Radarski in laserski sistemi za zaznavanje hitrosti
Radi vozite hitro? Se vam zdi, da vozite s hitrostjo, ki presega postavljeno omejitev? Če ste eden od teh ljudi in lokalni zakoni to dovoljujejo, boste morda želeli razmisliti o nakupu radarskega detektorja in laserskega defuzorja. Ta članek obravnava razpoložljive rešitve ter funkcije in prednosti vsake.
Kaj je radarsko zaznavanje hitrosti?
Organi kazenskega pregona po vsem svetu uporabljajo radar za merjenje hitrosti vozil. Radar pomeni radijsko zaznavanje in določanje razdalje. Radarski detektorji delujejo tako, da pošljejo žarek radijskih valov vozilu ali predmetu, ki ga je treba izmeriti. Ti radijski valovi so poslani na določeni frekvenci. Ko radijski valovi zadenejo premikajoči se predmet, se odbijejo z drugačno frekvenco. Ta sprememba frekvence se imenuje Dopplerjev premik. Za koliko se frekvenca premakne glede na prvotno oddano, je odvisno od hitrosti vozila. Detektor v radarski pištoli zajame odboje signala od vozila in analizira njihovo frekvenčno vsebino, da izvede izračun hitrosti. Radarska pištola nato prikaže hitrost predmeta na priloženem zaslonu.
V uporabi so štirje običajni radarski frekvenčni pasovi:pasovi X, K, Ka in Ku. Pas X sega od 8 do 12 GHz, pri čemer je 10,5 GHz najbolj priljubljen v Severni Ameriki. K-pas sega od 18 do 26,5 GHz, pri čemer je priljubljeno 24,12 do 24,17 GHz. Ka-pas se razteza od vrha pasu K do 40G Hz. Priljubljene so frekvence od 33,8 do 25,7 GHz. Končno pas Ku zapolnjuje frekvence med pasovoma X in K, vendar se uporablja predvsem v Evropi.
Kaj je lasersko zaznavanje hitrosti?
Ko je razpoložljivost radarskih detektorjev postala tako razširjena, so bili organi kazenskega pregona prisiljeni poiskati alternativne načine za lovljenje prehitrih voznikov. Laserske pištole za zaznavanje hitrosti, ki jih je leta 1989 razvil Laser Technology Inc., oddajajo žarek pulzirajoče svetlobe v vozilo, nato pa izračunajo, koliko časa je potrebno, da se žarek odbije nazaj. Na podlagi časa, ki ga porabi, lahko enota skoraj v trenutku in z odlično natančnostjo izmeri razdaljo do vozila.
Ko se razdalja spreminja, laserska pištola izračuna to stopnjo spremembe razdalje kot hitrost vozila. Za razliko od radarskega sistema je laserski žarek zelo ozek in se pogosto širi na manj kot 3 čevlje na razdalji 1000 čevljev. Zaradi tega razpona je laser zelo natančen. Pravzaprav lahko nekatere najnovejše laserske hitrostne puške delujejo na razdaljah do 4000 čevljev. Tehnično ime za lasersko zaznavanje hitrosti je Lidar, vendar ga večina ljudi imenuje laserska naprava za merjenje hitrosti ali preprosteje laserska pištola – George Lucas bi bil ponosen!
Sistemi za zaznavanje radarjev
While not allowed in all states and provinces, a radar detection system is designed with a receiver that is tuned to the X, K and Ka bands. When it detects radio frequency energy in these bands, it produces a warning to alert the driver to the possible presence of a radar speed detection system. It is up to the driver to slow down to a legal speed before the officer can get a reading.
There are two popular types of radar detectors:portable windshield mount systems and systems that are installed in a vehicle. The portable units are great for people who travel and may want to use them in their rental cars. These are also a good solution for people with more than one vehicle. Because the system is portable, the radar detection sensor is smaller, and it isn’t as sensitive and doesn’t provide as much warning as an installed system.
Custom-installed radar detection systems typically include dedicated front and rear sensors. These sensors can be mounted behind plastic bumper covers to conceal them without hindering their operation. Many systems are almost invisible in the interior of the vehicle, although clients may opt for a small control panel to speed up changes in settings.
The inclusion of a GPS receiver in some systems allows owners to mark locations where false alarms are prevalent. Radar-controlled door openers and traffic flow detection systems can be a source of interference. Many new cars feature blind-spot monitoring systems and lane departure warning systems that can also cause false alarms.
Combating Laser Speed Detection
Many different systems are available to combat an officer’s attempt to use laser ranging to capture your speed. These systems work by using multiple sensors placed on the front, and often rear, of the vehicle. These sensors detect the pulsed signal from the laser gun, then broadcast a modified and “confused” signal back to the unit. The result is that the laser gun is unable to calculate your vehicle’s speed.
Most retailers and manufacturers will suggest that once your detection system alerts you to the presence of a laser gun, you slow down to a legal speed and let the officer get a speed reading, if for no other reason than to appease their efforts to try to catch you.
When shopping for a laser defuser system, make sure you purchase one that can be upgraded easily. New and improved laser speed detection guns are also being introduced with different technologies to give law enforcement agencies an advantage over speeding drivers. As the companies that manufacture the defusers come up with solutions for each of these new products, Internet-based downloads are made available to update your system.

A custom-installed radar detection and laser defuser system take some time to complete. Basic systems require several modules to be mounted securely, then all of the wiring must be run neatly and securely through the vehicle back to the main control unit. Complex systems that include GPS, front and rear radar detection, and as many as five laser defusers can take much longer to install. The laser defusers have to be mounted so their transceivers are clearly visible, and they must be horizontal to the ground during operation. Many specialists will create custom brackets to mount these sensors properly while maintaining a clean and tidy overall appearance for the vehicle.
If you are in the market for a radar detector or laser defuser system, contact your local specialist mobile electronics retailer. They would be happy to provide you with all the information you need to make the right purchasing decision, including how much it will cost. As always, we want you to drive your vehicle in a safe and legal manner.