10 kul stvari, za katere niste vedeli, da jih zmore vaš Android
Ker so pametni telefoni postali zmogljivejši, so prevzeli vedno več vlog:digitalni fotoaparat, MP3 predvajalnik, GPS navigator, svetilka in drugo. Mešanici dodajte trgovino z aplikacijami drugega proizvajalca, kot je trgovina Google Play, in število načinov, na katere lahko uporabljate svoj telefon, se še poveča.
- Najboljši telefoni Android leta 2015
- 10 najbolj kul funkcij pametnih telefonov Android
Verjetno poznate večino teh uporab – preverjanje družbenih medijev, pošiljanje e-pošte, celo telefoniranje in pošiljanje besedil – vendar morda niste odkrili vseh načinov, kako lahko uporabljate svoj pametni telefon Android. Tukaj je 10 supermoči, ki jih ima vaš telefon in jih lahko izkoristite.

1. Glasovno iskanje z izklopljenim zaslonom
Tega ne vedo vsi (in nimajo vsi tega možnosti omogočiti), vendar nekateri pametni telefoni Android omogočajo glasovno iskanje s sprožilno besedo »OK Google«, tudi ko je zaslon izklopljen. Številni telefoni imajo možnost iskanja s katerega koli zaslona, ko je zaslon vklopljen, vendar le nekaj telefonov z namenskim jedrom za poslušanje lahko išče tudi, ko je zaslon neaktiven.

Če želite ugotoviti, ali vaš telefon to zmore, pojdite v Nastavitve za Google> Iskanje in zdaj> Glas> Zaznavanje OK Google> Vedno vklopljeno in obrnite stikalo. Ne pozabite, da boste morali Google najprej usposobiti za prepoznavanje vašega glasu (možnosti so na istem zaslonu). Nepodprti telefoni bodo rekli S katerega koli zaslona namesto Vedno vklopljeno .
2. Daljinsko zaklepanje ali brisanje izgubljenega telefona
Ni hujšega kot izguba telefona, razen če izgubite telefon in veste, da bi lahko nekdo imel dostop do vaših podatkov. Ni samo depresivno, je naravnost nevarno. Ali ste vedeli, da ima Google odlično funkcijo, imenovano Upravitelj naprav Android, ki vam omogoča sledenje in prevzem nadzora nad telefonom, če ga kdaj izgubite?

Vendar ADM presega le sledenje vašemu telefonu:uporabite ga lahko za zvonjenje telefona, zaklepanje na daljavo ali celo ponastavitev na tovarniške nastavitve, če veste, da ga ne boste nikoli več dobili nazaj. Samo omogočite Upravitelja naprav Android v Nastavitve> Varnost> Skrbniki naprav in dostopajte do spletnega mesta v računalniku, če kdaj izgubite telefon.
3. Pridobite temno temo "naredi sam"
Android Marshmallow je morda za zdaj opustil temno temo za celoten sistem, vendar že na vsakem telefonu obstaja nekakšen temni način "naredi sam". Preprosto pojdite na Nastavitve> Dostopnost> Inverzija barv (ali v napravah z Invertiranje barv v hitrih nastavitvah samo tapnite to), da obrnete barve na zaslonu.

Posnetki zaslona bodo še vedno normalni in imeli boste nekaj precej divjih ikon aplikacij, a če imate na splošno svetlo temo, boste s preklopom tega stikala takoj dobili nekaj prepotrebne teme. To morda ni nastavitev, ki bi jo želeli uporabljati ves čas, vendar je lahko zelo priročna za branje ponoči ali pri močni svetlobi.
4. Dostopajte do zavihkov Chrome iz drugih naprav
Če uporabljate Chrome kot privzeti brskalnik – in bodimo iskreni:kdo ga ne? – ali ste vedeli, da lahko do zavihkov Chrome dostopate iz drugih naprav v telefonu ali tabličnem računalniku?

Dokler ste prijavljeni v Chrome, boste ob zagonu novega zavihka videli Nedavne zavihke možnost spodaj desno. Tapnite to, če si želite ogledati URL-je, ki so odprti v vaših drugih prijavljenih napravah, in hitro dostopati do katerega koli od njih.
5. Če je najden, se vrni na:
This is another great tip for anyone with a tendency to misplace their things or for those with the bad habit of leaving your phone on the restaurant table while they dash off to the bathroom. If your phone gets lost and you suspect it has been picked up by someone, you can put a message on the lock screen telling the finder of your phone how to get in contact with you.

You can achieve the same thing with Android Device Manager if you've already lost your phone, but the option can be done in advance as a safety measure. Go to Settings> Security> Lock screen message to add your phone number, email or return instructions. Offering a reward for your phone's safe return isn't a bad idea either.
6. Document scanner
In the early days of digitizing documents and photographs, you had to invest in a large flatbed scanner to make the physical digital. Nowadays you can use your smartphone camera as a makeshift scanner. Although the quality isn't quite as good, the process is a lot more convenient.

If you want to use your phone in this way there are a number of options. You can just snap a document and save it as an image, while Google Drive can convert scans into PDF files and read the text within them, as can the excellent CamScanner and Evernote.
7. Be a Wi-Fi hotspot
Tethering is a feature that most of you will be aware of, but not everyone knows you can turn your smartphone into a Wi-Fi hotspot, and it's easier than ever to do on Android Lollipop and Marshmallow. The process turns your phone's cell connection into a Wi-Fi network that other devices can log into.

Head to Settings> More> Tethering &portable hotspot . You can set the network name and the password required to access it, but make sure you keep an eye on your phone's data usage, otherwise you might be met with a steep bill.
8. Compass and barometer
Do you know about all of the different sensors packed inside your phone? Not only does your mobile know which way is up or down, it also knows which way is north or south. You can download an app such as Smart Compass or AndroiTS Compass Free to use your phone to navigate your way around.

Many phones have a barometer too, so you can turn your mobile into a portable weather station and get your own forecast for the exact spot you're standing in. Apps such as Barometer Altimeter DashClock and Barometer Monitor can help you see which way the weather's turning.
9. Scan barcodes
Back to the camera on your smartphone:You can turn it into a usable barcode scanner with ease and an app such as the aptly named Barcode Scanner. The app works with QR codes as well as barcodes and there are plenty of third-party apps on the Google Play Store that do the same job.

Why would you want to scan a barcode? It largely depends on the app you're using, but shopping is the main reason:If you see something in a store you can check the online price, for example, or you can use it to order something you're about to run out of.
10. Fitness tracker
Many of the sensors and bits of circuitry inside a smart wristband can also be found on your phone. This means you can track your walking, running and other activities without the need for an extra fitness tracker that you wear around your wrist or clipped to your clothes.

Google Fit is the obvious place to start, but many of the well-known fitness tracking apps can work with phones as well as wearables. If you need extra data then that's possible too – apps such asRuntastic Heart Rate Monitor can measure your heart rate through your phone's camera.
What other Android secrets do you know? Share any you've found in the comments below.