Hi-Fi triki, ki jih mora poznati vsak avdiofil
S ponosom lahko rečem, da sem avdiofil od leta 2009 in zbiram hi-fi avdio opremo iz vseh obdobij. Še vedno pa se vsake toliko časa naučim kaj novega.
Nedavno sem na primer izvedel, da bi lahko izboljšali kakovost zvoka svojih vinilnih plošč z uporabo teže zapisa . S tem teža izravna deformacije na vaših vinilnih ploščah, kar posledično povzroči izboljšano kakovost zvoka. Kdo bi si mislil?
Prepričan sem, da mora biti to nekaj zelo preprostega in lahko razumljivega za mnoge, vendar je meni iz nekega razloga vzelo kar nekaj časa. To kaže, da se je v svetu hi-fi opreme vedno treba naučiti česa novega – tudi če to pomeni vrnitev k osnovam.
Trik za boljšo kakovost zvoka ni le v vlaganju v pravo hi-fi opremo. Glede na to, kar sem se naučil, gre tudi za poslušanje kot avdiofil. To pomeni, da svojo hi-fi opremo uporabljate v največji možni meri in ste kritični do vsake najmanjše podrobnosti.
Na primer, ko poslušam glasbo na svojem gramofonu, se ne osredotočam samo na celoten zvok, ampak sem pozoren tudi na različne instrumente in njihovo uravnoteženost. To mi omogoča, da bolj cenim glasbo in mi pomaga najti nove priljubljene.
V tem članku bom razpravljal o 10 najkoristnejših hi-fi trikih, ki sem se jih naučil v preteklih letih, ki jih mora poznati vsak avdiofil zdaj !

Hi-Fi triki, ki jih mora poznati vsak avdiofil
Mislim, da je ena najboljših stvari pri avdiofilu ta, da se nikoli ne nehaš učiti in odkrivati novih stvari. To je potovanje brez konca in to ga dela tako razburljivo. Tukaj je nekaj nasvetov, kako lahko resnično izboljšate svojo izkušnjo in se izognete enakim napakam kot jaz!
1. Poslušajte glasbo – ne samo poslušajte je
Ena najpomembnejših stvari, ki sem se jih kot avdiofil naučil, je poslušati glasbi, ne samo slišati. To se morda sliši kot neumno razlikovanje, vendar je ključnega pomena.
Ko samo poslušate glasbo, pasivno dovolite, da zvočni valovi zadenejo vaša ušesa, ne da bi se zares ukvarjali z glasbo. Po drugi strani pa, ko poslušate glasbo, aktivno poskušate biti pozorni na različne instrumente, vokale in zvoke ter na to, kako se vsi združijo, da ustvarijo celoten zvok.
To naredi svet drugačnega. Ko samo poslušate glasbo, v njej ne uživate v največji meri v primerjavi s poslušanjem, in to je tisto, zaradi česar so avdiofili tako navdušeni nad svojim hobijem.
2. Kritično poslušanje je treba izvajati samo ponoči
Včasih sem mislil, da je treba kritično poslušanje opraviti podnevi, ko je zunaj svetlo in sončno. Navsezadnje mi nič ne polepša dneva kot iskanje skritega zvočnega učinka v mojih najljubših pesmih.
Vendar sem od takrat izvedel, da temu ni tako. Pravzaprav je treba kritično poslušanje izvajati samo ponoči, ko je temno in tiho. To je zato, ker je vaš um v temi bolj sproščen in se boste lahko veliko bolje osredotočili na glasbo. Razlika je precej subtilna, a vseeno obstaja!
3. Investirajte v dober par slušalk
To je en nasvet, za katerega si želim, da bi ga upošteval že od samega začetka. Ko sem začel kot avdiofil, sem uporabljal poceni ušesne slušalke, ki so bile priložene iPhonu.
Vendar sem se hitro naučil, da je to napaka. Poceni ušesni čepki so morda primerni za priložnostno poslušanje, vendar niso primerni za kritično poslušanje ali za tiste, ki uporabljajo hi-fi sisteme zvočnikov in slušalke.
Če želite kar najbolje izkoristiti svojo glasbo, morate investirati v dober par slušalk. Na trgu je na voljo veliko različnih vrst slušalk, zato je pomembno, da raziščete in poiščete par, ki je udoben in zveni odlično.

4. Heat &Humidity DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Living in Florida, I always found that the climate was very hot and humid. I always thought that this had no effect on the sound of my hi-fi equipment. However, moving to a colder state allowed me to understand that heat and humidity can actually have a significant impact on the sound quality of your music.
Hot weather and high humidity can cause the sound to become muffled or even distorted as the air particles become more radical and move around more haphazardly. In extreme cases, it can even cause the sound to crackle or pop.
There are a few things you can do to help mitigate the effects of heat and humidity on your sound quality.
- Make sure that your speakers are properly ventilated. If they’re not, the heat can build up inside the speaker and cause the sound to become distorted.
- Try to keep your speakers away from direct sunlight. The sun’s rays can increase the temperature inside the speaker, which can again lead to sound distortion.
- Keep your speakers in a cool, dry environment. This will help to keep the temperature down and reduce the risk of sound distortion.
- Avoid using your equipment in direct sunlight.
5. Room Acoustics Are Important
I used to think that as long as my hi-fi equipment sounded good and was loud enough, the acoustics of my room didn’t matter. However, I have since learned that this is not the case. Room acoustics are actually very important, and they can have a big impact on the sound quality of your music.
There are many different factors that contribute to good room acoustics, such as the size of the room, the shape of the room, and the material of the walls. If you want to get the most out of your hi-fi equipment, it is important to take these factors into account.
Make sure you go through my guide about room acoustics and furniture placement for better sound quality and experience!
6. There’s Always a Correct Volume &Correct Listening Distance
For many, there is no such thing as too loud or too close. They may as well put speakers right up to their ears if given their way! Audiophiles, however, know better. They know that there is a correct volume for each recording, as well as a correct listening distance.
Too loud, and the music will start to sound distorted. Too quiet, and you will not be able to hear all the subtle details in the music. The same goes for listening distance. If you are too close to the speakers, you will not be able to hear the full soundscape of the music. If you are too far away, the music will sound distant and flat.
It is important to find the perfect balance between volume and distance in order to get the most out of your music.
7. Create a Test CD &Test Out Different Frequencies
When I first started out as an audiophile, I used to just listen to music on my iPod. However, I soon realized that this was not the best way to enjoy my music. If you want to get the most out of your music, you need to create a test CD and test out different frequencies.
A test CD is a CD that contains a variety of different tracks, all at different frequencies. By testing out different frequencies, you will be able to find the perfect balance for your hi-fi equipment.

To test your system out:
- Attach a piece of tape or rope to the back wall through your shoulders.
- Play different frequencies, starting from 300 Hz to 2,000 Hz, all the way to 10,000 Hz.
- Stay seated but move the top of your body forward and backward.
- Once you reach the pique point of every frequency, mark it on the rope or tape.
- If the distance between these points is too much, move your speakers closer or your listening chair.
- Repeat the same until you can find the point where the frequencies are at their peak and the peak points are close to each other.
8. Precision is Key – So Remove As Many Vibrations As Possible
When it comes to hi-fi equipment, precision is key. Any vibrations or movements can cause the sound to become distorted. That is why it is important to remove as much vibration as possible.
There are many different ways to do this, such as using speaker isolation pads or decoupling your equipment from the floor. By taking these measures, you can be sure that your music will sound its best.
Try putting marble under your hi-fi speakers along with the exercise I mentioned above. I know this sounds strange (and perhaps not that different from concrete or hardwood), but you’d be surprised at the difference in results you’ll get! This is because marble is a natural sound dampener, and it will help to reduce vibrations.
Final Thoughts
These are just a few hi-fi tricks that every audiophile needs to know. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are getting the most out of your music.
Of course, there is a lot more to learn and a lot more to teach, so I’ll be sure to follow up with another post soon. Thanks for reading!