Težave in rešitve OnePlus X
OnePlus X je odličen telefon z ubijalsko ceno, vendar je bilo neizogibno nekaj ovinkov – zato življenjska doba baterije ni sijajna in kamera bi lahko bila boljša. Odkrijte, kako se spopasti s temi in drugimi draženji v tem vodniku za težave in rešitve OnePlus X.
- Primerjava OnePlus X in Sony Xperia Z5 Compact
- Novice o posodobitvi za OnePlus X Android Marshmallow

Kot pri vsakem pametnem telefonu, vedno preverite očitne stvari, preden vas naprava razjezi. Njegov vklop in ponovni izklop je morda nekaj klišeja tehnične podpore, vendar reši večino perečih težav.
Prepričajte se, da imate najnovejšo programsko opremo – OxygenOS 2.2.0 se pravkar začenja uvajati in bi moral obravnavati nekatere težave, ki so podrobno opisane tukaj – in poskusite odpreti varni način, da vidite, ali vaše težave izginejo, ko se pojavijo aplikacije tretjih oseb so onemogočeni. Če se, potem imate očitno težave z določeno aplikacijo.
Ti nasveti pa ne bodo rešili vsega, zato preberite še nekaj rešitev.
Kartica microSD OnePlus X ne deluje
Videli smo poročila več uporabnikov, ki so se pritoževali, da OnePlus X ne prepozna njihove kartice microSD. Zdi se, da je to precej razširjena težava.
Ena od rešitev je ponovno formatiranje kartice v formatu NTFS, o čemer lahko preberete tukaj. Vendar je bolje preprečiti kot zdraviti, zato je dobro, da kartico pred uporabo formatirate v telefonu.

Fotografije OnePlus X so bedarija
Kamera v OnePlus X ni briljantna in obstaja velika verjetnost, da ne bo izostrila tistega, kar poskušate posneti – in tudi če se bo, je zelo, zelo občutljiva na tresenje kamere.
Nošenje stojala s seboj je eden od načinov za zmanjšanje tveganja zamegljenih fotografij, vendar je komajda praktično za vsakodnevno uporabo telefona. Zagotovitev, da imate najnovejšo različico programske opreme OnePlus, nekoliko vpliva na kakovost fotografij, vendar boste morda morali uporabiti program drugega proizvajalca, kot je VSCO, da izostrite slike.
It’s a shame that OnePlus couldn’t have cut corners elsewhere and given us a decent camera.

OnePlus X app permissions aren’t sticking
Some users have reported that their OnePlus X doesn’t remember the app permissions for apps such as Spotify and WhatsApp, resulting in annoying error messages on launching the apps.
You can usually solve this issue by going into settings for the app in question and clearing its cache. Restart your OnePlus and the problem should be resolved.
OnePlus X LTE connectivity is terrible
This one affects many US users:the OnePlus X doesn’t support LTE bands 12 and 17, which just so happen to be the bands delivering the best coverage in rural and urban areas.
Sadly there isn’t a fix for this one other than trying to find public Wi-Fi in areas where you can’t get a decent LTE connection.

OnePlus X vibrates during phone calls
This isn’t a notification thing; it’s a phone vibrating for no good reason thing. The culprit appears to be the double tap to wake setting in the OnePlus X’s settings page; many users have reported that disabling this stops the mysterious and annoying vibrations.
OnePlus X battery life is terrible
The OnePlus X doesn’t have the biggest battery in its class, so you shouldn’t expect amazing stamina if you run really demanding apps for long periods. However, if you’re suddenly experiencing rapid battery drain then there are several possible reasons for that.
The most likely is that a new app is doing stuff in the background – syncing data, checking location services or something else draining – so it’s worth having a look at the Battery status page to see if anything’s having a disproportionately bad effect on your battery.
Failing that a hard reboot or a factory reset could solve the problems, but make sure you have the most recent version of the OnePlus software first, because that has solved battery drain problems for many OnePlus X owners.

If the problem isn’t new and you’re just unhappy with the OnePlus X’s battery life, there are several steps you can take to prolong the battery:dim the screen, which is the biggest battery drain of all; prevent apps from syncing in the background; avoid using cellular data or making calls in a poor signal area, because the radio ups its power to compensate; and download media rather than streaming it. Check out more general Android battery saving tips in our dedicated article.
Have you encountered issues with your OnePlus X that we haven’t listed here? Sporočite nam v komentarjih.