Domača klimatska naprava piha topel zrak? 12 možnih vzrokov in njihovih rešitev

Vaša odvisnost od klimatske naprave se povečuje, ko se temperature še naprej dvigujejo. Vrniti se domov po dolgem delovnem dnevu in ugotoviti, da vas je klimatska naprava pustila na cedilu, je frustrirajuće v žgoči poletni vročini. Morda boste odkrili, da vaša klimatska naprava piha topel zrak v drznem dejanju upora.
Vroči in prepoteni si obupano želite najti rešitev za svoje težave. Brez skrbi, spodaj boste našli 12 možnih razlogov, zakaj vaša klimatska naprava piha vroč zrak, in njihove rešitve.
Kako deluje klimatska naprava?
Preden začnete odpravljati težave, morate vedeti, kako deluje klimatska naprava.
AC enota ima tri glavne komponente:kondenzatorsko tuljavo, uparjalno tuljavo in kompresor. Uporablja tudi kemikalijo ali hladilno sredstvo, znano kot hladilno sredstvo, ki se lahko hitro spremeni iz tekočine v plin in obratno. Tuljava uparjalnika vsebuje hladno, plinasto hladilno sredstvo. Uparjalnik vpihuje notranji zrak na hladno tuljavo uparjalnika, ki hladi zrak zaradi izmenjave toplote. Nato se ohlajen zrak vpihne nazaj v vašo sobo.
Hladilno sredstvo se zdaj pošlje v kompresor, kjer se pretvori v visokotemperaturno tekočino. Nato se pošlje v tuljave kondenzatorja in ohladi z ventilatorji, ki pihajo nad njim. Vroč zrak se prenaša na prosto in hladilno sredstvo se ohladi. Nato gre hladno tekoče hladilno sredstvo skozi ekspanzijski ventil, kjer se pretvori v hladen plin in pošlje v tuljavo uparjalnika.
Pomembno je razumeti sestavne dele in postopek, kajti če pride do težave s katerim koli od teh delov v ciklu, bo klimatska naprava pihala topel zrak.
12 razlogov, zakaj vaša klimatska naprava piha topel zrak
Če ste že bili v podobni situaciji, si najprej oglejte ta članek, da izveste več o različnih načinih hlajenja brez klimatske naprave. Ker lahko odpravljanje težave traja nekaj časa in ne bi želeli, da bi se vaš dom medtem počutil kot puščava.
Za pihanje toplega zraka iz klimatske naprave je lahko veliko razlogov. Tu je 12 najpogostejših razlogov, zakaj vas vaša klimatska naprava izda:
1. Nepravilno kalibriran termostat

Včasih vaša klimatska naprava piha vroč zrak, ker je bila nepravilno nastavljena.
Na primer, če je vaš ventilator nastavljen na VKLOP, ves čas piha zrak, tudi ko se ne hladi. Tako vpiha topel zrak med cikli hlajenja. Drugi razlog je lahko ta, da ste klimatsko napravo pomotoma nastavili na način ogrevanja. Preverite tudi, ali je nastavljena vrednost previsoka. Druga možnost je, da je vaš termostat nepravilno umerjen in ne more nastaviti želene sobne temperature. Preverite tudi baterije termostata ali pametnega AC krmilnika.
Preverite termostat in preverite, ali je ventilator vklopljen. Če da, ga spremenite v AUTO, tako da deluje samo med cikli hlajenja.
Prav tako morate dvakrat preveriti, ali termostat ni v načinu ogrevanja. Včasih so stari termostati s številčnico nepravilno umerjeni. Neustrezno kalibriran termostat napačno odčitava temperaturo. Ker ne more vzdrževati pravilne temperature, morate termostat pogosto nastavljati. Če sumite, da je vaš termostat nepravilno umerjen, ga lahko zamenja ali ponovno umeri strokovnjak.
Pri klimatskih napravah brez kanalov, kot so mini-split, morate razmisliti tudi o vlaganju v pametne krmilnike za izmenični tok, kot je Cielo Breez Plus, da bo temperatura v vašem domu konstantna in točna. Če imate centralno klimatsko napravo, razmislite o nakupu pametnega termostata. Te pametne naprave naredijo vaše življenje zelo priročno s svojimi pametnimi funkcijami in ni vam treba skrbeti za ročno spreminjanje nastavitev.
2. Povratne odprtine so zaprte
Drugi razlog, zakaj vaša klimatska naprava piha vroč zrak, je, da ste morda zaprli zgornje povratne registre. Ker se vroč zrak dviga in hladen zrak potone, zapiranje zgornjih povratnih registrov pomeni, da bo vroč zrak ostal v vaši sobi in se ne pošilja v enoto HVAC za hlajenje.
Če imate centralno klimatsko napravo, ste morda pozimi odprli spodnje povratne šobe in zaprli zgornje povratne šobe. Obstaja možnost, da ste pozabili ponovno odpreti povratne zračnike. Včasih lahko pohištvo, umazanija in ostanki blokirajo povratne zračnike.
Sprehodite se po svoji hiši in preverite, ali so vsi registri za vračila odprti. Če imate težave z ugotavljanjem, ali so povratni ventili odprti, držite robček šest centimetrov stran. Če so vaši povratni registri odprti, boste čutili, kako tkivo vleče v povratno odprtino.
3. Puščanje hladilnega sredstva
Hladilno sredstvo je tekočina v vaši klimatski napravi, ki absorbira toploto iz zraka in hladi vaš prostor. Če hladilno sredstvo pušča, bo vaši enoti postopoma primanjkovalo hladilnega sredstva. Zaradi tega preostala hladilna tekočina morda ne bo zadostovala za hlajenje vaše sobe.
Nizka raven hladilne tekočine lahko povzroči tudi, da vaša klimatska naprava piha vroč zrak. Če vaša klimatska naprava ne hladi pravilno, je ena od prvih stvari, ki jo morate preveriti, ali pušča hladilno sredstvo.
Puščanje hladilnega sredstva lahko opazite tako, da pogledate tuljave uparjalnika in kondenzatorja. Čeprav morajo biti hladni na dotik, ne smejo biti zamrznjeni. Še en znak puščanja hladilnega sredstva so sikajoči zvoki in nerazložljivo visoki računi za energijo.
Nikoli ne poskušajte sami odpraviti puščanja hladilnega sredstva. Puščanje hladilnega sredstva je nevarnost za zdravje in varnost. Takoj pokličite svojega HVAC tehnika, takoj ko sumite, da hladilno sredstvo pušča.
4. Umazani zračni filtri

Umazan zračni filter je še en pogost razlog, zakaj klimatska naprava piha vroč zrak. Umazani zračni filtri povzročajo težave s pretokom zraka v celotnem sistemu in lahko pregrejejo motor ventilatorja. Povečajo tudi porabo energije, saj prisilijo vašo HVAC enoto, da deluje pri višji nastavitvi moči. Torej, če vaša klimatska naprava piha topel zrak, bodite pozorni na umazane zračne filtre.
Običajno je vizualni pregled več kot dovolj, da ugotovite, ali so vaši zračni filtri umazani. Odstranite zračne filtre in jih pridržite. Če vidite skozi njih, so vaši zračni filtri čisti. Če so zamašeni z umazanijo, jih je treba očistiti ali zamenjati.
V povprečju bi morali zračne filtre očistiti vsaka dva tedna in jih zamenjati vsake 3-4 mesece. Najprej očistite zračne filtre tako, da jih umijete z milnico. Nato jih pustite, da se posušijo na zraku ali uporabite mehko suho krpo, da odstranite vlago.
Tukaj je popoln vodnik za čiščenje vaše klimatske naprave, da boste vedno na tekočem z vzdrževanjem.
5. Umazane tuljave uparjalnika
Tuljava uparjalnika zadržuje ohlajeno hladilno sredstvo v notranjosti. This chilled refrigerant in the evaporator coil removes heat from your room when air from the blower fan moves over it. A natural by-product of this process is condensation.
When there is moisture on the coils, they become more prone to getting dirty because dust particles stick to them. Since the evaporator coil works through absorption, it loses its cooling ability if covered in dust. Hence, dirty evaporator coils can lead to your air conditioner blowing warm air.
A dirty evaporator coil also causes more wear and tear on your HVAC unit and can reduce its lifespan. Debris on evaporator coils can also lead to ice buildup.
Turn off power to your AC unit and, to be on the safe side, turn off the circuit breaker as well. Locate the indoor access panel and unscrew it. Look at the evaporator coils and see if there is any dust or debris on them.
On average, you should be cleaning your evaporator coils every two months. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dust particles or debris. Use a coil comb to clean the area between the coil fins, taking great care not to bend the fins. If you do see any bent fins, gently straighten them with a fin comb. You can also use other methods to clean evaporator coils, such as the compressed air technique.
6. Frozen Evaporator Coils
When the evaporator coil removes heat from the air to chill your room, it leads to condensation. Air conditioners have a condensate drain to remove this moisture from the system. When too much water collects on the evaporator coil, it can freeze over. A frozen evaporator coil prevents heat transfer which can lead to your home AC blowing warm air.
To check if you have frozen evaporator coils first shut off power to your AC unit. For extra safety, also turn off the circuit breaker. Then open the indoor access panel and check for any frost or ice on the evaporator coil. To find out where the access panel is located, consult your AC’s instruction manual, then remove any screws or fasteners to gain entry to the access panel.
If you see any frost or ice on your evaporator coils, let them thaw. Do not turn the AC on until any frost has melted completely.
If letting them thaw in the open air is taking too much time, you can use a hairdryer over the coils at the lowest setting. Keep the hairdryer at a safe distance from the evaporator coils, so you don’t damage them.
If the problem reoccurs, you will have to contact a seasoned HVAC professional.
7. Dirty Condenser Coils
Condenser coils are located inside your AC’s outdoor unit. The condenser’s job is to release the hot air from your room outside. Since the condenser coils are in the outside unit, they gather a lot of dust and debris and become clogged with leaves and small branches.
If your condenser coils are dirty, it may result in AC blowing hot air because it cannot effectively expel heat outside.
Turn off your AC unit and the circuit breaker. Then remove the condenser cover. Inside, you will see a cage. Unscrew the cage and remove it. After you have removed the cage, you will see the condenser coils. Inspect to see if you find any leaves, dust, or debris.
Manually remove any leaves or small branches. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to clean condenser coils.
8. Lack of Electricity to the Outside Unit
Both your indoor and outdoor AC units need electricity to run. If electricity to your outdoor unit is interrupted, your indoor unit will blow warm air since the outdoor unit can no longer release heat outside. Therefore, if your home AC is blowing warm air, you should check whether the outdoor unit is getting power.
Locate your electrical panel and check your circuit breaker to see if it has tripped. Also, keep an eye out for any blown fuses. You can identify a blown fuse using these steps:
- Turn off electrical power to the unit.
- Remove the fuse from its holder.
- Look at the fuse wire. If you can see a visible gap or a dark smear in the glass, you have a blown fuse.
Use a multimeter if you cannot visually confirm whether the fuse is blown,
If the circuit breaker has tripped, first turn it off completely, then turn it back on. Replace any blown fuses. However, if the fuse keeps blowing repeatedly or the circuit breaker keeps tripping, it is a sign that something more is wrong. In that case, consult a certified electrician.
9. Fan Problems

The fan in your outdoor unit is responsible for transferring indoor heat outside your home. If this fan is damaged, proper heat transfer does not take place. Lack of suitable heat transfer can then lead to your AC blowing warm air.
Fan problems can be due to a wiring issue or dirt and debris stuck in the fan. Turn off the power and remove the outside cover. Manually remove any dust you may see.
If your fan problems do not resolve after cleaning, consult a certified HVAC professional.
10. Clogged Drainpipe
The AC condensate drain removes water collected during the cooling process. This water is collected in the drain pan and then flows into the drainpipe. Over time the drainpipe can become clogged with debris and mold. When this happens, water can overflow and damage your aircon unit.
Signs of a clogged drain line include water damage near your indoor unit and a musty, moldy scent. Some clogs can be removed by hand while wearing protective gloves. For deeper clogs, use a wet dry vacuum. Attach it to the end of the drainpipe and seal it securely with duct tape. Turn the vacuum on to suck any clogs.
For stubborn clogs, prepare a mixture of one cup bleach and one cup water. Pour it down the drainpipe to dissolve any debris. After cleaning the drainpipe, empty the drain pan and wipe it down. Make sure there is no moisture left; otherwise, it can lead to mold growth.
11. Leaking Ducts
If none of the above-mentioned reasons sort out your problem and you’re still wondering why your AC is blowing warm air, you may want to take a look at your ducts.
There may be a leak in your ductwork caused by rodents or poor installation. If there are holes in the ducts, cold air will not reach you and may get lost on its way. Leaking ducts can cause you to lose roughly 20 to 30 percent of conditioned air, resulting in insufficient cooling and high energy costs.
Use mastic sealant or metal tape to seal any air leaks. Further, seal vents and registers where they meet any surface, such as the ceiling. However, since most of your ductwork is hidden, if you suspect a leak deep inside, you will have to contact a professional to locate the leak and fix it.
Faulty ducts are frequently the reason behind your air conditioner blowing hot air; therefore, it is a good idea to conduct proper inspection after some time.
12. Faulty Compressor
The compressor, also considered the heart of your HVAC unit, handles refrigerant circulation within the unit. If the compressor isn’t working properly, your air conditioning unit will not cool as it should.
Signs of compressor failure include weak or warm airflow, loud banging noises, etc. A faulty compressor is one of the main reasons why your AC blows warm air.
Repairing an AC compressor is not doable for the average layperson. Consult a certified HVAC technician who will diagnose the problem and decide whether it is fixable. Repairing AC compressors is often cost-ineffective and sometimes replacing the whole unit is cheaper. You should carry out regular maintenance of your AC to prevent costly repairs such as compressor failure.
Your AC blowing warm air can ruin your whole mood and day, especially if you live in an area prone to heat waves. However, with these troubleshooting tips at your disposal, you are sure to remain cool and relaxed throughout the summers and beat the heat.
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