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Koliko Poly-Fill potrebujem za zaprt nizkotonec 

Če načrtujete zaprto enoto nizkotonca, potem verjetno poznate pomen polnjenja ohišja z nekakšnim materialom za izboljšanje vrednosti zvoka, ki ga dobite.

Če se pravilno uporablja, lahko polnilni material pomaga izboljšati kakovost nizkih tonov, ki jih zagotavlja sub, in njegovo splošno delovanje.

Toda preden to storite, koliko polifilla potrebujete za zaprto ohišje nizkotonskega zvočnika?

Potrebovali boste 0,8 lb do 1 lb ali (12,8 oz do 16 oz) nagubanega polifilla na kubični čevelj prostora v zaprtem ohišju. Namesto tega lahko dodate 1/2 lb naenkrat do 1-1/2 funta.

Na tej točki bi morali imeti lepo napolnjeno škatlo, ki ni zapakirana pretesno ali preohlapno.

Oglejmo si več podrobnosti o polifillu in o tem, koliko tega boste potrebovali za ohišje nizkotonca.

Koliko Poly-Fill potrebujem za zaprt nizkotonec?

Preden se lotimo preveč podrobnosti, upoštevajte spodnji dve merili, da določite količino polnila, ki ga boste uporabili za nizkotonsko ohišje za izboljšano kakovost zvoka.

  1. Za ohišja, manjša od 2,5 – 3,0 kubičnih čevljev, uporabite približno en funt in pol polifilla na kubični čevelj vašega ohišja. Te mere ne prekoračite, saj lahko pride do prenapolnjenosti.
  2. Za ohišja, večja od 2,5 – 3,0 kubičnih čevljev, uporabite približno en funt polifilla na kubični čevelj ohišja. Prav tako ne prekoračite te mere, da se izognete odvečnemu polnjenju ohišja nizkotonskega zvočnika.

Dodajanje polifilla v ohišje povzroči, da se zračna vzmet v ohišju spremeni iz "adiabatne" v "izotermno". Če zvočniško ohišje napolnite s polifillom, se zdi, da je ohišje pomožnemu vozniku videti večje. »Večja« glasnost proizvaja globlje nizke tone.

Poleg tega je lahko majhna notranja glasnost včasih glavni vzrok hrupa v vratih nizkotonskega zvočnika.

Izraz "adiabatno" se uporablja za ponazoritev pomanjkanja prenosa toplote v mediju. Ko pa je polifill dodan, pride do izotermnega procesa. Ko zrak prehaja skozi material z več polnili, se njegova vlakna premikajo in povzročijo neko obliko odvajanja toplote.

To se zgodi, ko se del energije, ki jo ustvari zračna vzmet, pretvori v toploto. Na ta način se okoliške molekule zraka segrejejo in zrak postane manj gost.

Ker zvok potuje hitreje v gostejših medijih, se nizkotonec povezuje z ohišjem sistema, kot da bi bil veliko večji, kot je. Poly-fill učinkovito poveča velikost ohišja zvočnika za več kot 40 %!

S to stopnjo povečanja velikosti ohišja nizkotonskega zvočnika je večja verjetnost, da boste uživali v številnih prednostih razširjene glasnosti zvočnikov ali povečane ravni nizkih tonov. Nekatere prednosti povečanega ohišja zvočnikov vključujejo:

  • Razširitev poveča učinkovitost zvočnika
  • Zmanjša frekvenco SPL in tako nudi podaljšan spodnji konec. To zmanjša učinkovito dušenje zvočnikov in poveča verjetnost, da bodo padli na dno

Po drugi strani pa lahko preveč večplastnega polnjenja povzroči nekaj izzivov. Na primer, prekomerna intenzifikacija večplastnega polnila povzroči, da se gostota materiala tako poveča, da se vlakna ne morejo več premikati.

Na ta način material izgubi svoje prednosti glede velikosti, učinkovita prostornina večplastnega polnila pa se zmanjša. Also, it is important to note that poly-fill is not very effective in supporting bass extension in speakers with large enclosures.

Is Poly-Fill Good For My Subwoofer?

Ever finished an enclosure that just sounded too boxy? You can hear unwanted reverberations, but you want to avoid the process of rebuilding the enclosure from scratch or you just do not want to.

You tuck in some poly-fill and the improvement seems extraordinary. You may not understand how it works or what it did, but you know the sound has improved. Maybe it’s the right time to learn more about it!

The white fluffy material, whether polyfill or fiberglass increases the interior volume of the subwoofer and makes it ‘think’ that it is in a much bigger box.

If you are looking to make a difference with improved bass, adding some poly-fill to your sealed subwoofer box will fix the issue.

Poly-fill is therefore a good choice for your subwoofer, especially if you intend to produce deeper low bass. Adding more poly-fill thus makes the bass deeper.

However, the quality of sound may reduce especially if the material is added in excess, but not too tight or loose. However, before you can make a selection, let’s look at the various types of fill.

Types Of Fill

The following are the main types of fillings used for subwoofer enclosures:

  1. Polyester fiberfill
  2. Fiberglass insulation
  3. Long-fiber wool

Users with much more poly-fill experience recommend fiberfill as the best type of fill of the three.

It is easily available in local fabrics and crafts stores and is affordable. Besides, the fill is much easier to apply to the interior of your speaker enclosure.

Myths About Poly-Fill

Several myths about the use of poly-fill exist in the speaker industry. For instance, some audiophiles believe that poly-fill blocks standing waves within an enclosure.

However, regarding a subwoofer enclosure, and when you are playing a fundamental frequency that falls within the range of standing waves, this belief is incorrect.

This is because it is expected that a standing wave within the said range of frequencies should be very long – up to several feet. Therefore, there is little chance that standing waves will occur.

It is however possible that higher-order harmonic distortion will occur, and is much likely that it will color the audio.

Now because we expect that these higher-order harmonics will have shorter wavelengths, poly-fill will be very effective. Music clarity however changes and can be extremely low at high SPL.

Poly-fill and Harmonic Distortion

If you intend to use poly-fill as a remedy especially to absorb sound distortion or standing waves, it is important to note that it is only very effective in the large enclosures for midrange speakers, and is not for a subwoofer.

Does Polyfill Make Bass Deeper?

No. Polyfill does not make bass “deeper” by itself, it changes the tuning of a sealed system to allow for more low-end frequencies.

This is because bass frequencies require larger amounts of air, and a sealed box does not allow for the amount of air that is required.

To achieve more low-end bass without changing or upgrading your enclosure you need to add polyfill.

Can a Sealed Sub Box Be Too Big?

This can be answered with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The answer depends on what you are doing.

If your goal is to make the subwoofer as loud as possible, then having a big box will do this.

A bigger sealed enclosure equals more air volume. This means that the subwoofer has more space to move air back and forth creating louder sound waves.

Therefore, this will end up causing a greater intensity of bass energy for listeners.

Thus making it seem like the sub sounds much better than smaller subs because there’s just so much “boom” being produced by them!

Does Sealed Subwoofer Box Size Matter?

Yes, the sealed subwoofer box size tends to matter. To find out how much polyfill you should use for your sealed subwoofer box, all you need to do is measure from the inside of the speaker location.

After that, add that amount of fill material in before installing your speaker.

This will make sure that your sound doesn’t become too boomy or wonky while giving off an accurate level response curve around the entire frequency spectrum.

Spodnja črta

Poly-fill can be applied to both sealed and ported subwoofer boxes. However, there is no standard way of fixing the stuffing material as every audiophile will have their own preferences.

The right amount will always be the amount that sounds best, so take some time to add and subtract and ensure that you don’t pack it in too tightly and make sure it fills the entire space.

It is therefore more advisable that you apply a quantity that is within the recommended ranges but always make your sound preferences a priority.

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