Kako se ohladiti poleti na Floridi?

Ko se na Floridi začne poletje, radi preživimo dneve ob bazenu, uživamo v ledenih pijačah in večerji na prostem. Vendar pa je potrebno tudi ohladiti telo v najbolj vročih urah dneva. Ne gre samo za udobje; gre tudi za zaščito vašega telesa pred izčrpanostjo in toplotnim udarom. Zaradi ekstremne vročine vsako leto umre približno 688 ljudi, samo v ZDA!
Zato je v najbolj vročih časih razumno, da se odpravite v zaprte prostore in poskušate ohraniti svoje telo in hišo hladna, da vam nora floridska vročina ne pokvari dneva.
Poletje se na Floridi začne maja in traja do septembra, ko je precej vroče in vlažno. Uradni datum za začetek poletja je nedelja, 20. junij letos na severni polobli.
Tukaj je nekaj nasvetov, kako se poleti na Floridi ohladiti.
Ostanite hidrirani
Morda se zdi preprosto, toda resnica je, da le nekaj izmed nas temu lahko dejansko sledi. Vodo morate piti redno, tudi če ne čutite žeje. Potrebno je vzdrževati ravnovesje elektrolitov, saj obilno znojenje povzroči izgubo esencialnih elektrolitov iz telesa.
Težje je ugotoviti, kdaj ste dehidrirani. Dobro je imeti steklenico vode ves čas pri sebi in piti dovolj, da ne boste nikoli žejni. Znojenje ni nekaj zelo prijetnega, vendar je pregrevanje veliko hujše. Poleg tega vas hidracija ohranja več energije. Zakaj ga torej ne bi uporabili na vroč dan!
Izkoristite tehnologijo
Izkoristite klimatsko napravo ob vsaki priložnosti. Če imate mini-split, okensko ali prenosno enoto, vam pametni krmilniki za izmenični tok omogočajo upravljanje klimatske naprave iz priročnega telefona. Nastavite lahko inteligentne sprožilce, da prihranite 25 % energije in dosežete vrhunsko udobje z načini, kot je Comfy:samodejno vzdrževanje želenega temperaturnega območja ali geofencing:vklop klimatske naprave tik preden se vrnete domov!
Razmislite lahko tudi o namestitvi pametnih termostatov v svojo hišo, če imate centralno klimatsko napravo. Pametni termostati se lahko naučijo vzorcev gospodinjstva in prilagodijo hlajenje in ogrevanje, ko je hiša zasedena ali se pričakuje, da bo zasedena. Prav tako zmanjša uporabo hladilnih in ogrevalnih sistemov, ko dlje časa ni nikogar doma.
Poleti, ko se vaša klimatska naprava preveč uporablja, je pomembno, da je vaša HVAC dobro vzdrževana in v vrhunski formi. Lahko obiščete Air and Energy NWFL za kakršne koli storitve popravila klimatskih naprav, ki jih potrebujete.
Razporedite dan glede na vreme
Poleti na Floridi je najbolj vroč del dneva ob 15.00, najbolj vroče pa je med 12.00. in 16.00 Če želite iti s psom na sprehod, uživati v vožnji s kolesom, delati na vrtu, telovaditi ali karkoli drugega na prostem, tega ne počnite v tem delu dneva. Če želite kar najbolje izkoristiti svoj čas, lahko vstanete zgodaj zjutraj in opravite delo pred največjo obremenitvijo.
Popoldne lahko zadremate, si ogledate film ali obiščete kateri koli senčni kraj, kot je park z veliko drevesi. Večeri so običajno hladnejši in če je območje varno in dobro osvetljeno, lahko svoje delo opravljate tudi v tem času.
Naprave, ki tečejo po vsej hiši, lahko dodajo tudi toploto. Running the dishwasher, ironing, and even doing laundry can increase the temperature of your home. You can do your chores early in the morning or in the evening rather than the heated hours to combat the heat and maintain ideal indoor temperatures.
Wear Sunscreen
Do not forget to wear sunscreen whenever you need to go outside during day time. You will notice a great difference in your core body temperature and will be able to handle the heat better if you wear sunscreen. If you don’t wear it, you will feel hotter and can damage your skin.
Choose The Right Clothing
Choose light, breathable fabrics like cotton and loose-fits so that your clothes do not stick to you. You should also pick light colors as darker colors absorb heat from the sun. The darker, tighter, and heavier your clothes will be, the hotter you will feel.
You can wear a hat or sunglasses to protect your eyes. It will serve the dual purpose of achieving the cool factor and keeping you from squinting. You can also carry an umbrella for shade.
Keep A Spray Bottle
When you go outdoors, spritz your face with water using a spray bottle to cool yourself down. You may keep the spray bottle in the refrigerator to make it more refreshing.
Shut The Blinds
Sunlight and heat enter your home by the windows and keep it warm throughout the day. This can be the reason for about 30% of the unwanted warmth of your home. You can use mini blinds or curtains to lower the sunlight and heat entering through the windows. Installing these affordable options can reduce the midday temperatures of your home by about 20 degrees. Using light-colored blinds will be more effective as they will reflect the sunlight rather than absorbing it.
When you work from home and miss the natural sunlight, notice the sun’s direction around the day and adjust the curtains or blinds accordingly to protect the areas of your home that get the most direct sunlight. Window films and solar screens are also great options to lower the heat streaming through your windows and also help save energy on air conditioning as your unit has to work less hard to cool your home.
Flip the Fan
Your ceiling fan can spin in two directions, and its direction directly impacts how cool you feel. In the winter, when it rotates clockwise, it creates an updraft and causes the hot air near the ceiling to come down into the room. In the summer, you need to flip its spinning direction so that it rotates counterclockwise and propel cooler air down towards you.
A portable fan or ceiling fan takes less energy than an air conditioner. However, they only work effectively when you are in the room. They actually do not reduce the air temperature of the rooms; rather, they evaporate the perspiration in the air or on your body and make you feel cooler.
Bathroom Boost
The exhaust fans in your bathrooms can play a big role in keeping your house cool during summer in Florida. This appliance is an inexpensive way to get rid of some of the warm air around your ceilings. Turn it on while showering to prevent the hot, humid air from escaping to the other parts of your house. Do not turn it off immediately after you’re out. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes after a shower to make sure it eliminates all the remaining heat and humidity completely.
Get Out The Grains
You can do more than eating buckwheat and rice. These grains can help you cool down when it’s really warm. Fill up a sock with rice and knot it. Then put it in the freezer for about an hour. This compress will remain cold for at least 30 minutes while you cool down.
Buckwheat pillows do not consume the heat. You can look into one of these pillows rather than cotton when it is a really roasting evening.
These are only a few of the many strategies to help stay cool during summer in Florida. The sun is always intense in Florida; with proper planning, you won’t have to wither. Instead, you will be able to experience the unique charm and sunshine of Florida in comfort and style.