Top 8 najboljših zunanjih mikrofonov za Android, ki si jih lahko privoščite v ocenah leta 2022
Bitka med sistemoma Android in Applov iOS je intenzivna. IPhone se je prvič pojavil leta 2007, prvi telefon Android pa leto kasneje. Google stoji za razvojem sistemov Android, pri čemer je Samsung eden največjih uporabnikov.
Zunanji proizvajalci običajno delajo z obema sistemoma. In ko iščete najboljše zunanje mikrofone za Android, je običajno, da delujejo tudi z iOS. To je trg v razvoju, saj telefoni in tablični računalniki postajajo vse bolj izpopolnjeni.
Danes mnogi profesionalci, polprofesionalci in drugi uporabljajo svoje telefone za marsikaj. Včasih je za snemanje intervjujev za poddaje ali video predstavitve. Video zmogljivosti telefonov so res zelo dobre. Toda zvok so v svojem razvoju pustili zadaj.
Mikrofoni na telefonih niso briljantni, a niso tako slabi. Zmogljivost je le na nižji ravni kot video. Za izboljšanje zvoka obstaja veliko boljših možnosti, ki so jih izdelali strokovnjaki za proizvodnjo mikrofonov.
Torej, poglejmo, kaj je v ponudbi in popolnega za vas ...
Top 8 najboljših zunanjih mikrofonov za Android v ocenah leta 2022
- Rode smartLav+ vsesmerni lavalirski mikrofon
- Shure MVL Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier mikrofon
- Audio-Technica ATR-3350IS vsesmerni kondenzatorski lavalirski mikrofon
- Profesionalni kardioidni kondenzatorski mikrofon ZaxSound
- Lavialni mikrofon Movo PM10
- Rode VideoMic Me Compact TRRS Cardioid Mini
- Comica CVM-VS08 Professional Cardioid Condenser Directional
- Prilagodljiv kondenzatorski mikrofon
Rode smartLav+ vsesmerni lavalirski mikrofon
Prvi postanek je do Avstralije, kjer si ogledamo ta mikrofon Lavalier znamke Rode. Dober proizvajalec, ki vedno naredi mikrofone z odličnim zvokom, ki so trpežni in robustni. Če potrebujete mikrofon za intervjuje, podcaste ali govorne posnetke, je to vredno ogleda. Za to je bil zasnovan in daje odlične rezultate. Prav tako je zelo dobro, če imate predstavitev ali vaje.
Kristalno čisti rezultati?Raven zmogljivosti je visoka, ker gre za visokokakovosten kondenzatorski mikrofon z vsesmernim vzorcem. Ciljni vir lahko premika glavo naokoli, kot ljudje včasih počnejo, vendar je zvok še vedno zajet. Posnetek je torej stabilen. Z mikrofonom, ki daje jasne, jasne rezultate z malo hrupa v ozadju, je idealen.
Zasnovan je za delo z napravami Android ali iOS. Z obema bo dosegel enako odlične rezultate. Kakovost izdelave je odlična, s povezavo TRRS s tulko. Tudi kabel iz kevlarja, ki je bil ojačan za dodatno moč.
Kompakten in diskreten…Na voljo je dobro zasnovan miniaturni nastavek za ciljni vir, ki ga lahko pritrdite na oblačila in je precej čvrst. Je diskreten in zato ne bo v središču pozornosti med intervjujem v živo.
Na zunanji strani mikrofona ima vgrajen penasti pop shield, ki zmanjša določeno količino zunanjega hrupa. To bi lahko bila prednost pri zunanji uporabi. Priložena je tudi torbica za nošenje.
Odlična izbira dodatkov…Za dodatno urejanje in končno objavo je na voljo še nekaj dodatkov, ki jih lahko kupite pri Rodeju. To bo odvisno od ravni kakovosti, ki jo potrebujete. Če iščete rezultate na profesionalni ravni, jih je vredno upoštevati. Dodatek, ki je na voljo, je aplikacija Rode, ki vam ponuja nekaj možnosti za uporabo in proizvodnjo.
Vedno priporočamo, da se pred nakupom posvetujete s proizvajalcem naprave, saj je treba potrditi združljivost. Dokler je združljiv, je Lavalier tisti, ki daje odlične rezultate po zelo privlačni ceni.

- Odlična vsesmerna zmogljivost.
- Zunanji filter za zmanjšanje eksplozivnosti.
- Aplikacija bistvena za nekatere funkcije.
Shure MVL vsesmerni kondenzatorski lavalirski mikrofon
Če govorimo o mikrofonih, ne bo trajalo dolgo, preden bomo slišali ime Shure. V svetu mikrofonov veljajo za eno velikih imen. Ne samo, da proizvajajo odlično zveneče mikrofone, ampak imajo tudi dodatno tetivo na svojem loku.
Trden dizajn…Legendarni so po trdnosti dizajna in izdelavi svojih izdelkov na kateri koli ravni. Mikrofon Shure bo zmogel vse, kar lahko vržete vanj. Ta Lavalier, MVL je dober primer. Kot lahko pričakujemo, ne nosi nobene nepotrebne prtljage ali presežkov. Je preprosto robustno funkcionalen.
Ta kondenzatorski mikrofon z vsesmernim vzorcem, zaradi česar je idealen za snemanje pripovedi in vokalov za intervjuje, poddaje , ali podobno. Poleg tega bo svojo operativno uporabo celo razširil na govore ali predstavitve in celo govorne posnetke.
Fleksibilne povezave…Ima 3,5 mm TRRS priključek. To bo povezalo s katerim koli telefonom ali drugo napravo, ki ima vtičnico za mikrofon. Deloval pa bo tudi z nekaterimi kamerami ali celo prenosnikom s pravilno opremo.
Za zunanjo uporabo ima penasto prevleko za mikrofon, uporablja pa tudi RF/GSM sistem Shure za zmanjšanje neželenega šuma. Mikrofon sam je precej majhen, vendar je izdelan s Shurejevim ugledom stabilnosti. Ima sponko za mikrofon, ki je prav tako močna, vendar je nekoliko večja od nekaterih drugih sponk, ki jih vidimo. To pomeni, da je lahko viden, odvisno od tega, na kaj je posnetek pritrjen.
Odlična kakovost zvoka…Običajno je reprodukcija zvoka odlična in daje zelo jasne rezultate. Priložena je vetrobransko steklo in torbica za nošenje. Na voljo je tudi aplikacija Sony MOTIV, če jo želite uporabljati za naprave iOS, kjer lahko prenesete potrebno programsko opremo.
Dober mikrofon proizvajalca svetovnega razreda po odlični ceni. Potrebujete več? Zagotovo velja za enega najboljših zunanjih mikrofonov Android.

- Širok zvočni razpon za aplikacije.
- Kakovosten zvok in funkcije.
- Velik posnetek.
Vsesmerni kondenzatorski mikrofon Audio-Technica ATR-3350IS
Audio Technica je podjetje s slovesom proizvajalca kakovosti v vseh izdelkih, ki jih ustvarijo. Njihovi mikrofoni so resnično kakovostni in so vedno nastavljeni po privlačni ceni.
Tudi za telovadbo…To je kondenzatorski mikrofon Lavalier, ki omogoča vsesmerno pokritost celotnega obsega. Ima frekvenčno območje 50-18.000 Hz. Dobro se bo obnesel v številnih dejavnostih. Sem spadajo običajni intervjuji in poddaje. Vendar bo dobro deloval tudi za inštruktorje plesa ali aerobike. Namenjen je povezovanju s telefoni, vendar je to njegova glavna operacija.
Ima šestmetrski kabel s 3,5 mm vtičem in ima adapter za uporabo z najnovejšimi pametnimi telefoni, bodisi Android ali iOS. To je mikrofon s stroškovno ugodno ceno, ki vam bo zagotovil spodobno reprodukcijo glasu. Zasnovan za uporabnike, ki želijo mikrofon Lavalier z nizkim proračunom, ne bo deloval tako kot dražji mikrofon.
Idealno za notranje…Za osnovne intervjuje in video posnetke deluje dobro. Da bi dosegli najboljše rezultate, bo verjetno bolj uspešno deloval v zaprtih prostorih. Kljub temu, da ima priloženo penasto vetrobransko steklo, je lahko težava kljubovati elementom.
Je prijetne udobne velikosti in je dobro izdelan z varno sponko za pritrditev mikrofona. Obstaja stikalo za VKLOP/IZKLOP, ki je lahko koristno. Na žalost ni preveč preprečil neželenega hrupa v ozadju. A kot smo rekli, gre za poceni mikrofon in od njega ne morete pričakovati, da bo deloval kot tisti, ki stane veliko več.
In še malo več…Kot cenejši mikrofon se ga splača pogledati, če je to tisto, kar potrebujete. Priložena je baterija, vetrobransko steklo in adapter s sponko za pritrditev mikrofona na subjekt. In je Audio-Technica, tako da ste lahko prepričani v dobro kakovost izdelave.

- Dostojna reprodukcija.
- Raznolikost uporabe.
- Stroškovno učinkovita cena.
- Nizka kakovost za profesionalce.
Profesionalni kardioidni kondenzatorski mikrofon ZaxSound
ZaxSound je podjetje s sedežem na Kitajskem, ki obstaja šele od leta 2015. Ni veliko časa, da bi si ustvarili kakršen koli komercialni profil. Kljub temu to začenjajo početi s takšnimi mikrofoni. Glede na svojo ceno je to impresiven mikrofon, ki velja za enega najboljših cenovno dostopnih zunanjih mikrofonov za Android.
Praktična in vsestranska…If what you need is a mic with a decent sound that has a variety of uses but at a budget price, then read on. This is a well-built mic that is exactly that. It is a condenser mic with a cardioid pattern. That means it collects its sound from the front and excludes sound from the rear and the sides.
It has TRRS 3.5mm, and USB connections and no software or extra drivers are needed. This mic comes with a six-foot cable that you just simply plug in and use. It is designed to work with all Android smartphones and iPhones and tablets after 2010, as well as PCs and notebooks. For the very latest phones, you made need an adapter.
It stands alone…This is an ideal mic for interviews for podcasts or videos. It has a very practical tripod stand that can be used to ensure there are no unwanted handling noises. The stand will revolve through 180 degrees.
The sound achieved is quite surprising in its clarity. Those who are trying to achieve a high-quality narration or vocal sound might like to clean it up a little using a package like Audacity. But that is only for those who need high quality to publish online. For semi-pro and hobby use, the basic sound is better than adequate.
And for the beginners…If you are beginning to work with sound with your phone, it is an ideal first mic. It is well-built and quite solid with a nice stand but doesn’t come with a pop filter, so that is an extra. Although, at this price, that hardly matters. Not professional level reproduction but a very good lower-level mic with a very attractive price.

- Well-made.
- Solid build.
- Tripod stand included.
- Decent voice reproduction.
- Competitive price.
- Not the best quality sound.
Movo PM10 Lavalier Microphone
We think most of us would agree that the cameras on our phones and other devices are really quite good. In the last few years, the standard has risen dramatically. It’s a pity we cannot say the same about the phone’s microphone and the recorded sound. Manufacturers seem to think it is less important than the camera.
Filmmaker in the making?Therefore, enter the mic manufacturers. We can now connect up through Bluetooth to good speaker systems to play music. However, the idea of using your phone for video for business, interviews, podcasts, etc. has left a hole for decent sound.
This mic is from Movo. They are a company based in California that specializes in providing audio solutions for videographers and filmmakers . The PM10 is a Lavalier mic designed to be easy to use. It provides good clear sound when used at a sensible volume. However, it doesn’t seem to like people who talk loudly or shout and will clip them rather early.
Plugin and go…It is a plug and play system with no need for extra drivers, and no batteries are required. You just plug the mic into the 3.5mm TRRS jack socket and away you go. If you are using it with one of the later iPhones, you will need a lightning dongle.
It is an Electret condenser mic with a frequency response of 35 Hz to 18 kHz. It has an omnidirectional polar pattern . And it produces a sound that is good enough to be considered as one of the Best External Android Microphones for Movies.
Quality at a great price…It is a good package that Movo has presented. It includes a compact travel carrying bag and a four-foot connecting cord. There are two metal clips for attaching the mic to the subject. There are also two foam windshields to help reduce any unwanted ambient noise, whether inside or out.
The metal clips are especially worthy of note. They are tough and aren’t going to break easily but can still be easily concealed. This is a very well-designed and impressive Lavalier mic at a very good price point. It is a mic that gives you good performance without breaking the bank.

- Well-made.
- Attachments provided.
- Crisp and clear sound.
- Competitive price.
- At this price, nothing at all.
Rode VideoMic Me Compact TRRS Cardioid Mini
Could you design a mic that will be tough enough to be used outdoors in all situations? If so, this offering from Rode might well be very close to the design you would choose. But despite its tough exterior, it had some built-in features that make it suitable for a variety of indoor uses.
Small design with big sound…The VideoMic Me Compact is a cardioid mini Shotgun mic. It is quite small, measuring just 3.1 by 0.8 by 1.5 inches and at 34 grams is remarkably lightweight. All good design features considering it is going to be attached to your phone.
It connects to the phone via the 3.5mm socket. It is fully compatible with Android and iOS phones. Nevertheless, we would still advise a compatibility check with your particular device before purchase. The frequency range is 100hZ to 29kHz, and it has a maximum SPL of 140dB.
Superb for live concerts…The wide frequency range and high SPL immediately make it suitable for more than just interviews, podcasts, or narration for Youtube videos. Those figures, especially the SPL, mean that live concerts fall right in the remit of this phone. The volume is not going to phase it one bit.
It will, though, still handle the simple interview easily. And for outside broadcasts, a furry windshield is included. This won’t eradicate all excess external noise, but it will cut down on wind and ambient noise. It has a mount that is adjustable to ensure it will obtain a decent fit for whatever device you attach it to.
Build for the job…It might not be the most attractive mic for a phone you will ever see. It’s built to do a job, and it does it well. You do though, need a 3.5mm jack socket to operate it that may rule out some of the newer phones and devices where the manufacturers in their wisdom have excluded them. There are adapters available, of course, as an extra.
It is a mic with a wide range of options for use. It is well-built and set at an attractive price point.

- Tough build.
- Fits easily to your device.
- Versatile recording options.
- Only for devices with a 3.5mm socket.
- Adapter not included.
Comica CVM-VS08 Professional Cardioid Condenser Directional
This mic from Comica is built with a rugged design but is able to fit comfortably to your phone or device. It has an aluminum body that gives it its tough look, but it is also very lightweight.
So light and easy…Weighing just 3.84 ounces, it is going to sit comfortably on your phone. If you are using it outdoors, it is supplied with a foam windshield and a furry windscreen. This will not completely eradicate any ambient noise from wind, etc., but it will help to minimize it.
The CVM-VS08 is a condenser shotgun design with a super-cardioid polar pattern . The super-cardioid pattern is much more directional than a Cardioid. Being so highly directional, it can often cause problems with positioning. Sound will be gathered along the axis of the mic, and the subject will need to be within about 20cms to receive an optimum recording.
Compatible with everything…It has a standard TRRS 3.5mm jack socket and also a TRS if it is being used with a camera. If you are planning to use it with one of the newer Apple products, it will need an adapter for connection. It is compatible with Android and iOS devices with a 3.5mm socket.
There are no real extra issues with regard to recording in iOS mode. Most of the features are readily available. In Android, it is fine in audio Mode. However, in video mode, if you find your phone doesn’t work, you may need to use a third-party video app.
Perfect positioning is necessary…It is a mic that produces good results, providing it is positioned correctly but does have a few potential operation problems, though. Having a realistic price point, it is worth checking compatibility with your device before purchase.

- Well-made.
- Suitable for all weather.
- Aluminum build.
- Windscreen and windshield supplied.
- Some operational problems.
Flexible Condenser Microphone
This is an Electret condenser Shotgun mic designed with your devices very firmly in mind to improve the audio capture. It is designed initially for iPhone and iPad but works equally well with Android phones.
No batteries needed…Connections are through the TRRS 3.5mm socket, although when connecting with later iPhones, it will need a lightning cable. This should be included as part of your Apple package with the phone.
It is well set up for easy voice recording. And the Shotgun design is there to remove any unwanted sound from the back and the sides. It is a compact little mic, and at 0.64 ounces isn’t going to cause any weight problems when attached to the device. For ease of use, no batteries are required; it takes its power from the device you use it with.
Point me in the right direction…It has a frequency range of 35Hz ~ 18KHz.The mic is rotatable, so you can direct it towards the subject for recording interviews for podcasts. Or, if required, you can turn it round to face the operator for a narration of a particular visual aspect of what is being recorded.
If being used in harsher external conditions, a foam windshield is fitted to try and reduce a little of the ambient noise. It has a built-in shock mount system to remove some of the vibrations and handling noises.
Gets the job done…At the price point, you can hardly go wrong. It won’t provide the very best audio, but it is a cost-effective solution to improving the audio of your phone. For those creating basic video and podcasts, it is an ideal little mic.

- Small and easy to use.
- Cost-effective price.
- Rotatable mic.
- Built-in shock mount system.
- Some need a higher quality recording.
Looking For More Amazing Mics?
With so many superb microphone options on the market, it might also be worth checking out our reviews of the Best Wireless Microphones, the Best iOS Microphones, the Best Computer Microphones, the Best USB Microphones, the Best Microphones YouTube, the Best Lavalier Microphones, and the Best Cheap Microphone Under 50 Dollars currently available.
So, What Are The Best External Android Microphones?
Let us assume that we are very non-technical and just want to improve the audio sound of our phone. As we mentioned in the introduction, the video is fine, so we just need to get an audio track to match.
A Lavalier mic and there were some very good ones, does limit us to interviews, and we might need more than that. In that case, for ease of use and with some nice features, we would choose the…ZaxSound Professional Cardioid Condenser Microphone .
It is very basic but does the job well and has a tripod stand if needed. Therefore, this gives it a variety of potential options for use and isn’t going to cost us a lot of money.
So, definitely, our choice as the Best Android External Microphone currently available.
Happy Recording!
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