Najboljši starinski mikrofoni – 10 najboljših izbir v pregledu leta 2022
Tukaj je zanimiva tema, vendar bom moral pred začetkom določiti nekaj parametrov. Najprej, kaj točno mislim, ko rečem najboljši starinski mikrofoni?
No, veliko mikrofonov, ki bi lahko veljali za "najboljše", ni več na voljo. Mikrofoni segajo daleč v preteklost in mnogi so bili ukinjeni, zamenjane z nadgrajenimi in nekoliko drugačnimi različicami.
Torej, kaj točno pomeni vintage?
Očitno je to povezano s starostjo, vendar je po mojem mnenju nekoliko več kot to. Da bi bil uvrščen v kategorijo "vintage", mora pridobiti tudi status ikone. Biti spoštovan mikrofon, ki so ga uporabljali in v večini primerov še vedno uporabljajo najboljši.
Zato sem sestavil svoj seznam na podlagi njihovega statusa in uspešnosti. Toda tudi glede njihove trenutne razpoložljivosti ali razpoložljivosti nadgrajenih različic.
Začnimo s klasiko, ...
10 najboljših vintage mikrofonov na trgu v ocenah leta 2022
- Instrumentalni kondenzatorski mikrofon AKG Pro Audio C414 XLS – najboljši vsestranski vintage mikrofon
- Vokalni mikrofon Shure SM58 – najboljši vintage vokalni mikrofon v živo
- Shure SM-57 kardioidni dinamični instrumentalni mikrofon – najboljši starinski mikrofon za snare
- Neumann U 87 – najboljši vintage vokalni mikrofon
- Kultni vokalni mikrofon Shure 55SH Series II Unidyne – najlepši vintage mikrofon
- Kardioidni mikrofon Electro-Voice RE-20 – najbolj trpežen vintage mikrofon
- Sennheiser MD 421 – najboljši vintage Tom mikrofon
- Kondenzatorski mikrofon Neumann TLM 102 – najboljši sodobni vintage mikrofon
- Sennheiser MD 441-U – najboljši vintage vokalni mikrofon za ženske vokale
- Referenčni cevni kondenzatorski mikrofon z več vzorci AKG C12VR – najboljši starinski cevni mikrofon
Instrumentalni kondenzatorski mikrofon AKG Pro Audio C414 XLS – najboljši vsestranski vintage mikrofon
Obstajajo mikrofoni in obstajajo mikrofoni. C414 je eden tistih, ki se s snemanjem ukvarjajo s snemanjem. Če greste v kateri koli resen snemalni studio po vsem svetu, ga boste verjetno našli, če ne kar veliko.
Samo povej ime
Od ustanovitve v Avstriji takoj po drugi svetovni vojni si je AKG ustvaril zavidljiv sloves. To je zdaj na ravni, ko morate samo izgovoriti ime, in sledilo bo zavestno kimanje. Sprejemam, da delate z najboljšimi.
Studio je na poti
Z glasbeno eksplozijo v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja so morali proizvajalci vse glasbene opreme, predvsem pa snemalnih, dvigniti svojo igro. Mercurial 414 je bil produkt tistega časa.
Izdan je bil leta 1971, od takrat pa so ga številni poskušali kopirati. Nekateri so ga celo poskušali posnemati. Ne bi se smeli truditi. 414 je še vedno eden najboljših mikrofonov lahko kupiš. In C414 XLS, najnovejša inkarnacija, ohranja standarde.
Multi-Pattern Condenser
To je kondenzatorski mikrofon z več vzorci, ki je izdelan iz najkakovostnejših komponent in materialov. S svojimi devetimi polarnimi vzorci postavlja nova merila. Karkoli želite posneti, obstaja ustrezen vzorec. Vse to je seveda podprto s kakovostjo, zmogljivostjo in zanesljivostjo AKG.
Dodani so štirje novi vzorci, ki se nahajajo med petimi originalnimi vzorci. To razširi obseg zajema zvoka. Karkoli že snemate, poiščite svojo nastavitev in pojdite.
Več nadzora zvoka
Obstaja nekaj dodatnih vgrajenih parametrov za nadzor zvoka, ki vam pomagajo pri ustvarjanju zvoka. Obstajajo blazinice za dušenje pri -6, -12 in -18 dB ter trije ločeni nizkotonski filtri. Da bi preprečili kakršno koli striženje, je na voljo LED lučka in ima pošastno raven zvočnega tlaka (SPL) 140 dB.
Zahvaljujoč zasnovi z veliko membrano je reprodukcija zvoka zagotovljena bogata in topla.
Ni poceni možnost
Seveda ni poceni, a bi pričakovali, da bo? To kakovost je treba plačati in kakovost je to, kar je. Zagotovo eden najboljših mikrofonov za snemanje kdaj narejeno.
Torej, če iščete najboljši vintage mikrofon, bo to zahtevalo nekaj udarcev. Vendar bo to veljalo za večino na tem seznamu.

- Kakovostna zasnova z odličnimi komponentami in zelo dobro zgrajena.
- Prava kakovost enega najboljših proizvajalcev.
- Ni poceni.
Vokalni mikrofon Shure SM58 – najboljši starinski vokalni mikrofon v živo
Naslednji v mojem pregledu najboljših vintage mikrofonov gremo od enega gospodinjstva v mikrofonih do drugega. Tudi Shure ni na slabem glasu, kajne? Še en mikrofon, ki se je rodil iz eksplozije glasbe v 60. letih. Takrat so bili v marsičem nekaj drugačnega od večine drugih proizvajalcev mikrofonov. Še vedno so.
Prvotno iz Chicaga, mikrofone zdaj izdelujejo v Mehiki in še vedno zagotavljajo tisto, po čemer je Shure znan. Ko na oder stopijo skupine in pevci vseh ravni, je glasba morda drugačna. Toda ena stvar, ki bo verjetno enaka, je, da uporabljajo SM58.
Ali želite povedati kaj novega?
V resnici ni tam; vse je bilo že povedano. Ima kardioidni polarni vzorec, ki je odličen za izolacijo zvoka od ciljnega vira, običajno vokala, zlasti v živo. In zmanjša neželene zvoke iz okolice.
Dodatno odstranjevanje neželenega hrupa iz okolice dodatno zmanjša vgrajen sferični filter. To pomaga preprečiti motnje zaradi hrupa vetra, če ga uporabljate zunaj. Prav tako zmanjša "poke" vokalistov.
Ni poni z enim trikom
Z leti je postal eden izmed priljubljenih mikrofonov za mnoge pevce (Bono iz U2 in Chris Martin (Coldplay) v studiu ter vsak pevec, na katerega pomislite, ko poje v živo). Toda za ta mikrofon je v omari še kaj več. Res je, da ima frekvenčni odziv, ki je idealen za vokale, vendar lahko zelo dobro obvlada večino stvari.
Kar zadeva zvok, ima SM58 svetlejši srednjefrekvenčni odziv kot večina. Ima tudi bas roll-off. To pomeni, da je zvok tega mogoče zlahka prilagoditi posameznikovi uspešnosti.
Njegova primernost za uporabo na odru in v roki je izboljšana s sistemom pritrditve udarcev, ki zmanjšuje hrup pri rokovanju. Danes lahko dobite tudi SM58 s stikalom za izklop in vklop. Nekaj, kar ni bilo na voljo pri prejšnjih modelih.
In če si mikrofon zasluži to priznanje, potem mora biti trd. In to je ena stvar, ki jo imajo vsi mikrofoni Shure. Ti so izdelani za obvladovanje česar koli, vključno s predstavo Who, in to nekaj pove.
In še zadnja pozitiva. Preverite ceno. Morda boste morali pogledati dvakrat. Lahko bi bil cenovno najboljši vintage mikrofon na voljo glede na neverjetno ceno.

- Vsestranski odličen mikrofon po odlični ceni.
- Dobro zgrajen z legendarno kakovostjo.
- Brez.
Shure SM-57 kardioidni dinamični inštrumentalni mikrofon – najboljši snare vintage mikrofon
Če ostanemo pri Shureju, vključimo še enega njihovih ikoničnih mikrofonov, SM57. SM58 je lahko izbira za nastopanje in snemanje vokalov. Toda SM57 je moj najljubši za uporabo z instrumenti. Čeprav je treba povedati, da se lahko oba precej dobro obneseta, na primer SM57 je najljubši snemalni mikrofon Paula Rogersa iz Freeja, pa tudi Lemmyjev iz Motorheada!
Še en industrijski standard podjetja Shure, lahko bi ga imeli za enega najbolj znanih mikrofonov, kar jih je. Ni veliko pevcev ali glasbenikov, ki ne bi kdaj uporabili enega. In enako velja za snemalne inženirje; pravzaprav bo imela večina kakovostnih studiev na voljo deset ali več za vsako sejo.
Mikrofonski delavec
To je eden tistih odličnih mikrofonov, ki jih lahko uporabljate skoraj povsod in za karkoli. Odličen je na odru in ga ne moti groba uporaba. Vendar je enako domača tudi v studiu. Dobro se znajde pri snemanju česar koli, od vokalov do mikrofoniranja ojačevalcev do bobnov, zlasti zank, pri katerih se šteje, da več kot 98 % vseh zank, ki so bile kdaj posnete na uspešnicah so bili z SM57.
Zasnovan, da ugodi
Njegov kardioidni polarni vzorec omogoča uporabo na toliko načinov in je bil tako tudi zasnovan. To je mikrofon, ki bi ga imeli v studiu ne samo za uporabo, ampak kot privzeti mikrofon.
Ker se lahko spopade s skoraj vsem, je postal priljubljen. Celo v živih situacijah na odru je dvig katerega koli inštrumenta v bližini minimalen. To prav tako pomaga zmanjšati možnost povratnih informacij, kar vam daje nekaj več dobička, če ga potrebujete.
Frekvenčni odziv 40–15 kHz in naravna prisotnost pomagata ustvariti odličen zvok. In to ne velja samo za instrumente, ampak tudi za vokale.
Morda bi pričakovali, da bi bil mikrofon, ki zmore toliko pri tako visoki kakovosti, drag. A tako kot njegov bratranec iz leta 1958 predstavlja veliko vrednost; pravzaprav je vintage mikrofon z najboljšim razmerjem med ceno in kakovostjo lahko kupiš. In težko bi našli nekaj tako vsestranskega, kar bi bilo tako dobro po boljši ceni.
Običajna zgradba Shure
Ker smo mikrofon Shure, vsi vemo, kaj to pomeni. Da lahko vanj vržeš prav vse in vrnil se bo po več. Trden in robusten bo zdržal.
Odličen mikrofon, ki si je prislužil svoj legendarni 'vintage' status. Sploh ne pomislite na to; kupi eno; vsak potrebuje vsaj enega 57.

- Vsestranski in odličen z vokali in instrumenti.
- Kakovost izdelave Shure po odlični ceni.
- Brez.
Neumann U 87 – najboljši starinski vokalni mikrofon
Naslednji v mojem pregledu najboljših vintage mikrofonov, glede na njihovo zgodovino, se zdi čudež, da sploh imamo mikrofone Neumann. Tovarno, ustanovljeno leta 1923 v Berlinu, so leta 1943 bombardirali z ognjem in preselili vzhodno od mesta. Po vojni je padlo v sovjetski sektor in postalo komunistično "državno" podjetje.
Šele ob ponovni združitvi smo končno videli, česa so sposobni. In bilo je vredno čakati. So, milo rečeno, impresivni. U47, ki mu je pomagal Telefunken, je bil eden od mikrofonov, ki so zgodaj zaznamovali. Po prvi izdaji leta 1967 so ga redno uporabljali nekateri umetniki, a nihče pomembnejšega.
Samo Sinatra, Presley. Bing Crosby in tisti štirje fantje iz Liverpoola. Beatli ali kaj? Ni slabo imeti življenjepisa.
The U87
They are most known today for producing some of the greatest music we have seen. And the U87 probably sits at the top of the pile. This is a remarkable microphone, is used in studios all around the world, and has probably been used to record more hit record vocal performances than any other microphone.
It is a pressure-gradient transducer large-diaphragm condenser mic with a double membrane capsule. It has three directional patterns available to give it a variety of options for use. There is the standard Cardioid, plus a Figure of 8 and Omnidirectional. There is a 10dB pre-attenuation switch and a roll-off for lower frequencies which is also switch controlled.
Being a condenser mic, it will require phantom power, of course.
For Most Applications
The way it is designed is suitable for most studio applications. But it is with vocals and especially instruments like a grand piano it is famous.
It comes in a wooden box for safety, a shock mount, and a pop filter. And you are right about what you are thinking. It isn’t cheap. But as I have already said about another mic, if you want the best…

- Recognized as excelling in studios covering most recording applications.
- Well-designed with plenty of quality and features.
- Price will scare some away.
Shure 55SH Series II Iconic Unidyne Vocal Microphone – Best Looking Vintage Microphone
The Unidyne was the first professional mic that I can remember. It was lent to us when someone felt pity on us for what we were using. By then, it had already been around for a while. It was first introduced in 1939 but only made a limited impact. Marketing and Sales were different then. It was Billie Holiday’s mic of choice for a while.
That meant something and may have been a contributing reason why Mr. Presley picked it up in the 50s. It was when he got hold of it people began to take notice.
Not his favorite mic
It wasn’t Elvis’s favorite mic . That was his beloved Electro-Voice RE-15. But those iconic images of him strutting his stuff with the Unidyne will never fade.
The mic is still available if you want a bit of nostalgia in your studio. Along, of course, with a great sound. The shape is the same, but the internals are full of modern technology, which only enhances the sound. But when you see it, it still screams ‘Jailhouse Rock,’ even though many diverse singers, including James Hetfield of Metallica, use one as their main live vocal mic.
Something Old Something New
That is one of the things that appeals about this mic. It doesn’t have to try to be vintage; it just is. One look is all it takes. But while it has the visual inside are the ‘goodies’ that make it a great mic to own.
Inside is a Cardioid polar pattern and a frequency response of 50 to 15,000 Hz. It has been designed to be a vocal mic. Inside the metal grille is a foam filter to reduce plosives and fricatives. There is also a built-in internal shock-mount system if you do use it handheld.
But all that internal sound reduction doesn’t mean it can’t be put to work in the studio with instruments as well.
As Good As The Gym
If it has a downside, it is that it weighs just under two pounds. That makes it a heavyweight in terms of the weight of modern mics. And at 7.5 by 2.18 by 3.1 inches, you could call it substantial. After two hours on stage with this, you won’t need the gym.
Maybe these days, it might not suit a handheld performance on stage. It might be better confined to a stand in a studio.
The Shure Build
That goes without saying, of course, with its rugged die-cast metal casing; it is a tough mic. Don’t drop it on your foot. You will come off worse. It has been given a self-tensioning swivel mount. It tilts 45 degrees and will move 80 degrees backward. And the off and on switch can come in useful if feedback is an issue.
A great mic with plenty of nostalgia attached to it.

- Strong, secure build with swivel mount and plenty of the look.
- Attractive price point for such a good vocal mic.
- Rather heavy to be used by hand.
Electro-Voice RE-20 Cardioid Microphone – Most Durable Vintage Microphone
Founded in Minnesota in 1930, Electro-Voice is another company with a reputation for producing popular mics. The RE-20 first arrived in 1968, about the same time as Electro-Voice was sold to Bosch.
Ready For Anything
The thinking behind the design and the build of this mic must have been an interesting meeting to be at. We usually recognize Shure as being the rugged, road-ready mics, but this one goes a stage further.
It is made from steel and has tough grilles that look like they could withstand just about anything. Its tough build has made it one of the preferred mics for those conducting outside broadcasts.
It has a Cardioid polar pattern with a frequency range of 45Hz-18kHz. The design of the microphone is interesting in that it is omnidirectional in its use options. This is because it has been given all-around acoustic openings.
Behind every opening is a tough wire metal grille. This protects the wind and blast filters that are built-in. They also allow you to use the mic near the mouth without getting too many plosives. The filters, in turn, reduce most of the ambient noise and any unwanted external sounds. A great advantage in outside broadcasts. And to remove any localized interference or hum, a special coil is fitted.
Where is it At its Best?
As I have already said, it excels in outside broadcasts because of its build and internal design. Internally it has Variable-D technology. This has positive effects, but it has a downside. If you are too close to the target source, it can dissipate the bass frequencies. Something to bear in mind if you are using it in a studio to mic up.
But if you want to record more than one voice on a mic, it is excellent. The omnidirectional design could take up to three vocalists at the same time and still produce great results.
Widely used…
It is the preferred studio and unusually live microphone of Thom Yorke from Radiohead, and Joe Strummer from the Clash also loved it. It’s also amazing on kick drums and bass cabinets. Plus, along with the Shure SM7, it is the most widely used microphone in radio stations.

- Tough build and omnidirectional design that gives it plenty of options for use outside.
- Some very good internal noise reduction features.
- Ni poceni.
Sennheiser MD 421 – Best Vintage Tom Microphone
Next, in my review of the Best Vintage Microphones, we have another name in the microphone world that needs little introduction. Some would say legendary German engineering at its best with products found in the best studios all around the world.
Released to Much Acclaim
When it was first released on the market in 1960, it received wide acclaim. The Cardioid pattern is tight, bordering on being Supercardioid. The frequencies across all the ranges were clear, and the sound was superior to just about everything else available at the price.
It has since become one of their most respected and popular mics, partly because of the quality of the reproduction. But also because of its versatility in different recording situations.
More Than Just a Vocal Mic
It has a reputation for being a great mic for vocals and can also be used for group singing. But it goes further than just the vocal booth.
It has a Cardioid design with five settings for bass control. This gives you plenty of room to use it with a variety of instruments, and on toms, it is the undisputed world leader. Even when the mic is placed close to the target source, the results have a natural and very clear sound. The frequency response is 30-17,000 Hz.
Great Performance
Its rejection of feedback is very good, and the polar pattern ensures that any wanted sounds are reduced to almost nothing. Sennheiser always prides themselves on the sound quality of their mics, and this certainly delivers.
Even though it can be used with a wide variety of instruments, it is for its performance with vocals it is noted. The five-way bass roll-off we mentioned offers a range of tonal options. This makes it suitable for any voice type.
The high SPL capability makes this a suitable mic for recording instruments that have a high transient response.
Made from steel and hardened glass composite, it is a rugged and secure mic. If there is a downside that may affect some people, it is the size. It is quite large and not lightweight either. But on a stand in a studio, you aren’t going to notice that.
The other downside is the insanely over-engineered microphone clip. It is totally unnecessary and super prone to leaving the microphone drop to the floor like a stone. You will actually struggle to find a vintage used one that doesn’t have severe dents in the front grill because of the stupid design. Thankfully they keep on working just fine, just look a bit worse for wear.
Not a cheap option but a great addition to any studio.

- Versatile mic is famous for its ability to record toms and its vocal sound.
- Excellent bass roll-off and feedback rejection.
- Quite large in size, as is the price point, which might put some off.
Neumann TLM 102 Condenser Microphone – Best Modern Vintage Microphone
I am going to bend the ‘vintage’ description rules a little here to allow me to include the Neumann TLM 102. I don’t need to emphasize the quality of Neumann. Everybody already knows who they are and what they can produce.
Why the TLM 102
It was first released in 2009. Hardly vintage then, and you would be right. But the concept of the directional patterns still used in this mic were invented by Georg Neumann in the 1920s. That was before he had even formed the company.
It may have changed in size, shape, and even color. But the principle behind the mic is very much vintage in my book.
A Different Approach
Most of the ‘big’ guns aim their mics at the high-end professional market. Most for studio use. Neumann has taken a different approach with this mic. This is marketed at the consumer and not the professional studio.
Top studios, of course, will get great service from it. But if you have a small or even home studio, you won’t find much better in terms of recording vocals at the price point.
What Is It All About?
The 102 is a large diaphragm mic that will give you a big, warm sound. It has a Cardioid pattern in its compact build. There are a lot of features built-in that make this mic stand out.
- High Sound Pressure Level of 144dB.
- Slight boost in presence over 6kHz gives the vocals a great sound.
- Frequency response of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
- Can handle lower volumes with its fast transient response rate.
As you might expect, it is well built with its metal casing. It has a compact build and sits in its bracket, which attaches to the mic stand. Internally it sits on elasticated suspension to remove any handling or mic stand noise. There is also a pop screen built-in.
Being a condenser mic, you will need phantom power.

- An excellent mic that is perfect for a newer and growing studio.
- Excellent performance for both vocals and voiceovers.
- Some may need a higher presence boost.
Sennheiser MD 441-U – Best Vintage Vocal Microphone for Female Vocals
One more from the Germans. No apologies; they have been making some of the best mics for quite a few years now. This mic, though, has a slightly different look and design.
Supercardioid Pattern
This has been given the Supercardioid polar pattern as against the usual Cardioid. That means it has more focus on the sound source. So while the Cardioid does cut out peripheral sound from the sides, this will reduce that even more. That will also help to reduce any feedback.
As with all things, there is a negative aspect. For this mic, it can be hard to get it in the best position to record sometimes.
It has a bass roll-off that has five settings and to remove the possibility of any hum, a ‘humbucking’ coil. As it is a mic that has been designed to hold if you choose, there is a built-in shock suspension system.
The numbers stack up as well. The frequency range is 30Hz to 20kHz, and there is an impressive signal-to-noise ratio. Separation is also good due to the supercardioid design and isolates what is being picked up at the front of the mic.
Vintage Design
This mic has managed to keep its vintage look in its design and shape. It has a very rugged design with a nickel-plated all-metal body. There is also a very strong wire mesh over the head.
As you might expect from Sennheiser, a very good mic, but especially for recording vocals, and even more so, female vocals, Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac even used one live, even though it is very, very long. But it is also excellent with acoustic instruments like the piano or acoustic guitar. And as an added extra, it can even handle drums. A very classy mic indeed.

- Very good build with some very good internal; features.
- Great for vocals, especially female, but versatile to be used with other instruments.
- Might be too expensive for some.
AKG C12VR Reference multi-pattern tube condenser microphone – Best Vintage Tube Microphone
Let’s end this look at the best vintage microphones with the AKG C12VR. King Arthur, in British folklore, made it his quest to find the Holy Grail. He was a few hundred years too early and in the wrong place. It was in Vienna, Austria, all the time, and AKG brings it to you.
The Holy Grail of Microphones
The C12 is considered by many the Holy Grail of microphones . One of the great mics. It was first built in the 1950s, and it became one of, if not the, most revered tube mic ever.
Its original life span was between 1953-1960. Its successor today is the C12VR. Handcrafted in Vienna, complete with the original 6072A vacuum tube and the CK12 tube.
It has nine polar patterns that are chosen by remote control. This gives this mic the ultimate in flexibility and sound management. But these are not a variety of patterns to make up the number.
Each one has a significant function to produce the best sound you may have ever heard. The original designs supported by today’s state-of-the-art components guarantee low-noise excellence.
What More Can You Say?
AKG and their C12 rocked the world in the 60s. And this time it’s back… and it’s better. Nothing more needs to be said except maybe an apology to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Sorry fellas, it was in Vienna all the time.

- One of the greats reincarnated and improved (if that was at all possible).
- Uses the original 6072A vacuum tube and the CK12 tube.
- Sit down before you look at the price point.
Looking for more great microphone options?
Then take a look at our in-depth reviews of the Best XLR Microphones, the Best Kick Drum Mic, the Best Dynamic Microphones, the Best Shure Microphones, and the Best Wireless Microphones currently on the market.
Or, if you’re looking for a mic for a certain job, then check out our reviews of the Best Microphones Recording Electric Guitar, the Best Microphones for Recording Rap Vocals, the Best IOS Microphones, the Best USB Microphones, the Best Vocal Mics, the Best Dynamic Microphones, as well as the Best Microphones for Youtube you can buy in 2022.
You may also enjoy our comprehensive review of the Best Microphone Preamps to really make your next microphone shine.
So, which is the very best of the Best Vintage Microphones?
Every one of these microphones is a legend in its own right. They have all played their part in music and classic recordings in so many ways. Both in the studio and on stage, from their brutal toughness to their nuanced excellence of sound.
For me, to choose one is nearly impossible, but if money is no object, it would have to be the…
AKG C12VR Reference multi-pattern tube condenser microphone
Nothing else comes close to this in terms of quality on the right singer, so start saving now!
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