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Slab pretok zraka iz vaše klimatske naprave? Preverite težave s kanalom

Zlasti v poslovnih prostorih, kjer se okna ne odpirajo, je bistvenega pomena pravilno delujoče prezračevanje. Eden najpogostejših virov težav s pretokom zraka HVAC so težave z zračnimi kanali.

Zadušen, stagniran zrak je težko prenašati. Ko težave s klimatsko napravo povzročijo premajhen pretok zraka na vašem delovnem mestu, boste opazili, da ljudje izkoristijo vsako priložnost, da gredo ven. Iti ven na odmor, dolga kosila ... morda ste to storili sami. Če je tako, je čas, da pridete do korenine težave, preden zaostala produktivnost začne vplivati ​​na vaš rezultat.

Toda preden se poglobimo v to, najprej ugotovimo znake težav s pretokom zraka.

Simptomi slabega pretoka zraka HVAC zaradi težav s kanali

Zadušen zrak

Ko se vaš prostor dan za dnem počuti zatohlega in zastarelega, se sprva morda ne zavedate, da je za to kriv vaš sistem HVAC.

To se lahko zgodi spomladi, pred prihodom poletne vročine, ki vas takoj opozori, ko ima vaša klimatska naprava težave. Toda pri zmernih temperaturah je lahko prvi znak težav s kanali občutek, da se zrak ne premika skozi vaš prostor.

Pomanjkanje zraka, ki prihaja iz registrov klimatske naprave

Čeprav slišite delovanje klimatske naprave, boste morda opazili, da iz vaših komor prihaja zelo malo zraka. Ko se to zgodi, obstaja velika verjetnost, da imate težave s kanali, kot so zamašitve, puščanje ali slaba zasnova kanalov.

Variance temperature

Ko se zrak zaradi težav s kanali HVAC ne giblje skozi vaš prostor, kot je načrtovano, boste opazili temperaturna neskladja in slab pretok zraka. Morda imate nekatera območja z zmanjšanim pretokom zraka in temperaturami, ki so previsoke, na drugih pa prepih in prehladno.

Neuravnotežen zračni tlak

Ko vaše prezračevanje ne deluje, kot je načrtovano, lahko pride do neuravnoteženega zračnega tlaka. Težave s kanali lahko povzročijo simptome, kot so vrata, ki se zaloputnejo sama od sebe, vonjave, ki se zadržujejo ali širijo, ali nenavadne žvižgajoče zvoke. Morda se začenjate spraševati, ali v vašem prostoru straši!

Sorodni članek: Odpravljanje težav s HVAC:presenetljivi simptomi težav s HVAC

4 težave s kanali, ki zmanjšujejo pretok zraka in vaše udobje

Blokirani registri

To je zelo pogosta situacija v komercialnem okolju in eno težavo lahko odpravite sami.

Vaši zračni kanali ne morejo pravilno porazdeliti zraka po vašem prostoru, ko so zračniki in registri zaprti ali blokirani. To se lahko zgodi po naključju, ko je pohištvo prerazporejeno in nihče ne posveča pozornosti, kje so odprtine. Pogosteje pa zaposleni vzamejo stvari v svoje roke, ko jim je pretoplo ali hladno, in zaprejo zračnike ali jih namerno zamašijo s pohištvom.

Sorodni članek: Bitke s klimatskimi napravami v pisarnah:Prevzemite nadzor, preden delavci

Zamašen kanal

Especially when HVAC maintenance has been neglected, dust and debris can accumulate in the ductwork. Over time, air flow is reduced and can eventually become completely blocked. When one duct run is blocked, you may experience those temperature variance symptoms in different parts of your space.

If dirty ductwork is causing your air flow problems, investing in duct cleaning service can be a quick and easy solution.

To learn more about duct cleaning and how it affects your HVAC system and air quality, read this helpful guide: FAQ:HVAC Duct Cleaning &Indoor Air Quality.

Air leaks

Leaks, cracks and holes in your ductwork mean that the cooled air coming from your air conditioner never makes it to the space that needs cooling. Duct problems caused by leaks can happen for many reasons:age, poor installation practices and even nesting rodents.

Improper sealing of duct joints is one culprit:did you know that you can lose as much as 20 percent of conditioned air this way? High-efficiency systems that run longer at a lower capacity are especially prone to this problem. Ducts should be sealed with mastic gum or metal-backed tape to prevent leaks.

Sagging joints is another problem caused by improper installation. It’s tempting for installers to take shortcuts, especially in NYC commercial spaces where equipment and ductwork tends to be jammed into any available crawl space. Make sure your ductwork is properly supported to prevent leaks and duct problems.

Poor ductwork design

There are a couple of reasons you could end up with a poor ductwork design that impedes the function of your HVAC system.

  1. Your space may have been renovated without updating your HVAC system. Even if you just changed the layout of your space–rearranged cubicles and office areas–your ductwork may no longer be moving conditioned air to where you need it.
  2. Or, you may have ductwork problems because it was poorly designed to begin with. These are some of the most common ductwork design mistakes that could be causing your air flow problems:

Ducts that are too small

When contractors who are not HVAC experts install your ductwork, they may fail to properly calculate the cooling load your HVAC system must handle. Many factors need to be considered in this figure, including the type of HVAC equipment, where it is located in the space, as well as the ductwork material (flex duct or sheet metal). It’s all too common for the load to be underestimated, and in that case you end up with duct problems caused by ducts that are too narrow.

Ductwork runs that are too long

If the location of HVAC equipment is too far away from the space to be cooled, you may have duct runs that are too long to carry the air to the space. That’s why equipment location needs to be carefully planned prior to beginning construction of the space.

Bends that are too sharp or too numerous

This is another duct problem caused by lack of planning. When ductwork design is not considered during the design phase for the space, ductwork installers may be left with little alternative than to create bends that are too sharp or numerous to effectively move air.

The good news is, an HVAC expert can help you sort it all out and get to the root of your air flow and duct problems. In many cases, a good cleaning or small layout changes can make a world of difference in the comfort of your commercial space.

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