10 najboljših mikrofonov Lavalier leta 2022, ocene in vodnik za nakup
Lavalierjev mikrofon, včasih znan tudi kot mikrofon z reverjem ali mikrofon s sponkami, se uporablja predvsem za javne nastope, konference, televizijo in včasih druge aplikacije, kot so gledališče ali rock koncerti.
Njihova prednost je seveda v tem, da uporabniku pustijo proste roke, a pri njihovi uporabi sta tudi ena ali dve pomanjkljivosti. Večinoma so odvisni od baterije, frekvenčni razponi so včasih slabi, težave z lokacijo, motnje drugih električnih naprav itd. Seznam je dolg.
Niso posebej novi, saj obstajajo že od tridesetih let 20. stoletja, vendar z napredkom tehnologije jih komajda prepoznajo izvirniki. Danes so bistveni del oddajanja in pošteno je reči, da bi del njihovega dela lahko prevzel le mikrofon Lavalier.
Uporabljajo se celo z našimi pametnimi telefoni in drugimi napravami. Lavalier mikrofoni za iPhone. Kdo bi si mislil?
Na trgu jih je kar nekaj in prebrskati jih je lahko težko in dolgotrajno, zato si poglejmo in poiščimo najboljše mikrofone Lavalier ...
Ocene 10 najboljših mikrofonov Lavalier za denar 2022
- Rode smartLav+ vsesmerni lavalirski mikrofon
- Vsesmerni mono mikrofon Giant Squid
- Vsesmerni kondenzatorski mikrofon Rode Lavalier Lapel
- Sony ECM-44 Vsesmerni elektret kondenzatorski žični lavalier mikrofon
- Prenosni digitalni snemalnik zvoka Tascam DR-10L z mikrofonom Lavalier
- Shure MVL Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier mikrofon
- Audio-Technica ATR-3350IS vsesmerni kondenzatorski lavalirski mikrofon
- Kondenzatorski mikrofon Audio-Technica AT899
- Electret kondenzatorski lavalirski mikrofon Sony ECM77B
- Sennheiser MKE2-P-C MKE2 Omni Lavalier mikrofon
Rode smartLav+ vsesmerni lavalirski mikrofon
Ta mikrofon je zasnovan za visokokakovostno snemanje v vašo napravo iPhone ali Android. Ima ojačan kabel iz kevlarja in uporablja povezavo TRRS z oklepom na tablico ali telefon. In je visokokakovosten kondenzator, ki deluje vsesmerno.
Za ublažitev količine neizogibnega zunanjega hrupa pri uporabi na zunanjih lokacijah je opremljen z zaščitnim pokrovom. Izdelan iz pene bo zmanjšal vokalne eksplozije in hrup vetra. Na voljo je čvrsta sponka za pritrditev mikrofona z upravljanjem kablov, ki zagotavlja stabilnost pri uporabi. Priložena je tudi torbica za shranjevanje.
Koristni dodatki…Za lažje urejanje in objavljanje lahko kupite številne dodatke, ki niso vključeni, vendar jih je vredno upoštevati.
Vprašanje pa je, ko so pokrite osnovne operativne zmogljivosti, kako zveni?
Če se ukvarjate s snemanjem podcastov ali govornih posnetkov, daje odlične rezultate. Zvok je jasen in oster ter s komaj opaznim šumom v ozadju. Podobne rezultate dosežete, če dajete vaje. Zvok je odličen.
Daje stabilne rezultate… Koristni dodatki…Velika prednost tega mikrofona je, da ker je tako vsesmeren, kakršni koli premiki glave, ki jih naredite med uporabo, ne bodo vplivali na zajemanje zvoka in bo dal stabilne rezultate.
Če razmišljate o tej enoti, preverite sezname združljivosti, saj telefonska podjetja radi izdajo nov model vsakih trideset minut, zato se morate prepričati, da bo deloval s katero koli napravo, ki jo imate.
Prenesti boste morali tudi aplikacijo Rode, ki je brezplačna.
Na splošno je to dober izdelek uglednega proizvajalca mikrofonov.

- Zelo vsesmerna zmogljivost.
- Dobro uravnotežen zvok z dobrim zmanjšanjem šuma.
- Za delovanje potrebujete brezplačno aplikacijo Rode.
Vsesmerni mono mikrofon Giant Squid
Giant Squid Audio Labs je dobro znan po proizvodnji kakovosti po dostopnih cenah in ta mikrofon je dober primer.
Je preprosta zasnova brez ničesar, kar bi izstopalo, vendar je videti in je trdne zgradbe, kar je pomembno za to vrsto mikrofona. Če ga postavimo ob bok drugim mikrofonom Lavalier, je ta videti precej velik, a kar zadeva njegovo stabilnost in potrebo po robustnosti, je to dobra stvar.
Stabilen in zanesljiv…Za razliko od nekaterih proizvajalcev, ki za pritrditev nameščajo plastične sponke, je tukaj sponka kovinska in zelo robustna. Še enkrat, pomembna točka, ki jo je treba upoštevati. Sama sponka ima spodoben pritisk, zato je malo verjetno, da bi se po nesreči odlepila.
Ima 3,5 mm vtičnico, ki bo združljiva z večino naprav na trgu in bo ustrezala prenosnim računalnikom, fotoaparatom itd. To je pravokotni vtič, ki je po našem mnenju veliko bolj priročen in stabilen.
Priporočljivo je, da vnaprej preverite, ali ga nameravate uporabljati s pametnim telefonom, ali potrebuje dodaten adapter. Odvisno od namestitve vaše naprave bo morda potreboval 4-polni 3,5 mm adapter.
Lahko bi bil problem ...Vendar pa je kabel trdo ožičen, kar bo povzročilo težave, če ga bo treba kdaj zamenjati.
Zvočno je zelo dober in dobro obvlada snemanje glasu. Zvok je oster in jasen, hrup v ozadju pa je minimalen.
Glede na ceno je izjemno vreden kljub enemu ali dvema možnima problematičnima področjema.

- Stabilna zgradba.
- Močna kovinska sponka.
- Odlična cena.
- Pritrjen kabel lahko povzroči težave pri popravilu in zamenjavi.
Vsesmerni kondenzatorski mikrofon Rode Lavalier Lapel
Družba Rode je izdelala kondenzatorski mikrofon, ki se pomika na višje ravni zmogljivosti revernih mikrofonov.
To je vsesmerni lavalier mikrofon, ki vam bo zagotovil zvok kakovosti oddajanja. Je tih in zasnovan tako, da ima minimalen videz, zaradi česar je primeren za gledališče, video, film ali televizijo.
Priključni kabel s štirimi nogami je snemljiv in izdelan iz kevlarja ter je bil preizkušen glede trdnosti in vzdržljivosti. Učinkovitost upravljanja kablov je zagotovljena s sponkami, ki naredijo upravljanje diskretno in skrito očem, hkrati pa uporabniku omogočajo svobodo gibanja.
Mini krzneni?V paketu je priložena mini dlaka za zaščito pred močnim vetrom in slabimi vremenskimi razmerami med postopkom snemanja. In sam mikrofon je opremljen s pop filtrom za zmanjšanje neželenega eksplozivnega hrupa.
Priložena je močna in robustna potovalna torbica, v kateri so shranjeni mikrofon, kabli in delovni dodatki za zaščito.
Malo ranljiv…To je kakovosten kos opreme in proizvaja zvok visoke kakovosti. Objektivno je zelo dobro narejen, vendar se zdi nekoliko ranljiv. Mogoče je to dobro, da bodo uporabniki z njim previdni, ker ni najcenejši.
Druga težava je bila dolžina kabla. Štiri čevlje v resnici sploh niso zelo dolge, čeprav so kot dodatek na voljo podaljški za dvajset čevljev.
Je sicer kakovosten izvajalec, kot smo omenili, ni najcenejši, a priložena dodatna oprema bo pomagala pri izdelavi kakovostne zvočne produkcije.

- Odlična kakovost zvoka.
- Trdna torbica in dobri dodatki.
- Ima občutek pomanjkanja vzdržljivosti, čeprav to ni nujno tako.
- Povezovalni kabel je dolg le štiri metre.
Vsesmerni elektretni kondenzatorski žični lavalirski mikrofon Sony ECM-44
Sony seveda ve kar nekaj o zvoku in njegovem snemanju. Zdi se, da delujejo v nizkem do srednjem cenovnem razredu in so privlačni za množice, pri čemer ni veliko na zgornjem koncu te lestvice. Naslednje mesto, kjer jih najdete, je tam, kjer so resne stvari, daleč iz cenovnega razreda običajnih kupcev in samo za profesionalce.
Ta lavalier mikrofon zelo jasno sodi v prejšnji nosilec.
Torej, poslušajmo vse o tem ...Zgrajena je precej dobro s trimetrskim svincem, ki žal ni snemljiv. Sam mikrofon ne daje vtisa posebno kakovostnega. Narejen je iz plastike in služi svojemu namenu, čeprav morda ni najbolj trpežen na trgu.
To je vsesmerni kondenzatorski mikrofon, ki deluje na baterijo AA in ima priključek XLR.
Sponke pa so izdelane iz kovine ter čvrste in robustne. Pravzaprav obstajata dve različni sponki, ena za enkratno uporabo in ena za dvojno uporabo, kar je dobro.
Lep uravnotežen zvok…Kar zadeva zvok, proizvaja lepo uravnotežen zvok. Nizki toni se po potrebi zmanjšajo, tako da zvok ne bo blaten, visoki toni pa se povečajo do 5 dB. Zaradi tega so precej vrhunski, a tudi zelo svetli v svojem značaju.
Mikrofonu je priložen predojačevalec, ki se prav tako napaja iz baterije, vendar ni najboljše kakovosti.
Najbolje hraniti v zaprtih prostorih …Ta mikrofon je mogoče uporabiti v vsaki situaciji. Vendar pa ne bo dobro deloval v okolju, kjer je veliko zunanjega hrupa. Zelo dobro se bo obnesel, čeprav v zaprtih okoljih, ki niso izpostavljeni vremenskim vplivom.
Na pravem mestu bo to dobro opravilo delo, vendar je zvok oster in jasen, vendar je lahko nekaj hrupa v ozadju.

- Lepa reprodukcija z jasnim zvokom.
- Dobro upravljanje kablov.
- Cenovno dostopen.
- Bolje za uporabo v zaprtih prostorih kot zunaj.
- Kabel se ne loči.
Prenosni digitalni snemalnik zvoka Tascam DR-10L z mikrofonom Lavalier
Tascam izdeluje kakovostno opremo. Kot del skupine TEAC s sedežem v Kaliforniji dobro poznamo Tascam in smo v preteklosti že veliko uporabljali njihov komplet. Skoraj zgodaj so izumili prenosni snemalni studio in nekaj časa smo ga imeli.
Torej, še preden začnemo, vemo, da bo ta Lavalier dober z nekaj zanimivimi funkcijami.
DR-10L je več kot le Lavalierjev mikrofon; je digitalni snemalnik zvoka mikro velikosti, ki vam omogoča, da se znebite žic in brezžičnih mikrofonskih sistemov. In celotna enota je dovolj majhna, da jo lahko diskretno skrijete, kar ji omogoča veliko več možnosti snemanja zvoka.
Oglejmo si na kratko nekatere funkcije, ki jih ponuja ...Če imate težave z nivojem, visokim ali nizkim, bo glasnost povečana s samodejnim nadzorom ojačanja. Obstaja tudi omejevalnik, ki prepreči nenadno preobremenitev vhoda, ki povzroča popačenje.
Ena alkalna baterija vam bo dala približno 10 ur rekordnega časa. Deloval pa bo tudi z polnilnimi baterijami ali prek povezave USB. Spremljanje ravni baterije je pomembno, na voljo pa je tudi LED zaslon. Medtem ko je mogoče baterije zamenjati, ne da bi enoto odstranili iz sponke za pas.
Za vsak slučaj…Da bi preprečili morebitne težave pri snemanju v živo s popačenjem in druge osnovne težave z zvokom, bo enota samodejno ustvarila varnostno sled, posneto na nižji ravni.
There is a 3.5mm jack socket for headphones to monitor the recording or playback. And it has a very stable and secure mic clip.
The omnidirectional polar pattern will pick up the sound from all directions, thus removing the problem of loss of sound due to the subject changing position. And, in the case of a sudden loss of power, the unit will automatically save. Any work to a file, so it is not lost.
That is just a brief outline — a professional piece of kit at a very competitive price.
For the sake of balance, though we must draw attention to one disappointing failure of the DR-10L. It doesn’t make the tea. That’s no good, is it!
What was Tascam thinking?Comes with a belt clip, windscreen, USB cable, and case,
A great piece of kit for any environment and worth every penny.

- Great features.
- Records a second lower gain ‘safety’ track.
- Auto-save on power loss.
- Konkurenčna cena.
- None, apart from the fact that it doesn’t make the tea!
Shure MVL Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Microphone
Shure microphones. Of course, they will have a Lavalier mic. There aren’t too many manufacturers that know more about microphones than Shure so let’s see what they have come up with.
True to form and reputation, no excesses just rugged functionality. The microphone is an omnidirectional digital condenser Lavalier. It looks small, but it is built with Shure’s reputation for stability.
Works with just about anything…It has a 3.5mm TRRS connector and is compatible with any phone or tablet that has a microphone jack socket. Although it has been designed principally to work with phones and tablets, it is also good with cameras or direct to a laptop.
External interference and unwanted noises are canceled out by Shure’s RF/GSM system which leaves a clear signal. And the mic will clip onto clothing with a strong and stable clip. This clip is actually quite large and might be a bit of a problem to hide away.
And for any use…It works well in a number of environments. Its suitability extends to interviews and speeches and lectures where the quality of the audio is of importance. Because the sound quality is so good, it is also excellent for recording voice-overs.
You will need to download the MOTIV App for IOS software from the App Store. Sharing the recording through email or text is then possible.
It is supplied with a windscreen, pouch, and clip.
Great sound and easy to use…We can safely say Shure have produced a quality product as you would expect that they would. It’s well made and has a great sound and is easy to use. It will also fit most applications for use, and all at a very competitive price.
Looks like a good example of what you might call the Best Lavalier microphone to us.

- Typical Shure quality build.
- A good sound for most applications.
- The clip is rather large.
Audio-Technica ATR-3350IS Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Mic
Audio Technica, is another company renowned for the quality of its products and for the competitive prices they often offer.
The ATR 33501S is a condenser microphone with an omnidirectional coverage, thus picking up sounds from all angles. And, it’s designed to produce quality and accurate voice reproduction and can be used in a variety of situations.
Easy to use and operate…It has a comfortable size and profile, which makes it easy to use and operate. But, it must be remembered when considering these products that manufacturers make them often with a particular market in mind. In this case, the market is people looking for a Lavalier on a budget.
You cannot, therefore, expect it to sound like a mic that is twenty times the price. That’s simply not going to happen. You must, therefore, expect its performance usually to be in line with its cost.
Not suited to the great outdoors…This mic is a good example of that. It is well made, and in some environments produces decent audio. But, it probably isn’t a mic for use on a windy mountain top doing a news report, but it is fine inside maybe doing an interview or presenting.
For a microphone at this price, it is fine and delivers decent results. There is a little background noise, you might expect that, but generally speaking, it will produce a decent result.
For the cost, it is good value as an entry level mic, just be careful where and how you use it to get the best results.

- Well made.
- Very good price.
- Some will prefer better sound options.
Audio-Technica AT899 Condenser Microphone
Another offering from Audio-Technica and a product at the other end of the scale to the one we just reviewed. The AT899 though has all the bells and whistles and is designed to work in a variety of situations producing high-quality results.
The design is small and is just 5mm wide, making it easy to conceal on the subject. It may be used as a Lavalier, and its small size gives it a big advantage. It operates from a battery or phantom power.
Clean and crisp…Its big feature though is its sound quality. A clean and crisp reproduction makes it suitable for environments where clarity is vital. It will excel at lectures, presentations, and seminars where you do not want your audience to struggle to understand what is being said.
It will also be good for stage work and possibly even some vocal singing situations. The signal to noise ratio is very low, and so that extends its options for use in a variety of environments.
What’s in the box?It comes with a good selection of accessories including a variety of clips giving you options as to how you want to attach the mic to the subject or yourself, windscreens and element covers and a decent length of cable.
We have only touched on the technical specs of this product because there are far too many to go into. Suffice to say it produces quality audio, and that is the bottom line.
It doesn’t come cheap, but as we have said many times before, usually you get what you pay for.

- Quality audio reproduction.
- Includes some useful accessories.
- The price might put some off.
Sony ECM77B Electret Condenser Lavalier Microphone
Sony’s ECM77B is a lavalier that’s most important design feature is to be inconspicuous. It is a condenser microphone with omnidirectional facility. This is in every sense of the word a miniature mic that will easily clip on a tie or similar without impinging upon the wearer.
It comes with an XLR connector and will run on either an AA battery or phantom power.
The big advantage to lavalier microphones, of course, is that they are hands-free, which means no handheld mics with all the problems that can accrue. They do, however, have certain issues, and one of those is external noise. The dynamics of this mic are very good, and the windscreen provided all but removes any external interference.
Great tone and built to last…It has good frequency responses and great tonal quality, which is why it is well-known around TV studios. The build is high quality and true to Sony’s reputation; it is not going to fall apart with use.
If you are looking for top grade quality at a price that is affordable, then this Sony is something you should certainly be on your list. It has been around for quite a few years now, which in itself is an indicator. When a product is good, then you can usually tell by its shelf life, and this one just goes on and on.
It has become a bit of an industry standard because of its high-quality sound and construction.
Made in Japan.

- A top quality lavalier.
- Very easy to conceal, making it great for TV.
- Outstanding audio reproduction.
- The price might put some off.
Sennheiser MKE2-P-C MKE2 Omni Lavalier Microphone
I suppose in the world of lavalier microphones it now gets serious. In fact, in the world of any mics, as soon as you hear the word Sennheiser, you know you will be confronted with some serious quality.
This Sennheiser is state of the art, and that is why it has become a favorite amongst audio and broadcast engineers and film crews. This isn’t surprising as its superior sound quality and miniature size mean that it has everything needed to provide great sound with no limitations regarding visibility.
Live theater and broadcasting…It can, therefore, be used on camera or on stage whilst remaining completely hidden. In short, it is designed for live theater use and broadcasting and therefore has to be at the top end to deliver the performance required.
It has an omnidirectional polar pattern that ensures a balanced frequency response. And great reproduction of voice is possible because of the wide linear frequency response.
A higher SPL and low levels of distortion are achieved through a reduced sensitivity, and any problems with sweat and mild perspiration are removed by its dual diaphragm design.
Delivers excellent results…The fact that this product is popular and used by industry professionals speaks volumes of its performance and capabilities. It is a high-quality product that will consistently deliver excellent results.
One thing that we should mention that we find a little surprising, is that no clip accessories are included with this product.
It’s not cheap, it really isn’t, but if it falls within your budget you are buying absolute quality.
Made in Germany.

- Great audio reproduction.
- Used by the professionals.
- No clip attachments included.
Best Lavalier Microphones Buyers Guide
We have been fortunate to review products from right across the price range available. There have been some quite amazing microphones, and it is not going to be easy to pick the best Lavalier Microphone.
We have also covered some entry level mics and some what we might term mid-range. There has also been a visit to the world of the professional user.
As always though the criteria for buying needs to be established before you consider the options.
What Will You Use It For?
Always the critical question with products like this. What will you use it for, and where will you use it.
If you are working in TV or film or need the very best results from outside broadcasting, then there are a couple of options, one of which is a serious player in the market, but both are good.
However, if it is to be a very basic entry level mic, because you are not sure if they are for you, or will operate in the environment you plan, then there is also a choice.
If like most of us, you would like a fairly basic mic with a decent sound reproduction that will allow some options for use then there are a few to choose from.
Your decision on its usage must take certain other factors into consideration.
Does it need to have a tough, rugged build for outside use? Does it need pop filters and windshields, how much cable length would you need?
What about the signal to noise ratio, how important is that? In some cases, it is more important than others.
What about fittings and sockets, are you going to use it with another device and will it be compatible with it? Niso vsi.
What about your intended audience. Will it be a one-off conference type use where it has to be right with good sound first time or will you use it to record and maybe edit after.
So many options, but all of which are available in this review.
Setting Your Budget
It is advisable to always do this, plus maybe ten percent above. It is easy to get carried away unless you have some guidelines to follow, and there is quite a range of prices we have looked at. Make your decisions and choose wisely. These little pieces of kit can make a real difference if you pick the right mic for the right job.
So, What’s The Best Lavalier Microphones?
This is an area where we see the need for an entry level mic. We wouldn’t need pro quality for TV or outside broadcasting, but it is desirable to have a decent reproduction from a mic that is easy to use and is built well.
We, therefore, would choose the…
Tascam DR-10L Portable Digital Audio Recorder with Lavalier MicrophonePriced a little towards the higher end, it is a great product with so many options for use. It is small enough to be discreet and comes with accessories that make it easy to set up and operate.
And of course, it is Tascam quality.
A great piece of kit and considering its price, and easily the best lavalier microphone. Our environment is suffering more and more and gets unhealthier every day, hence the importance of breathing the purest air we can whenever possible.
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