Kako združiti dva zvočna vira v eno slušalko?
Kaj pa, če bi lahko združili zvok iz dveh različnih zvočnih virov v eno slušalko? To bi vam omogočilo, da poslušate oba zvočna toka hkrati, ne da bi morali preklapljati med njima.
Recimo, da imate na primer igralno konzolo in med igranjem želite poslušati zvočne podcaste tudi iz svojega računalnika. Kako lahko združite zvok iz igralne konzole in računalnika v en komplet slušalk? Morda igrate kitaro in želite združiti zvok kitare in pesmi, ki jih igrate.
Najlažji način za združevanje dveh zvočnih virov v eni slušalki je uporaba stereo mešalne mize. Poceni rabljeno mešalno mizo lahko dobite v lokalni avdio trgovini ali v lokalnih oglasnikih.
Kako združiti dva vira zvoka v eno slušalko (dva vira, ena slušalka)
Slušalke z dvema viroma zvoka omogočajo poslušalcu preklapljanje med dvema različnima viroma zvoka, kot sta telefonski klic in glasba.
To je lahko koristno za ljudi, ki morajo hkrati ostati povezani s svojim delom in zasebnim življenjem.
Dva zvočna izhoda združite v enega:
Obstaja nekaj različnih načinov za nastavitev slušalk z dvema viroma zvoka:
1. možnost:uporaba mešalnika
Eden preprostih načinov združevanja dveh zvočnih virov v eno slušalko je uporaba preprostega mešalnika. Poceni rabljene mešalne mize Behringer lahko dobite v vaši lokalni avdio trgovini ali na lokalnih oglasnikih.
Zagotoviti morate le, da mešalna miza ponuja dva stereo kanala (ne nabavite mono mešalne mize!). Dober primer je Rolls MX42 Stereo Mini Mixer, ki je na voljo na Amazonu.

Mešalnik vam omogoča nadzor ravni zvoka vsakega zvočnega vira in vključuje tudi izhod, tako da lahko slišite oba zvočna vira hkrati.
Vse kar morate storiti je, da priključite izhod za slušalke največ dveh naprav z eno slušalko. Če nadaljujemo s prejšnjim primerom, če želite med poslušanjem podcasta igrati igro na konzoli, lahko konzolo in računalnik priključite na mešalno mizo in imate en izhod za slušalke.
2. možnost:uporaba razdelilnika za slušalke
Razdelilnik za slušalke je naprava, ki je zasnovana za pošiljanje signala iz enega zvočnega vira na več izhodov (npr. več slušalk). Vendar pa ga lahko uporabite tudi za pretvorbo več zvočnih virov v en sam izhod. Dober primer je Amazon Basics 5-Way Multi Headphone Splitter.

Vendar pa morate biti pri tem previdni, saj lahko energija iz ene naprave steče nazaj v drugo in poškoduje vaše naprave. Z drugimi besedami, lahko poskušate drug drugega voziti.
Prepričajte se, da so naprave, ki jih uporabljate, naprave z nizko porabo energije ali da imajo vezje, ki preprečuje, da bi ena poganjala drugo. Vse kar morate storiti je, da dodate nekaj upora med vsakim virom in razdelilnikom. Vendar pa bo zmanjšal glasnost in morda ne bo zvok dober.
Za to vrhunsko delo potrebujete tudi dodatne kable 1/8″, za »miksanje« pa bi uporabili gumbe za glasnost na posameznih elementih.
3. možnost: Uporaba razdelilnega kabla
Eden od načinov je uporaba razdelilnega kabla, ki signal razdeli na dva ločena kabla. S temi zvočnimi kabli lahko standardne slušalke z mikrofonom in ušesnimi čepki mobilnega telefona povežete z ločenimi avdio vhodi in izhodi s samo enimi vrati.
Čeprav vam ti kabli omogočajo povezavo dveh zvočnih virov, je njuno kombiniranje hkrati lahko tvegano. Lahko pa zaporedno povežete majhen upor od 10 do 30 ohmov, da zmanjšate tok, če nameravate doseči največjo glasnost.
4. možnost: Dvojni priključek za slušalke
Všeč mi je ta kul pripomoček. Zdi se mi zelo lepo. Ima vgrajena dva ločena 3,5 m priključka, ki sta končno dodala le en izhod. Predstavljen z razdeljenimi avdio sistemi, priročen za glasbo ali filme, super kakovost zvoka, eleganten in kompakten ter univerzalna združljivost.
Razdeljen zvok: Zvok lahko poslušate v 1 prenosni napravi iz 2 stereo zvočnikov ali slušalk s 3,5 mm moškim na 3,5 mm ženskim zvočnim razdelilnikom.
5. možnost: Zunanji USB stereo zvočni adapter
Zunanji zvočni vmesnik je najcenejša možnost in je dobra možnost. Če vaš računalnik nima vgrajenega vhoda za zvok, ga v računalniku ni. V tem primeru potrebujete dva od teh adapterjev.
RAZPRODAJA!! SABRENT USB zunanji stereo zvočni adapter za...Poleg adapterjev boste potrebovali tudi dva ⅛” stereo TRS kabla (aux kabla) za vhodne priključke.
Vendar pa s temi adapterji še vedno potrebujete brezplačno programsko opremo za mešanje zvoka za mešanje dveh zvočnih virov skupaj in spremljanje izhoda v slušalke.
6. možnost: Uporaba adapterja za slušalke
Drug način je uporaba adapterja za vhod za slušalke, ki pretvori en vhod za slušalke v dva vhoda.
Večina slušalk z dvema viroma zvoka je opremljena z razdelilnim kablom ali adapterjem za vhod za slušalke.
If your headphones don’t come with one of these accessories, you can purchase them separately online or at your local electronics store.
Option 7: Using an Amplifier
You can also join two audio sources by using an amplifier. An amplifier will increase the sound level of both audio sources so that they are both audible at the same time.
This is a great option if you want to play both audio sources at the same volume.
An amplifier will amplify the signals from both tracks and merge them into one signal. This merged signal can then be sent to a single speaker or output device.
Option 8: Using Software
You can use software to combine two audio tracks into one. There are a number of different software options available, and most of them are free or very low cost.
Some software options will allow you to cut and fade audio, while others will only let you combine two tracks.
Combining two audio tracks with software is very similar to the process of creating a mixed CD of songs from different albums. You can import or “rip” music from CDs, and then apply special effects like cross-fading and equalization.
Option 9: 2 Optical Inputs into 1
If you are using devices with optical outputs, then you can use a two to one optical converter. This device will allow you to connect two optical devices into one optical output.
【Upgraded】 ZEXMTE Optical Fiber Splitter 1 in...With this device, you can connect one optical audio source to two audio signals. In addition, it supports 1 male input to 2 female output.
Option 10: Do It Yourself
Now if you have good experience with electronics, you can actually create this circuitry yourself. This setup is relatively easy and involves some basic circuitry and some op-amps. You can also use transistors instead.
To create an inverting mixer, all you need is to connect up a single opamp (like the 4556 or TLE2062 ) and some resistors.
In addition, a symmetrical power supply is recommended, but it can be done with single supply.
How to Combine Two Audio Inputs into One in Windows 10
Before we even get into it, a cheap option is to run line-out from one computer to line-in on the other computer. This allows the computers to share the same headphones without and will prevent any ‘driving’ issues.
Windows 10 has a built-in feature that allows you to combine two audio inputs into one. This can be helpful if you want to watch a movie or listen to music with someone else and don’t want to use two separate devices.
Here’s How To Do It:
1. Open the Windows 10 Sound settings by clicking on the Start button and typing “sound.”
2. Under the Playback tab, click on the “Combine” button next to the “Multiple displays” heading.
3. Select the input you want to use from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on the “Apply” button, then close the window.
Multi-Source Headphones (Multiple-input Headphones)
Multi-source headphones allow users to simultaneously listen to multiple audio sources, usually through two or more earpieces.
This allows for people to listen to different audio sources at the same time, such as listening to music while talking on the phone.
Multi-source headphones can also be used in a work setting, where one person can listen to a meeting call while another person is working on a project.
Multi-Source Headphones Come in Two Main Types:
- Wireless technology
- Wired technology
Wireless multi-source headphones use Bluetooth or other wireless technologies to communicate with devices, whereas wired multi-source headphones connect directly to devices using a cable. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages.
Wireless multi-source headphones are typically more expensive than wired multi-source headphones, but they can also be more comfortable since they weigh less. They’re easy to use and provide good quality sound.
However, the volume of wireless multi-source headphones is limited by interference from obstacles or other electronic equipment in the area. As well, their frequency response is typically not as wide as wired variants.
Wired multi-source headphones may be more reliable than wireless units since there are no problems with interference. They don’t have a battery that needs to be recharged constantly and they produce a higher quality sound.
This is because their frequency response can go beyond 20kHz instead of being limited by Bluetooth technology. Wired models are also usually cheaper than wireless options.
How to Combine Audio from Two Computers?
There are a few ways to combine audio from two computers. One way is to use an audio mixer. Another way is to use software that allows you to merge the audio files together.
Option 1:Using an Audio Mixer
If you want to use an audio mixer, you will need two adapters- one for each computer. The adapters will allow you to connect the two computers together so that you can mix the audio files. You will also need an audio cable to connect the mixer to your speakers or headphones.
Option 2:Using Software
If you want to use software to merge the audio files, there are a few options available. One option is Audacity, which is free software that can be downloaded online.
Another option is GarageBand, which is part of the iLife suite of software that comes with new Mac computers.
How to Combine Two Audio Jacks into One
There are a few ways that you can combine two audio jacks into one:
Option 1:Using a Y-cable
One way is to use a Y-cable. A Y-cable has three connectors:two for the audio jacks and one for the microphone jack. This type of cable splits the signal evenly between the two audio jacks.
Option 2:Using an Adapter
Another way to combine two audio jacks is to use an adapter. There are a variety of adapters available, such as a 3.5mm stereo adapter or a 6.3mm stereo adapter. These adapters allow you to connect two different types of audio cables together.
Option 3:Using a Splitter
You can also use a splitter. A splitter takes one input and it into two outputs. This is useful when you want to take one input and share it between two sets of speakers.
How to Combine Two Audio Inputs into One Online
There are a few ways to combine two audio inputs into one online. One way is to use an online mixer. Another way is to use an online audio editor.
Online Mixer
An online mixer is a web-based application that allows you to mix together two or more audio tracks.
This can be useful for podcasting, remixing, and more. There are a variety of online mixers available, so be sure to do your research before choosing one.
Online Audio Editor
An online audio editor is another option for combining two audio tracks. This type of editor typically allows you to edit the individual tracks, as well as the overall mix.
Some editors also allow you to add effects and other modifications. Again be sure to do your research before choosing an editor.
Now that you know how to combine two audio sources into one headphone, go ahead and try it out. You may find that this is a great way to customize your audio experience, and it can be especially useful if you want to share music or watch a movie with someone else.
Just be sure to use headphones that have a separate volume control for each audio source, so you can adjust the levels independently.