Tatvina robotske kosilnice – varovanje vaše robotske kosilnice
Za svojo robotsko kosilnico porabite precej denarja, zato se želite prepričati, da je varna, ko opravlja svoje delo na vašem dvorišču. Toda priznajmo si, zlahka bi nekdo prišel mimo, preprosto dvignil robota in odšel z njim.
Moji sosedje uporabljajo svojega na sprednjem dvorišču, tik ob cesti, kjer bi lahko kdorkoli ustavil njihov avto, ga zgrabil in vrgel v prtljažnik.
Kaj torej ljudem prepreči krajo vaše robotske kosilnice? Pojdimo k temu in upajmo, da se boste lahko počutili bolj varne glede nakupa. Če pa razmišljate o nakupu robotske kosilnice, upamo, da vam bomo lahko pomagali pomiriti vaš prihodnji nakup.
Preprečevanje kraje za vašo robotsko kosilnico – vgrajene varnostne funkcije
Alarm robotske kosilnice
Večina robotskih kosilnic, ki jih boste danes našli na trgu, ima vgrajen alarmni sistem.
Vaša robotska kosilnica bo nastavljena s kodo PIN, ki jo morate vnesti, preden lahko kosilnico odstranite iz priklopne postaje ali ko kosi trato. Če kode ne vnesete in nekdo dvigne robotsko kosilnico, se bo oglasil alarm in vas opozoril.
Večina kosilnic dovoljuje samo nekaj sekund za vnos kode PIN, preden se sproži alarm.
Glasnost in ton alarma se razlikujeta glede na znamko in model robotske kosilnice, ki jo uporabljate. Upajmo, da bo alarm dovolj, da prestraši morebitne tatove kosilnic.
Koda PIN
Kot že omenjeno, ima večina, če ne vse, robotske kosilnice na trgu kodo PIN, ki jo morate vnesti, preden lahko uporabite stroj.
Običajno je to 4-mestna koda, ki si jo lastnik izmisli in nastavi po prvi nastavitvi naprave.
Bodite prepričani, da izberete nekaj, kar se lahko spomnite. Dobro je tudi, da kodo nekam zapišete, če jo pozabite.
Prav tako se prepričajte, da izberete nekaj, kar ni enostavno uganiti ali ugotoviti. Uporaba kode 1234 verjetno ni najbolj varna možnost za kodo PIN na vaši robotski kosilnici.
Podobno kot pri vašem pametnem telefonu ali drugih napravah, če nekdo določeno število krat napačno vnese kodo PIN, robota ne bo mogoče uporabljati. Zaklenjeni boste za določen čas.
Večina modelov vam omogoča, da izberete, koliko neuspelih poskusov je potrebnih za zaklepanje uporabnika. Počutite se zares samozavestni v svojih finih motoričnih spretnostih….poskusite samo 1!
Osnovno združevanje vaše robotske kosilnice
Na trgu je nekaj modelov, običajno dražjih, ki ponujajo obliko osnovnega parjenja. To pomeni, da se lahko robotska kosilnica združi in polni samo z eno specifično bazo.
Torej, če bi nekdo ukradel robotsko kosilnico z vašega dvorišča, je ne bo mogel zaračunati za prihodnjo uporabo. Morali bi vlomiti v vašo garažo in ukrasti tudi osnovno enoto. Če tat robotske kosilnice ne opravi veliko raziskav, tega verjetno ne bo vedel ali razmišljal tako daleč naprej.
Kaj, če nekdo ukrade vašo robotsko kosilnico
Kaj se zgodi, če vlomilec v kosilnico najde stran, da bi zaobšel vse varnostne ukrepe, ki so nastavljeni na vaši robotski kosilnici, in dejansko pobegne s strojem? Kaj zdaj?
Na srečo še vedno obstajajo nekatere varnostne funkcije, ki bi vam lahko pomagale vrniti vašo robotsko kosilnico ali jo vsaj narediti brez vrednosti za tatove.
GPS lociranje in obnovitev
Večina proizvajalcev robotskih kosilnic uporablja določeno raven GPS v svojih pametnih kosilnicah. Tako vaše robotske kosilnice vedo, da kosijo na določenih območjih in ne na drugih, ter vedo, na katerih območjih še niso pokosile.
Toda ta funkcija lahko deluje tudi kot varnostna rezerva, če vaša kosilnica nekega dne izgine.
Če kupite aplikacijo na svojem pametnem telefonu ali na spletnem mestu proizvajalca, boste lahko kadar koli našli svojo robotsko kosilnico.
This could be very handy if your mower goes missing and you need to track it down.
Here is an example of one such case, where the unit’s GPS led police to the stolen robot mower, outside of Denver: GPS in stolen automatic lawn mower leads owner, police to Loveland storage unit and possibly more ill-gotten goods
This hopefully goes without saying, but should you track down the suspected robot mower thief, do not try to confront them yourself or steal back your missing mower. Call the authorities and let them do their job.
Device Blacklisting
Ok, they got past the PIN code, because you left it at 1111, and the on-board GPS locator isn’t finding the device. All is lost, right?
Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like you are getting the device back. But, you can at least take one last measure to make it so they can’t enjoy their new robot lawn mower.
Call the manufacturer and tell them what happened. They will then blacklist the unit. By doing this, you make it nearly impossible for the thief to get the machine serviced.
Should they take the unit to get service, they will be denied and hopefully the shop will alert the authorities of the stolen device.
I know it doesn’t really do anything to replace the unit you lost, but maybe it at least gives some comfort knowing that you are messing up the bad guy’s day.
More Ways To Secure Your Robot Lawn Mower
Don’t just rely on the manufacturer’s installed security measures. There are plenty of steps you can take to help increase security in your yard, and therefore keeping your robot mower safer.
Security Lighting
I personally think every yard should have some form of security lighting set up. Not only does this illuminate the yard should you need to run to the shed for something after the sun goes down, but it also deters would-be trespassers.
I am a big fan of the Ring security system, lights and cameras, but there are so many options out there. Just check out Home Depot or Amazon.
You can grab some quality motion lights for under $40 that work amazingly.
Now you may be saying to yourself, ‘Ok, yes lighting is helpful, but who mows at night?’
Good point. But that doesn’t mean that some owners aren’t having their device out there in the dark. Plus, the idea of using motion lights isn’t just to protect your robot lawn mower. It is more to prevent unwanted visitors from entering your yard in general.
Outdoor Security Cameras
Much like the use of motion lighting, I think security cameras should be part of every home’s security system.
There are so many brands and options out there now, you can easily find a great quality camera that will not break the bank.
I use these motion lights with the camera built in from Ring. They are a little bit more expensive, but if you use the Ring system for your home they are an amazing addition with superb quality and reliability.
Should You Insure Your Robot Mower?
It will depend on your homeowners insurance company if it is an option to add your robot lawn mower to your policy. Not all companies will have this option.
It is a relatively expensive piece of equipment, so it is something you may want to consider. Just make sure the cost to repair or replace the device is worth what the added cost to your premium would be.
I do not insure any of my robots. I am not saying that is the best way to go about it, just sharing some personal insights.
Extra Steps To Keep Your Robot Mower Secure From Theft
- Only schedule the mower to run during the day.
- Run the robot mower when you are home and keep an eye out.
- If you run the robot lawn mower at night, be sure to install some security lights and possibly some cameras.
- If you go on vacation, let your neighbor know to keep an eye out. Or, ask your neighbor if they mind mowing the grass while you are gone.
- Please don’t advertise that you got a new fancy robot lawn mower on social media.
Final Thoughts On Security For Your Robot Lawn Mower
When you spend thousands of dollars on anything, you hate to think about someone coming along and stealing it. Unfortunately, there are some sucky people in the world.
Luckily, most robot lawn mowers do come with an array of built in security measures. Unfortunately, none of them can necessarily prevent someone from walking off with your automatic mower.
To keep your robot mower safe, I suggest you run it only during the day time, when you are home. If you do run it in the evenings or maybe when you are away on vacation, it is best to have security lighting and cameras set up.