Najboljši zvočniki Bluetooth na sončno energijo 2022 – 10 najbolj ocenjenih ocen
Zvočniki na sončno energijo. Zdaj to zveni kot raketna znanost, vendar v resnici ni tako zapleteno. No, nam je, nekaterim pa očitno ni.
Obstajajo stvari, ki se imenujejo fotovoltaične celice, na njihovih straneh pa so plošče, ki delujejo kot prevodniki iz kovine. Plošče zbirajo elektrone in jih nato pošljejo v žice. Ta se nato pretvori v elektriko. Sončne plošče, ki jih vidimo, so sestavljene iz ogrodja teh celic. To nato zagotovi moč za delovanje vaših zvočnikov Bluetooth. Preprosto, kajne. Ležat gremo.
Ok, zdaj bolje. Oglejmo si torej predmete vesoljske dobe, medtem ko pregledujemo najboljše zvočnike Bluetooth na sončno energijo, ki so trenutno na voljo, in poiščemo popolnega za vas ...
Top 10 najboljših zvočnikov Bluetooth na sončno energijo v ocenah leta 2022
- Eton Rugged Rukus za polnjenje in brezžično povezavo Bluetooth
- Prenosni zunanji Bluetooth zvočnik Elzle
- Solarni Bluetooth zvočnik ABFOCE
- Solarni polnilni zvočnik Goal Zero Rock Out 2
- Vodoodporen zvočnik Ecoxgear Sol Jam na sončno energijo
- Braven BRV-PRO+SOLAR Bluetooth zvočnik
- ZeroLemon SolarSound Bluetooth 4.0 zvočnik na sončno energijo
- Renogy solarni Bluetooth zvočnik, prenosni brezžični zvočnik
- REVEAL prenosni solarni brezžični Bluetooth zvočnik
- Vodoodporen Bluetooth zvočnik Suncat
Eton Rugged Rukus za polnjenje in brezžično povezavo Bluetooth
Tukaj imamo torej zvočni sistem z Bluetoothom. Prek naprav, ki podpirajo Bluetooth, lahko predvajate glasbo ali samo poslušate radio. Povezal se bo brezžično in ga je mogoče polniti in bo hkrati polnil vaš telefon. Ali naredi čaj? ne? Neuporabna stvar. Samo šala, poglejmo, za kaj gre.
Ustvarjen za na prostem…Vsekakor je robustna zgradba in zasnovana za veliko uporabo na prostem. Nosi certifikat kategorije IPX-4. To pomeni, da je bolj odporen proti brizganju kot pa vodotesen. Zato ga ne spustite v bazen; morda mu ne bo preveč všeč.
Sončne plošče so precej očitno nameščene na vrhu z nekaj preprostimi kontrolami. Na voljo je litijeva baterija, ki jo polnijo plošče, kar vam bo dalo do 8 ur glasbe. Ponovno polnjenje ni posebej hitro. Traja 4-5 ur, da se popolnoma napolni, če je zvočnik ves čas na neposredni sončni svetlobi.
Več moči…Vendar niste popolnoma odvisni od sonca, saj je vgrajen mikro USB. Tako boste pri uporabi električnega omrežja popolnoma napolnjeni v dveh urah in pol. Zvočnik ni priložen polnilniku. USB bo tudi napolnil vaš telefon ali druge povezljive naprave.
Obstaja vhod AUX za vse naprave, ki nimajo povezave Bluetooth.
Prevzeti nadzor…Kontrole so zelo enostavne za upravljanje, modra LED lučka pa vam pove, da Bluetooth deluje. Med polnjenjem sveti rdeča LED. Je kompakten majhen zvočnik, ki meri 5,9 palca krat 6,5 krat 1,8 palca in tehta nekaj več kot en funt. Enostaven za prenašanje s seboj.
Vsekakor je praktičen mali zvočnik z dobro povezavo Bluetooth. Kot pri večini teh majhnih zvočnikov je zvok še vedno nezaželen, a to ni pomembno. Ni zasnovan za kritično analizo zvoka. Zasnovan je za glasbo ob bazenu ali na splošno na prostem. Za svojo ceno je spodoben zvočnik.

- Ima nekaj dobrih lastnosti.
- Kompakten in lahek.
- Napolnjenost ne bo trajala cel dan zunaj.
Prenosni zunanji Bluetooth zvočnik Elzle
Elzle je podjetje s sedežem na Kitajskem, ki proizvaja avdio opremo od leta 2008. Ta prenosni zvočnik je bil v fazi načrtovanja veliko premišljen. Zagotovili so, da boste od tega zvočnika dobili kar največ.
Je kompakten zvočnik, ki meri 7,87 palca krat 3,35 krat 3,23 palca in tehta nekaj več kot en funt. To omogoča enostavno prenašanje s seboj kamorkoli greste. Ima dva 40-milimetrska zvočnika, ki zagotavljata vsak 6 vatov moči. Ni veliko količine, če je za zunanjo stranko. Vendar je dovolj za obisk bazena ali plaže.
Ima oceno kategorije IPX6…To ne pomeni, da je vodotesen, ampak vodoodporen. Obstaja razlika. Velik. V redu bo pod tušem ali rahlim dežjem, vendar ga ne morete potopiti v bazen. Čeprav domnevam, zakaj bi si želel? Ocena tudi pravi, da je zaščiten pred snegom in prahom ter udarci. Če pa ste v dežju in snegu, sončni kolektorji ne bodo veliko pomagali. Priložena je baterija za ponovno polnjenje.
Obstaja povezljivost z uporabo Bluetooth 4.2 z dosegom približno 30 metrov. In Elzle zahteva dvajset ur predvajanja glasbe z enim polnjenjem. Zasnovan je tako, da ima večsmerno uporabo. Deloval bo z napravami brez Bluetooth prek 3,5 mm povezave.
Vgrajen mikrofon…Sončna plošča je narejena iz silikonskega materiala in ima litijevo baterijo. Vgrajen je mikrofon za prostoročno sprejemanje klicev. Kontrolniki so priročno nameščeni na zgornji plošči in vključujejo mikrofon, gumb za vklop/izklop ter običajne gumbe za glasnost in predvajanje. Obstaja tudi tipka za sprejem dohodnega klica. Na zadnji strani sta vhodna in izhodna vtičnica.
To predstavlja dober mali zvočnik. Njegove funkcije so dobre in dobro razporejene ter ima dobro povezavo Bluetooth. Ima robustno zgradbo s silikonsko rešetko zvočnika. Je tudi lahek in enostaven za prenašanje. Zvok je razumen, kar je vse, kar lahko pričakujete od prenosnega zvočnika,
Nastavljen je po razumni ceni, zaradi česar je eden najboljših zvočnikov Bluetooth na sončno energijo.

- Lep dizajn s funkcijami, enostavnimi za uporabo.
- Dobra življenjska doba baterije in povezave Bluetooth.
- Lahko traja nekaj časa, da se popolnoma napolni s sončno energijo.
ABFOCE solarni Bluetooth zvočnik
Ta zvočnik Bluetooth na sončno energijo daje nekaj neverjetnih trditev. Ima običajne funkcije, vendar ima tudi nekaj, česar ne boste našli pri mnogih zvočnikih za to ceno. Več o tem kasneje.
Je majhen kompakten stroj. Zasnovan tako, da je prenosljiv in enostaven za prenašanje. Tehta malo več kot en funt in meri 8,07 palca krat 2,6 krat 2,4 palca.
Izlet na plažo…Narejen je za uporabo na prostem in ima certifikat kategorije IPX6. To pomeni, da je vodoodporen in prenese dež, sneg in celo čezmerno količino prahu. Zaradi tega je idealen za kampiranje ali samo dan ob bazenu ali morju.
Omenili smo, da ima funkcijo, ki je zelo posebna. Ima ogromnih 60 ur predvajanja glasbe, in to z neprekinjeno uporabo. To dobi iz baterije s 5000 mAh in uporablja sončne celice iz kristalnega silicija za absorbiranje sončnih žarkov. Med predvajanjem glasbe lahko celo polni vaš telefon.
Pravi stereo…Ima dva 40 mm zvočnika za odličen stereo zvok. Polnjenje, potrebno za tako dolgo delovanje, traja nekaj časa, če uporabljate sončno energijo. Če se odpravljate za vikend, je morda najbolje, da pred odhodom popolnoma napolnite vgrajeni USB.
Ima močno zgradbo iz ABS-a in silicija v ovojni zasnovi, kar pomeni, da ni trdih robov. Združljiv je z vsemi napravami Bluetooth in deluje v standardnem dosegu 30 metrov. Kontrole so osnovne, a učinkovite in se nahajajo na enem koncu zunanje omare.
LED svetilka in SOS osvetlitev…Zvok je, tako kot pri večini teh zvočnikov, osnovni, a ustrezen. Kljub temu gre za močan in robusten zvočnik, ki ima tudi LED svetilko in SOS osvetlitev. Glede na ceno je ugoden in je zagotovo eden najboljših zvočnikov Bluetooth na sončno energijo.

- Kakovostna izdelava z lepimi funkcijami.
- Dolga življenjska doba baterije in dobre povezave Bluetooth.
- Malo dražji od nekaterih.
Solarni polnilni zvočnik Goal Zero Rock Out 2
Ta zvočnik zveni, kot da bi prišel naravnost iz filma o Harryju Potterju s temno basovsko komoro.
Več o tem kasneje ...To je precej majhen zvočnik, ki je bil zasnovan dovolj kompaktno, da ga lahko nosite s seboj. Glasba v vašem telefonu ali drugih napravah, ki podpirajo Bluetooth, dobi veliko izboljšano kakovost zvoka. Velik je samo 7 krat 2,5 krat 3,7 palca in tehta le en funt. Idealno, da ga preprosto pospravite v torbo.
Polnjenje poteka preko sončnih kolektorjev ali prek USB priključka na električno omrežje. Je dobro narejen z vremensko odporno zunanjostjo, ki je izdelana iz blaga, ki zagotavlja dobro zaščito. Izdelano na Kitajskem.
Tipičen razpon…Za seznanitev potrebuje naprave Bluetooth 3.0 ali novejše različice. Ima običajnih 30 metrov dosega z vidnim poljem. Naprave, ki niso Bluetooth, lahko uporabljate prek vrat AUX.
Monokristalne sončne celice bodo zvočnik napolnile v približno 8 urah, če jih postavite na neposredno sončno svetlobo. Ponovno polnjenje prek USB-ja na električno omrežje traja približno dve uri. Ob polni napolnjenosti lahko pričakujete približno deset ur predvajanja.
Torej nazaj v Hogwarts …V zasnovo tega malega zvočnika je vgrajeno tisto, kar proizvajalci imenujejo komora za temne nizke tone. V bistvu so zasnovali večji prostor, ki omogoča večji pretok zraka. To ustvari več nizkih tonov. Ima zlovešč prizvok, vendar je v resnici precej neškodljiv. Nihče se ne bo spremenil v žabo, če ga uporabi.
Kar naredi, je nadgradnja zvoka, ki je precej presenetljiva. Običajno ne najdete majhnih prenosnih zvočnikov, ki bi oddajali spodoben zvok. This gives an impressive sound from its two 3 watt speakers. It is not the loudest out there but makes up for it with the sound reproduction.
As solar-powered wireless outdoor speakers go, this is an impressive option. It is a little more expensive than most of its competitors.

- A good solid build that is compact and lightweight.
- Very good sound and good Bluetooth and charging facility.
- Quite expensive.
Ecoxgear Sol Jam Solar-powered Waterproof Speaker
When this was designed and built, we are sure that making it able to swim wasn’t high on the agenda.
More on this later…It is a compact speaker and measuring 6.2 inches by 5 by 3 inches extremely portable, and it weighs one and a half pounds. It has a good design that is rugged and is made of a rubber-based black matte material. The solar panel takes up most of the space on the top of the speaker, along with some basic controls.
They are on an easy to use display. They feature the usual volume and play, forward and back controls. There is also Bluetooth and speakerphone control for hands-free calls, as well as the power button.
There is a fitting on the bottom to give you an option for mounting. On the back, a sealed port for charging the speaker or phone. There is also a socket for the audio cable and on the side a carabiner clip. It has an IP67 rating, which is a high level of protection. The speakers are built to be front-facing with a rather bright orange grille.
Decent low end considering the size…There are two front-facing speakers that generate 10 watts each, giving you a reasonable volume. The bass is especially prominent, with its down-firing subwoofer, rare for a speaker of this size. Devices can be connected via Bluetooth or non-Bluetooth through the 3.5mm jack socket.
We mentioned the design brief, probably not mentioning the capacity to swim. Maybe not, but it can. Throw it in the water, and it floats along quite happily. We are led to believe it can be submerged for up to 30 minutes. So there you are. In the pool for some swim training? Tow it behind you as you go using a wire attached to the carabiner.
This is a well-made and a good solar Bluetooth speaker that is a bit more than waterproof. It is a bit pricey, though, but a good choice.

- Well-built with a rugged exterior and good features.
- Good sound and length of battery life.
- Not cheap.
Braven BRV-PRO+SOLAR Bluetooth Speaker
Next on our reviews of the Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers, we have a speaker that has been given a very hard-wearing design. At 4.8 inches by 4 by 9.8 inches and weighing in at 2.3 pounds, it is a sturdy speaker made for outdoor life. It has a metal outer casing and has an IPX7 rating. This means it can handle most things that are thrown at it.
Directional drivers…The speaker grille is at the front and protects the stereo drivers. They can be repositioned in any direction you choose, which is a useful addition. It has rubber feet to cut out vibration on two of the surfaces. You can use it in a standing or flat position.
Controls are located on the top of the unit around the solar panel. There is an off/on control and a multifunction button. This handles play and pause and also call answering. There are also buttons for navigating through tracks and a volume control.
Plenty of connections…On the back is a micro USB port for external charging with the cable which is provided. There is also another USB for charging phones and any other devices using the speakers’ battery. For non-Bluetooth devices, there is a 3.5mm jack socket. A battery indicator light will warn you of low battery status. Battery life is estimated at 12-15 hours, but it will depend on the volume of the music.
The speaker’s sound is quite good, with a very prominent bass given by the sub-woofer. For what is a relatively small box, it is surprisingly deep with very little distortion. The Bluetooth connection is quick and easy with the usual range.
A little optimistic…In the world of solar-powered Bluetooth speakers, this is a good option. It is though very expensive, and the battery life estimates might be a little unrealistic. It does depend on how loud you play your music, but 12-15 hours seems a little hopeful.

- Tough and solid build.
- It has a good sound with prominent low frequencies.
- Very expensive.
ZeroLemon SolarSound Solar-Powered Bluetooth 4.0 Speaker
Some might accuse this ZeroLemon speaker as being lacking in design ideas. We couldn’t really argue with that. It’s unlikely you will find a less-inspiring speaker anywhere. But what it lacks in appearance it makes up for in other areas.
Don’t get it wet…It’s quite small, weighing just over one pound and measuring 5.9 inches by 2 by 3.1 inches, which makes it ideal for carrying around with you. You should be aware that unlike most other speakers of this kind, this carries no category rating. Therefore, it is not waterproof, water-resistant, or shockproof.
It has good Bluetooth 4.0 connections and is compatible with all devices and phones that are Bluetooth enabled, and has the usual range of 32 feet. Should there be a loss of signal, it will automatically connect with the last-known source.
72 Hours of playtime…ZeroLemon claims the longest internal battery playtime of 72 hours with this speaker. It is driven by a 10,000 mAh polymer battery. It not only converts the solar energy for use and it will store it in its power bank. Phones and other devices can then be charged from this power source. It takes approximately 6 hours to fully charge the power bank.
It has two speakers that give 10 watts of power that has an enhanced low frequency. The speakers deliver a nice sound with plenty of bottom end. Controls are placed on the top and are recessed buttons and on one end extra connections for headphones, TF card, and non-Bluetooth devices.
Just a little boring…As far as we are concerned, the jury is still out on this speaker. It has some good features, but it is rather boring. Nevertheless, the sound it produces is quite good. The build quality is a little bit light, and it won’t take too many knocks. But, it is at an affordable price point.

- Nice sound with good features.
- A lack of any appeal in the design and the build quality is not the strongest.
Renogy Solar Bluetooth Speaker, Portable Wireless Speaker
This Renogy Solar Bluetooth speaker is very much a budget model. However, it has some very good features. It is a compact little speaker measuring just 5.9 inches by 5.9 by 1.8 inches. It weighs just under 2 pounds. Compact it might be but also maybe a little on the heavy side for its size.
Good little speaker for the beach…It has a category rating of IPX5. This makes it water-resistant rather than waterproof, but it also withstands dust and a low level of shock. It is, therefore, a good little speaker for the beach. Care needs to be taken with it, though.
The solar panels fill one complete side and will give you up to ten hours of use at moderate volume levels. This from one full charge. It can also give charge to your phone or other devices via the USB port. It has a 5000 mAh battery that will give you up to ten hours of use. This, of course, depending on the volume you use. It does take a few hours to charge to its maximum.
The sound is adequate rather than being anything special. Two small drivers provide a decent frequency range, but it is a rather lightweight at the bottom end. You would, of course, expect that from such a small speaker at what is a budget price point.
Perfectly equalized…It does offer some decent tone controls, and it has three built-in EQ modes to provide you with sound options. It gives you some interesting features with the LED light. This serves as a flashlight as well as an SOS light, if needed.
Controls are very basic, and essentials like volume must be controlled from your Bluetooth enabled device. It is not a star in the world of solar-powered Bluetooth speakers. It is though a cheap alternative if you don’t want to spend a lot of money.

- It has a reasonable build and has some nice features at an affordable price.
- LED lighting options for flashlight and SOS are a good idea.
- The battery takes a long time to charge.
REVEAL Portable Solar Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
Our next speaker in our reviews of the Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers has a novel idea. Manufacturing a portable speaker from Bamboo wood. It is not the smallest of speakers measuring 8 inches by 3.3 by 3.8 inches. But at about one pound in weight, it certainly isn’t heavy.
Extra care needed…It is not water-resistant or dust or anything else proof. This does put it behind some of its competitors. So if you are taking it to the beach or the pool, it won’t appreciate a good wash. Neither will it like having sand kicked all over it.
The battery is driven by monocrystalline solar panels. When fully charged, it will give you about 15 hours of use. Charging it to the full is the problem, and it is better to charge it using the mains via the USB. Then you can use solar power to keep it going. If you rely on solar power for a full charge, you might be waiting a long time.
Useful features…The Bluetooth is easily paired up to any device you may have, including all OS and Android units. The range is the standard 30 meters. You can answer phone calls. Your devices can be charged from this speaker while you are using it. Just be aware of the battery level status. It has an AUX for non-Bluetooth devices to plugin.
The sound is adequate but not particularly inspiring, and the case needs to be taken care of and won’t take any major impact. It is quite a nice looking speaker and certainly something different. Not cheap though and for what it is quite expensive.

- Nice wood design.
- Good Bluetooth connection that is easy to use.
- Rather expensive.
Suncat Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker
This is a speaker that is designed for those with an active life. It is a compact speaker measuring 5.5 inches by 4.5 by 2.5 inches and weighs just 9 ounces. They don’t come much more portable than that. It is fitted with a carrying strap.
It floats!Yes, it has an IPX6 rating, which is water-resistant rather than waterproof. However, if there is an accident and it is knocked into the water, it does float. However, we do suggest though that you remove it as soon as possible.
Bluetooth connections are simple, and you can pair it up with your phone or other devices. If your phone is connected, you can answer calls and call out. The speaker has a built-in microphone.
Long charging cycle…It is claimed that the speaker will fully recharge in 16-18 hours if it is placed in direct sunlight. That is quite a long time, so it might be advisable to use the USB to charge it. This takes just 2 hours using the micro USB port. The cord to connect is included. You can then keep it topped up with the solar power option while it is in use.
Battery life is listed at 15-20 hours of playback time if it is fully charged. That, of course, will depend on how you use it. The solar panel is fitted to the front, and the unit is made of lightweight plastic. It is though quite durable.
Practical and adequate…The sound quality isn’t great, but for what you will likely use it for it is adequate. Compared with other solar-powered wireless outdoor speakers, it is a decent product with a medium-range price point.

- Small, lightweight, and easy to carry around.
- It has basic features and is water-resistant.
- It takes a long time to charge on solar power.
Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers Buyers Guide
Finding The Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers
As always, what is best for one is not going to be good for another. And one person’s requirement will differ from another’s. Connectivity is rarely an issue. Bluetooth connections are reasonably reliable these days, and all the speakers have similar performance levels.
Most also cater for non-Bluetooth devices by offering alternative connection options. Making and receiving calls is something that is included in some speakers.
One of the big issues, though, is where you will use it. If it is by the pool or maybe on the beach, then some sort of category rating might be a good idea. Some possess IPX6 certification, which the manufacturers sometimes claim is waterproof. IPX6 is water-resistant, not waterproof there is a difference.
IPX7 is waterproof and means you can submerge it for up to 20 or so minutes. Though we are not sure why you would want to?
Size Is Another Consideration…
If you are going to be taking it out with you, a compact speaker that doesn’t weigh too much is a good idea. If it is for the home or office, this is not so vital.
Solar energy is a nice idea, but despite some manufacturers’ claims, solar power is slow to accumulate. It can take a long time to realize a full charge, so a USB connection to a mains supply is a good idea. Some manufacturers admit to full charge might take 8-12 hours of strong sunlight.
Not much good if you live in an area that only gets four hours or maybe none at all. Once charged, careful usage will conserve the battery status, but high volumes of playing will run it out quite quickly.
The sound will not be the best, but then that is obvious. You cannot get a great sound from a little tiny box. You can get a decent sound, but it’s usually the bottom end that suffers. Find a speaker with a decent low frequency, and that will normally give you a better overall sound.
Lots to consider, but really all comes down to what you need it for.
Love Bluetooth? Then You’ll Love These…
If you just can’t get enough of Bluetooth technology, then check out our reviews of the Best Bluetooth Headphones under 100 dollars, the Best Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, and the Best Waterproof Bluetooth Headphones currently available.
You may also be interested in our reviews of the Best Wireless Outdoor Speakers and the Best Tailgate Speakers on the market.
So, What Are The Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers?
For us, we would pick a fairly basic speaker. Reasonable looking with good functions. Easy to use and carry and has a good Bluetooth and other connections. We would also expect it to have a decent build quality and be affordable. Too much to ask? Not really, our choice does all of that. We would choose the…
Elzle Portable Outdoor Bluetooth SpeakerThis, for us, is the Best Solar-Powered Bluetooth Speaker currently available.
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