Najboljši XLR kabli za mikrofone, studie in ojačevalnike v letu 2021
Ni nujno, da je najboljši kabel XLR najdražji
Tukaj lahko govorim iz izkušenj, ker že več kot 20 let uporabljam kable XLR za zvočnike, mikrofone in snemanje. V škatli zraven sebe imam 3 in moram priznati, da so bili nekateri poceni nakupi, ki so me spet ugriznili po zelo majhni uporabi.
Mogami so razvili v Naganu na Japonskem. Država, znana po neverjetni HiFI in avdio produkciji.
Ko iščete najboljše kable xlr, morate upoštevati nekaj stvari, vendar nad vsemi ne boste imeli nadzora. Na primer, ne boste mogli pregledati notranjega oklopa, da bi ugotovili, kako dober je, ali kakovosti ožičenja in zaključkov v vtičih, razen če se odločite, da ga boste izdelali sami.
Kupil sem kable, ki so zdržali približno 3 koncerte in so umrli brez pretirane zlorabe, vendar sem kupil tudi poceni kable xlr, ki so zdržali leta.
Preberite tudi: Najboljši ušesni monitorji za pevce
Nekaj stvari, ki jih boste želeli iskati, vključujejo:
- Flex – kabli, ki so preveč togi, se lahko pogosto notranje zlomijo, če jih prestavljate. To je le moja izkušnja, ko govorim tukaj. V idealnem primeru bi želeli kabel, ki omogoča dobro gibanje in mehkobo, ki vam omogoča premikanje kabla v različne položaje, kot je potrebno.
- Dolžina – očitno je reči, vendar upoštevajte svoje prihodnje in trenutne potrebe. Ni vam treba, da je noro dolg, razen če ga predvajate zvočnikom na zadnji strani avditorija ali konferenčne sobe. Če ga uporabljate samo v domačem studiu, za svojo HiFi opremo ali za mikrofon, potem ne potrebujete ničesar predolgo. Če ste že kdaj organizirali konferenco, kar sem jaz velikokrat, je neverjetno, kako dolgo lahko dobite te stvari.
- OFC – kot vsi kabli, ki jih pokrivamo, vključno s kabli mmcx ali 2-polnimi kabli za slušalke, so kabli OFC jedro in najpogostejša vrsta kabelskega jedra. OFC je kratica za baker brez kisika, ki poskuša doseči 99,99 % kabel brez kisika za čim večjo prevodnost zvoka.
- Konektorji – na splošno je najpogostejši srebrni ali zlati konektor. Srebro je najpogostejše in po mojem mnenju ga je dovolj za skoraj vse aplikacije.
- Premer žice – to je tudi razmeroma pogosto pri večini kablov premera 20–24 AWG. To je merilo bakrenega jedra.
- Zaščita – to so okoliški materiali okoli jedra, ki pomagajo zmanjšati motnje. Če delate v živih okoljih, bo to bolj pomembno, kot če ste doma, saj boste izpostavljeni več morebitnim zunanjim motnjam in radijskim valovom, in ni nič bolj motečega kot brenčanje v kablu mikrofona ali instrumenta.
- Uravnotežen kabel XLR – uravnotežen kabel je tisti, ki ima 3 žice ali žične žile skozi njega. Dva nosita enak signal (vroč in hladen ali pozitivna polarnost in negativna polarnost), tretji pa je ozemljitvena žica, ki pomaga zaščititi drugi dve žici pred zunanjimi električnimi motnjami. Balanced je najboljša izbira, zlasti pri daljših.
- Kabelski konektorji – običajno boste potrebovali le moški/ženski kabel XLR, vendar preverite, ali je to dejansko tisto, kar potrebujete. Če uporabljate kabel XLR od nadzorne mize do mikrofona, instrumenta ali zvočnika, boste običajno potrebovali samo žensko-moško povezavo. Če uporabljate kabel XLR za HiFi ali slušalke, boste morda potrebovali moški do 1/4-palčnega vtiča iz ojačevalnika za slušalke na slušalke. Mini-XLR je zelo pogost pri vrhunskih slušalkah, kot je Beyerdynamic DT-1990 Pro.

Primerjava najboljših kablov XLR
Ime kabla XLR | Vrste priključkov | Cena | Zlati konektorji |
1:3-polni kabel AmazonBasics XLR | M do F | $ | Ne |
2:Kabel je pomemben Premium kabel XLR | M do F | $ | Da |
3:Silverback Roar Premium XLR kabel | M do F | $$ | Da |
4:Uravnoteženi XLR kabel LyxPro | M do F | $$ | Da |
5:NAJBOLJŠI KABLI NA SVETU Quad Balanced XLR mikrofonski kabel | M do F | $$ | Da |
6:Mikrofonski kabel Mogami Gold STUDIO-10 XLR | M do F | $$$ | Da |
7:AudioQuest – Mackenzie Best Buy XLR kabel | M do F | $$$ | Ne |
1:AmazonBasics XLR kabel za mikrofone – moški na ženski
Dolžine kablov: 6 čevljev, 10 čevljev, 25 čevljev, 50 čevljev
Kabelska žica :3-polni XLR kabel z bakreno spiralno zaščito
Težko je iti mimo tega kabla, saj izpolnjuje veliko pogojev za dostopno ceno. Trdno kovinsko ohišje in kabel ima lepo upogibanje. Ima bakreno jedro in zunanji oklop je prav tako bakrena spiralna oklop. To zmanjša elektromagnetne motnje (EMI).
Na voljo je v dolžinah 6 ft, 10 ft, 25 ft in 50 ft, moral bi obstajati eden za skoraj vse uporabe.
Kabelski 3-polni konektorji so nameščeni v kovinskem ohišju, ki vam po mojih izkušnjah zagotavlja dobro dolgo življenjsko dobo zlorabe, ko ste tisočkrat priključeni in izklopljeni.
Zakaj smo izbrali AmazonBasics XLR Cable 3-Pin?
Ta kabel XLR je delovni konj za dostopno ceno. Ima prilagodljivost, bakreno notranjost in trdne priključke, zaradi katerih je odlična izbira za vsakogar, ki se želi priključiti.
Ne glede na to, ali gre za instrumente, mikrofone ali zvočnike, je dobra izbira in še boljša za tiste z omejenim proračunom.
- Bakrena zaščita
- Cena
- Jekleni priključki so vzdržljivi
- Več dolžin kabla
- ni najvišja kakovost izdelave
- možne težave s primernostjo, vendar je amazonov pravilnik o vračilu odličen za zamenjavo
- nihče drug po tej ceni
Povzetek: Kabel AmazonBasics XLR morda ni najbolj prefinjen ali vrhunski kabel. Nima zlatih priključkov ali dragih notranjih delov, vendar opravi delo in glede na poceni kable XLR bi začel tukaj. Z njim ravnajte prijazno in zdržalo vam bo nekaj časa.
Preberite ocene za
AmazonBasics XLR Cable 3-Pin on Amazon
2:Cable Matters Premium XLR to XLR Microphone Cable (2-Pack)
Cable Lengths: 6 feet (2 Pack of Cables) – 7 Lengths Total
Cable Wire :3-Pin Balanced XLR Cable with copper spiral shielding
What’s better than an affordable balanced XLR cable? Two! This is a 2-Pack so you get two cables for the price.
This has a soft outer jacket and its internals are a OFC copper. It has copper braided shielding to to block hum and interference.
Why do they say it’s a Pro XLR cable? Well it does have gold plated XLR pins which are purported to have premium sound transference. The connectors are metal and black coated but we can imagine the colour not lasting if you’re using these in heavy use situations. They will last well if you’re plugging them into a more permanent set up like a home or professional studio.
Why we chose the Cable Matters Premium XLR Cable?
The price for a two-pack of XLR cables that will suit most home studio and mobile applications is too hard to go past. While they might not be super high-end these cables will suit most uses for most people.
While I might not recommend these for high-end use, they are sufficient with a decent build-quality and the gold tips are a nice touch. I like the black finish which has a nice look to it.
- OFC Copper cable with braided shielding
- Steel connectors are durable
- Price for a two-pack is great
- Gold-tip plugs
- Balanced cable
- none at this price
Summary: If you’re looking for the best XLR cable for setting up a microphone for podcasts, a small home studio or perhaps plugging in a small PA set up then these are an easy and affordable choice. The two-pack is an easy choice for a 2 speaker PA rig.
Read reviews for the
Cable Matters Premium XLR Cable on Amazon
3:Silverback Roar Premium XLR Cable
Cable Lengths: 50 ft, 15 ft and 6 ft.
Cable Wire :Spring connector balanced XLR Cable
Stepping up to something a little more premium in price and quality we have the Silverback XLR cable. This comes in three lengths 50 feet, 15 feet and 6 feet. The 6-foot cable length is great as an XLR patch cable.
The connectors have a retro but functional metal spring connector at the base of the steel plugs. This acts to reduce the wear and tear of the cable where it meets the connectors.
This unit has gold contacts for better transference. The outer cable is a nylon braid which provides increased strength and toughness. Unlike rubber/plastic outer sleeves the braided nylon is a little like a strong rope.
The inner shielding is copper spiral shielding.
Why we chose the Silverback Roar Premium XLR Cable?
I like the metal spring cable protection where the wire meets the XLR connectors. The gold cable connectors have a good life span and great sound conduction.
The nylon external braiding is something I’ve had on guitar cables and it’s always better a durable cable type.
If you buy the six-pack you can get different colors for each cable, and if you’ve ever plugged in a lot of units to a sound desk or managed a podcast with multiple cables to microphones you’ll know how awesome it can be to have the color of the cables coded to know what is what in all the mess.
We also like the banana plugs and other units that Sewell Direct make.
- Strong external nylon braiding
- Gold-tip connectors
- Balanced cable
- Color 6-pack is a great choice
- More expensive
Summary: If you’re looking for the best XLR cable for setting up a microphone for podcasts, a small home studio or perhaps plugging in a small PA set up then these are an easy and affordable choice. The two-pack is an easy choice for a 2 speaker PA rig.
Read reviews for the
Silverback Roar Premium XLR Cable on Amazon
Read also: Best guitar accessories
4:LyxPro Balanced XLR Cable – Premium Series Microphone Cable
Cable Lengths: 50 ft, 15 ft and 6 ft.
Cable Wire :Spring connector balanced XLR Cable
There are more length and plug options on the LyxPro XLR cable than you can poke a stick at. Starting at 1.5 feet you can have a straight, right angle male or right-angle female connectors.
You can also get these in 9 colors. So, if you need to mix and match any kind of patching or you need to know your left XLR cable from your right, then the LyxPro works great.
The internals are a 98% braided cable and 24 AWG OFC (oxygen-free copper) cabling. This means it’s not incredibly thick which makes it easier to work with. It is a balanced cable with gold plated connectors.
The 5-year warranty gives you confidence in your purchase.
Why we chose the LyxPro Balanced XLR Cable?
The huge color range, the available lengths and variable connector plugs make it an easy choice for this list. It’s so helpful having colors to let you know what cable goes to what plug.
The price is good and the tangle resistance-free cable is easy to manage.
If you want purchase options, the LyxPro brings it in spades.
- Multiple connector angles
- Wide range of color choices
- Gold-tip connectors
- Braided shielding
- None at this price
Summary: Colors, price and lengths. If you don’t feel the need for its bigger brother the LyxPro Quad XLR then this is probably one of my favorites.
Read reviews for the
LyxPro Balanced XLR Cable on Amazon
5:WORLDS BEST CABLES Quad Balanced XLR Microphone Cable – Custom Made
Cable Lengths: 10 feet
Cable Wire :Neutrik NC3MXX-B Male &NC3FXX-B Female XLR Plugs using Mogami 2534 Wire
It’s rare you see the words ‘Custom Made’ on an XLR cable, especially when its on Amazon but here it is and that is one strong reason why we chose it.
WBC have used Mogami cable wire and Neutrik connectors when building this making it a candidate for the best xlr cable on the list. Mogami wire is a well-known cable wire known in professional circles. It’s made in Nagano, Japan.
The Neutrik AG-Liechtenstein connectors are also considered some of the best for XLR use.
This is a quad core cable which means its a slightly thicker final wire width but it means you get much more sound conduction as an end result. The quad core still has shielding as well for a completed balanced cable.
The jacket is PVC and comes in traditional black.
Why we chose the WORLDS BEST CABLES Quad Balanced XLR Microphone Cable?
Their choice of parts to build these cables is impressive and it would be amis to have a list of the best XLR cables without having one that was custom made.
If you require other sizes and lengths from Worlds Best Cables, these exist.
- Custom-built from people who care.
- Excellent quality cable and connectors including Mogami and Neutrik
- Quad XLR Cable
- None
Summary: Custom-built from the best available hardware and materials makes this a great choice for people who love a hand-made product from a company that takes pride in their work.
Read reviews for the
WORLDS BEST CABLES Quad Balanced XLR Microphone Cable on Amazon
6:Mogami Gold XLR Cable – STUDIO-10
Cable Lengths: 10 feet (Available in 2ft, 3ft, 6ft, 10ft, 15ft, 25ft, 50ft, 75ft, 100ft)
Cable Wire :Mogami Neglex Quad High Definition Microphone Cable WIre
This is an original Mogami branded cable. As mentioned in the above WBC cable review, the Mogami brand is considered one of the best XLR cables on the available.
There is an extensive range of lengths for any use – whether that is for patching, short speaker connections or longer event or conference speaker connection use.
This Mogami XLR cable is a balanced quad cable meaning it has 4 conductor cables with excellent sound conduction and superior noise-reduction.
Why we chose the Mogami Gold Studio 10 XLR Cable?
Reputation alone demands the Mogami Gold XLR cable makes the list. I have a soft spot for anything made or developed in Japan and have a huge amount of respect for the Japanese attention to detail.
Another great reason to choose a Mogami XLR cable is because they have a lifetime ‘no excuses’ warranty.
There are more expensive options in the Mogami range including their innovative Mogami Gold AES Digital/Analog XLR Microphone Cables but this Gold Studio cable is a good around choice.
If you have high-end gear and want the best results I believe the Mogami cable is a sure pick.
- Mogami’s excellent reputation
- “No excuses” Lifetime Warranty
- Quad XLR Cable
- Gold connectors
- None for this quality
Summary: Custom-built from the best available hardware and materials makes this a great choice for people who love a hand-made product from a company that takes pride in their work.
Read reviews for the
WORLDS BEST CABLES Quad Balanced XLR Microphone Cable on Amazon
7:AudioQuest – Mackenzie Best Buy XLR Cable
Cable Lengths: 1.64′
Cable Wire :Copper+

So, since we covered the Mogami, which has such a premium reputation, it only seems fitting that we highlight this XLR Best Buy cable which also sits in the premium range. If you want a braided cable with a nice set of connectors with copper conducive cabling, this is a good choice.
I’m not going to lie, the description on this product is layered with ‘tech talk’ to blind you with its awesomeness but you don’t need to understand it all.
It’s a great looking cable in a black brown finish and a braided external cover which is actually surprising in the brown/black finish.
Why we chose the AudioQuest – Mackenzie Best Buy XLR Cable??
The finish and connectors on this cable feel really high end. Brown might not be your color but if you’re using this at home as a long patch cable or for studio use then color is less important.
It’s only a 1.64 feet so it’s not super long. Great as an XLR patch cable or similar.
- Good looking and well made cable
- Copper conductor but not clear what the OFC rating is
- It’s quite expensive
Summary: A premium and high-end alternative to the Mogami XML cable, this AudioQuest XLR cable from Best Buy ticks all the boxes in an unconventional non-gold tipped cable. It’s short so keep that in mind when purchasing.
Read reviews for the
AudioQuest – Mackenzie Best Buy XLR Cable at Best Buy
There are always a thousand cables you could buy but I’ve tried to highlight XLR cables that suit any situation and those that come well-reviewed.
Each cable suits common audio needs including connecting microphones, outdoor speakers, audio racks, studio speakers, mixers, preamps etc.
Things we’ve covered you might want to consider when buying:
- Length of cable based on the use you need it for.
- Colors – do you need to color code or color match your cables for different uses, or just make life easier when patching your audio desk and speakers, amplifiers, studio speakers, microphones etc.
- Price is a consideration and I’ve included anything from under $20 to over $50.
- Dual vs Quad XLR speaker cables – quad gives you more conduction and potentially less noise (depending on how good the balanced shielding is).
- Finish on the cable – whether its a nylon weave, pvc or rubber finishing.
If I’ve missed a cable you love, let me know in the comments below.