5 razlogov, zakaj vaš dom morda potrebuje testiranje kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih
Kaj se vam zdi bolj strašljivo:nekaj, kar je pred vašimi očmi, ali nekaj, česar dejansko ne morete videti, a se vam obeta v domišljiji?
Pajek na stropu? Ali pošast pod posteljo?
Za večino od nas je tisto, česar ne moremo videti, resnično strašljivo.
Ko gre za kakovost zraka v vašem domu, so lahko ti strahovi o tem, kaj se skriva nevidno, upravičeni. Obstaja kar nekaj nevidnih nevarnosti, ki jih tvegate z vsakim vdihom.
Če to berete, verjetno že imate razlog za skrb. Ne glede na to, ali gre za vonjave, težave z udobjem ali zdravstvene težave, se verjetno sprašujete, ali je vaša težava dovolj resna, da upravičuje testiranje kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih.
Berite naprej, če želite izvedeti nekaj strašnih in nevidnih stvari, ki bi lahko onesnaževale zrak v vašem domu. Pokrili bomo tudi nekaj pomembnih dejstev, ki jih morate vedeti, in nekaj korakov, ki jih morate narediti, preden začnete s testiranjem kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih.
5 nevidnih razlogov, da razmislite o testiranju kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih za vaš dom
1. Hlapne organske spojine (VOC)
Ste namestili novo preprogo (ali celo novo zaveso za prho) in opazili kemični vonj, ki traja več dni ali celo tednov? To, kar vohate, je izločanje HOS iz tega materiala.
Nešteto izdelkov v vašem domu oddaja HOS, od čistil do barv do pohištva. Čeprav jih vseh ne morete vohati, so v večini domov prisotni vsaj v "ozadju" in lahko povzročijo kratkotrajne zdravstvene simptome, vključno z glavoboli in slabostjo. Pri ponavljajoči se izpostavljenosti so možni tudi dolgotrajnejši (in strašnejši) učinki na zdravje.
Čeprav testiranje kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih za širok spekter HOS morda ne bo v pomoč zaradi pomanjkanja standardov za razlago rezultatov (več o tem čez minuto), ga je mogoče uporabiti za odkrivanje posebej nevarnih HOS, kot je formaldehid. To rakotvorno snov najdemo v lesu, tkaninah, tobačnem dimu, kurilnih napravah in še več.
2. Ogljikov monoksid
Kurilne naprave, kot so plinske peči, peči, štedilniki na drva in kamini, lahko oddajajo nevarne pline, kot je ogljikov monoksid, ki ga ne vidite ali vohate, vendar ima lahko smrtonosne posledice, če se kopičijo.
Pri zgorevanju se lahko v zrak oddajajo tudi delci, ki lahko povzročijo težave z dihanjem.
Povezani članek:Varnostni nasveti za HVAC:ne dovolite, da se vam prikrade ogljikov monoksid
3. Plesen, plesen in bakterije
In addition to chemical contaminants, there are all sorts of biological contaminants to worry about, including mold, mildew, fungus and even bacteria and viruses.
These nasty microorganisms grow and multiply in warm, humid air. That means you need to be extra vigilant about keeping humidity down and fixing any water leaks in bathrooms and basements.
According to the CDC, mold can cause a variety of symptoms including respiratory issues (especially for people with asthma or breathing problems) as well as eye and skin irritation.
Unlike some other airborne contaminants, mold can be discovered with a visual inspection, although indoor air quality testing may be recommended in some situations.
4. Pest droppings
You probably were aware that mold can contaminate the air in your home, but there are other biological agents that can cause odors and health issues as well, namely insects and rodents. Even if you don’t see them, dust mites, cockroaches and mice can leave behind droppings that cause respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly.
Indoor air quality testing can detect the presence of these pests, but you can also get to the root of the problem with a visual inspection.
5. Pesticides
What do you do if you find out you have insects? In this case, the solution can cause another problem. Pesticides used to eradicate insects and vermin cause indoor air quality problems as well.
Chances are, you’ve used at least one pesticide in the past year; according to the EPA, two-thirds of US households have. That means indoor air quality testing will probably detect some level of pesticides in your air. However, it can be helpful in revealing unusually high levels due to improper use of pesticides.
BUT wait! Here’s what to do before indoor air quality testing
All that being said, there are some facts you need to know, and some steps you should take BEFORE investing in indoor quality testing.
Indoor air quality testing results may not be definitive
First of all, the results you will get from indoor air quality testing may not give you a definitive answer.
Most buildings will have some level of contaminants in the air, and interpreting the results can be subjective. For most environments, there are no standards in place that can tell you precisely what level of VOCs or mold in the air (for example) can be deemed safe or unsafe.
Also, since people react differently to environmental contaminants, what’s fine for one person may be dangerous for another.
What to do BEFORE indoor air quality testing
Indoor air quality testing is most beneficial when it’s used to confirm or refute the presence of a specific source of contamination, such as mold or pesticide levels or the presence of carcinogens like formaldehyde or benzene.
To get to the source of a possible indoor air quality problem, start with an inspection of the space. That will help you identify areas of concern. Pay special attention to the following:
WATER DAMAGE :Leaks and other sources of dampness in your home can lead to mold and mildew growth. Look for plumbing, roof, and HVAC water leaks that are causing water to linger and damage your home. Fix any leaks right away and get rid of anything damaged by water, including ceiling tiles, carpet and wall board.
ODORS :You can’t see most sources of indoor air contamination, but there many you can smell, including cleaning products, new building materials such as carpeting, pesticides, cigarette smoke, fireplaces and musty smells from mildew. Try using cleaning products that don’t produce odors, and remove any chemical contaminants you may find.
VENTILATION :Does your home have sufficient fresh air intakes, and are they correctly located? For example, intakes might be too close to exhaust vents or to sources of outdoor air pollution. You might have excess humidity due to a poorly functioning air conditioner that’s contributing to mold growth. Your HVAC ducts could also be harboring mold, dust mites or other pests. Your best bet is to have your system inspected by a qualified HVAC professional.
Taking the time to investigate the cause before investing in indoor air quality testing can help you hone in on the cause of your problem so you can get to a solution faster.
Got questions about duct cleaning and how it can improve the air you breathe? Get your free copy of this informative guide to FAQ:Duct Cleaning and Your Indoor Air Quality.
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