Najboljši zvočniki za domači kino za majhne prostore – povečanje prostora
Ni nujno, da majhni prostori pomenijo majhen zvok
Nima vsakdo dovolj velikega bivalnega prostora za popoln domači kino. Živel sem v več najemniških stanovanjih, kjer je bil edini kraj, ki sem ga lahko imenoval povsem svojega, moja spalnica, ker so si drugi deli doma delili.
Ključnega pomena je, da izberete zvočnike, ki so močni, ne da bi zavzeli veliko prostora v tako kompaktnih prostorih. Kot da bi bili v laboratoriju za testiranje Dolbyja, vendar je to vaša spalnica.
Ključnega pomena je vedeti, da ko rečem »Zvočniki za domači kino«, ne mislim vedno na namestitev 5.1. Na ta seznam sem vključil tudi nekaj studijskih zvočnikov kratkega dosega, glede na scenarij, da bi bila vaša soba resnično majhna.
Moj izbor najboljših sistemov domačega razvedrila za majhne prostore je naveden spodaj. Na tej poti ne bo nobenih neumnosti ali neumnosti – le nekaj vpogledov za čudovito izkušnjo domačega kina.
Urednikov izbor1:Klipsch Black Reference Theatre Pack
Odličen zvok iz res majhnega odtisa v tej Klipschevi liniji
4/5 Preberi več mnenj Razpon cen: $$Blagovna znamka: Klipsch
Klipsch referenčni kino paket zagotavlja izjemno akustično zmogljivost, hkrati pa ohranja majhen odtis.
Klipscheva lastna arhitektura Tractrix Horn in aluminijasti visokotonci zagotavljajo čist in naraven zvok. Brezžični spodnji nizkotonec je namenjen zagotavljanju nizkofrekvenčnih signalov, ki napolnijo prostor, ne da bi zasedel preveč prostora.
Poleg preproste namestitve brezžičnega nizkotonskega zvočnika ima vsak satelitski zvočnik nastavek za ključavnico in vložek z režo za optimalne možnosti namestitve.
Referenčni kino paket prinaša gledališki zvok Klipsch v vaš dom, pri tem pa ohranja zelo kompaktno velikost.
- Hube: Tractrix Rogovi 90 x 90°
- Frekvenčni razpon zvočnika: 105 Hz – 25 kHz
- Frekvenčno območje globokotonca: 35-120 Hz
- Ojačevalnik globokotonca: 50/150 W RMS/Peak
- Brezžična povezljivost: Za globokotonce
Kaj je v škatli?
- Satelitski avdio zvočniki
- En zvočnik za osrednji kanal
- Nizkotonec z brezžičnim napajanjem
- Brezžični nizkotonski oddajnik je vključen
- 0,75-palčni visokotonci iz LTS
- Tractrix Rogovi 90 x 90°
- Priročnik
Stvari, ki so mi všeč
- Kompaktni stožci ponujajo nizko resonančno frekvenco, hkrati pa kažejo malo razgradnje stožca in motenj.
- Tractrix Horn Innovation in visokotonec iz aluminija zagotavljata naraven zvok.
- Priložen je zmogljiv ojačevalnik globokotonca.
Stvari, ki so mi manj všeč
- Morda ne bo dovolj primeren za večje prostore
Kje ga dobiti
- Glej pri Klipschu
2. Polk Audio MagniFi Mini Home Theater Surround Sound Bar
Prijeten majhen odtis z dobrim nizom zvočnikov v enoti zvočne vrstice
4/5 Preberi več mnenj Razpon cen: $$Blagovna znamka: Polk Audio
Polk MagniFi Mini je majhen v primerjavi z večino drugih zvočnih sistemov, saj meri le 13 palcev v premeru in tri centimetre v višino. Kljub temu, da je izdelan iz poliestra in tkanine, je res zelo privlačen na pogled.
MagniFi Mini je brezžična 2.1-kanalna avdio palica, opremljena z nizkotoncem. Primarna enota ima dva 12 mm visokotonca in štiri 2,25-palčne gonilnike, od katerih sta dva nagnjena ob straneh za to, kar Polk imenuje "zvok SDA."
Navzdol obrnjeni 6,5-palčni gonilnik in vrata sta priložena globokotoncu.
Z Bluetoothom, wi-fi, optiko, priključkom aux in HDMI je povezljivost nekoliko večja, kot bi pričakovali za zvočno vrstico, ki stane 300 USD. Vrata HDMI pa se zdijo nekoliko čudna.
Med testiranjem sem odkril, da je funkcija Audio Return Network (ARC) združljiva samo s televizorji.
Ne morete pričakovati, da bo soundbar zvenel tako odlično kot komplet specializiranih zvočnikov. Vseeno pa Polk fantastično preseže meje majhnega kabineta. Ti stranski zvočniki delujejo.
Oglejte si ceno na Amazonu ... in še 2471 ocenSpecifikacije
- Bluetooth: 5.1
- Moč: 150 vatov
- Povezljivost: HDMI (ARC)
- Optično: Optična povezava Toslink
- Vtiči: 3,5 mm vtičnica
Kaj je v škatli?
- 3,5 mm avdio priključek
- Oddaljeno
- Zvočni sistem
- Nizkotonec
- Napajalnik
Stvari, ki so mi všeč
- Excellent sound quality while listening to High definition music through Wi-fi connectivity and streaming from the phone.
- Excellent connection possibilities for a variety of inputs
- Perfect subwoofer/soundbar pairing. The booms are not loud enough to bother your neighbours, though.
- It has a fantastic ‘night mode’ setting that cuts out all lower frequencies. It’s ideal for watching TV shows after everyone else has gone to bed.
Stuff I like less
- Aux Output is a little lacking
- It does not support older devices without an HDMI or arc port.
Where to get it
- View at Polk Audio
3. PreSonus Eris E3.5 BT-3.5 Near Field Studio Monitors
Studio monitors with near-field sound can make for great small space audio
5/5 Read More Reviews Price Range: $Brand: PreSonus
Despite being a compact and inexpensive PreSonus monitor, the Eris 3.5 incorporates some of the design knowledge found in the Eris line’s bigger studio/pro monitors, and it makes for a great audio / home theatre experience in a small space.
You have Kevlar drivers, which is a terrific addition for crisp playback. It also features a strong vinyl-laminated fiberboard housing, which provides a sturdy response while reducing vibration and distortions.
Polk has also included a TRS jack and RCA ports on the rear of the left Eris 3.5 and a headphone out and micro stereo connector (for cellphones and the like).
Because of these connectivity choices, these speakers are an excellent and practical choice for easy music listening.
These small powerhouses are essentially studio speaker duo and not home theatre speakers, but they pack a punch. Perfect for a workstation or room setup when you need to be near to watch a movie or play a game.
Because of the nearfield nature, you receive a lot of sounds up close. Combine with a subwoofer, such as the SVS 3000 Micro subwoofer, and you will be sorted.
It’s worth noting the E5 also made our pick from PreSonus before.
See Price on Amazon…and another 20,271 ReviewsThe Specs
- System type: Bi-Amp (2 x 25W)
- Frequency Response: 80Hz – 20kHz
- Tweeter: 1″ Silk Tweeter
- Driver/Subwoofer: 3.5″ Kevlar
- Connectivity: TRS cable, RCA, and stereo, small jack inputs; headphone output
- Weight: 2.9kg
- Size: 8.30″ x 6.40″ x 5.60″
What’s in the Box?
- Remote
- Audio Jack
- Power Adapter
- 2 x Speakers
Stuff I like
- Balanced sound
- Very realistic sound staging
- The ‘dynamic tuning’ lets you adjust for surroundings
- aux-in on the front
- Professional design that isn’t flashy
- Value for Money
Stuff I like less
- The Bass is decent, although it might be fuller.
- You can’t tilt them (but you could get speaker stands that let you do that)
- Included cables are not that impressive
- Cabinet isn’t the more premium of materials (but the price reflects that and MDF isn’t a bad audio choice).)
Where to get it
- View at Presonus
4:Fluance Elite High Definition 2-Way Speakers
Great, punchy sound with an affordable price tag
4/5 Read More Reviews Price Range: $$Brand: Fluance
I own a set of Fluance Bi-Polar surrounds and love them.
These bookshelf form provides many positioning possibilities. The SX6 speakers generate great sound in a home theatre surround sound application and may function as the front primary or rear surround speakers.
This system blends seamlessly with contemporary living spaces because of its unusual design and superior natural wood finish.
Thanks to the reflective bass cabinet, the SX6 offers exceptional and accurate performance for its tiny dimensions. Only quality materials such as Neodymium tweeters and larger magnets are used in this system.
I have a set of these for surround sound, but they also make great front speakers. The bi-polar speaker design creates a full, surround sound experience in a small space, which is unique. It disperses the sound throughout the area. These are also extremely reasonably priced.
Polymer-Treated 5 Inch Drivers 5-inch high-performance speakers with powerful dimensions offer a dazzling and dramatic low-frequency response. Butyl rubber surrounds improve longevity, efficiency and minimize distortion for a wider dynamic band.
See Price on Amazon…and another 575 ReviewsThe Specs
- Configuration: Two Way – double driver Bookshelf Loudspeakers
- Tweeter: 1 Inch Soft fluid-cooled dome
- Woofer: 5 Inch Polymer Treated Drivers
- Power Output: 40 – 100 Watts
What’s in the Box?
- 2 Loudspeakers
- Instruction Manual
- Warranty Card
- Power Adaptor
Stuff I like
- Relatively inexpensive
- Really nice look to them
- Remarkable size with tremendous Bass
- Superb clarity
- Fantastic build quality
Stuff I like less
- On the bigger size
Where to get it
- See at Fluance
5:Echo Dot + Echo Subwoofer Starter Kit
Stereo sound with some nice bottom end for your smaller areas
4/5 Read More Reviews Price Range: $$Brand: AmazonTL:DR;
If you can get these on special they are a pretty good combination.
In a small space it can help to have nice bottom end and bass without it being too much.
Generally your small space will mean you have neighbours or flatmates/roomies that don’t want to have the walls shaking with bootom end rumbling frequencies.
The Echo Dot anf Echo Subwoofer offer a stereo audio experience with some punch to help take you into the ‘zone’ while listening to music or watching TV and Movies.
See Price on Amazon…and another 13,084 ReviewsThe Specs
- Configuration: 2 x Echo Dot + 1 x Echo Sub
- Echo Subwoofer: 6″ Woofer
- Sub Power: 100W
- Echo Dot: 1.6″ Speaker
- Aux: 3.5mm Aux out on Echo Dot for use with other external speakers
Stuff I like
- All the smart home, smart assistant benefits with stereo sound and bass
- Easily play any music format using voice controls – radio, amazon music, spotify etc
- Easy to set up and pair things via the Alexa App
Stuff I like less
- Echo Dots don’t offer the strongest front facing audio sound stage.
Where to get it
- View on Amazon
There are plenty of studio monitors and smaller 2.1 computer speaker packages that you could consider for audio and home theatre setups in a small space but I feel these options give you more oomph and better sound quality even if they are not 5.1 systems or similar.
Always happy to discuss options you’re looking at. Just comment away below with your questions.