Kako plačevati s pametno uro in katere banke to podpirajo
Brezstično plačevanje je v modi in za to je več razlogov. Nič več brskanja z gotovino, samo približajte kartico, pametni telefon ali uro čitalniku in delo je opravljeno. Plačevanje s pametno uro je še posebej priročno, zato vas bomo vodili skozi njeno delovanje in kaj ponuja.
Skoči neposredno na ...
- Google Pay
- Apple Pay
- Samsung Pay
- Garmin Pay
- Fitbit Pay
Google Pay
Da lahko uporabljate Google Pay na pametni uri z operacijskim sistemom Wear OS, boste najprej potrebovali ustrezno strojno opremo – čip NFC. V letu 2019 je še ne ponujajo vse pametne ure Android – LG Watch W7, na primer, je brez nje, prav tako Mobvoi Ticwatch E2 in S2. Ura mora imeti tudi najnovejšo različico sistema Wear OS.
Plačevanje s pametno uro na blagajni deluje podobno kot uporaba pametnega telefona:ko imate pripravljeno vsoto, lahko na pametni uri zaženete aplikacijo Google Pay in jo postavite na čitalnik (namesto na telefon ali debetno/kreditno kartico). Ko ste pozvani, izberite možnost "kreditna kartica", ne glede na to, katero vrsto kartice dejansko uporabljate.
NFC se uporablja za primerjavo podatkov in dokončanje postopka plačila. Odvisno od vaše države lahko obstaja 'spodnja meja', kar pomeni, da boste za nakupe nad določenim zneskom morali vnesti svojo kodo PIN ali se podpisati. V Kanadi na primer večina finančnih ustanov omejuje brezstično plačevanje na 100 USD.
Tukaj je seznam največjih bank, kreditnih zadrug in podjetij, ki ponujajo Google Pay v ZDA:
- AMEX (vse kartice)
- Bank of America (večina kartic)
- Barclays US (vse kartice)
- BBVA Compass (potrošniške kreditne, debetne in predplačniške kartice BBVA Compass Visa)
- Capital One (ameriški potrošniški kredit Visa, potrošniški MC kredit in debet v ZDA)
- Chase (potrošniške kreditne, debetne in predplačniške kartice Chase Visa, poslovne debetne kartice Chase Visa)
- Odkrijte (Odkrijte potrošniške kreditne, debetne kartice PBoA)
- Zelena pika (Green Dot Everyday Mastercard, SEIU Everyday Mastercard)
- HSBC (potrošniške kreditne in debetne kartice)
- USAA (Debetna in kreditna kartica Visa, kreditna kartica Mastercard in kreditna kartica American Express)
- Ameriška banka (debetne in kreditne kartice Visa; kreditne kartice Mastercard; kartice za potrošnike, mala podjetja in podjetja)
- Wells Fargo (potrošniški in poslovni debetni vizum, potrošniški predplačniški vizum, potrošniški kreditni vizum in American Express, poslovni kreditni vizum)
You can check out the full US list here, or the Canada list, UK list, the Australian one and finally the New Zealand list of banks that support Google Pay.

Apple Pay
For Apple fans there is only one choice when it comes to paying with a smartwatch:Apple Pay and an Apple Watch. The Apple system works with so-called tokens, which are considered particularly secure because the card data of the transaction is not stored on the iPhone, nor the Apple Watch, nor on the Apple servers for a longer period of time.
The processing of a payment is very simple:put the watch on the reader, wait a few seconds, enter your PIN if necessary and done! Once set up, Apple Pay works right across the product family and hardly ever causes problems in everyday life.
The list of banks that supports Apple Pay in the US is huge - you can check it out here, along with the list of Canadian banks. Readers from Australia and New Zealand can check if their banks work with Apple Pay here, while UK readers can follow this link.

Samsung Pay
Samsung fans can use the Korean company's own payment system, Samsung Pay, especially if they own a Galaxy Watch. The Tizen OS found on most Samsung wearables does not have a Google Pay application. In the US, that shouldn't be an issue since Samsung Pay is supported by a variety of banks, credit unions and companies. Here are some of them:
- Chase
- American Express
- Bank of America
- Wells Fargo
- Discover
- Capital One
- US Bank
- Barcleycard
You can check out the full US list here. Unfortunately, in the UK the list of banks which support Samsung Pay is a lot smaller. The same applies to Canada, where only these banks offer the Samsung service:
- CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
- RBC (Royal Bank of Canada)
- Scotiabank
- American Express
Australia is doing better in that regard (click here for full list), while in New Zealand the only option for Samsung Pay users seems to be ANZ.

Garmin Pay
Garmin, known for its heart rate monitors and sports wearables, does not support the payment systems of Google, Apple or Samsung. It has instead introduced its own - Garmin Pay. It works just like the three big names in the industry, but only on a few Garmin smartwatches and not on smartphones. However, outside of the US, the number of banks that support it is limited. Here are some the US banks, which offer it:
- Bank of America (Visa and Mastercard)
- Capital One (Visa and Mastercard)
- Wells Fargo (Visa)
- U.S. Bank (Visa and Mastercard)
- Discover
- Chase (Visa)
You can view the full US list here, as well those for other countries by selecting your region and card type.

Fitbit Pay
In addition to Garmin, Fitbit also offers its own payment system for athletes. As with the others, it is simply called Pay and works on the Fitbit Ionic and Fitbit Versa. Fitbit's simple pedometers have to get by without it. In the US, as we saw with Garmin Pay, a variety of banks and credit unions support the payment method:
- Bank of America
- American Express
- Alliance Bank (Visa)
- Capital One (Credit)
- Chase Bank (Visa)
- Wells Fargo
- U.S. Bank
You can check the full list for all regions here.

Have you ever paid with a smartwatch or do you do it regularly? Sporočite nam v komentarjih.