Hladilniki z ledomati in avtomati za vodo
Ker so hladilniki bistveni nakup za gospodinjstva, so blagovne znamke iskale diverzifikacijo njihovih funkcij in funkcionalnosti, da bi se ločile od konkurence. S tehnologijo, prijaznostjo do uporabnika in priročnostjo, ki so nekateri največji dejavniki pri novih hladilnikih, so funkcije, kot so ledomati in razpršilniki vode, postale novo bojišče za številne blagovne znamke.
Na današnjem trgu je večina novih modelov – nad določeno ceno – zdaj opremljena z avtomatom za vodo in led, ki družinam omogoča, da dobijo kozarec hladne vode naravnost iz hladilnika, ne da bi odprli vrata – priročna funkcija za tiste, ki pijejo le hladno voda in gospodinjstva, ki se radi zabavajo.
Ker je zdaj na voljo veliko modelov in znamk z razpršilniki za led in vodo, bo iskanje takšnega, ki bo ustrezal vašim gospodinjskim željam in proračunu, odvisno od drugih funkcij. Preberite naš vodnik po hladilnikih z razpršilniki ledu in vode in ugotovite, kaj lahko dobite za svoj denar.
Hladilniki z avtomati za vodo in led
Te blagovne znamke trenutno ponujajo hladilnike z avtomati za vodo in led:
- Bosch
- Electrolux
- Fisher &Paykel
- Haier
- Hisense
- LG
- Samsung
- Smeg
- Westinghouse
Bosch, poznan v številnih panogah, je razširil svoje delovanje s prvotne avtomobilske dediščine na gospodinjske aparate. Med njegovim širokim naborom izdelkov je skromen hladilnik, vključno s spodnjim in zgornjim modelom, ter priljubljeni vzporedni sistemi, ki so na voljo za vse velikosti gospodinjstev, ne glede na to, koliko lačnih ust morate nahraniti.
Razpršilniki vode niso na voljo pri nekaterih modelih, pri čemer sta hladilnika Serie 6 in Serie 8 najboljša možnost za tiste, ki sledijo tej funkciji. Obe seriji imata nabor dodatnih funkcij in funkcij, vključno s tehnologijo VitaFresh Plus, ki bo vaše sadje in zelenjavo ohranila svežo dvakrat dlje, kot pravi Bosch, ter tehnologijo NoFrost.
Zmogljivosti se razlikujejo med modeli, vendar je Bosch morda dobra izbira za vaše gospodinjstvo, ne glede na to, koliko prostora potrebujete za živila.
- Boschevi modeli pogosto vključujejo tudi upravljanje TouchControl, ki vam pomaga nastaviti temperaturo in druge funkcije.
Electrolux je globalno podjetje za naprave z blagovnimi znamkami, kot so AEG, Anova, Frigidaire, Westinghouse in Zanussi. Če iščete hladilnik s funkcijo za pripravo ledu in točenje vode, jih boste našli več v seriji francoskih vrat, pa tudi v nekaterih pokončnih in spodnjih modelih.
Electrolux je svoje razpršilnike za vodo zasnoval tako, da so "ultra tanki" in večina ponuja stalno hladno filtrirano vodo ter kocke in zdrobljen led s pritiskom na gumb. To bo koristno na zabavah!
- Hladilniki Electrolux ponujajo druge izvrstne funkcije, kot sta predelek za shranjevanje SnackZone (za ohranjanje svežine prigrizkov) in posoda za zelenjavo TasteLock.
Fisher &Paykel
Fisher &Paykel je že dolgo cenjena blagovna znamka v skupnosti gospodinjskih aparatov, z leti v industriji in širokim naborom izdelkov, zaradi česar je priljubljena izbira za mnoge potrošnike. S številnimi razpoložljivimi hladilniki, vključno z integriranimi hladilniki s francoskimi vrati, spodnjimi modeli in modeli, ki stojijo drug ob drugem, ponuja Fisher &Paykel potrošnikom veliko možnosti za tiste, ki potrebujejo avtomat za vodo in led, pri čemer je funkcija na voljo pri večini modelov. vrste.
Medtem ko bo imel Fisher &Paykel razpršilnik za vodo in led na voljo pri vsaj enem modelu na serijo, bodo morali potrošniki pogledati druge značilnosti hladilnika, preden se odločijo, s katerim bodo odšli ven. Če iščete izdelovalec ledu, pa postane ponudba precej manjša, čeprav ima vsaka vrsta hladilnika nekaj možnosti za potrošnike.
- Ledomati Fisher &Paykel so zasnovani v namenskem zamrzovalnem predalu, ki ga je mogoče izklopiti, da povečate prostor zamrzovalnika.
Haier je najbolj znan po nizu poceni gospodinjskih, kuhalnih in pralnih aparatov. Blagovna znamka za svoje hladilnike uporablja FresherTechs (nabor hladilnih tehnologij), da se vsa različna živila v vašem hladilniku optimalno ohranijo, hkrati pa ohranijo svojo hranilno vrednost, videz in okus.
For models with ice and water dispensers, Haier only offers a few, but at very reasonable price points, from $1,199 for a bottom mount model. Some models also come with a refillable water dispenser, which removes the need to connect a water pipe to the unit. Plumbing-free fridges typically use a water tank to make ice and water.
- Haier fridges come with a 24-month parts and labour manufacturer’s warranty for extra peace of mind.
Offering a cheaper option for consumers, Hisense still has a large range of fridge varieties and models to suit all household sizes and preferences, with French door, side-by-side, top and bottom-mounted fridges all available in a range of capacity sizes and finishes.
If the water dispenser and ice maker are the only defining parameters you’re interested in, then Hisense will be able to meet your requirements, with models across the entire range coming with the features. The water dispensers are less common though, with the French door range most likely to have what you desire.
Other common features from Hisense models include LED displays with touch control, a super freeze function to keep the ice cream from melting on those hot days, as well as interior, LED lighting to help with those late night fridge raids.
- All Hisense fridges come with a three-year warranty.
- Hisense’s ice makers are all moveable twist units, allowing for easy access.
A heavyweight of the home appliance and electronics markets, LG has a variety of fridges available for Australian consumers to choose from, with all styles and capacities catered for.
LG’s fridge range includes both bottom and top-mounted fridges, as well as the popular side-by-side and French door models, with integrated fridges also available to suit your kitchen aesthetic. Capacities also range from 223L up to 906L, with each available in a range of colours and finishes, including stainless steel models.
For those after a water dispenser, the majority of LG’s French door range contains the feature, with LG catering for users by expanding the dispenser to fit a water bottle size container. Additionally, LG also offers digital controls for easier filling, as well as a childlock to prevent spills.
- LG also offers a Slim Indoor Ice Maker, allowing for more freezer space for households, with the ice maker built into the fridge door.
An electronics company that has been making moves into the home appliance market, Samsung has become an increasingly popular choice for households, with technological features making the simple fridge exciting to use.
Samsung has a wide range of fridges to suit all kitchen styles and needs, with French door, side-by-side and traditional models now available. All Samsung fridges come with Twin Cooling, allowing for regular cooling airflow throughout the fridge, keeping your food fresh and cold. The higher-end models also offer the Family Hub feature, which is a display set up on the fridge door, allowing households to leave notes, order groceries as well as search the internet for recipes.
- Some Samsung models won’t have an ice maker but will have an ice dispenser, meaning you can still cool your drink without limiting your freezer space.
Italian brand Smeg is renowned for its 50s retro-style appliances, including toasters, kettles, coffee machines, plus more. Its refrigerator range features retro-chic models in freestanding, single door and fridge freezer combined options. Smeg also offers two fridges with an ice and water dispenser, although these will set you back upwards of $4,000. Both have the ice and water dispenser located in the fridge door, allowing for an easily fill up of chilled filtered water as well as cubed or crushed ice. The fridge’s digital control display is also located on the front panel where you can set the temperature of the fridge and freezer sections.
- Smeg fridges all feature a two-year manufacturer’s warranty, which covers labour and parts, plus standard wear and tear faults.
Westinghouse is a common name in appliances, with the company providing possibly the largest fridge range on the market for Aussie consumers to check out. Offering all types of finishes to suit your kitchen’s aesthetic, Westinghouse also offers a wide variety of large-capacity models for larger households.
For those after water and ice dispensers, the French door model may be the best option to consider, as there is more variety in terms of capacities and functions. Otherwise, consumers will still be able to grab a cold glass of water from Westinghouse’s bottom-mounted models.
- Other Westinghouse features include adjustable door shelves, as well as adjustable crispers to help keep your fruit and veggies fresh.
- For those after just a fridge unit, Westinghouse also provide Vertical Fridges, which are essentially the same size as a fridge and freezer, just without the freezer component.
Looking for more product reviews?
- Are Kelvinator refrigerators worth buying?
- Hisense refrigerators review &guide
- Westinghouse refrigerators review
- Electrolux refrigerators review
Is a water dispenser &ice maker worth the money?
Water dispensers and ice makers are handy features to have, as they not only allow your family and guests to keep cool during those hot days, but they may also help you save energy in the long run, as there is no need to open the fridge door and allow the cool air to escape.
However, there are a few things to note before you set your heart on a water dispenser and ice maker:
- Some water dispensers will require plumbing installation to work, meaning you may have to fork over more cash than you were expecting in order to properly set up your fridge
- Depending on what water lines you’re connected to, you may need to also install a filter within your fridge, which will cost extra and have to be replaced and maintained
- Ice makers are handy but will take up space in your freezer, which could leave you playing Tetris every time you go grocery shopping
If the only parameters you have for purchasing a new fridge are the water dispenser and ice maker, you may find the whole process confusing and stressful as fridges have evolved to offer more for households to use and enjoy. Capacity, energy efficiency, adjustable storage space, and even display screens are all available across a range of models and brands, meaning that it’s best to do your research before you purchase.
However, if you’re up to the task, there are plenty of brands and models available with water dispensers and ice makers, meaning you’ll have plenty to choose from.