7 najboljših pametnih zvočnikov za vaš pametni dom v letu 2021
Prihodnost pripada internetu stvari (IoT) in AI – zdi se, da se nihče ne strinja s to napovedjo. Ljudje že dosegajo tehnološki vrhunec s sprejemanjem »pametnega« življenjskega sloga.
Po pametnih telefonih in pametnih avtomobilih je pametni dom naslednji veliki mejnik na poti IoT.

Za razliko od pametnih telefonov in avtomobilov pametni dom ni en sam pripomoček ali oprema. Je kombinacija naprav, svetil, električnih vrat, pip, termostatov in drugih naprav z intuitivnim in brezžičnim upravljanjem.
Namesto nakupa celotnega pametnega doma lahko svojo obstoječo hišo dejansko spremenite v eno tako, da ji postopoma dodajate pametne naprave in aparate.
Pametni zvočnik je ena od bistvenih naprav, ki jih potrebujete, če se lotevate naloge spremeniti svoj sladki dom v pametni dom. Njegova glasovna pomoč in funkcije intuitivnega upravljanja naprave vam omogočajo, da začutite pametne in futuristične vibracije v bivalnem prostoru ali kateri koli sobi v hiši. Prek pametnega zvočnika lahko predvajate svojo najljubšo glasbo, prejemate vremensko napoved in najnovejše novice ter upravljate druge pametne naprave.
Vendar pa je hudiča naloga najti dober pametni zvočnik, ko imate preveč možnosti!
Če ste zmedeni, razvajeni zaradi izbire in se ne morete odločiti za najboljše pametne zvočnike za svoj dom, nadaljujte z branjem. Raziskali smo, uvrstili v ožji izbor in pregledali sedem najboljših pametnih zvočnikov, ki so trenutno na voljo na trgu.
Se vam mudi in ne želite prebrskati celotnega članka? Tukaj je vpogled v sedem najboljših pametnih zvočnikov za pametne domove.
- Echo Studio – Pametni zvočnik visoke ločljivosti
- Sonos One (2. generacije) – glasovno voden pametni zvočnik
- Prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose
- Yamaha Audio YAS-209BL Sound Bar
- Brezžični pametni večsobni zvočnik Wi-Fi Marshall Acton II
- Pametni zvočnik Orbi Voice
- Roku Smart Soundbar z vgrajenim predvajalnikom pretočnih medijev 4K
1. Echo Studio - Pametni zvočnik visoke ločljivosti
Seznam začenjamo z Amazonovim Echo Studio, ki na najboljši možen način prikaže pamet in intuicijo zvočnika. Povsem nov Echo je bil pravkar izdan, vendar je Echo Studio brez dvoma še vedno najboljši Amazonov pametni zvočnik.
Echo Studio je hi-fi zvočnik z vgrajenim glasovnim pomočnikom Alexa. Najboljša stvar pri Echo Studio je, da Amazon ni naredil združljivega samo s svojimi izdelki. Poleg Amazon Music lahko predvajate pesmi in podcaste iz Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora in različnih drugih aplikacij za pretakanje.
Da bi bil pravi hi-fi, je Amazon vključil pet zvočnikov v Echo Studio skupaj z Dolby Atmos. Ta nabor funkcij omogoča temu pametnemu zvočniku ustvarjanje poglobljenega zvoka z močnimi basi ter večjo jasnostjo in globino. Zaradi ekspanzivnega zvoka je Echo Studio tudi odlična možnost za uporabo z domačimi kini.
Druga stvar, zaradi katere Echo Studio izstopa med drugimi pametnimi zvočniki, je njegova funkcija prilagajanja. Ne glede na to, kam ga postavite, zvočnik samodejno zazna akustiko prostora in se natančno prilagodi za optimalen zvok.
- Proizvaja prostorski zvok za boljšo izkušnjo poslušanja
- Združljivo tudi z napravami za pametni dom Zigbee
- Odličen zalogaj
- Napajalni kabel je treba kupiti posebej
Glej Echo St u d i o na Amazon
2. Sonos One (Gen 2) – Pametni zvočnik z glasovnim upravljanjem
Drugi izdelek na našem seznamu je še en pametni zvočnik, ki ustreza vsem zahtevam za lastnike stanovanj. Je kompakten pametni zvočnik z vgrajeno Amazon Alexa in se ponaša z briljantnim zvokom. En sam Sonos One je dovolj, da vaš salon napolni z zvokom vrhunske kakovosti. Poleg svojega glasu lahko zvočnik upravljate tudi prek aplikacije Sonos in Apple AirPlay2.
Po drugi strani vam Alex omogoča, da kar najbolje izkoristite 'pamet' naprave. Od preverjanja novic do iskanja najboljše bližnje picerije, Sonos One z Alexom vam bo na voljo. Ta pametni zvočnik nam je všeč tudi zaradi njegove ergonomske oblike. Ne glede na to, ali gre za kuhinjski pult, delovno mizo ali knjižno polico, ga lahko postavite kamor koli.
Proizvajalec je uporabnikom omogočil tudi uporabo Sonos One v parih za ustvarjanje stereo ločitve. Nastavite jih lahko s predvajalnimi palicami in žarki za podrobnejši zvok v domačem kinu.
- Lahek
- Odporen na vlago – lahko se uporablja v kopalnici
- Odlična vrednost za denar
- Ni prenosljiv in ga je mogoče polniti
Glejte Sonos One na Amazon
3. Prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose
Ta prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose vam s svojim inovativnim dizajnom in impresivnim naborom funkcij omogoča, da pokukate v prihodnost. Prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose je sprva videti kot ogromen mikrofon, postavljen narobe. Ta zvočnik se ponaša s peresno lahko konstrukcijo in tehta le dva funta. Ima tudi ročaj na vrhu in deluje do 12 ur z enim polnjenjem.
Vsi ti atributi prenosljivosti vam omogočajo uporabo pametne tehnologije na poti. Bose portable je lahko odlična zabava na izletih na prostem. Proizvajalec je ohranil tudi njegovo konstrukcijo v skladu z uporabo v grobih in težkih pogojih.
Zvočnik je videti eleganten, vendar ima robustno ohišje z oceno vodoodpornosti IPX4. Zato lahko prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose prenese padce, udarce, udarce in brizganje vode, ne da bi se znesel. Naprava je na voljo v dveh osupljivih barvah:Luxe Silver in Triple Black, ki se lahko prilegata kateri koli sodobni in minimalistični notranjosti.
- Ponuja 360-stopinjski globok in realen zvok z močno podlago
- Moguča konstrukcija, a prijetna za oči
- Združljivo z Amazon Alexa in Google Assistant
- Primeren za notranjo in zunanjo uporabo
- Ni ga mogoče uporabiti kot zvočnik telefona
Glejte Prenosni pametni zvočnik Bose na Amazon
4. Yamaha Audio YAS-209BL Sound Bar
Yamaha Audio Store je predstavila odličen večnamenski zvočnik, ki ga lahko uporabljate kot pametni zvočnik in kot stereo sistem vašega domačega kina. Soundbar ima glasovno upravljanje in ima vgrajeno Alexo. Nato zraven dobite tudi nizkotonec za učinek globokih nizkih tonov. Nizkotonec je brezžičen, zato ga lahko priročno postavite kamor koli.
Bar ima popolno minimalistično obliko v črni barvi. Na daleč ne morete ugotoviti, ali gre za pametni zvočnik in stereo sistem. The other great bit about this versatile speaker and stereo system is its DTS virtual integration. The use of this audio processing technique enables the speaker to generate 3D surround sound.
Besides Amazon music, you can access Spotify for its vast library of music and podcasts on the Yamaha Audio Sound Bar. Even if you don’t have internet connectivity, you can enjoy its crisp sound by playing downloaded stuff from your phone via Bluetooth.
- Easy to set up with both HDMI and optical cable
- Comes with its own control app
- Clear voice mode— no subtitle needed
- The subwoofer specs could’ve been better
See Amazon Audio Sound Bar on Amazon
5. Marshall Acton II Wireless Wi-Fi Multi-Room Smart Speaker
If you are looking to strike a perfect balance between modern and retro aesthetics, consider the Acton II Smart Speaker by Marshall. This Wireless smart speaker boasts the classic look of the infamous Marshall amplifier used throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s. This time you also get smart voice control with it.
The speaker features Amazon Alexa so you can play your music and control your other Alexa-enabled smart appliances with your voice command. The speaker features far-field voice recognition technology that ensure the microphone picks up your voice even if you are across the room or music is being played in the background.
We like the classic touch of analog control on the speaker as well. So besides its app, you can adjust sound features (bass, treble, etc.) of Action II by turning the knobs like good old days.
- Features a top handle for convenient carry
- Can be used to create a multi-room sound system
- Great classic design
- A bit heavy on the pocket
See Marshall Acton II on Amazon
6. Orbi Voice Smart Speaker
Orbi has hit it out of the park with its Alexa-powered smart speaker. The speaker is one of the most economical options on the block. On top of that, it also features a Wi-Fi extender that can ensure 2,000 sq-ft consistent coverage of your existing Wi-Fi router.
It is worth mentioning that the extender feature of the speaker has no bearing on its sound quality and smart features. Orbi has used the audio expertise of Harmon Kardon to offer users rich and room-filling sound for a wholesome listening experience.
Amazon Alexa also works seamlessly on the Orbi speaker and lets you control all the smart appliances of your house through voice command.
- Great value for the price
- Sturdy construction and clean design
- Impressive microphone— promptly picks up voice commands
- Wi-Fi extender might not work great with non-Orbi routers
See Orbi Voice Smart Speaker on Amazon
7. Roku Smart Soundbar with built-in 4K Streaming Media Player
We are topping off our list with another soundbar that is also a smart speaker. This device by Roku creates premium sound and is compatible with almost all home entertainment systems. If you want to complement the picture quality of 4K resolution, this Roku Smart Soundbar could be a great option.
The other great thing about this smart speaker is it is not an Alexa-only device. You can also configure it with Google Assistant to control your smart devices.
The other impressive bit about Roku’s smart speaker is its automatic fine-tuning. It optimizes the sound for speech clarity and also takes care of the high pitches of loud commercials. You can also use it on night mode to enjoy the sound without waking up anyone in the house.
- Easily connect to other Roku speakers for stereo sound
- Intuitive sounds settings
- Works with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
- Can’t hook up to cable TV and DVD player
See Roku Smart Soundbar on Amazon
Things to Consider While Buying Smart Speakers for Your Smart Home
Even though the above list offers you enough options to consider, consider these factors if you want to look at more smart speaker models.
Shape and Style
A smart speaker should look the part in your smart home. Smart homes usually boast minimalistic and industrial décor, and, therefore, most smart speakers come in shapes and styles suitable for those visual themes.
However, you can also find classical designs (e.g., Marshall Acton II) that can also serve as a focal point of the given space.
Control Type
Amazon Alexa is undoubtedly the most popular control type in smart speakers for its seamless function and extensive computability. This is also the reason why most speakers on our list are also Alexa-powered. But you are not bound to stick to Alexa devices. If you are team Google, you should get speakers with Google Assistant. Or better yet, get a device that is compatible with both Google and Alexa controls!
You can use a lot smart speakers as a portable Bluetooth speaker as well. However, there are very few wireless speakers that boast good smart features. So, be careful when investing in a portable smart speaker specifically if you want it for this reason. You’ll be super disappointed to purchase one that doesn’t give you the mobility you want.
You will find a range of price points in the smart speaker marketplace. You can easily find a top-of-the-line smart speaker within $200. Paying more than $300 for a smart speaker is possible and audiphiles will lean in this direction.
Getting a smart speaker under $50 is a great way of testing the waters and making sure you like the experience in your house.
Pogosta vprašanja
Which Is Better Voice Assistant:Google or Alexa?
There is not much difference between the two. However, Alex is slightly ahead when it comes to smart controls and Google is quite ahead in intelligent answers and understanding what you ask.
Does Using Alexa Cost Me Anything?
No, Alexa is absolutely free to use through its free app.
What are Smart Speakers are Capable of?
They can play music, answer your questions, and control your smart devices through voice commands.
Is Aux Input given in Smart Speakers?
Some smart speakers have it some don’t. Google Mini don’t have one but the Amazon Echo does.
Our Final Thoughts
We hope that the above reviews, brief buying guide, and FAQs help you settle on the best smart speakers for your smart home. If you are open to suggestions, we would recommend you buy Amazon’s Echo Studio for its all-around features. It boasts a 5-speaker sound system with Dolby Atmos.
It is also self-adaptive and tunes itself in line with the acoustics of the given room or lounge. It is not heavy on the pocket either. If you are looking for portability and multiple control options, Bose Smart Speaker would be a good bet.