Najbolj zmogljivi zvočniki 2022 – 10 najbolj ocenjenih ocen in vodnik za nakup
Preden preidemo na naše preglede trenutno razpoložljivih zvočnikov z najboljšim napajanjem, pomislimo le na to, da zvočniki, če jim damo njihovo prvotno ime, niso nova ideja. Daleč od tega. Izumil jih je škotski izumitelj Alexander Graham Bell za svoj originalni telefon leta 1876.
Izboljšana različica, ki ji je leta 1877 sledil nemški oblikovalec Ernst Siemens. In od takrat je bila pot dolga in ne vedno lahka.
Dodajmo nekaj moči ...Prvi električni zvočniki so prišli leta 1964 in jih je izdelal JBL. In nato prvi studijski monitor z aktivnim crossoverjem leta 1967. Od takrat sta dizajn in tehnologija hitro napredovala do točke, ki smo jo dosegli danes.
Danes lahko izpolnijo številne funkcije, od majhnih sistemov doma do velikih aplikacij velikosti koncertnih dogodkov. Toda odgovor na vprašanje, kateri je najboljši, aktivni (z napajanjem) ali pasivni (brez napajanja), še nikoli ni bil v celoti odgovorjen. Obstajajo argumenti za in proti obema sistemoma. Ta razprava je precej zapletena in odvisna od osebnih preferenc. Več o tem kasneje.
Za zdaj pa ta argument lahko počaka. Ogledali si bomo še trg aktivnih zvočnikov. Torej, poglejmo najboljše iz skupine in poiščimo zvočnike z najboljšim napajanjem za vaše potrebe ...
10 najbolj zmogljivih zvočnikov v ocenah leta 2022
- PRORECK Club 3000 12-palčni 3000 W zvočnik DJ/power PA zvočnik
- Polni zvočnik Klipsch R-41PM
- Edifier R2000DB napajani zvočniki Bluetooth za knjižne police
- Mackie Thump12A – Najboljši zvočniki PA
- Rockville RPG15 15″ Professional Powered Active
- Audioengine A2 Plus 60 W napajalni namizni zvočnik
- Behringer Eurolive B210D Active 200-Watt
- Polični zvočniki Edifier R1700BT Bluetooth
- Polični zvočniki Micca PB42X
- Monitor Mackie Studio
PRORECK Club 3000 12-palčni 3000 W zvočnik DJ/PA zvočnik
Moramo priznati, da smo kar malo požrli, ko smo videli sistem, ki proizvaja 3000 vatov. To je največja moč 3000 vatov in 750 vatov RMS. To je nabor nizov, ki je bil zasnovan za zagotavljanje močnih zvokov, ki so jasni in jedrnati.
To proizvajajo iz dveh globokotonskih zvočnikov, ki skrbita za nizke frekvence. Obstajata tudi dva linijska zvočnika. Vsak ima štiri zvočnike, ki v kombinaciji proizvedejo 3000 vatov zvoka. Ne bo veliko prizorišč, kjer bo to sistem s premalo zmogljivostjo.
Veliko povezljivosti…Omarice so izdelane iz vlaknene plošče MDF in lakirane v črni barvi. Ima štiri kanale in izhod. Vsak od kanalov ima možnost nadaljnjih možnosti povezovanja. Hkrati lahko povežete do pet ločenih instrumentov ali zvočnih virov.
Kitare in mikrofone lahko povežete z linijama 1 in 2 s svojimi XLR vhodi. Linija 3 s svojim 6,35 mm stereo vhodom in kanalom 4, ki ima RCA vhode, omogoča povezavo z bobnarskimi napravami, mešalnimi mizami ali celo klaviaturo. Pravzaprav kateri koli vir zvoka, vključno s predvajalniki MP3, predvajalniki CD-jev, računalniki, pametnimi telefoni itd.
Prevzeti nadzor…Funkcije na krovu so obsežne in impresivne. Ima spodoben frekvenčni odziv od 40 do 20.000 Hz. Serija zvočnikov vključuje dva 12-palčna nizkotonca in osem visokotoncev. Obstaja tudi nadaljnjih osem srednjevisokotoncev. Imajo ročaje za prenašanje in brezžični daljinski upravljalnik. Daljinski upravljalnik deluje na razdalji 20 čevljev in ima vse funkcije za nadzor sistema.
Imajo teleskopska stojala za zvočnike, ki segajo do skoraj sedem metrov. Brezžično se lahko povežete z napravami iPad, iPhone ali Android do razdalje 60 čevljev. To velja pod pogojem, da na poti ni ovir.
Ugodno za to, kar dobite ...Aktivni globokotonec ima ojačevalnik, ki prenaša zvoke v pasivni nizkotonec. In tudi za druge visokotonske zvočnike in nizovske zvočnike.
To je impresivna linija zvočnikov in opreme z veliko možnostmi zvoka. Poleg tega ima razumno ceno, vendar je nadzor nad njim zaskrbljujoč, saj se dogaja toliko stvari. Drugi minus, kot ga vidimo, je, da je veliko opreme za prenašati.

- Veliko moči zvočnikov.
- Efektivna cena.
- Velika izhodna moč.
- Veliko povezljivosti.
- Zapleteno upravljanje.
- Veliko opreme za prenašanje.
Klipsch R-41PM električni zvočnik za knjižne police
Če iščete seznam proizvajalcev visokokakovostnih zvočnikov, boste verjetno nekje našli Klipsch. Z oblikovanjem zvočnikov se ukvarjajo že več kot 70 let. Ustanovljena leta 1946, ima še vedno sedež v Indiani v ZDA. Leta 2011 jih je prevzel Audiovox s sedežem na Floridi.
Serija zvočnikov R41 ima številne dobre lastnosti. Eden od njih je vgrajen Bluetooth.
Takoj prepoznaven…Klipsch zvočnike prepoznamo po omaricah. To je osupljiv dizajn, ki razkazuje bakreni nizkotonec in tractrix hupo. So dobro zgrajene iz vlaknene plošče MDS in dajejo močan in močan občutek. Niso lahke omare in tudi ne posebej velike. Merijo 9,8 x 6 x 7,5 palcev in tehtajo 8,7 funtov vsak.
Bakreno preden nizkotonec je velik 4 palcev in ima grafitne stožce. V hupi je 1-palčni visokotonec. Visokotonci so aluminijasti in imajo sistem vzmetenja Klipsch LTS.
Uživajte v osupljivem videzu…Imajo rešetke iz blaga, ki jih je mogoče odstraniti. Ima tudi magnetno zaskočno zasnovo, kar je dobra lastnost. Dobro je imeti sprednjo rešetko, ki jo je enostavno odstraniti ali namestiti. Nekateri bodo želeli pokazati delovanje zvočnika. In res so videti zelo impresivno.
Klipsch zvočnikom priloži nekaj mehkih podlog za vogale vsakega zvočnika. To velja v primeru, da jih postavite na leseno površino, vendar se jih splača uporabiti na katero koli površino, na katero jih položite, saj bodo odstranile nekaj nizkofrekvenčnih vibracij.
Ni ravno pretresljivo ...Vsak zvočnik ima vgrajen ojačevalnik, ki jih poganja in odpravlja potrebo po zunanjem ojačevanju. Imajo frekvenčni razpon od 76 Hz do 21 kHz, kar nakazuje, da bodo nekoliko lahki v basovskem območju. Delujejo razmeroma dobro, vendar v resnici ne gredo zelo globoko. Izhodna moč je ocenjena na 70 vatov.
Na zadnji strani so priključki, ki vključujejo optiko, 3,5 Aux in RCA za gramofon. Priložen je USB za povezavo z računalnikom in mikro USB priključek. Obstaja tudi glavni nadzor glasnosti. Tu so tudi priključki za bas.
Zelo dobro opremljen sistem in bo eden izmed najbolje zmogljivih sistemov zvočnikov Bluetooth, ki jih boste našli. K temu spada zelo privlačna cena.

- Dobre povezave z vgrajenim Bluetoothom.
- Dobro zgrajen z dobrimi lastnostmi.
- Bas je nekoliko lahek.
Edifier R2000DB zvočniki Bluetooth za knjižne police
Podjetje Edifier, ustanovljeno na Kitajskem leta 1996, se je v razmeroma kratkem času pridružilo hierarhiji kakovostnih proizvajalcev zvočnikov. S serijo R100DB so pritegnili pozornost tistih, ki želijo kakovostne zvočnike za knjižne police. Danes si ogledujemo R2000DB, ki je nadaljevanje teh zvočnikov.
To je še en proizvajalec, katerega zvočniki so takoj prepoznavni po nagnjeni sprednji strani. Imajo robusten videz, ki ni tisto, kar bi lahko imenovali subtilen v kakršnem koli oblikovnem smislu. Vendar bodo vseeno pritegnili vašo pozornost.
Teksturirano usnje…Izdelani so iz visokokakovostne vlaknene plošče MDF in zaključeni s sprednjo stranjo, ki je obrnjena v videz črnega teksturiranega usnja. Če sem iskren, komaj kaj bi lahko rekli privlačno. Za razliko od lesenih stranic, ki so privlačne in nekoliko ohranijo videz.
R2000DB se približuje velikosti 7 x 10 x 11,5 palcev in tehta 22 funtov. Dajejo vtis, kot da gre za trden niz zvočnikov, in tudi so.
Povežimo se ...Imajo tudi svoj delež vgrajene tehnologije. Za seznanjanje vaših naprav je priložen Bluetooth in za povezavo televizorja, DVD-ja ali Blu-raya ali optične enote. Na zadnji strani so Aux vhodi in dvojni RCA izhod. Prav tako priključki za slušalke in gumbi za glasnost nizkih in visokih tonov.
V notranjosti omaric sta 5-palčni nizkotonec iz zlitine in visokotonec s svileno kupolo. To je 25 mm različica. Na zadnji strani so vrata za bas. Zdi se, da je poudarek pri teh zvočnikih bolj na tehniki kot na zvoku. Vendar z ustreznimi kretnicami in dobrim frekvenčnim ločevanjem zvenijo precej dobro.
Nekoliko premajhne v nizkih frekvencah ...The frequency range is 50Hz to 20kHz, which shows the bass to be a little underpowered. And they have an output of 120 watts.
They are a decent speaker and will continue to enhance Edifier’s growing reputation. And have an attractive price, which makes them one of the best budget powered speakers on the market.

- Strong build.
- The good sound across the frequencies.
- Rather bulky on their design.
Mackie Thump12A – Best Powered PA Speakers
If you think this looks like a beast of a speaker, you are quite right. At 14inches by 14 by s4 niches and weighing in at 29 pounds, it certainly is a bit of a handful.
It has tough and robust and built to take a few knocks. It’s what be called ‘road-ready.’ It has a dual-angle design that allows it to be used as a stage monitor. Inside are the 12” high-performance woofer 1.4-inch titanium tweeter. These produce 1300 watts of peak power. That equates to about 600 RMS. That ought to liven up most parties.
Give it a boost…It has a Class D amplifier with a built-in Dynamic Bass Response system. This produces a boost for the mid and low frequencies. When the amount of volume you can use is reduced by the size of the venue. This just lifts the bottom end a little to still give you a warm thumping low-frequency sound.
It pushes a lot of power through the speakers, which in normal circumstances, could make them liable to damage. However, the speakers in this unit, though they are protected by a thermal limiting system protection.
Mic and line-level inputs…There are Vita preamps for the two-channel mixer. They allow the use of a microphone and line-level signals. There are also four-speaker modes to choose from for sound reproduction definition.
The controls are located on the back of the speaker include an XLR output should you need to connect to other speakers. There are also TRS and TS connections. There is the option of mounting in a tripod for use or simply placing them on a stage.
Loud and powerful…The sound is clear and defined with a two-way crossover that separates the higher and lower frequencies. This gives a superior and powerful sound reproduction that is loud and powerful but does not muddy with an increase in volume.
This is not a speaker for the faint-hearted. It is powerful, it is loud, and it is very bass-heavy. It is going to suit some musical uses, DJs, EDM, and Urban, all come to mind, but maybe not other genres. If you want bass and power, this is going to be worth a look. It could be one of the best powered PA speakers around.

- Loud with a very tough build.
- Has some good sound features built-in, including a mixer.
- Very bass-heavy sound will not suit some environments.
Rockville RPG15 15″ Professional Powered Active
The RPG 15 from Rockville is a powerful Active speaker system. It has a power rating of 250 watts RMS with 1000 watts peak. The frequency response is quite wide at 35Hz to 2okHz, so the bass is prominent.
Despite it being described as such, this is no lightweight, compact system. It has a big strong build that is ready to take a few blows. It is measured 15.5 inches by 15.6 by 27 inches. One can hardly call it compact. It weighs in at nearly 56 pounds, so unless you happen to be the Incredible Hulk, it is no lightweight either. It has a strong build with a wire mesh grille.
Long Throw design…Inside this robust cabinet is a powerful 15-inch long-throw woofer. To clarify, a long throw design describes the ‘shape’ of the sound. It is in a tight pattern meaning it will travel further.
The focus then of the design is the lengthy distribution of an accurate sound model. With such a design using a 15” speaker, the bass is going to be very powerful. Providing the higher frequencies is a Japanese made 3” aluminum voice coil tweeter. There is a horn that is molded into the top of the cabinet. The maximum Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is 125dB.
Best of both worlds…There is a Linear AB design amplifier. Being Linear, they will draw current when no signal is present at a low rate. When a signal is recognized, it will increase the current. The AB refers to the design, which has a great working efficiency than a Class A but produces less distortion than a Class B.
Built-in is an EQ processor for treble and bass to control the sound and also protect the speakers. Controls and connections are on the rear. There are the standard Master, Gain, and Volume with Bass and Treble. There are also XLR and ¼” jack connections with Line RCA, and an XLR input. Bass-heavy speakers but could be considered as an example of top powered speakers

- A powerful Active speaker with a good frequency range.
- Competitive price for such a powerful unit.
- Quite heavy and bulky to carry around.
Audioengine A2 Plus 60W Powered Desktop Speakers
If you happen to be looking for an understated, ‘plain jane’ speaker system without visible frills, you have found it. To say that this design is understated is understating it. But then, in many ways, that is its appeal.
Audioengine has been producing powered speakers since 2005. They are based in Austin, Texas, and the A2 Plus is one of their core speaker systems.
Compact and bijou…The A2 is a desktop speaker system that gives you a full audio experience from a very compact little package. They are well-made for fiberboard wood and lightweight, and very portable. They are just 4 inches by 5.25 inches and 6 inches and weigh just under 7 pounds. For such a small size, they pack quite a punch. Absolutely perfect for use with your computer or in smaller sized rooms.
It has a built-in DAC (Digital Analog Converter), which changes your digital formats and converts them into analog — thus allowing the system to then playback through the speakers.
Loud for their size…They have 2.75-inch fiber woofers and three-quarter inch tweeters with a silk dome design. They will deliver a peak power rating of 60 watts or approximately 30 watts RMS.
There are built-in amplifiers that are analog with analog audio inputs and a USB audio input. The connection options are all situated on the rear of the speaker. They are ready to go with connections to Mac or PC. and require no extra software. They will also operate with turntables with their own preamps and music players.
Versatile connectivity…The connections, though are extensive and also include phones, and other devices, TV’s and CD and DVD players. In fact, most devices with an RCA output or a ⅛” jack. Apart from all those connection options, there is also a Volume control.
Audioengine provides some useful extras. Two meters of speaker wire and a USB cable A mini-jack, 1.5m audio cable and speaker and cable bags.
We think these are a super product and one of the best portable powered speakers around. They are not cheap, though, but are still excellent value for what they offer.

- Great little speakers in a compact size.
- Well built with lots of connection options.
- Maybe a little expensive for desktop speakers.
Behringer Eurolive B210D Active 200-Watt
Our friends from Germany, Behringer, offer their ‘Eurolive B210D Active speaker system to take a look at. Most people think that Behringer has been around for a long time, but it is not the case. They were founded in Germany in 1989 by a Swiss engineer.
Since then, they have made a big name for themselves in a variety of audio equipment fields. Two things that can always be said about Behringer products are that they are affordable and well-made.
This is a 2-way speaker system that has a variety of uses. It is relatively large in its construction being 9.5 inches by 11.5 by 18 and a half inches. It weighs just over 19 pounds, so it is not a modestly sized unit.
Deep and powerful…Driving the 200 watts of sound are a ten-inch woofer and 1.35-inch aluminum diaphragm tweeter. The tweeter is built into the horn at the top of the cabinet, giving a good dispersion of the sound. The bass is deep and powerful, and the higher frequencies well served by the conical shape of the horn. It maintains its clarity of reproduction even at higher SPL’s.
It is powered by a Class D amplifier that has a low power consumption and provides audio that removes noise. There is a two-band EQ covering bass and treble. The controls are situated in the rear of the speaker. Basic in their operation, they do offer a degree of control over the sound.
Also on the rear of the speaker are XLR in and out connections and a jack socket.
Basic and functional…Not too much in the way of fancy frills and options; it is a powerful speaker that does its job and does it well. But then that applies to all Behringer products.
A good design with good features at a realistic price. One of the best self-powered speakers on the market for its price point.

- Well-made, with good features.
- Powerful sounds with built-in EQ.
- Some may want more onboard features.
Edifier R1700BT Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers
Since its inception in China in 1996, Edifier has made a big name for themselves. This 1700BT Bookshelf speaker with Bluetooth is one of the reasons why. They are well-made from quality MDF fiberboard and are 8.5 inches by 9 by 9.9 inches. They will, therefore, fit neatly on a bookshelf. Weighing 14 pounds, the weight won’t be a problem either.
They have been given an attractive design with a walnut wood finish on the sides and a black baffle board. They have been designed to fit the decor of most homes.
Nicely designed…There are some controls that are recessed into the side of the speaker. This is a good idea taking the controls that are most used and placing them out of sight but in a convenient position. Other controls are on the back. More on this later.
Inside the speaker box, there is a 19mm tweeter and four-inch driver. The design for the sound has included a front-facing port. Some will prefer that arrangement as against on the rear where you normally find them.
But a little weak…The sound is good, especially the mids, which have a warm, rich sound. The bass is acceptable but can boom a bit when the volume goes up. They are not over-powerful, but then many people prefer that. Also, the highs are not shrill and sharp, as is sometimes the case with budget range speakers. They are, though, a little weak.
Back to the controls…On the sides are rotators for volume, bass, and treble. The volume will set itself automatically when the speaker is turned on but can be adjusted. It also serves as the Control for Bluetooth pairing. This is activated by pressing down. Bluetooth connectivity means you can connect up to your devices or a Mac or Windows computer.
This is a decent system and one that has many good features. For the price, it represents good value. Just don’t expect a top quality sound.

- Well made with a nice design.
- Some basic but good onboard features with good mids.
- High and Low frequencies are a little weak.
Micca PB42X Powered Bookshelf Speakers
Highland Technology from Hong Kong produces the Micca range of speakers. Some of the speaker designs, though, are created in the US. They are given a very simplistic design. Many will think that is too bland, but we like the understatement that they make.
All you will see is a plain black cabinet. Made from MDF fiberboard, it has good construction and feels quite substantial. The front baffle board is also plain black. And the whole unit is covered in a vinyl-like covering.
Clip-on grills…There are no holes at the front to fit the speaker grille to break up the plainness. The grilles are magnetic, and so just clip on. They are what you might call compact being 9.5 inches by 5.8 by 6.5 inches. They weigh just four pounds. This makes them ideal as bookshelf speakers
The front shows us a woofer that is a four-inch carbon fiber design. It is fixed to its housing by a rubber surround. This has the effect of producing a secure fit but also soaks up energy. The tweeter is a silk dome ¾” inch.
Between them, they produce a decent sound…The low frequencies have a nice resonant warmth, and the highs are clear and very concise. The mids are a little bit overlooked to a certain extent. They are not as prominent as perhaps they might be. They also get a bit crowded when the volume goes up, and the bass takes over. But for budget level speakers, the sound is surprisingly good.
The built-in amp is designed to Class D standards and gives you a modest 15 watts per channel. It does sound quite a bit louder than you would expect, and the amp will drive the speakers.
Back to basics…On the rear, just basic controls, and connections. Aux inputs, volume control, and an off/on switch. Also the speaker connections
Good price point, nicely minimalistic design, they are excellent value and possibly the best low cost powered speakers available.

- Simplistic design.
- Well made and good sound reproduction.
- The design will not be to everyone’s taste.
Mackie Studio Monitor
Mackie’s CR 3 studio monitor is a budget range of speakers designed to produce good quality sound at an affordable price.
They are made from good quality of fiberboard and finished in a black styling. They do, though have an interesting feature in that the speakers and the power control are given a luminous green border. This isn’t to our taste at all, its personal taste, but some will like the idea.
Fits in anywhere…They are portable and compact and are 6.2 inches by 5.5 by 8.2 inches. They weigh just 9.4 pounds. This makes them ideal for use on a bookshelf or in a small area.
One good design idea they have for the front of the speakers is to include an Aux socket for use with a phone or other devices. This is a very convenient idea. With these, you don’t have to start playing around at the back to connect up. There is also a headphone socket on the front, which is also useful.
Narrower frequency range than you would expect…They are designed for multi-media creation and for entertainment. The frequency range, though lends itself to a very average sound reproduction. As monitors, they might operate quite well for fun, but for serious work, the range will need to be wider.
80Hz to 20kHz says that the bottom end is going to be weak. That will be fine for some basic video creation but won’t be good enough for professional sound reproduction.
They are a budget level speaker system, and as long as that is what you expect, then you will not be disappointed. However, the price point is very competitive, and if you are looking for a cheap pair of best powered speakers, they will be worth considering.

- Very cost-effective price.
- Well made construction.
- Sound quality not so good
- We are not very keen on the green surrounds on the fascia.
Also see:Top 10 Best 6×8 Speakers For The Budget
Best Powered Speakers Buyers Guide
Finding The Best Powered Speakers
It shouldn’t really be a problem at all. There are a lot of quality products to look at and choose from. But there is a big decision to be made first of all. However, a question must be asked and answered before you can get the credit card out and spend, spend, spend! Do you actually want an Active speaker system, and why?
Active or Passive, That Is The Question?
They both have their good points and in some people’s opinions, bad points. Active speakers are usually very compact. Internally the amplifier can be matched to the speakers used to achieve the best possible results. This often leads to better sound reproduction.
But What Are The Disadvantages?
They are heavier because they have to include the amplifier to drive the speakers. They can be less reliable because there are more components to go wrong. And when they do go wrong, you have lost both the amplifier and the speaker, which would not happen if they were separate.
You will also need two cables instead of one. One to power the other to link to another speaker. There is no need for a passive crossover, and this can decrease sound quality. And the tech onboard can, at times, be very confusing to operate.
Plain and simple…Passive speakers, of course, are just speakers — no confusing tech to deal with. Just plug them in. They are usually lighter in weight and easier to carry around. Spending identical amounts of money on a set of passive speakers and a set of Active speakers, who wins?
Well, the passive speakers will have all the production costs spent on the cabinet design and the speakers within. The same amount for Active speakers will have to include an amp and sometimes other tech to make it function well. That extra funding for the Active speakers has to come from somewhere. So it could be that the speakers and design might suffer.
Active speakers, though, are a self-contained unit. They work on their own and need nothing else. To some, that is the deal that wins.
The choice is fairly easy when viewed through the eyes of cost and ease of use. What do you want them for? Do you want the ease of use with an all-inclusive system, or do you want a traditional setup? Both have their advantages and a few disadvantages.
Convenience is often the issue that seals the deal. Having everything, including Bluetooth and other connections all in one cabinet with an amp, is seen as the easiest solution. Sound-wise though, it is often not the best option.
Druge možnosti
There are plenty of excellent speaker choices available at the moment. So it may well be worth checking out our reviews of the Best Studio Monitor Speakers and the Best Speaker Docks.
But what are the Best Powered Speakers?
What Would We Buy?
We would want a system that is easy to operate. It needs to have a good sound with a decent frequency range. Not too heavy at the bottom end and with good solid mids. We would also pick a system that has a solid build. A system that is capable of sitting on a bookshelf, on a desk or on the floor.
After taking all of this into account, we have gone for the…
Audioengine A2 Plus 60W Powered Desktop SpeakersOur choice for Best Powered Speakers currently available.
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