Ali lahko telefoni iPhone dobijo viruse?
IPhone imajo odličen sloves, ko gre za varnost. Ideja, da ima nekdo iPhone virus, se zdi skoraj tuja in mnogi ljudje mislijo, da iPhone sploh ne more dobiti virusov. V resnici so stvari nekoliko bolj zapletene od tega in v nekaterih situacijah lahko iPhone dobi viruse. Vendar pa je verjetnost, da se bo vaš iPhone okužil, izjemno nizka, še posebej, če svojega telefona ne "pobegnete iz zapora" in nameščate samo aplikacije iz uradne trgovine App Store.

Ali lahko telefoni iPhone dobijo viruse?
Telefoni IPhone običajno ne dobijo virusov, vendar jih lahko v nekaterih redkih primerih. Tehnično "virus" opisuje delček kode, ki se infiltrira v drug program, "črv" (ali širše, zlonamerna programska oprema) pa opisuje celoten program z zlonamernimi nameni. Najpogosteje videni virusi za iPhone so črvi in ciljajo posebej na telefone iPhone, na katerih je bil izveden jailbreak. Postopek vdora iz zapora omogoča uporabnikom, da namestijo aplikacije iz krajev, ki niso uradna trgovina z aplikacijami.
App Store vsebuje samo aplikacije, ki jih je pregledal Apple, in aplikacije v sistemu iOS običajno ne morejo komunicirati z drugimi aplikacijami, da bi zlonamerni program povzročil uporabniku težave. To pojasnjuje, zakaj so virusi iPhone redki. Če pobegnete iz zapora v iPhonu, izgubite zaščito, ki jo ponuja Apple, in zlonamerno aplikacijo lahko prenesete od koder koli drugje kot iz App Store. Poleg tega je bilo nekaj primerov, ko je bilo v sicer zgornje aplikacije vstavljeno virusno kodo ali pa so bile narejene z orodji za razvijalce, ki so bila sama ogrožena. Vendar pa aplikacije s takšnimi težavami redko pridejo v App Store.
Skratka, telefoni iPhone se lahko okužijo z virusi, vendar je zelo malo verjetno, da se bo to zgodilo, razen če ste svoj iPhone zlomili.
Ali so telefonski virusi resnični?
Izraz "virus" ima tehnično definicijo – takšno, ki se redko uporablja v strogem smislu za telefone Android ali iPhone. A general term like "malware" more closely describes what most people mean when they say "virus." The term describes a piece of malicious software that can steal information and passwords, control your device, apply false charges to your account, and track your location. Although they aren't common, phone viruses that are technically malware are real.
How to Remove a Virus From an iPhone
Removing a virus from your iPhone usually involves identifying the specific app that is causing the problem and either removing or updating it. Identify the problem by observing when the problem started and when it manifests. If you've jailbroken your iPhone and have downloaded an app from an unofficial source, this app is the most likely source of the problem. However, if the problem arises when one specific app runs and not on other occasions, regardless of the source of the app, removing the app or updating it will likely solve the problem. Most apps that have been compromised take you to a webpage in Safari or open the App Store without your permission.
When you've identified the app that is causing a problem, solve it by removing or updating the app. If it's an app from the official App Store, check to see if there are recent updates designed to rectify the issue and check the developer's website or social media accounts to see if the problem is known. If it's an unofficial app or you can't update it, uninstall the app and see if the problem disappears.
If you are redirected to a webpage by the virus, clearing the history and data from Safari can solve the problem. From "Settings," choose "Safari," and then select "Clear History and Website Data." Tap "Clear History and Data" from the window that pops up, and you're done.
If you still have problems, restart your phone. Simply power off and power back on, or perform a force reset by pressing and holding both the "Sleep/Wake" and "Home" buttons (for iPhone 6S and earlier) or pressing and holding the "Sleep/Wake" and "Volume Down" buttons in later models until the Apple logo appears. If this doesn't work, you can restore your iPhone from a backup you've created, or – in the worst-case scenario – perform a complete factory reset on your device.
How to Put Your iPhone in Safe Mode
If you're having difficulty removing apps, safe mode boots your iPhone without any third-party services or apps running and can enable you to uninstall or deactivate the problematic program. To put your iPhone in safe mode, perform a force restart by pressing and holding "Sleep/Wake" and "Home" on older models or "Sleep/Wake" and "Volume Down" on models after the 6S. When the Apple logo appears, release the buttons you're holding and press and hold the "Volume Up" button until your iPhone notifies you that it is running in safe mode.
From here, you can remove any apps you suspect are causing your issue. Exit safe mode using another force restart.