Prednosti radarskih detektorjev, nameščenih po meri
Če iščete najboljšo obrambo pred policijskimi laserskimi in radarskimi pištolami, kamerami za merjenje hitrosti in hitrostjo delovnega območja na podlagi radarja sistemi za odkrivanje, potem je po meri nameščen radarski detektor in laserski protiukrepalni sistem edina izbira. Ta članek primerja funkcije in prednosti delovanja prenosnega radarskega sistema za zaznavanje s tistim, ki ga integriramo v vaše vozilo.
Kaj je radarski detektor?
Preprosto povedano, radarski detektor je naprava, ki vključuje enega ali več radiofrekvenčnih sprejemnikov in računalnik. Sprejemnik je zasnovan tako, da se osredotoči na določene frekvence in poroča o prisotnosti teh signalov operaterju vozila. Cilj sistema je zaznati radarske merilne signale, ki se uporabljajo na vozilih pred vami, in zagotoviti dovolj opozorila, da lahko upočasnite na dovoljeno hitrost in se izognete kazni.
Organi pregona v Severni Ameriki uporabljajo tri radarske frekvence. X-band deluje med 10,5 in 10,55 GHz, K-band deluje med 24,05 in 24,25 GHz in Ka-band deluje med 33,4 in 36 GHz.
Zakaj po meri nameščeni radarski sistemi nudijo boljšo zaščito

Ko primerjamo prenosne radarske detektorje s sistemi, nameščenimi po meri, največja prednost pri zmogljivosti izhaja iz zmožnosti povečanja radarskega sprejemnika. Kot pri vsaki anteni večja velikost pomeni večjo občutljivost. Radarski sprejemnik, priložen po meri nameščenemu detektorju, je običajno večji od celotne prenosne radarske naprave za zaznavanje. Pri antenah AM/FM ponuja polvalovna antena več kot dvakrat večjo občutljivost kot četrtvalovna antena. Prednost za vas je, da lahko sistem za zaznavanje radarja, nameščen po meri, zazna šibkejše signale in zagotovi zgodnejše opozorilo, tako da lahko hitreje upočasnite.
Some systems include separate receivers and amplifiers for the low-frequency X-band and the higher K- and Ka-bands. This configuration allows each antenna to be more sensitive within its specified operating range and requires less signal filtering and amplification.
Many radar systems that integrate with your vehicle include a second high-sensitivity detector for the rear of the car or truck. Many police forces use dash-mounted radar systems that function while the police vehicle is in motion. If an officer is following you, you will want to know if he or she is measuring your vehicle’s speed.
Police Laser and Lidar Systems
Many law enforcement agencies now use laser-based measurement systems. These devices send out a very narrow beam of invisible “light” that pulses in a particular pattern. The laser gun measures how that beam is reflected to calculate the speed of the vehicle it is measuring. The laser works with incredible accuracy. High-quality laser speed detection systems have a beam width of only 30 inches at a range of 1,000 feet and can operate up to 6,000 feet away. They are accurate to within 1 mph and can acquire a reading in as little as 0.33 seconds.
Laser detection systems look for energy between 830 and 945 nanometers and report it to the driver. The problem with laser speed detection is that once the officer has pulled the trigger, he has an accurate reading of your speed. There isn’t any point in slowing down.
Laser Detection versus Laser Defense Systems
A premium portable radar and laser detector that mounts to your windshield can alert you to the use of laser speed measurement. As we mentioned, though, once the officer has a reading, it is too late. Your only hope of avoiding a ticket is to detect beam scatter from another vehicle, then slow down before the police measure your speed.

The number one benefit of a remote mounted detection system is its ability to combat laser or lidar systems. In a laser countermeasure system, there are several compact transceivers mounted near your license plate and headlights – the most frequent target for police radar. When these sensors detect a laser measurement signal, they instantly start to transmit a signal to confuse the radar gun.
The second issue with portable radar and laser detection systems is location. As we mentioned, police target your license plate and headlights because these are reflective, in hopes of getting an accurate reading at long distances. Your portable detector, mounted up high on your windshield, may offer excellent radar detection range, but can miss laser signals altogether due to that height.
Some custom installed radar detectors include laser functionality, and some provide it as an option. Talk to your retailer to ensure you are getting the protection you want.
How to Use a Laser Defense System
If a police officer targets your vehicle with his laser gun and pulls the trigger, he will be expecting a result almost instantly. If your laser defense system prevents him from getting a reading, the officer will quickly realize you are using a countermeasure system. To prevent him from following you for the next 10 miles or until you do something wrong, there is a suggested etiquette to using laser defense.
As soon as your laser detection system alerts you to the use of a radar gun, slow down quickly. Obviously, slamming on the brakes will attract attention. Smooth and steady deceleration is the ideal. As soon as you are at a legal speed, cancel the laser countermeasure system and let the officer take a reading. If that is executed smoothly, the officer will leave you alone and move on to measuring the vehicle behind you.
The only defense against police laser/lidar is a custom-installed laser countermeasure system.
Reduce the Clutter

If you are like us, then you hate clutter in your vehicle. There are some nice mounting brackets for portable radar detections, but they still detract from the appearance of your vehicle. Depending on the brand of custom-installed radar detection systems, there may be a small control panel that we can mold into your dash or center console, or no visible control panel at all. In these “invisible” systems, all of the alerts are handled with audible warnings and a pair of small LEDs. Eliminating connections to your cigarette lighter plug and suction cup marks on your windshield keeps your vehicle looking organized and tidy.
From a safety perspective, having a radar detector on your windshield will block some of your vision. The percentage of windshield area that a portable radar detector takes up is small, but every square inch counts when it comes to safe driving.
Protection against Theft
Dash and windshield mounted radar detectors are prime targets for thieves. The complexity and distributed design of custom-installed radar detectors make them too much hassle to steal. Even if thieves were to break into your vehicle, they would only be able to get a few parts of the system. The result is that there is no resale value, so they leave these systems alone.
Complete Vehicle Integration

Depending on the features and complexity of a remote-mount radar detector system, there could be as few as three components, or more than a dozen modules and sensors. We mount each component in a location that ensures reliable operation and protection against damage. We route the system wiring with factory harnesses and protect it with split loom or cloth tape – whichever best matches the OEM style of your vehicle. We make the electrical connections mechanically and electrically secure so they will function flawlessly for years.
When we install a radar detector and laser defense system in your vehicle, it becomes an integral part of your car or truck. You will never forget to bring it with you. You will never forget to turn it on. It is always ready to protect you.
Visit Your Local Mobile Enhancement Retailer Today
If you are looking for the best defense against police laser/lidar and radar guns, the only choice is a custom-installed radar detector system. Most systems are nearly invisible once installed, and the laser shifter/defuser modules can be integrated into your vehicle cosmetics beautifully. Visit your local mobile enhancement retailer today to discuss the options for your vehicle.