Kako namestiti avtoradio | Preprost vodnik za zamenjavo glavne enote
Namestitev glavne enote ali zamenjava le-te je lahko težavna. Osebno sem porabil le 30 minut za zamenjavo glavne enote, vse tja do 4 ali 5 ur za isto delo na drugem avtomobilu. Obstajajo številne spremenljivke, ki lahko narekujejo, kako težka in dolgotrajna je naloga v resnici:
- Komponente armaturne plošče in okrasnih elementov – po naših izkušnjah so najtežji avtomobili običajno nemški. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen. Komponente armaturne plošče in obloge so zelo trdovratne in tesne ter jih je težko odstraniti.
- Ožičenje – ožičenje se lahko razlikuje od avtomobila do avtomobila. To je res odvisno od števila funkcij, ki jih ima avto. Na primer OnStar na avtomobilih GM ali samo OEM ojačen stereo. To so stvari, ki jih morate vedeti, preden ožičite svoj avto in naročite prilagoditvene pasove (več podrobnosti o tem bomo kmalu).
- Namestitev nove glavne enote – To je lahko še posebej težavno, če se odločite za DIY. Vendar pa boste v večini primerov ugotovili, da ponudniki, kot sta Metra in Scosche, ponujajo prilagoditvene komplete armaturne plošče, ki bodo poenostavili montažo in namestitev stereo naprave.
Konec koncev obstajajo avtomobili, pri katerih bi priporočal nadgradnjo ali zamenjavo stereo naprave, in avtomobili, ki jih ne bi priporočal. V tem vodniku vas ne bomo popeljali le skozi postopek odločanja, ali bi morali nadgraditi glavno enoto vašega avtomobila, temveč vas bomo popeljali tudi skozi postopek, če se za to odločite!
Ali naj nadgradim glavno enoto avtomobilskega stereo?
Preden kupite in namestite enega od naših priporočenih najboljših avtoradio ali gps navigacijskih enot, si morate zastaviti naslednja vprašanja, da ugotovite, ALI bi morali nadgraditi ali zamenjati svoj stereo in s kakšno vrsto stereo sistema bi ga morali nadgraditi.
- Prvo vprašanje – Ali ima vaš avto že poprodajno glavno enoto? V tem primeru je vaša namestitev močno poenostavljena, saj sta ožičenje in montaža že narejena. Vse kar morate storiti je, da ga zamenjate. Upoštevajte, da boste morda morali zamenjati kabelski snop, ki se povezuje na zadnji strani enote. V tem primeru preprosto prerežite žice in jih uskladite z barvo za barvo.
- Ali bo zaradi nadgradnje moje glavne enote moje vozilo izgubilo katero koli funkcijo/funkcionalnost? Številna nova vozila imajo soodvisne sisteme, ki temeljijo na stereo sistemu. Na primer, moj Ram 1500 ima nastavitve, ali se oglasi hupa, ko ga zaklenem, ali se ključavnice samodejno zaklenejo po določenem času, če luči ostanejo prižgane, ko zaklenem tovornjak. Vse to nadzira moja tovarniška glavna enota. Veliko vozil ima to. Če ima vaš avto takšne funkcije, ki so odvisne od glavne enote, priporočam, da obdržite standardni stereo. Če iščete več zvoka, lahko to storite brez nadgradnje stereo sistema.
- Ali ima moje vozilo več zaslonov? V nekaterih primerih imajo avtomobili več zaslonov, ki so med seboj povezani. Na primer, na mnogih Hondah je glavna enota, nato pa je tu še zaslon, ki prikazuje informacije iz glavne enote, kot je radijska postaja ali CD. Zamenjava stereo naprave lahko naredi zaslon neuporaben. Obstajajo primeri, ko so bili izdelani adapterji, zato boste želeli raziskati, ali so bili, preden se odločite za zamenjavo glavne enote. Ali pa, če vam je vseeno, pojdite naprej!
- Zakaj nadgrajujem avtoradio? Če želite globokotonec ali glasnejše zvočnike, glavna enota ni vaša edina možnost. Če želite funkcije, ki jih trenutno nimate, na primer Bluetooth ali AUX vhod, obstajajo tudi adapterji za to. Ključno je ugotoviti, ali je nadomestni stereo najboljša možnost za vaše potrebe.
- Kako velika je odprtina za moj stereo? Obstajata dve glavni velikosti glavnih enot:1DIN in 2DIN. 1DIN je manjši od obeh. Lahko se prilega v odprtine 1DIN in 2DIN. 2DIN je večji in je običajno namenjen enotam z zaslonom na dotik in večjimi zasloni. Tukaj je primer, kako izgledata 1DIN (levo) in 2DIN (desno):
Če se ob vseh teh vprašanjih še vedno počutite, da morate kupiti in namestiti novo glavno enoto, so tukaj naslednji koraki!
Priporočena orodja za namestitev avtoradia
- Sklop križnih in ravnih izvijačev
- Klešče
- Odstranjevalci žice
- Viličasti ali nasadni ključi (običajno 8 mm, 10 mm)
- Orodje za opazovanje pomišljaja
- Ključ za odstranitev stereo (če je potreben)
- Voltmeter
- Spajkalnik ali gorilnik
- Spajkanje
- Toplotno skrčljiv ali električni trak
- OR Wire crimps/clamps (if you don't want to solder)
1. Removing The Car Stereo
Well, the first step to installing your new head unit is to remove the old! To do this, we recommend you pop the hood and disconnect your battery before anything. This way, you don't short any fuses. Finding a blown fuse can be time consuming and frustrating so take our word that this will save you time in the long run. Once you have done this, start to remove the trim from around your stereo to access the mounting screws. I've found the trim removal instructions from Metra to be very helpful when you do this. In many cases, trim needs to be pulled in a certain direction to prevent cracking or breaking it. Metra does a great job at helping you visualize how to pull your trim off and where. Go to http://metraonline.com/, scroll down to the vehicle fit guide and enter your car. Once you've done this, click on one of the dash kits (this is the piece of plastic that you'll mount your head unit into. It replaces many parts of your trim to make a seamless fit for your new stereo). If you haven't already bought one of these dash kits, we HIGHLY recommend you do. It will simplify your install by 10 fold. Once you've selected one of the dash kits, click on the PDF link under the “Documents” on the left. You'll find full instructions for removing your trim step by step!
Your head unit will be mounted in one of two ways:
- Bolted to the dash with brackets and screws. This is the more difficult option to removing and where the Metra instructions will be extra helpful.
- Secured with mounting sleeve and spring clips. For this type, you'll want to purchase our recommended stereo removal keys.
Sticking and Stubborn Dash Trim
It's worth noting that removing trim is probably one of the more difficult tasks in removing your car stereo. You're going to be lucky if you don't hit at least one trim piece that isn't a pain. In these cases, you really want to use a trim removal tool to wedge in between the gaps and gently work your way around the trim piece. Patience is key because once you break a trim piece, there's no turning back. Start in a corner and work your way around the piece.
Once you've removed your trim according to the instructions, dismount your factory stereo and disconnect the wiring on the back of the unit.
2. Wiring Your New Car Stereo
If Metra or Scosche carries a wire harness for your vehicle, we highly recommend purchasing one along side the dash kit. Again, you can use the same link from Metra (www.metraonline.com) to find the one for your vehicle. In the case that you can't find one, you'll need to do a little research on the web to find a list of stereo wire colors on your harness and match them up with the corresponding ones on the car stereo harness. You can find a diagram here of aftermarket car stereo wires. This will help you match the aftermarket up with your factory ones.
If you find that there is a custom wire harness for your car, it's very simple, just match up color for color the wires from your aftermarket head unit harness to your custom wire harness for your car.
Connecting the Wires
There's two options for connecting the wires that you can use:
- Soldering – For all of the professional installs that I have done I would solder the two together. This ensures a permanent connection that will never short over time. It's more time consuming though. Here's how you do it:
- Strip the two wires 1/2 inch back.
- (Optional) Place 1 1/2 inch of shrink wrap on one side at least 4 inches behind the end of the wire.
- Overlap the two exposed wires and twist the two together until they are interconnected.
- Using a soldering iron or a soldering torch, heat the wire and feed in your solder slowly until it absorbs into the wire.
- Let cool and test the solder job by tugging on the two wires.
- After the wires cool, move your shrink wrap back over the soldered area. If you didn't use shrink wrap, apply electrical tape.
- Do this for each wire until all have been connected.
- Connectors – You can use butt connectors or crimp caps as well. This is a much more efficient way to connect the wires but in many cases I've seen these fail after a few years on the road. In any case, you'll either crimp the two wires together in a clamp by placing the wires in and clamping down on the crimp clam. Or your use but connectors to insert both ends into the connector and clamp both sides.
3. How to Install the New Stereo
Now that your wires are all completed you're ready to install the head unit. Connect all of the wires first. Ensure that there are no exposed wires that may be in contact with any part of the vehicle. We recommend connecting your battery and testing the stereo out prior to fully installing it back into the dash.
Once you've tested it (and it works!) you'll want to add the mounting brackets to your new head unit. If you have a dash kit, use the ones that come with the kit. If not, use the ones off of your factory stereo. If you have the dash and mounting kit, follow the instructions in the manual. If not, you'll need to test where the new head unit sits, and adjust your factory trim to make it fit. This is normally a difficult task. I'd recommend using a Dremel to make cuts and adjustments to the plastic.
Slide the stereo into the opening in the dash, ensuring that the wires behind are tucked and not pinched. Sometimes this may take a few times when the vehicle has a tight dash opening. Tuck the wires back into an opening behind the unit.
čestitke! You're done! Let us know you you did and if you have any questions in the comments section.
Also be sure to check out our top rated lists:
Best Single Din Car Stereo
Best In-Dash GPS Navigation Unit
Best DVD/Multimedia Head Unit
Best Digital Media Receiver