Vodnik za nakup aparata za vaflje
Ko gre za mizo za zajtrk, ni veliko stvari, ki bi lahko hitreje zapolnile sedeže kot obljuba vafljev. Kljub temu, da je sladek način za začetek dneva, obstaja velika verjetnost, da se veliko gospodinjstev sooči z isto težavo, ko pride do nevihte v kuhinji – nimajo pekača za vaflje.
Čeprav ni tako pomemben kot hladilnik ali mikrovalovna pečica, ko gre za kuhinjske aparate, si je izdelovalec vafljev ustvaril ime, saj tako kulinarični mojstri kot novinci želijo razširiti svoja obzorja mimo tradicionalnega zelenjave na toastu ali jutrih s kosmiči, kar pomeni, da obstaja veliko apetita tam zunaj. Kam pa se obrniti, če želite dobiti najboljši pekač za vaflje po ceni, ki vam ne bo spustila trebuha? V tem vodniku Canstar Blue ugotovite, kje začeti iskati.
Vrste pekačev za vaflje
Pekač za vaflje je na voljo v vseh oblikah, velikostih in slogih. Toda ne glede na to, ali iščete klasični okrogli pekač za vaflje, keramični pekač za vaflje ali pekač za vaflje, je naprava običajno izdelana kot eno od naslednjega:
- Standardni pekač za vaflje: leži ravno na kuhinjski klopi in pogostejša različica, ki jo boste našli v domovih.
- Flip aparat za vaflje: leži nekoliko dvignjeno od pulta in ima ročaj, ki je zasnovan za obračanje aparata za 180 stopinj. Vrteče gibanje omogoča, da se testo razširi in usede na zgornjih krožnikih, namesto da pade naravnost z žlice na spodnje krožnike pekača za vaflje.
Torej, kateri pekač za vaflje je najbolje kupiti? Preklopni pekač za vaflje je uporaben, če ugotovite, da testo na koncu vedno ustvari nekaj grudic, ko ga vlijete na vročo površino, toda standardni pekač za vaflje bi bil v redu, če se prvič podajate v svet izdelave vafljev čas. Če ste prvi kupec, berite naprej, če želite izvedeti, na kaj morate biti pozorni, da boste domov odnesli tisto, kar najbolj ustreza vašim potrebam.
Na kaj morate biti pozorni pri nakupu pekača za vaflje
Waffle makers are available in a number of shapes and sizes, meaning that you can either create an absolute masterpiece, or something that’s a bit more bite sized. Additionally, how much storage space you have in the cupboard will impact on which model you take home, as a square-shaped model may fit better than a rounded model.
Waffle style
Belgian waffles tend to be larger and thicker than your average American version, so you might need to consider purchasing a Belgian waffle maker if you’re looking for a strong base to put plenty of ice cream on top. Brands also offer templates for donuts and other types of foods capable of being cooked in the multi-functional appliance. You can also find waffle makers designed to produce specifically recognisable images, such as Mickey Mouse or the Death Star from Star Wars, meaning it may be worth considering if you have kids.
Digital timer
Are you someone who burns toast? Make mornings easier by picking up a waffle maker with a built-in digital timer. This could help save you from a burnt breakfast by letting you know when the appliance thinks your waffle is ready.
Popular waffle makers in Australia
Since you now have some idea of what to look for when buying a waffle maker, we’ll stop ‘waffling on’ and show you some of the most popular models in Australia. Check out the products below to see which waffle makers Appliances Online claims to be the hottest models to ‘snag’… which coincidentally also makes a tasty partner to the waffle. Plus, there are some affordable picks from Kmart, ALDI and Target.
Waffle maker | Price (RRP) |
Target Waffle Maker | $15* |
Kmart Waffle Maker | $29* |
ALDI Waffle Maker | $29.99* |
Tefal Sandwich and Waffle Maker | $108* |
Cuisinart Waffle Maker – 4 Slices | $139* |
Breville No-Mess Waffle Maker | $179.95* |
Breville Smart Waffle Maker | $179.95* |
Prices taken from brand’s websites and Appliance Online, August 2019.
Target Waffle Maker
It seems Target aims to keep breakfast simple with its own cheap non-stick waffle maker. This appliance features a safety catch on the handle and a supposedly compact design for easy storage, along with non-stick cooking plates, making breakfast time easy to prepare for and clean. As one of the more affordable options on the market, the Target Waffle Maker may be your best bet if you’re looking to treat yourself to a tasty breakfast without breaking the bank.
- RRP:$15*
Kmart Waffle Maker
While the Kmart Waffle Maker might sit in the shadows of its more popular siblings, including the $89 espresso coffee machine or the budget cult-favourite that is the Kmart pie maker, it still offers plenty to be excited about. Features include an adjustable temperature controller, allowing you to try your hand at a few different recipes – if you’re feeling adventurous. Bacon and potato gem waffles, anyone? The Kmart waffle maker also contains non-stick cooking plates and a cool touch handle for safe use. There’s also a rotary feature to apparently smooth down lumps and bumps as well as ensure the batter spreads evenly.
- RRP:$29*
ALDI Waffle Maker
ALDI is the all-you-can-eat buffet of the supermarket world, so it’s unsurprising to see the brand include waffle makers on its diverse platter. Unfortunately though, the appliance is a seasonal ‘Special Buy’ and is only available for a short time during the year. But if you can get your hands on this hot item, previous releases suggest you can expect four easy-to-cut sections and 180° flip design for even cooking. The ALDI waffle maker also comes with non-stick plates, adjustable temperature control and a one-year warranty.
- RRP:$29.99*
Tefal Sandwich and Waffle Maker
If you prefer multi-functional appliances, the Tefal Sandwich and Waffle Maker might be something you’ll want to eat up. The 12 different interchangeable plates will allow you to cook a range of dishes, including mini bagels, donuts, turnovers, pancakes, paninis, wafers, bars — and of course sandwiches and waffles. This Tefal waffle maker also comes with recipe books, meaning you’ll never be stuck for ideas when it comes to dinner time.
- RRP:$108*
Cuisinart Waffle Maker – 4 Slices
For days when cooking one waffle at a time isn’t enough to tame the hungry beast within you, products like the Cuisinart Waffle Maker – 4 Slices, might save the day. Able to bake FOUR one-inch deep Belgian waffles on its non-stick baking plates, the Cuisinart model also contains five customisable options to suit different cravings if you’re looking for something more than just a traditional waffle. The Cuisinart waffle maker also has a green indicator light, cutting down on how many burnt meals you’ll eat.
- RRP:$139*
Breville No-Mess Waffle Maker
If you’re someone who can’t put a price on a tidy kitchen, consider Breville’s ‘No-Mess’ Waffle Maker. The high-end appliance may not come with bluebirds and baby deer to clean up the kitchen, but it does feature a non-stick surface and a ‘moat’ to prevent excess batter from spilling onto your bench… The product also offers seven settings for browning control, which allows you to choose between light and fluffy or golden and crispy waffles. Plus, Breville claims the waffle maker distributes heat evenly to avoid finding crispy edges and raw batter pockets, helping you to make your waffles the talk of the breakfast table.
- RRP:$179.95*
Breville Smart Waffle Maker
Another option from Breville is the Smart Waffle Maker, which retails for $179.95. Including smart technology to automatically calculate the correct cooking type for the specific style of waffle you’re craving, the Smart Waffle Maker may be your new best friend if you like your waffles just right. The timer and process indicator will immediately start counting down once the lid is closed, just before the LCD changes to orange to let you know the cooking cycle has started.
- RRP:$179.95*
Got a sweet spot for waffles and other kitchen appliances? From fridges and ovens, to slow cookers and air fryers, check out our ratings and reviews on a variety of appliances via the link below.
Picture credits:ratuszynski photography/shutterstock.com, Prapasri T/shutterstock.com, Arina P Habich/shutterstock.com, Irishasel/shutterstock.com, Pixel-Shot/shutterstock.com
*Prices taken from Appliances Online and respective retailers, correct as of September 2019