Najbolj priljubljeni ledomati za nakup (2022)
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Ste v paniki. Zavedate se, da bi se vsemu temu lahko izognili, če bi imeli led na zahtevo, ne da bi se morali za dolivanje voziti do servo črpalke ali supermarketa. Čas je, da investirate v svoj lasten ledomat!
Postranska opomba: Medtem ko so ledomati na voljo kot namizni, samostoječi in vgradni, naš pregled spodaj zajema samo namizne/prenosne modele, saj so lažje dostopni vsem.
Na tej strani:
- Najboljši ledomati in ledomati za nakup
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- Ali ledomati potrebujejo odtok?
- Ali so ledomati vredni tega?
Najboljši ledomati za nakup leta 2022
Zaokrožili smo nekaj najboljših ledomatov, ki jih lahko kupite na podlagi funkcij, cene in pozitivnih spletnih ocen:
- Ledomat Maxkon 2L:169,99 $ RRP*
- Ledomat Advwin 3,2 L (rdeč):199,99 $ RRP*
- Kogan 3,2-litrski izdelovalec ledu (iz nerjavečega jekla):199 $ RRP*
- Ledomat Morphy Richards 2,8 L:349,95 $ RRP*
- Ledomat Devanti 2,2 L:359,99 $ RRP*
Ledomat Maxkon 2L − 169,69 USD*
Ta Maxkon ledomat je lahek in zelo enostaven za uporabo, kot nalašč za kampiranje ali pisarniško postavitev. Vsakih šest do 13 minut lahko proizvede devet ledenih kock v obliki krogle ali do 12 kg ledu na dan. Izbirate lahko med dvema različnima velikostma ledu (majhen in velik) in opazujete dogajanje čarovnije prek prozornega pokrova. Delovanje je precej preprosto − priključite ga na napajanje, dodajte vodo v vgrajen rezervoar za vodo, dokler ne dosežete črte najvišjega nivoja, izberite velikost ledu in pritisnite gumb VKLOP/IZKLOP na LCD zaslonu. Ta model ima kapaciteto košare za led 0,7 kg.
Ledomat Advwin 3,2 L (rdeč) – 199,99 $*
Če želite dati izjavo na svoji naslednji zabavi in pripraviti led na zahtevo, lahko ta prenosni ledomat Advwin 3,2 L naredi približno 12 kg ledu v samo 24 urah ali devet ledenih kock v obliki krogle vsakih šest minut, če smo natančni – več kot dovolj za božične zabave in družinske žare. Ta model lahko izdela tri različne velikosti ledenih kock (S/M/L) in ima delovanje z enim dotikom – samo dodajte priporočeno količino vode, izberite želeno velikost ledenih kock, pritisnite gumb za vklop in pustite, da se led izdelava se začne. Ima nadzorno ploščo LED s samodejnim alarmom, indikator luči za poln led, okno za opazovanje in odstranljivo košaro za led, ki naenkrat shrani do 0,7 kg ledu. Ta ledomat Advwin ima tudi lastno zajemalko za led in odtočni čep.
Kogan 3,2-litrski aparat za pripravo ledu (nerjaveče jeklo) – 199 $*
Zahvaljujoč temu namiznemu 3,2-litrskemu ledomatu Kogan, ki lahko zamrzne do 15 kg ledu v 24 urah, vam nikoli več ne bo treba kupiti vrečke ledu. Natančneje, vsakih šest minut lahko zamrzne devet kock ledu. Ta model ponuja tudi tri priročne velikosti ledenih kock v obliki krogle (S/M/L), LCD zaslon z nastavljenimi časovniki, senzorje za samodejno pomanjkanje vode in 'poln led', kapaciteto posode za led 1 kg in dodatke, vključno z vedrom in lopato. . Rezervoar za vodo je opremljen s priročnim odtočnim čepom na zadnji strani.
Ledomat Morphy Richards 2,8 L – 349,95 USD*
Ta 2,8-litrski ledomat Morphy Richards z manjšo zmogljivostjo (MRICE15SS) je vaš idealen spremljevalec na pultu za pripravo ledu v trenutku. Vsakih 24 ur lahko izdela devet kock ledu v pičlih sedmih minutah ali 14 kg ledu. Izdeluje lahko led v obliki valja v dveh velikostih in ima 1,8 kg posode za led, ki je dovolj velika za osebno zalogo ali za zabavo doma. Ta model ima tudi nadzorno ploščo, ki je enostavna za uporabo in vas obvesti, kdaj je posoda za led polna ali če morate doliti vodo, veliko okno za opazovanje in vaše standardne dodatke, vključno s košaro za led in zajemalko za led. Ta model nima odtočnega čepa.
Ledomat Devanti 2,2 L – 359,99 USD*
Ta eleganten namizni ledomat Devanti 2,2 L ima elegantno obliko, ki ustreza večini sodobnih domov ali restavracij. Vsakih osem minut lahko naredi devet ledenih kock v obliki krogle, odvisno od temperature vode in okolja. To je enakovredno do 12 kg ledu v 24 urah. Samo napolnite aparat z vodo, ga vklopite in voila! This model features an LED control panel with ‘ice full’ and low water level indicators, a viewing window, a large heat dissipation fan, a water drainage plug, and non-slip feet. This Devanti ice maker is suitable for home and commercial use. An ice scoop is included.
How long do ice makers take to make ice?
Most ice makers can make small batches of ice in under 10 minutes and 12kg-15kg of ice in about 24 hours, which is not too shabby. Ice processing times will vary between models, brands, and power outputs (100W-150W). Just keep in mind that your ice maker will take longer to get its first batch of ice out as the appliance will need time to reach the proper temperature to begin freezing the ice. Once your ice maker has reached the optimum temperate it will churn out ice very quickly.
How much do ice makers cost?
Ice machines can cost anywhere from $300 to $7,000 depending on the size, capacity, brand, whether they’re for personal or commercial use, etc. If you’re on a budget, check out online retailers and third-party sellers like Kogan, Amazon, eBay, and Brands like Devanti, Morphy Richards, and Maxkon are worth considering for affordable ice makers.
What to look out for when buying an ice maker
If you’re seriously considering buying an ice machine for your home, you need to know what to look out for before you settle on a purchase or you risk bypassing a cool buy for a lemon. Here are the main features to look out for when shopping for an ice maker:
- Type of ice maker: Ice makers come in all shapes and sizes – the most common types (and the cheapest) of ice machines are countertop models, but there are also undercounter and freestanding ice makers with bigger capacities (and bigger price tags).
- Ice production (ice-making capacity): Most ice makers can produce 100g-200g of ice in as little as six minutes or more than 10kg of ice in under 24 hours, while some models may take longer. Consider the speed of ice production and volume together.
- Ice selection: Choose an ice maker that can make different-sized ice cubes for iced coffee, drinks, smoothies, snow cones, to keep foods cold on the go, etc. Most models make cylindrical ice as it’s easier to make and more versatile than cubed ice.
- Storage capacity: If you like to entertain or just need ice for special occasions, consider an ice maker with a large enough capacity to accommodate multiple people. Ice bin/basket capacities range from 0.7kg to 2kg for countertop appliances, and go up to 5kg-7kg for freestanding models. Keep in mind we’re talking about storage bin capacity here, NOT to be confused with ice-making capacity (how much ice can be made in any 24-hour period) or water capacity (how much water is needed to make ice).
- Drainage: Most countertop and freestanding ice makers require a drainage line or plug to dispose of the melted ice, while some might recycle that melted ice to make more ice cubes. Be sure to check.
What’s the difference between an ice maker &ice machine?
Broadly speaking, there’s no difference between an ice maker and an ice machine. Both terms are interchangeable and refer to a standalone domestic or industrial appliance that makes ice on demand. However, if we’re getting into the semantics, most people also refer to the part of their refrigerator that makes ice (usually near the water dispenser) as an ice maker and refer to commercial standalone appliances that make ice as an ice machine. In the end, it’s all the same – you get ice on demand.
Read more:Fridges with ice makers &water dispensers
Do ice makers need a drain?
Yes, most ice makers come with a built-in drainage plug or drain line to get rid of any excess water left over from the ice-making process and for when the ice melts. Ice machines produce a fair bit of wastewater, including condensation from the compressor. However, some models feed the melted ice back into the ice maker to be refrozen, while more sophisticated ice makers double as a mini freezer to keep the ice frozen and therefore don’t require a drain line.
Are ice makers worth it?
An ice maker can be worth its weight in gold if you’re looking to free up some freezer space, like to entertain at home, or simply want to ensure you won’t run out of ice at Christmas when shops are closed. However, if the ice cube trays in your fridge are enough for your needs and you prefer to buy ice by the bag, then an ice maker may not be worth the expense.
*Prices taken from respective retailers, correct as of October 2022.
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