Recenzije najboljših leč Vivitar (Vodnik za nakup)
Vivitar je podjetje, ki obstaja že kar nekaj časa in so njegove leče med najbolj priljubljenimi na trgu.
Številni fotografi obožujejo objektive Vivitar zaradi številnih funkcij in široke palete goriščnih razdalj in zaslonk, med katerimi lahko izbirate.
V tej objavi si bomo ogledali nekaj najboljših leč Vivitar na trgu ter nekaj prednosti in slabosti vsake leče, da se boste lažje odločili, katera je najboljša za vaše potrebe.
Zagotovili vam bomo tudi vodnik za nakup, ki vam bo olajšal stvari.
Ne glede na to, ali ste fotograf začetnik ali izkušen profesionalec, preberite o najboljših ocenah objektivov Vivitar.
Najboljše leče Vivitar

Objektiv Vivitar 8 mm f/3.5 Fisheye (za fotoaparate Canon Eos)
Objektiv Vivitar 8 mm f/3,5 Fisheye je dobra izbira za fotografe, ki želijo zajemati širokokotne posnetke.
Ta objektiv ima razpon ostrenja 3,5 čevljev in vidno polje 180 stopinj.
- Največja goriščna razdalja 8 mm
- Ročno ostrenje
- Vrsta leče:ribje oko
- Zaslonka F3,5
- Namestitev Canon F
- Ni mogoče povečati
- Zaslonka:največja:f/3,5, najmanjša:f/22
- Goriščna razdalja:8 mm
- Velikost formata APS-C
- Zorni kot:180 stopinj
- Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja:0,30 m Appx (11,81″)
- Mere paketa:približno 7,8 x 5,2 x 4,1 palca
- Teža:1,6 funta
Goriščna razdalja 8 mm je zelo širok vidni kot, zaslonka f/3,5 pa omogoča, da v fotoaparat vstopi veliko svetlobe, zaradi česar je odličen za situacije pri šibki svetlobi.
Ročno ostrenje omogoča uporabniku nadzor ostrenja objektiva, učinek ribjega očesa pa daje sliki popačen, ukrivljen videz.
Nastavek Canon F je vrsta nastavka za objektiv, ki ga uporabljajo fotoaparati Canon, objektiva pa ni mogoče povečati, kar pomeni, da ga ni mogoče povečati ali pomanjšati.
- Objektiv Vivitar 8 mm f/3,5 Fisheye je dober objektiv za vse, ki želijo zajemati ultraširokokotne posnetke.
- Ta objektiv ima razpon ostrenja od 3,5 čevljev do neskončnosti, kar je odlično za zajemanje posnetkov od blizu ali posnetkov oddaljenih predmetov.
- Vidno polje 180 stopinj je odlično tudi za zajemanje velikih skupin ali pokrajin.
- Kakovost izdelave tega objektiva je zelo dobra, priložena sta mu torbica in pokrovček za objektiv.
- Ta objektiv ima ročno dolžino ostrenja, kar vam omogoča večji nadzor nad vašimi posnetki.
- Zaslonka F3,5 omogoča odlično delovanje pri šibki svetlobi.
- Nastavek Canon EF je združljiv z večino fotoaparatov DSLR Canon.
- Večslojni premaz za zmanjšanje bleščanja
- Priložena sta torbica in pokrovček za objektiv
- Priložena je garancija
- Nekateri uporabniki so poročali, da ta objektiv povzroča nekaj popačenj okoli robov okvirja.
- Samodejnega ostrenja ni mogoče.
Vivitar 8MM Ultra-Wide F/3.5 objektiv ribje oko za Nikon
Objektiv Vivitar 8 mm Ultra-Wide f/3.5 Fisheye za Nikon je odlična možnost za fotografe, ki želijo posneti ultraširokokotne posnetke s svojim fotoaparatom Nikon DSLR.
Ta objektiv ima razpon ostrenja od 3,5 čevljev do neskončnosti in vidno polje 180 stopinj.
- Vrsta leče:ribje oko
- Goriščna razdalja:8 mm
- Ročna dolžina ostrenja
- Največja zaslonka:f/3,5
- Najmanjša zaslonka:f/22
- Zorni kot:180 stopinj
- Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja:(30,48 cm) pribl. 12″
- Velikost filtra:N/A
- Mere izdelka:2,6 palca v premeru, 3,1 palca v dolžino
- Dimenzija paketa:8,5 x 4,8 x 1,8 palca
- Teža:1,6 funta
- Vrsta nastavka za fotoaparat:Canon EF
- Največji format APS-C
Objektiv Vivitar 8MM Ultra-Wide F/3.5 Fisheye je odličen za začetek za vsakogar, ki se želi ukvarjati s fotografijo.
Ta objektiv ima dolžino ročnega ostrenja, kar vam omogoča popolno ostrenje za vaše posnetke.
Največja zaslonka f/3,5 je odlična za razmere pri šibki svetlobi, najmanjša zaslonka f/22 pa je popolna za ostre in podrobne posnetke.
Vidni kot 180 stopinj je popoln za zajemanje širokih posnetkov, najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 30,48 cm (12 palcev) pa je odlična za fotografiranje od blizu.
Zaradi dimenzij 2,6 palca v premeru in 3,1 palca v dolžino je ta objektiv popolne velikosti za prenašanje s seboj.
Tudi teža 1,6 funta je zelo obvladljiva, zaradi česar lahko ta objektiv enostavno nosite s seboj, kamor koli greste.
- Idealen je za zajemanje ultraširokokotnih posnetkov.
- odlično delovanje pri šibki svetlobi
- odlična kakovost slike
- široko vidno polje
- omogoča fotografiranje od blizu
- Objektiv je zelo kompakten in lahek.
- Večslojni premaz za zmanjšanje bleščanja.
- Vivitar 8 mm Ultra-Wide f/3.5 Fisheye objektiv za Nikon nima velikosti filtra, zato filtrov ni mogoče uporabiti s tem objektivom.
Vivitar 8MM F/3.5 Professional ultra širokokotni asferični objektiv ribje oko za Canon
S svojim močnim popačenjem objektiv Vivitar 8 mm f/3,5 Fisheye omogoča ustvarjanje edinstvenih fotografskih učinkov.
S 167-stopinjskim vidnim poljem je to eden najširokokotnih objektivov, ki so na voljo za fotoaparate Canon EOS, njegov asferični element pa zmanjša sferično aberacijo in komo za izboljšano jasnost.
Poleg tega ima ta objektiv najmanjšo razdaljo ostrenja približno 11,8" za večjo vsestranskost.
- Vrsta leče:ribje oko
- Asferična leča
- Ultra širokokotni
- Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja:0,3 m (pribl. 11,81 palca)
- Velikost filtra:ni na voljo
- Največja goriščna razdalja:8 mm
- Največja zaslonka:f/3,5
- Zorni kot:167 stopinj
- Najmanjša razdalja streljanja:12 palcev / 30 cm
- Dimenzija paketa:10,31 x 8,5 x 6,81 palcev
- Teža:2,98 funta
Vivitar 8MM F/3.5 Professional Ultra Wide Angle Aspherical Fisheye Lens je odlična izbira za vse, ki iščejo širokokotne leče z visoko stopnjo popačenja.
Ta objektiv je še posebej uporaben za zajemanje pokrajin ali mestnih pokrajin, saj omogoča zajemanje zelo širokega vidnega polja.
Asferična zasnova leče pomaga zmanjšati popačenje in izboljša kakovost slike, medtem ko vam ultraširokokotna zasnova omogoča, da v okvir zajamete več prizora.
Najmanjša razdalja ostrenja 0,3 m (11,81 palca) je tudi v pomoč pri približevanju motivu.
- Asferična leča za zmanjšano popačenje
- Leča ribje oko za široko vidno polje
- Izjemno širok kot za večjo pokritost
- Relativno počasna največja zaslonka
Telekonverterski objektiv Vivitar s samodejnim ostrenjem za Nikon – črn (2x4n)
Ponesite svoje fotografije na novo raven s telekonverterjem Vivitar 2x. Zasnovan je za delo z Nikonovimi objektivi AF in AF-S za zagotavljanje visokokakovostnih slik.
Ta telekonverter je sestavljen iz šestih elementov v 4 skupinah z več prevlečenimi elementi za zmanjšanje podvojenosti in bleščanja.
Ima tudi montažno osnovo iz nerjavečega jekla za vzdržljivost in ima sprednji in zadnji pokrovček leč.
- Številka modela artikla:2x4n
- Barva:črna
- Material:plastika
- Vrsta objektiva:telekonverter
- Zasnova leče:Prime
- Vrsta ostrenja:samodejno ostrenje
- Mere izdelka:(3,25 x 2,75 x 3, palca)
- Teža:7 unč (200 gramov)
- Združljivo z Nikonovimi fotoaparati. Series D3000, D300s, D3100, D5000, D700, D7000, D90.
- Increasable Focal length:2x
- Focus Type:Auto Focus
The ability to double its focal length can help get closer shots of far-away subjects. They can also use the autofocus feature to help them take sharper pictures.
Their light weights make them easy to carry around, and their compact size means they won’t take up a lot of space in a camera bag.
Since it is compatible with Nikon cameras, it gives photographers more options when choosing a teleconverter.
- Easy to use
- Compatible with a wide range of Nikon lenses
- High quality images
- Lightweight and compact
- Boosts zooming power
- Lahek
- Image quality may suffer at the edges
- May reduce autofocus performance
Vivitar 500MM F/8.0 Telephoto Lens With 2X Teleconverter
The Vivitar 500mm, f/8.0 Telephoto Lens with 2X Teleconverter is a great option for photographers who want to extend their camera’s focal length.
This lens has a 2x teleconverter that will double the lens’s focal length and a focus range of 500mm.
- Lens Type:Telephoto
- Compatible mounting:T Mount
- LCD screen protectors
- 2X teleconverter
- Maximum Focal length:500mm
- Maximum aperture:f/8.0
- Compatible mountings:Sony
The Vivitar 500mm telephoto lens is a great option for those looking to get closer to their subject matter.
With a maximum focal length of 500mm, this lens is ideal for nature and wildlife photography, as well as for sports and action photography.
The 2X teleconverter is also a great addition, allowing you to double the lens’s focal length and get even closer to your subject.
- The lens is long, which is good for getting close-up shots of subjects that are far away
- It has a 2x teleconverter, which means that you can double the length of the lens, making it even more powerful
- Value for money
- The lens is not very wide, so you may have trouble getting wide shots
- The lens is relatively slow, meaning that it may have trouble getting clear shots in low-light conditions.
Vivitar 420-800MM F/8.3 Manual Focus Telephoto Zoom Lens
The Vivitar 420-800mm f/8.3 Manual Focus Telephoto Zoom Lens is a great option for photographers that want to capture long-distance shots.
This lens has a focus range of 8 feet and a 420-800mm field of view.
- Maximum Focal Length:420-800mm
- Compatible Mounting:T Mount
- Filter:Yes
- Filter Size:58 mm
- Product Dimensions :10.6 x 3.4 x 3.3 inches
- Weight:1.85 pounds
The ability to change the focal length is useful for photographers who want to be able to zoom in or out as needed.
The T mount is compatible with many different types of cameras, making it a versatile option.
The filter size is standard for many camera types, making it easy to find replacement filters if needed.
- The ability to change focal length is a great feature for photographers who want to be able to zoom in or out as needed.
- The T mount is compatible with many different types of cameras, making it a versatile option.
- The filter size is standard for many camera types, making it easy to find replacement filters if needed.
- The camera’s weight may be a bit too much for some photographers.
Factors to Consider When Buying Vivitar Lenses

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a Vivitar lens, including:
The Type of Camera You Have
The type of camera you have will dictate which Vivitar lens you can purchase.
For example, if you have a DSLR camera, you will need to buy a Vivitar lens that is compatible with that type of camera.
Similarly, if you have a point-and-shoot camera, you will need to buy a Vivitar lens that is compatible with that type of camera.
Although some lenses may work with multiple types of cameras, it is always best to check compatibility before making a purchase.
To check if a Vivitar lens is compatible with your camera, you can consult your camera’s manual or the Vivitar website.
The Types of Photos You Want to Take
The types of photos you want to take will also dictate which Vivitar lens you should purchase.
For example, if you want to take close-up photos, you will need to buy a macro lens.
If you want to take photos of distant objects, you will need to buy a telephoto lens.
Vivitar also offers lenses specifically for taking wide-angle photos and for taking portraits.
Therefore, it is important to consider the types of photos you want to take before purchasing a Vivitar lens.
Buying the wrong lens can result in subpar images, so it is important to make sure you are buying the right lens for your needs.
Your Budget
Your budget is another important factor to consider when purchasing a Vivitar lens.
Vivitar offers a wide range of lenses, from entry-level lenses to professional-grade lenses.
The price of a lens will depend on its quality and the features it offers. Therefore, it is important to set a budget before you start shopping for a Vivitar lens.
This will help you narrow down your options and find a lens that fits your needs and budget.
The Quality of the Lens
The quality of the lens is also an important factor to consider when purchasing a Vivitar lens. Vivitar offers both entry-level and professional-grade lenses.
Entry-level lenses are typically less expensive and offer fewer features than professional-grade lenses.
However, they can still take high-quality photos.
Professional-grade lenses are more expensive but offer better image quality and more features.
Therefore, it is important to decide what level of quality you need before purchasing a Vivitar lens.
The Warranty

It is also important to consider the warranty when purchasing a Vivitar lens. Vivitar offers a one-year warranty on all of its lenses.
This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship. However, it does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse.
Therefore, it is important to read the warranty carefully before making a purchase. This will help you understand what is and is not covered by the warranty.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is the Best Vivitar Lens for Travel Photography?
The best Vivitar lens for travel photography is the 100mm f/2.8 Prime Lens.
It is a great choice for those who want to take photos of nature and landscapes.
It is also a great lens for macro photography.
What Is the Best Vivitar Lens for Portrait Photography?
The best Vivitar lens for portrait photography is the 85mm f/1.4 Prime Lens.
It is a great choice for those who want to take portrait photos and videos. It is also a great lens for low-light photography.
What Is the Best Vivitar Lens for Video?
The best Vivitar lens for video is the 50mm f/1.8 Prime Lens. It is a great choice for those who want to take better photos and videos.
Can I use a Vivitar lens on a Canon?
Yes, you can use a Vivitar lens on a Canon. The lenses should be compatible, but there could be an issue with the mount.
You will need to check to ensure that the Vivitar lens mount is the same as the Canon mount.
Zadnje misli
Vivitar lenses are a great option for any photographer looking for a lens with good features. The best Vivitar lenses offer image stabilization, high-quality optics, and durability.
If you’re in the market for a new lens, consider one of these top Vivitar lenses.
Vivitar lenses are some of the best on the market, and with this guide, you can find the perfect one for your needs.
We’ve listed all of our favorite Vivitar lenses and a few that may not be as popular but still offer great features and value.
We hope this guide has helped you decide which Vivitar lens is best for your needs.