The leaks and gaps in your ductwork interfere with proper air distribution in your home. To fix that, insulate your ductwork. First, apply duct sealant on the holes and gaps using a paintbrush. After that, wrap fiberglass insulation around the ducts and seal them with foil tape.
12. Choose Right Size Air Conditioning Unit
If you can’t think of any other issue that could be causing uneven home temperature, AC sizing could be a culprit. A wrong-sized air conditioner increases wear and tear, causing weak airflow. So, choosing the perfect size of an air conditioner is important to balance the home temperature.
If you suspect your HVAC isn’t the correct size, go for a professional evaluation to determine the right size of air conditioner for your home.
13. Adjust HVAC Dampers
Your HVAC supply ducts have dampers that are controlled by the levers outside of the duct. They open or close a metal disk found inside a supply line.
For maximum airflow in your room, rotate the lever so that the metal disk remains flat. When the disc remains upright, it blocks the airflow, so keep the direction of the disc in mind.
14. Use Two Air Handlers for a 2-Story Building
The upper floor retains more heat than the downstairs in a two-story building. If you use only one unit, it can get difficult to maintain the same temperature on both stories.
In this scenario, opt for a separate air handler for each floor to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout your house.
If your AC is not cooling upstairs, check this guide.
15. Use Ceiling Fans to Balance Air Pressure
Using ceiling fans both in summer and winter can help improve air circulation. Fans help mix hot and cold air, making rooms more comfortable.
In winter, the fan direction should be clockwise to blow the air upwards. In the summertime, your ceiling fan’s direction should be counterclockwise for cooling. When the fan rotates in this direction, it forces the air to move downward and helps balance air pressure in your house.
16. Set Your Fan to ‘On’
You can set your HVAC unit’s fan on the thermostat to ‘auto’ or ‘on’ settings. The fan will shut off in the auto settings once your home has achieved the desired setting. When the fan is set to ‘on,’ it will continuously run regardless of your home temperature.
The advantage of the second option is that air constantly circulates in your home, which means you are less likely to encounter hot or cold spots.
What Does Professional Air Balance Testing Entail?

An HVAC professional will take various measurements and perform tests to determine what’s causing air imbalance in your home. Data from these tests will be used to create a report outlining your system’s performance.
Professionals use manometers to measure air pressure and pinpoint any blockages. Hygrometers are used to check humidity levels and see whether any place feels suffocated due to high moisture levels.
After getting all the results, HVAC technicians may adjust the dampers and fan speed and replace supply lines with larger or smaller ductwork. They may even install dampers if you didn’t have them installed previously.
Advantages of Air Balancing
Air balancing HVAC increases your comfort level, improves indoor air quality, and lowers your electricity bills.
· Improved Energy Efficiency
Improper airflow will force your system to work much harder than it has to achieve your desired temperature. When your system works hard for long periods, it draws more energy, resulting in increased costs. A balanced airflow system ensures that your system does not work overtime, saving energy.
· Better Indoor Air Quality
Low air circulation causes indoor air pollutants such as mold or dust particles to build up inside your home. A balanced airflow allows the fresh air to enter your home while removing stale air.
· Longer Lifespan of HVAC Unit
When your system works overtime due to uneven home temperature, it leads to unnecessary wear or tears. Proper airflow in your home ensures that your system works smoothly, increasing its lifespan.
· Low Energy Bills
When the temperature in one area of your home does not feel right, it can be tempting to crank up your thermostat. However, it can result in energy wastage as other areas may not need a temperature change. When the temperature in your entire house is balanced, you won’t feel the need to change the thermostat settings constantly. This will help you save on energy and lower your bills.
· Enhanced Comfort
Constant temperature fluctuations affect your comfort level. Air balancing is designed to target uneven temperature spots to improve your comfort.
Air balancing ensures that an equal amount of air moves continuously throughout your entire home. If you notice an imbalance, take the time to get it fixed, either professionally or yourself, to ensure a comfortable atmosphere at all times.
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Uravnoteženje zraka:16 načinov, kako lahko popravite vroča in hladna mesta ter vzdržujete enakomerno temperaturo