Ali so prenosne toplotne črpalke odlična izbira za vaše ogrevanje in hlajenje?

Prenosne toplotne črpalke ali reverzibilne prenosne klimatske naprave so odlični gospodinjski aparati. Lahko ogrevajo ali hladijo vaš dom tako kot običajne toplotne črpalke, vendar z dodatno prednostjo, da so prenosljive. Lahko jih premikate po hiši in ohranjate notranjo temperaturo natanko tako, kot želite.
Prenosna toplotna črpalka, ki je veliko varnejša in energetsko učinkovitejša od grelnika prostorov, ima tudi manjšo porabo energije. Dosežete lahko prilagojeno točkovno ogrevanje in hlajenje (med poletno sezono), ne da bi morali izgubljati energijo za ogrevanje ali hlajenje nezasedenih prostorov vašega doma.
Oglejmo si jih podrobneje, kako delujejo, zakaj bi jih morali kupiti in njihove prednosti.
Kako delujejo prenosne toplotne črpalke?

Prenosne klimatske naprave s toplotno črpalko delujejo po enakem principu kot katera koli druga toplotna črpalka. Upoštevajte, da imajo veliko bolj kompaktno obliko. Celoten mehanizem za ogrevanje in hlajenje je nameščen v elegantni in majhni posodi, ki jo je mogoče priročno premikati po domu.
Najpogostejši tip prenosne toplotne črpalke je toplotna črpalka zrak-vir, tako kot vaši mini-split ali kanalski sistemi. Za hlajenje toplotna črpalka sledi preprostemu hladilnemu ciklu. Hladilno sredstvo se stisne in nato prepihne v kondenzatorju. Nato se hitro razširi in se še dodatno ohladi. To ohlajeno hladilno sredstvo se nato pretaka preko tuljav uparjalnika in absorbira toploto iz notranjega prostora. V prenosni toplotni črpalki je izpušna toplota iz kondenzatorja, ki bi bila sicer neposredno izpuščena ven v okolje, speljana skozi izpušno cev in nato ven.
Za uporabo prenosne toplotne črpalke v načinu ogrevanja pozimi je enak postopek obraten. Toplota se absorbira iz okolja in se odvaja v notranji prostor, zaradi česar je vaša soba topla in prijetna.
Toplotne črpalke z enim in dvojnim gostiteljem
Prenosne klimatske naprave zajemajo zrak iz enega območja in ga odvajajo iz drugega. Medtem ko enocevne toplotne črpalke samo odvajajo zunanji zrak iz ene cevi, dvocevne črpalke uporabljajo dodatno cev za sesanje zraka. Medtem ko je ena bolj učinkovita, je tudi dražja!
Enocevne toplotne črpalke
To so najosnovnejše vrste prenosnih toplotnih črpalk, z eno samo cevjo, ki jo je treba podaljšati navzven. Ta toplotna črpalka sesa zrak iz notranjosti prostora in ga preko kompresorja hladi ali segreva. Vlaga in toplota, ki ju je treba odvesti iz prostora, sta nato po cevi speljani na prosto.
Pomanjkljivost takšnega sistema je, da zrak, ki se nenehno vleče v prenosno toplotno črpalko, ustvarja prostor pod negativnim zračnim tlakom in ga je treba nenehno dopolnjevati z več zraka. To je topel zrak (ali hladen zrak pozimi), ki lahko prodre skozi majhne reže pod vrati ali okni.
Te enote so cenejše in jih je veliko lažje premikati. Primerne so za majhne površine.
Toplotne črpalke z dvojno cevjo
Kot je razvidno iz imena, dvocevna prenosna toplotna črpalka uporablja dve ločeni cevi, eno za izpušni zrak in eno za vstopni zrak. Namesto da bi kot enocevna toplotna črpalka črpala zrak iz prostora, dvocevna toplotna črpalka dobi zrak od zunaj. Ko je zrak v prostoru ohlajen, se kompresor in druge komponente toplotne črpalke segrejejo.
Za hlajenje komponent se zunanji zrak potegne skozi sesalno cev in uporabi za hlajenje kompresorja. Ta zrak se nato skozi izpušno cev izvrže ven, kar vodi do veliko večje učinkovitosti kot pri enocevni toplotni črpalki.
Če želite ohladiti ali ogreti večji prostor, potem je dvocevna toplotna črpalka vaša idealna izbira. Te prenosne klimatske naprave so dražje in porabijo več energije, vendar so tudi učinkovitejše.
Zakaj bi morali dobiti prenosno toplotno črpalko

You might wonder why to get a portable heat pump when I can easily get a mini-split or a window heat pump. The answer to this is pretty simple. A window heat pump or a mini-split requires an installation process and are often semi-permanent installations. This holds especially true for mini-split heat pumps as the installation process is usually costly and can go up to thousands of dollars. Once installed, a mini-split cannot be moved around unless it is completely taken off of its mountings.
You would need to make some space in your windows or even in your wall for a window heat pump. That is not the most eye-pleasing arrangement for your heating or cooling needs. Moreover, if you have small windows, a heat pump can occupy the whole of it and not leave enough room for light to enter.
This is where a portable heat pump comes to the rescue. They are plug and play appliances, which do not need a lengthy installation process. You do not even need to call a third-party contractor to install your heat pump. Instead, you can do it all at home by yourself, as easy as that! All you need to do is plug in the portable heat pump to the power outlet and direct the exhaust pipe outside through the window.
If you have a small-sized room, are short in window space, or want to save up on installation costs for mini-splits, then a portable heat pump is the way to go! Portable heat pumps are also ideal for areas such as a dog house or a bathroom. The best part is that you can easily take your portable heat pump anywhere you wish and move it near your beloved couch for some tailored heating or cooling!
Portable Heat Pump Efficiency

Portable heat pumps are very efficient for small areas. With one heat pump, you can achieve both cooling and heating without using separate appliances with varying efficiencies.
When buying a portable air conditioner with a heat pump, make sure the appliance is Energy Star certified. An Energy Star certified appliance fulfills the stringent energy efficiency measures put in place by the US Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency. This further increases the SEER of the device, saving on your utility bills.
Advantages of Portable Heat Pumps With AC

We’ve listed some benefits to make it simple for you to decide if portable heat pumps are the best option for you!
High Portability
This is the hallmark of portable heat pumps. They are compact, lightweight, and easily movable. With underbody wheels available on most portable heat pumps, they can be easily moved around the home.
Minimal Size
As discussed before, a window heat pump can take up valuable space in the window. Conversely, having a separate heating and cooling appliance in your room at the same time is also a hassle and takes up place, which can be utilized otherwise. A portable heat pump with air conditioning can do both jobs in one package, saving you plenty of space.
Can Heat and Cool a Room
Compare the cost of purchases and storing two units, one for the colder months and one for summer, with simply one unit which can operate all year round at your desired temperature! This should be obvious by now, but the coolest part about heat pumps is that they can provide cool and warm air!
Energy Efficiency
A portable AC/heater combo uses much less energy than running two units separately. Therefore, you are sure to save a decent amount of money on your electricity bills when you invest in this unit. Purchasing an energy star appliance stands for an even higher efficiency!
Hassle-Free Installation
Portable air conditioners with heat pumps need no installation process. These heat pumps do not need to be made operational by an HVAC contractor. You do not need to modify your windows or drill holes in walls. Just extend a flexible hose through your window to vent the air outside, and you are set. You can literally install portable air conditioners anywhere, at no cost.
Disadvantages of Portable Heat Pumps
Unfortunately, nothing is perfect. Portable heat pumps do come with some cons which prevent them from being the ideal solution in every case.
While the portability of these pumps is definitely pro, it’s important to note that for some models, it’s not as easy as moving your pump to your bedroom at night, the bathroom in the morning, the living room during the day, and so on. If your portable heat pumps come with a hose, it is large and heavy; it’s not super convenient to move it multiple times during the day.
Limited coverage for cooling or heating
Portable heat pumps are meant to cool or heat small areas. They do not work well in large spaces and are ideal for spot cooling.
Can be Noisy
Compared with central units or mini-splits, portable heat pumps have everything boxed in one compact package, all of which are inside your house. This can be noisy and an annoyance for some.
To be able to expel the collected moisture out from your home, portable ACs must be placed near a window. Some heat pumps come with a pan that collects water that you’d need to replace. This can limit where you can place your unit.
Making Your Portable Heat Pump Smart

Portable heat pumps are very convenient appliances, which can be suited to tailor your environment. But what if you want to go the extra step? This is something made possible by smart AC controllers. They can control any ductless heat pump or air conditioner (that comes with an IR remote control), giving you the controls on your smartphone. Wherever you are in the world, whatever the time, you have full control over your heating and cooling.
The Cielo Breez line of smart controllers provides unparalleled functions to a user, through which they can achieve the exact indoor environment they want. Some features of Cielo Breez smart AC controllers are:
- In-built humidity and temperature sensors, allowing you to keep an accurate check on room environment. Intelligent triggers will enable you to maintain temperature and humidity within your desired range at all times.
- Smart AC controllers let you set up week-long schedules for your heat pump. Just set up a schedule, and forget about turning your heat pump on or off for the whole week.
- Geo-fencing automatically detects your proximity to your heat pump and automatically turns it off if you are going away from your home. Similarly, the heat pump can turn on as you are about to reach so that the home environment is just as you want it.
- Control your portable heat pumps with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Siri Shortcuts, or Samsung SmartThings. Use voice commands, and sync your heat pump with other appliances across your home.
Is It Time to Get a Portable Heat Pump?

If you live in a small apartment and have limited space within the room, then a portable heat pump with AC is something you should definitely consider. The space savings, energy efficiency, and convenience are well worth the initial investment and can keep you comfortable all year round. Though if your needs differ, there are multiple heat pump options to consider.
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