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Kako ustvariti svoj sistem zvočnikov BOSE in prihraniti kup denarja

Stavim, da ne bi verjeli, kako enostavno je sestaviti lasten Hi-Fi sistem zvočnikov za domači kino z uporabo komponent BOSE in komponent, ki so enakovredne BOSE. Ko gre za domači kino, kakovosten zvok in lep videz nista poceni. V tem članku vam bom pokazal, kako narediti sam.

Ob straneh tega članka boste morda opazili ustrezne oglaševalske povezave in Googlove oglase, navedene na sredini strani, ki vam lahko pomagajo pri vašem projektu. Vabimo vas, da si ogledate odlične stvari, ki jih ponujajo.

1. korak

Najprej boste morali nabaviti bas modul BOSE. Uporabljali boste svoj sprejemnik, zato boste želeli prilagoditi modul temu. Moj je sprejemnik prostorskega zvoka 5.1, zato sem izbral bas modul BOSE Acoustimass 6. Kupil sem ga na eBayu pri kraji. Tukaj lahko vidite sprednjo stran in zadnjo stran z vhodi in izhodi.

2. korak

Zdaj pa se pogovorimo o gonilnikih za kocke, ki jih boste potrebovali. Če najdete dovolj nadomestnih gonilnikov za kocke BOSE po ugodni ceni, jih pograbite! Tudi na eBayu sem našel nekaj gonilnikov, enakovrednih BOSE, vendar je razpoložljivost tam strela v prazno.
Ti gonilniki za zvočnike so na voljo v spletu tukaj na naslovu http://simplyspeakers.com/14replacements.htm blizu dna strani za 24,95 USD na kos. Tukaj so podrobnosti o zvočniku:3" SONY Part #1-505-440-11 FULL RANGE 8 Ohm Velikost:2-3/4" Kvadratna izrez luknje:2-1/2" Moč:11 W Odziv:100- Magnet 16 kHz:5 oz. Oklopljena občutljivost:85 dB

3. korak

Za ohišje zvočnikov uporabite vezan les basswood. Najdete ga v lokalni obrtni trgovini, kot je Michael's, Hobby Lobby ali HobbyTown USA. Zajeralna žaga vam bo olajšala rezanje različnih kosov. Tesarsko lepilo za les ustvari tesno vez, glave šivalnih igel pa delujejo kot drobni žeblji za trdno pritrditev vezi.

Za izdelavo igelnih glav prerežite šivalne igle na pol z rezili na kleščah. Shranite koničaste nasvete za pozneje.

Hold the "nail" perpendicular in the pliers and push the pin head in. Use a hammer to finish the job. In the picture here you might notice that I'm using the point and not the head. The point is for the frame, the head is for the box.

Step 4

Glue scrap pieces in the corners and pre-drill them. Measure and mark carefully as these will be where you insert the screws to hold the speaker firmly in place.

Drill a hole in the back of the box and install the RCA female connector. You can find them at Radio Shack or Fry's Electronics. This picture shows good detail of these two steps.

Use paint or wood veneer and clear coat to finish the box.

Use speaker wire to connect the speaker to the RCA connector (maintain correct polarity + to +, - to -.

Use solder to secure these connections.

Step 5

Now comes the finishing touch - The face frame.
This is the most difficult part as the frame is very delicate.

It is made of two parts:both an inner and outer frame. The outer frame is 1/4 inch balsa wood - its outer dimensions should match that of the face of the box. The inner frame is 1/8 inch - its outer dimensions should match closely to the inside of the outer frame while leaving room for the fabric thickness because the inner frame is used to "stretch" the grille fabric to cover the front of the speaker.

You can choose to not use the fabric. Substitute some "cool-headed" screws for an audiophile look.

Assemble the frames with wood glue and pin tips.

Step 6

Screw the speakers into the boxes.

Paint the frames and attach them to the box with pin tips, too.

Connect the speakers to your system and ENJOY!

Use the links below for more information.


Use balsa wood strips for the frames. It won't split as easily as basswood.


Check the impedance of your receiver and choose appropriate speakers.

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  2. Kako Setup sistem Bose
  3. Kako ustvariti svoj sistem zvočnikov BOSE in prihranite tone denarja
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