Seznam vhodnih in izhodnih naprav

Morda si o svojem računalniku predstavljate predmet ali posamezno stvar, vendar ni. To je bolj ekosistem ali kolektiv, sestavljen iz več manjših naprav. Veliko teh naprav se uporablja za premikanje informacij in so opisane – povsem logično – kot vhodne in izhodne naprave . Noben seznam vhodnih in izhodnih primerov ne more biti popoln, vendar običajni spadajo v razmeroma majhno število kategorij.
Vhod v primerjavi z izhodom v računalniških izrazih
Vsak računalnik, če ga zmanjšate na osnovne funkcije, je orodje za delo z informacijami . Da bi delovalo, morajo te informacije priti do procesorja in potem, ko so obdelane, mora računalnik narediti nekaj z rezultati. To je preprost način za razlago zapletenega procesa, vendar pojasnjuje razliko med vhodnimi in izhodnimi napravami. Če posreduje informacije procesorju, je vhodna naprava, če pa sprejema informacije od procesorja, je izhodna naprava.
Primeri vhodnih naprav
Ogromno število vnosnih naprav, ki se uporabljajo z računalniki, je mogoče razčleniti v kategorije na več načinov, odvisno od tega, kako jih razvrstite. Eden preprostih načinov je, da ločite tiste, ki jih uporabljate sami, od tistih, ki pretvarjajo analogne informacije v digitalne podatke za uporabo v računalniku.
Naprave za ročni vnos
Praviloma je vse, kar uporabljate z rokami, verjetno vhodna naprava. Te ročne vnosne naprave spadajo v nekaj širših kategorij:
- Tipkovnice :Na namiznem ali prenosnem računalniku je tipkovnica običajno najpomembnejša vnosna naprava. Običajno tako vnašate informacije v računalnik ali počnete kar koli kreativnega z besedami in številkami. Nekatere tipkovnice se prek kabla povežejo z vrati USB, nekatere pa so brezžične. Nekateri so zasnovani tako, da so ergonomski, kar pomeni, da so namenjeni ohranjanju vaših rok v naravni drži, da se zmanjša tveganje za ponavljajoče se stresne poškodbe, razen tega pa so si vsi precej podobni.
- Miška in miški podobne kazalne naprave :Računalniška miška je v široki uporabi od osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja za klikanje ali izbiranje elementov na zaslonu. Premaknete miško in kazalec na zaslonu se premakne; nato kliknete gumbe, da naredite, kar želite. Proizvajalci ponujajo vrsto alternativnih naprav, ki opravljajo isto delo, od sledilnih kroglic – nekakšne narobe obrnjene miške, ki miruje, medtem ko s palcem vrtite kroglico, da premikate kazalec – do sledilnih ploščic večine prenosnikov in naprave TrackPoint, ki se uporablja na ThinkPadih.
- Digitalizacija tablic :To so variacije na temo zaslona na dotik ali sledilne ploščice, vendar so bolj izpopolnjene. Zasnovani za grafične umetnike, uporabnikom omogočajo risanje, skiciranje ali slikanje na površini pri visokih ločljivostih s pomočjo pisala.
- Krmilniki za igre :Nekatere igre dobro delujejo s tipkovnico in miško, druge pa potrebujejo nekaj bližje krmilnikom na igralni konzoli. Računalniške različice so lahko vse od običajnih krmilnikov s palcem do dovršenih igralnih palic. Za resne navdušence so na voljo specializirani krmilniki, kot so volani in pedala za igre vožnje ali krmilni jaremi za simulatorje letenja.
- Daljinski upravljalniki :Nekaj računalnikov, ki so usmerjeni v zabavo, ima celo daljinski upravljalnik v stilu televizorja, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti za predvajanje DVD-jev ali za izbiro in pretakanje medijev prek programa, kot sta Kodi ali Plex. To je na svoj način tudi vhodna naprava.
Analogno-digitalne vhodne naprave
Računalniki lahko delajo s skoraj vsemi informacijami, vendar morajo biti v digitalni obliki. Realni predmeti in dražljaji so skoraj vedno analogni, zato cel drug razred vhodnih naprav pretvori te analogne vhode v nekaj, s čimer lahko računalnik deluje:
- Mikrofoni: Mikrofoni zajemajo zvočne valove, ki so analogni, in jih spreminjajo v električne signale. Digitalno-analogni pretvornik ali DAC v samem mikrofonu ali v računalniku ga dodatno pretvori v digitalno obliko. Od tam lahko računalnik posname zvok ali ga posreduje v internet ali vaše lokalno omrežje v realnem času.
- Skenerji: Optični bralniki delajo približno enako, vendar za vizualni vnos. Ploski skenerji in skenerji s podajanjem listov to naredijo s tiskanim besedilom ali natisnjenimi slikami, pri čemer sliko ali besedilo pretvorijo v podatkovno obliko, ki jo računalnik lahko uporablja. Čitalniki črtne kode, ki jih vidite v trgovinah, so različica iste ideje, berejo kode iz izdelkov in jih pretvarjajo v podatke.
- Fotoaparati: Spletna kamera vašega računalnika ali kateri koli digitalni fotoaparat, ki ga uporabljate za prenos slik v računalnik – celo vaš telefon – je še ena vhodna naprava. Zajame digitalno predstavitev analognega sveta okoli vas in jo nato prek žične ali brezžične povezave pošlje v vaš računalnik.
Primeri izhodnih naprav
Seznam izhodnih naprav bo vedno krajši od seznama vhodnih naprav. Računalniki lahko sprejemajo informacije na različne načine, če so digitalni, vendar se večina izhodnih naprav pogovarja z ljudmi, mi pa imamo le pet čutil. Okus in vonj na tej točki nista pomembna pri običajnem računalništvu, tako da ostaneta vid, sluh in dotik načinov, kako nam lahko računalnik pošlje informacije nazaj. Vsi trije se uporabljajo na različne načine.
- Vaš monitor: Starejši monitorji so za prikaz slike uporabljali stekleno katodno cev ali CRT. Modern screens are usually LED panels, although the OLED and AMOLED technologies used on phones may be scaled up for computer use at some point. They translate the computer's output into images and text that humans can process. They're judged by their brightness, their resolution in dots per inch, their contrast and accuracy of color, and by how quickly they can refresh.
- Speakers and headphones: Speakers and headphones provide audible feedback to let you know what the computer's doing. Early computers used sound mostly as a way to alert users to a problem, but modern machines are more versatile. They can play music or the audio portion of a movie. They can read audiobooks to you or convert text to speech, and they provide the soundtrack and sound effects for games. The best computer speaker systems rival full-scale home theater audio, with subwoofers and multispeaker setups for immersive sound.
- Printers and plotters: Printers and plotters take a computer's output and translate it into hard copy form, printing on paper, transparencies, labels and other media. Most modern printers use either laser technology, which is much the same as a photocopier's output, or inkjet technology, which uses fine drops of ink. Plotters are a specialized form of printer designed to create large-format engineering drawings and similarly oversized graphics.
- 3-D printers: A newer output device is the 3-D printer, which straddles the line between consumer/hobbyist devices and professional engineering tools. It turns the computer's output into physical objects, usually built up from plastic or resin that can be extruded while hot and then becomes rigid when it cools.
- Haptic feedback devices: You may not recognize this one by name, but you've probably used one. These are the small vibrating devices used by phones, tablets and other small devices to let you know when something happens. It might be the silent ring of your phone, or your Fitbit's hourly reminder to get up and move around. They're not used much in conventional computers but are worth mentioning because they're so common in the mobile computing world.
Some Devices Perform Input and Output
Although the line between input and output devices seems clear enough, that's not always the case in the real world. Some devices have both input and output functions , so they don't fit neatly into one category or the other. They can be divided into two broad groups:the ones that you use and the ones the computer uses.
Two-Way Consumer Devices
Most of the consumer devices you work with yourself combine an input function and an output function in one unified package. A few examples include:
- Audio headsets: Gamers and video chat-centric users are familiar with these convenient devices, which combine a microphone with an in-ear or over-ear headphone and often a band or clip to keep it in place. They're available in wired or wireless versions, so you can sit or pace while you use them. They're useful for video calls, voice recognition programs and networked gaming with your friends.
- Multifunction printers: These combine a conventional inkjet or laser printer with a scanner and sometimes other features as well. They're convenient for anyone with limited space or with only an occasional need to use the second function. It saves the space and cost of having separate devices for each job.
- Touch screens: Essential on a mobile device and handy on computers with touch-aware operating systems, touch screens display information like any other monitor but also accept input directly on-screen.
- MIDI interfaces and instruments: MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface , which is self-explanatory. With MIDI equipment, musicians can play their instruments and have the sound converted into digital data, as opposed to sound recordings, which can then be manipulated and played back through the MIDI device itself. In practice, they're mostly used as input devices, but they work both ways.
Computer I/O Devices
Other devices with two-way functionality are built into a computer, and they play an important role in how it works. These are referred to formally as i_nput/output devices,_ or I/O devices . The ones you can find on almost any computer include:
- Network interface cards: Most computers come out of the box with two kinds of networking built in, a wireless interface for Wi-Fi and a wired connection you can use to connect directly to your router or other devices. Older computers often had a modem built in as well, which is also an I/O device, but now, you usually connect your whole home network to a single external modem and router.
- Sound cards: Sound cards were an optional extra decades ago, but they're routinely built into modern computers. If your computer has a headphone jack and microphone jack, it has a sound card built in. The mic jack is an input, and the headphone jack is an output; therefore they're I/O devices. Demanding users can add a higher-end sound card to a desktop or tower through one of its PCIe expansion cards referred to as the computer's I/O bus.
- Storage devices: The drives you use in your computer are another set of I/O devices. They store information from your computer and load information to your computer constantly while it's in use. These include the hard drive, a DVD-ROM drive if you have one, and any USB thumb drives or memory cards you use with the computer.
Specialized Input and Output Devices
The number of specialized input and output devices is nearly limitless because there are so many niche markets, but they're all fairly similar to the main categories listed here. You could think of the tiny fiber-optic camera a surgeon threads through your veins as a refined webcam, for example, and the big CNC machine in a factory is similar in function to a 3-D printer.
Others, such as the assistive input and output devices designed for users with special needs, show a real genius at combining technologies in useful ways. Visually impaired computer users might rely on a screen reader that converts text to speech or Braille on a specialized touchable pad. Voice recognition software turns a microphone into an alternative keyboard. Those who can't use their hands can use sip-and-puff controls to navigate the screen or specialized devices that detect head movement or brain waves. For those with some mobility, joysticks, trackballs, and wands and sticks using various wireless technologies can take the place of a conventional mouse or touchpad.