Najboljše storitve pretakanja Hi-Fi glasbe za avdiofile
Tudi z najboljšimi hi-fi sistemi zvočnikov pri roki včasih težko najdem najboljšo glasbo in pravo vzdušje za jamranje.
Seveda obstaja nekaj osebnih favoritov, kot so Contact Daft Punka, Earthquake Tinieja Tempaha in Written in the Stars ali več, toda ko gre za raziskovanje, se še vedno težko sprehajam po digitalni pokrajini storitev pretakanja glasbe. .
Ne razumite me narobe; Hvaležen sem za raznolikost in dostopnost teh storitev. Toda glede na to, da je tam zunaj, je lahko težko najti, kar iščete, še posebej, če iščete nekaj posebnega. Na primer, pogosto si želim, da bi obstajala storitev, ki bi se osredotočala na bolj nišne žanre, kot sta post-rock ali metal. Ali storitev, ki je imela boljši izbor jazza in klasične glasbe.
Čeprav obstaja več možnosti pretakanja glasbe, ne nudijo vedno zvoka visoke ločljivosti, ki ga iščem. 320 kbps je v redu, vendar niso vedno »brez izgub«. Večinoma so naloženi kot MP3.

Format lahko močno vpliva tudi na to, kaj dobite od zvoka. MP3 in MP4 sta na primer najpogostejša formata, ker ju je lažje upravljati in zavzameta manj prostora (ter zato lažje pretakati), vendar ste že kdaj poskusili pretakati FLAC (brezplačni zvočni kodek brez izgube)?
Datoteka je ogromna in lahko traja nekaj časa, da se naloži, vendar ni mogoče zanikati, da na hi-fi zvočnikih zveni nič manj kot super. In na žalost oblika NI na voljo na YouTubu.
Torej, če ste kot jaz in iščete najboljše storitve pretakanja hi-fi glasbe za avdiofile, boste morda potrebovali nekaj truda, da boste našli popolno storitev pretakanja. Vseeno pa sem sestavil seznam najboljših storitev pretakanja, ki ponujajo visokokakovosten zvok, široko paleto žanrov in več. Skladbe morda niso vedno brezplačne, vendar se naložba običajno splača.
Poskušal sem vključiti tudi storitve pretakanja, ki ponujajo brezplačne preizkuse, tako da lahko sami preizkusite storitev, preden se zavežete.
Spotify se ni uvrstil na seznam, vendar načrtujejo storitev Spotify HiFi ... očitno.
Razumevanje zvoka visoke ločljivosti – kaj je to?
Preden se posvetimo najboljšim hi-fi storitvam za pretakanje glasbe, poglejmo, kaj sploh je »zvok visoke ločljivosti« ali »zvok brez izgub«.
Zvok visoke ločljivosti je definiran kot kateri koli format datoteke, ki lahko predvaja zvok v višji kakovosti kot CD-ji. To vključuje zvočne datoteke brez izgube, ki so stisnjene brez izgube kakovosti, kot tudi nestisnjene zvočne datoteke.
Zvok brez izgub je običajno v formatu FLAC ali WAV in ima bitno hitrost vsaj 1411 kbps. Po drugi strani se MP3-ji štejejo za izgubljene, ker so stisnjeni z nižjo bitno hitrostjo, kar povzroči nekaj izgube kakovosti.
Ko gre za storitve pretakanja, ne ponujajo vse zvočnih datotek brez izgub. Pravzaprav jih večina pretaka samo pri največ 320 kbps, kar je enako kot MP3. Vendar pa obstaja nekaj storitev pretakanja hi-fi glasbe, ki ponujajo zvočne datoteke brez izgub. Te storitve uporabljajo format FLAC ali WAV in imajo bitno hitrost vsaj 1411 kbps.
Kaj potrebujem za poslušanje pretočnega zvoka visoke ločljivosti?
Če ste tukaj kot avdiofil, potem že poznate veliko dodatkov, ki bi jih morda želeli upoštevati pri ogledu visokokakovostne storitve pretakanja zvoka brez izgub. Dragi DAC-ji, DAP-ji in ojačevalniki za slušalke niso potrebni, vendar lahko pomagajo tudi glede na slušalke.
Te stvari vključujejo:
- Internetna povezava z visoko pasovno širino. Večina domačih povezav bo v redu in novejša mobilna omrežja so lahko dovolj.
- Strojna oprema – v idealnem primeru bi imeli strojno opremo, ki podpira bitne hitrosti, s katerimi te storitve pretakajo. npr. karkoli z iOS 14 in novejšim je OK. Tidal ima odlično bazo podatkov o strojni opremi, ki si jo lahko ogledate.
- Skladišča, ki se ujemajo – ne želite zapraviti te kakovosti glasbe za svoj brezplačni par slušalk Apple 2016. Pridobite spodobne slušalke ali slušalke, ki bodo ustrezale kakovosti zvoka.
Primerjava avdiofilskih pretočnih storitev
Funkcija | Amazon Music | Plimovanje | Qobuz | Deezer |
Število pesmi | 90 milijonov | 90 milijonov (450k videov) | 80 milijonov | 90 milijonov |
Mesečni strošek | $ | $$ | $ | $ |
Brezplačna možnost? | Da (podprto z oglasi) | Ne | Ne | Ne |
Brezplačni preizkus? | 3 meseci | 30 dni | 1 mesec | 1 mesec |
Poslušanje brez povezave | Da | Da | Da | Da |
Najvišja kakovost zvoka | Do 24 bitov, 192 kHz | 9216 kbps / 24-bitno, 192 kHz | 24-bitni FLAC do 192 kHz | FLAC 16-bit/44,1 kHz, 1411 Kbps |
Dolby Atmos | Da | Da | ||
MQA | Da | |||
Sony 360 Reality | Da | Da | Da | |
HiRes Audio | Da | |||
Možnost družinskega načrta | Da | Da | Da | Da |
Možnost študentskega paketa | Da |
Najkakovostnejše storitve pretakanja Hi-Fi glasbe
Zdaj, ko smo tega odpravili, si poglejmo pobližje najboljše storitve pretakanja glasbe hi-fi za avdiofile.
1. Plimovanje

Tidal je storitev pretakanja hi-fi glasbe, ki ponuja zvočne datoteke brez izgub. Skladbe so običajno v formatu FLAC in so zato popolne za vaše podvige pretakanja hi-fi glasbe.
Storitev ima tudi široko paleto žanrov, vključno s popom, rockom, hip-hopom, R&B in drugimi. Ponuja tudi vsebino v zakulisju za tiste, ki si želijo ogledati svoje najljubše izvajalce od znotraj.
Tidal offers a free trial for 30 days, after which you can choose from three different subscription plans. The basic individual plan is $19.99/month for hi-fi quality audio, or you can go for the family hi-fi plan, which will cost you $29.99/month for lossless hi-fi audio.
One think I like about the Tidal site which is cool is the hardware look up database. You can search for hardware that will support Tidal best.

It is one of the highest-rated hi-fi music streaming services for audiophiles out there, and for good reason!
2. Deezer

Deezer is another high-fidelity (hi-fi) music streaming service that offers lossless audio files. Tidal has a location-specific limitation, i.e., there are some countries that the service does NOT support. I’m sure there are audiophiles like me out there in every corner of the globe, and that is where Deezer comes in.
Think of it as a suped-up Spotify but improved a hundred times in terms of experience, utility, and sound quality. Deezer has a similar user interface to Spotify, with a library of over 53 million songs, but the big difference here is that it offers lossless FLAC audio streaming as well.
It’s not just the audiophiles that love Deezer; even regular users have rated it 4.6/5 on the App Store, which is pretty impressive.
Since 2014, Deezer has been offering its Elite service, which gives users access to lossless FLAC audio streaming capabilities – at a surprisingly high streaming speed. The service costs $10.99/month, but it’s worth every penny (or should I say streaming cent) for the audiophile in you. If you opt for the annual plan, you also get a 25% discount, i.e., almost three free months!
Of course, there is the regular streaming plan as well, which will cost a bit less, but you will get 320 kbps streaming capabilities with it only. Deezer offers a free trial as well for 30 days, in which you can stream music at 128 kbps. Of course, you can try the Hi-Fi Deezer plan as well for a few days if you get in touch with their customer support and ask for it nicely.
3. Qobuz

If you haven’t heard of Qobuz before, you’re missing out on one of the most intuitive hi-fi music streaming services out there. Qobuz offers lossless audio files in the FLAC format and is known across the globe for its extensive and exhaustive library.
After Tidal, Qobuz has been ranked the highest for its experience and library. Of course, its service area is also limited, which is why I didn’t rank it higher on this list.
Qobuz offers two different types of subscription plans – the Studio plan and the Sublime+ plan. The Studio plan costs ~$12.30/month and offers lossless audio streaming at a maximum of 320 kbps. The Sublime+ plan, on the other hand, costs ~$150/year and gives you access to lossless audio files at 1,411 kbps.
With Sublime+, you can also purchase songs directly at a reduced price compared to the Studio Premiere plan or without any subscription, so it’s a win-win for audiophiles.
There is also a free trial for 30 days for both plans. If you want to explore Qobuz without subscribing to anything, you can do that as well. The catch is that you’ll only be able to stream music at a lower quality.
4. Amazon Music Unlimited

A few years ago, Amazon announced the launch of its new lossless audio streaming service – Amazon Music Unlimited. The service offers a catalog of over 50 million songs in high definition and millions of songs in Ultra HD. With Amazon Music Unlimited, you can stream music at a bit rate of up to 3,730Kbps/24-bit/192kHz.
This plan is one of the most cost-effective subscription plans out there, offering hi-fi music streaming services across the globe. Unlike other streaming services, Amazon offers a 3-month free offer and lets you try the hi-fi music from the very beginning, i.e., in the basic trial as well.
The individual plan costs only $5/month on top of the regular plan, while the family plan, which is designed for up to six family members, costs an additional $15/month.
The biggest advantage of Amazon Music Unlimited is that it comes bundled with the regular Amazon Prime membership. So, if you’re already an Amazon Prime member, you can try out the hi-fi streaming service at no additional cost for a few days.
These were some of the best hi-fi music streaming services for audiophiles that you can try out. While each service has its own unique selling point, they all offer lossless FLAC audio streaming at a surprisingly high quality. So, if you’re an audiophile, go ahead, try out these services, and feel free to share your thoughts with me about your experience!