Pridite do dna hrupa klimatskih naprav
Ko klimatske naprave postanejo glasne ali začnejo oddajati čudne zvoke, postane v naglici moteče. Ne samo, da je hrup klimatske naprave moteč, ampak lahko nakazuje tudi bližajočo se okvaro in potrebo po dragem popravilu.
Kako torej veste, ali gre za hitro rešitev, za nekaj, za kar mora poskrbeti servisni tehnik, ali za nekaj, kar bi lahko preprosto preglasili tako, da si nadenete slušalke in razstrelite svoje pesmi?
Oglejte si vrste hrupa klimatskih naprav, ki jih boste verjetno slišali, in kaj to pomeni o vašem sistemu HVAC.
Žvižgajoči hrup klimatske naprave
Če vaš klimatski sistem kar naprej moti vaš delovni dan s solo piščalko, preverite, ali lahko izsledite vir gledališča. Če hrup klimatske naprave, ki ga slišite, zveni kot žvižganje ali cviljenje, to kaže na težave s pretokom zraka. Preverite svoje prezračevanje glede teh verjetnih vzrokov.
- Cevi se ne ujemajo z AC
Če ste posodobili ali zamenjali dele vašega HVAC ali če ste ločeno namestili zračne kanale, potem prezračevanje morda ne deluje skupaj s preostalim sistemom. Kanal morda ni dovolj velik za pretok zraka skozi njih. - Filter je zamašen
Zračni filter je namenjen lovljenju prahu in delcev v zraku. Toda ko doseže svojo mejo, lahko ovira pretok zraka in povzroči hrup klimatske naprave. - Cevovod je poškodovan
Stare prezračevalne cevi lahko puščajo in se pojavijo razpoke, skozi katere uhaja zrak. Sprememba zračnega tlaka je morda v ozadju glasbenega, žvižgajočega prvenca vašega AC.
Klimatska naprava, ki je vedno glasna
Če je vaš AC naklonjen visoki glasnosti, je to morda zaradi načina, na katerega je zasnovan. Nižje cenovne enote so pogosto cenejše, ker preskočijo funkcije za zmanjšanje hrupa, ki jih imajo višji modeli.
Morda ste tudi dobili enoto, ki je večja od tiste, ki jo dejansko potrebujete za prostor, ki ga imate. To lahko povzroči preveč hrupa klimatske naprave, ker se pogosto zažene in ustavi.
Sorodni članek: Sistemi HVAC v New Yorku:8 razlogov, da večje ni vedno boljše
Obstaja nekaj načinov za natančno nastavitev zasnove in vaše bobniče rešite pred premočnim hrupom klimatske naprave.
- Če ste blizu prometne ulice, verjetno poskušate najtišje sobe ohraniti stran od ulice. Enako metodo uporabite pri namestitvi vaše AC enote. Tako hrup prometa in hrupa klimatskih naprav postavite v en del svojega prostora, preostalim pa omogočite večjo tišino.
- Še bolj ločite svoje »tihe prostore« od klimatske enote tako, da med njimi postavite prostore za shranjevanje, prostore za tiskanje ali sobe za počitek.
- Uporabite kanale, ki usmerjajo zrak v gladki, neprekinjeni liniji. Zvit in turbulenten zračni tok ustvarja več hrupa klimatske naprave.
- Uporabite povratne kanale za zrak. Rešetke za povratek zraka prenašajo zrak (in hrup) iz prostora v prostor.
Sorodni članek: 4 razlogi, zakaj potrebujete načrt HVAC za namestitev klimatske naprave
Klimatska naprava se trese, ropota in kotali
Če vaša klimatska naprava ropota in se trese bolj kot plesna ekipa salse, je čas, da preverite težavo.
Poskusite poiskati točno določen vir ropotajočega hrupa klimatske naprave, preden dobite nov glavobol! Tukaj je nekaj elementov, ki lahko povzročijo, da vaš AC izloči nekatere poteze.
- Stabilizacija (ali pomanjkanje le-te)
Če lopar prihaja iz same klimatske enote, morda ne bo stabilen na talni površini.
Heads up DIY-ers, this isn’t one to tackle yourself. Remember the hazardous chemicals and high voltage electricity that need to be handled carefully. Save your talents for that IKEA bookcase, and have a professional handle this one.
- Fan operation
Also issuing from the AC unit, this sound indicates a worn out part in the fan. It could be the motor or the blades. - Loose ducts (or loose items in the ducts)
The ducts that move air from your HVAC throughout your space should be tightly secured to the wall or ceiling to prevent air conditioning noise. Over time, they can become loose. If you find where a duct has come loose, it’s possible for you to secure it with a screwdriver.
If the duct itself is not loose, something could be loose inside it. Small objects sometimes find their way into ventilation, where they can bounce around like the inside of a maraca.
The squeaking and squealing AC
If your AC starts hitting higher notes than Mariah Carey, it may be voicing its complaint against a lack of maintenance. Here’s what could be behind that squeaky air conditioning noise.
- Motor shaft bearings in need of oil
Just like an old door hinge, parts of the motor can make a squealing sound if they are not properly oiled and start to get stuck. This is one air conditioning noise that’s easily taken care of with regular maintenance. - Broken blower belt
The fan motor uses a belt that could have broken or slipped off the fan. Regular inspections can catch issues like this before they cause problems.
When air conditioning noise is a red alert
Out of all the unusual sounds your system could be making, there’s one pattern that you must respond to immediately.
If your AC is constantly running, AND it is blowing warm air, turn it off right away. This is a sign of frozen coils, which should be taken care of as you notice it to prevent more damage to your unit.
Air conditioning noise that doesn’t stop
There are lots of issues that make an AC run constantly, from frozen coils to blocked filters.
Your air conditioning keeps running until the interior has reached the set temperature. If any problem is preventing the AC from creating cool air, it will never reach that low temperature, and therefore never turn off.
Your AC should cycle on and off only as needed, so if you notice that air conditioning noise has become a constant background hum in your life, these are the details you should be concerned with.
- Failure Alert
When an AC refuses to turn off, it’s a sign of some interruption to its cooling cycle. This air conditioning noise could be the first sign of a larger problem. - Unnecessary strain on parts
Too much use can cause the parts of your machine to wear out faster than normal, which will need replacing sooner rather than later. - Wasted money (and energy)
Air conditioners draw a lot of energy, something you’ll see reflected in your power bills if it doesn’t turn off when it should.
While it’s tempting to think that just ignoring air conditioning noise will save you money, it can actually end up costing you more than just your sanity.
AC noise is your unit’s way of telling you that something has gone wrong. Pay attention to this cue and stop the noise before the problem that caused it stops your AC all together.
Neglecting AC maintenance can cost you
Neglecting maintenance can quickly add up to cost more than you might imagine. And it’s not only HVAC repair costs; poor HVAC performance can seriously hurt your business. To find out why preventative maintenance is a good investment, check out our guide to Calculating the Hidden Costs of Poor HVAC Maintenance.
If you’re in the NYC metro area, schedule an appointment with us to discuss your needs and get a quote for regular HVAC maintenance.