Najboljša kamera Safari, objektivi in fotografski dodatki – in kako izbrati
Verjetno največja odločitev, ki jo boste morali sprejeti, preden se odpravite na safari, je, katero opremo za fotografiranje vzeti s seboj. To je velika odločitev in pomembno je, da jo pravilno sprejmete, preden greste.
Ko ste na safariju, boste videli ljudi, ki fotografirajo z vsem, od svojih pametnih telefonov do vrhunske profesionalne opreme z ogromnimi lečami.
Izbira fotoaparata je osebna odločitev, pri kateri morate pretehtati različne dejavnike, vključno s proračunom, enostavnostjo uporabe, velikostjo in vrsto slik, ki jih želite dobiti.
Že vrsto let se profesionalno ukvarjam s fotografijo, fotografiranje pa poučujem tudi preko spleta. Imel sem tudi to srečo, da sem preživel čas na safariju in fotografiral živali v številnih državah po svetu.
Na podlagi svojih izkušenj sem se veliko naučil o tem, kakšna kamera je najboljša za safari in kaj je treba upoštevati pri izbiri kamere za safari.
V tej objavi vam bom povedal vse, kar morate vedeti o tem, kako izbrati nastavitev kamere, ki je prava za vas in vaš safari. Priporočil bom tudi nekaj fotoaparatov in objektivov za različne proračune in sloge.
Priporočam, da preberete to objavo skupaj z mojim vodnikom za ustvarjanje odličnih fotografij na safariju, da boste popolnoma pripravljeni na svoje potovanje.
Kaj iskati pri fotoaparatu za Safari
Preden priporočim določene kamere in objektive, sem želel deliti stvari, na katere je pomembno biti pozoren pri izbiri kamere za safari. Te informacije vam bodo pomagale, da boste sprejeli popolnoma informirano odločitev, namesto da boste le izbrali nekaj s seznama.
Predvidevamo, da iščete nov fotoaparat za svoje potovanje, toda za tiste, ki ga že imate, vam bo to lahko pomagalo pri odločitvi, ali vam bo vaša trenutna oprema fotoaparata lahko dala fotografije, ki jih želite na svojem potovanje.
Preden sploh začnete razmišljati o tem, kakšno kamero želite in kakšne funkcije ima, se boste morali odločiti o svojem proračunu. To bo močno vplivalo na kamero, ki jo boste na koncu dobili, zato je pomembno, da že od samega začetka določite realen proračun, da boste lahko nato našli nekaj primernega, kar ustreza vašemu proračunu.
Očitno se bo proračun za vsakogar razlikoval. Ne pozabite, da vaš proračun ne sme vključevati samo kamere. Če kupujete fotoaparat, pri katerem lahko zamenjate objektiv, boste želeli v nakup vključiti objektiv, ki je lahko enako drag kot ohišje fotoaparata.
Poleg tega boste verjetno potrebovali dodatke, kot so torba za fotoaparat, pas za fotoaparat, pomnilniška kartica in rezervne baterije.
Na splošno bi vam morale naslednje ocene cen v USD dati predstavo o tem, kaj lahko dobite za svoj denar:
- 200 – 800 USD – začetni fotoaparat, ki vam bo pomagal ujeti čudovite spomine na vaše potovanje
- 800 – 2500 USD – fotoaparat srednjega razreda, ki bo zmožen narediti odlične fotografije v večini situacij
- 2500 $+ – zdaj se pomaknite na ozemlje višjega cenovnega razreda, ko začnete zapravljati nad tem zneskom, si ogledujete bolj profesionalno usmerjene kamere, ki bodo posnele osupljive slike v širokem razponu svetlobnih pogojev, če si vložite čas, da se naučite, kako jih pravilno uporabljati.
Kot lahko vidite, je na voljo širok razpon cen in za opremo fotoaparata lahko zlahka zapravite veliko denarja. Lahko pa tudi porabite manj in še vedno dosežete odlične rezultate.

Vrsta kamere za Safari
Ko določite proračun, se morate odločiti, kakšno kamero želite dejansko vzeti s seboj na safari.
Na voljo imate štiri glavne možnosti za izbiro kamere za safari. To so pametni telefon, kompaktni fotoaparat, premostitveni fotoaparat ali fotoaparat z zamenljivimi objektivi (DSLR ali brezzrcalni).
Vsaka od teh možnosti ima prednosti in slabosti in zdaj bom na hitro pregledal vsako možnost.
- Pametni telefon . Pametni telefon je dobra izbira, če res ne želite nositi nobene dodatne opreme in ste veseli, da dobite samo nekaj slik za spomin na potovanje. Na splošno so enostavni za uporabo in najnovejši modeli vključujejo določeno stopnjo optičnega zooma. Vendar boste težko dobili odlične posnetke divjih živali, ki so oddaljene več kot nekaj jardov, in slike, posnete pri manj svetlobe, bodo verjetno precej zrnate.
- Kompaktni fotoaparat . Kompakten fotoaparat je dober kompromis med pametnim telefonom in večjo opremo. So zelo prenosljivi, vendar so še vedno na voljo modeli z dobrim optičnim zoomom. Prav tako so enostavni za uporabo, zato jih pogosto imenujemo tudi kamere za usmeritev. Vendar nekateri modeli vključujejo več ročnih načinov in naprednih funkcij za tiste, ki želijo več nadzora. Glavni slabi strani sta zmanjšana kakovost slike v primerjavi z večjo postavitvijo in ne delujejo tako dobro pri šibki svetlobi.
- Kamera na mostu . Ena izmed bolj priljubljenih možnosti za safari je mostna kamera, včasih znana tudi kot superzoom kamera. Bridge kamere so večje od kompaktnih kamer in imajo običajno velike zoom objektive, ki lahko zajamejo oddaljene predmete. Tako kot pri kompaktnih fotoaparatih ne morete zamenjati objektiva kot pri brezzrcalnih ali DSLR. Ponavadi nudijo dobro ravnotežje med kakovostjo slike, povečavo, uporabnostjo in cenovno dostopnostjo.
- DSLR / brezzrcalni fotoaparat . Če želite najboljše rezultate v smislu kakovosti slike, potem je prava izbira DSLR ali brezzrcalni fotoaparat. Te imajo večje senzorje, tako da lahko zajamejo več svetlobe kot druge vrste kamer, kar pomeni, da dobite boljše rezultate v slabših svetlobnih pogojih. Te kamere vam omogočajo tudi menjavo objektiva, tako da lahko izberete objektiv ali objektive, ki ustrezajo vašemu proračunu in potrebam. Imajo tudi veliko več ročnih kontrol kot druge možnosti na seznamu, tako da imate večji nadzor nad tem, kako izgledajo vaše slike. Slaba stran je, da so večji in težji, za resnično obvladanje potrebujejo več časa in so običajno dražji.
Iz zgornjega ni pravilnega odgovora. Vaša odločitev bo odvisna od vašega proračuna, velikosti fotoaparata, ki ga želite nositi, in koliko časa želite porabiti za učenje, kako ga uporabljati. Spodaj so različne slike iz številnih različnih kamer, ki vam pokažejo, kaj je mogoče.

Velikost senzorja za kamero Safari
Senzor je ena najpomembnejših komponent v fotoaparatu. Senzor je digitalni ekvivalent kosa filma. To je tisto, kar posname svetlobo in jo shrani kot digitalno datoteko.
Za razliko od zvitka filma, ki je za večino fotoaparatov na voljo v fiksni velikosti, je digitalni senzor lahko tako velik ali majhen, kot želi proizvajalec fotoaparata. Manjša tipala najdemo v manjših fotoaparatih, kot so pametni telefoni in kompaktni fotoaparati, večja tipala pa v brezzrcalnih fotoaparatih in fotoaparatih DSLR.
Velikost senzorja vpliva na nekaj stvari. Prvič, vpliva na dejansko velikost kamere in objektiva. Večje tipalo potrebuje večje ohišje fotoaparata za namestitev in večjo lečo za zajemanje svetlobe. Manjši senzor bo ustrezal manjšemu ohišju fotoaparata.
Večji senzorji lahko zajamejo tudi več svetlobe, podobno kot če veliko vedro pustite zunaj v deževni nevihti, bo ujelo več vode kot majhno vedro v istem časovnem obdobju.
To pomeni, da bo večji senzor običajno deloval bolje, ko je na voljo manj svetlobe, in bo ustvaril slike z manj šuma. Uporabite lahko tudi višje hitrosti zaklopa.
Izdelava večjih senzorjev pa je dražja, zato jih običajno najdemo v višjih in dražjih fotoaparatih.
Običajne velikosti senzorjev, na katere boste naleteli, so navedene spodaj po velikosti od manjšega do večjega. Vendar se morate zavedati, da obstaja veliko različic, zlasti na izjemno konkurenčnem trgu pametnih telefonov.
- 1/2,5″ – 5,76 mm x 4,29 mm (25 mm²). Najdemo ga v pametnih telefonih, pa tudi v nekaterih kompaktnih fotoaparatih in kamerah na mostu. Velikosti senzorjev okoli te točke se nekoliko razlikujejo, vendar je to približno povprečje.
- 1-palčni senzor – 13,2 x 8,8 mm (116 mm²), ki ga najdemo v vrhunskih kompaktnih fotoaparatih in vrhunskih mostnih kamerah. Ime 1″ je tržni izraz, ki nima nobene zveze z velikostjo senzorja.
- Mikro štiri tretjine – 17,3 mm x 13 mm (225 mm²), ki ga najdemo v »mikro štiritretjinskih« fotoaparatih Olympusa in Panasonica.
- APS-C Canon – 22,4 mm x 14,8 mm (329 mm²), ki ga najdemo v večini potrošniško usmerjenih Canonovih fotoaparatov DSLR in brezzrcalnih fotoaparatov
- APS-C Nikon, Sony, Pentax – 23,6 mm x 15,7 mm (370 mm²), ki ga najdemo v večini potrošniško usmerjenih fotoaparatov DSLR in brezzrcalnih fotoaparatov drugih proizvajalcev, kot so Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Fuji itd. Nikon to imenuje senzorji DX.
- Polni okvir – 36 mm x 24 mm (864 mm²). Najdemo ga v vrhunskih profesionalnih fotoaparatih DSLR in brezzrcalnih fotoaparatih Sony, Canon, Nikon itd. Imenuje se tako, ker je približno enake velikosti kot kos 35 mm filma.
Pomembna stvar za primerjavo je površina v kvadratnih milimetrih. To prikazuje primerjalno velikost vsakega senzorja. Senzor polnega formata ima na primer več kot dvakrat večjo površino kot senzor APS-C in več kot 30-krat večjo površino kot senzor pametnega telefona ali kompaktnega fotoaparata.
To vodi do velikih razlik v delovanju v resničnem svetu.
Na splošno velja, da večje kot je tipalo, boljše fotografije boste lahko dobili. To bo najbolj očitno pri slabši svetlobi.
V idealnem primeru bi za najboljše fotografije želeli senzor APS-C ali senzor polnega formata za safari, saj bo zbral največ svetlobe in bo uporaben v več situacijah. Vendar pa je kompromis v tem, da so te kamere ponavadi dražje in večje. Zato priporočam nakup največjega senzorja, ki ustreza vašemu proračunu in želeni velikosti fotoaparata.
Goriščna razdalja/optični zoom za Safari
Zelo pomembna specifikacija, na katero morate pomisliti, ko izbirate fotoaparat ali objektiv za safari, je goriščna razdalja objektiva. To se pogosto imenuje tudi "zoom". Goriščna razdalja je še posebej pomembna, če želite fotografirati ptice, manjše živali in bolj oddaljene divje živali.
Objektiv z večjim zoomom vam bo omogočil jasnejše slike bolj oddaljenih in manjših divjih živali, kot so ptice ali majhne živali.
Ko gre za povečavo, boste pogosto videli izraza optični zoom in digitalni zoom. Ključna specifikacija je optični zoom.
Digitalni zoom je pravzaprav enak obrezovanju slike, potem ko ste jo posneli, zato nima prave koristi, saj bi to lahko storili sami z aplikacijo za urejanje.
Optični zoom vključuje premikanje optičnih elementov v fotoaparatu za dejansko povečavo slike.
Ko gre za izbiro velikosti zooma za safari, če izbirate kamero z vgrajeno lečo, kot je kompaktna kamera ali kamera na mostu, potem bi želeli vsaj 10-kratni optični zoom. Vendar bi v idealnem primeru priporočal 16-kratni optični zoom ali več.
Če ste na trgu za eno od teh kamer, ne pozabite, da je številka optičnega zooma le tržna številka. Nanaša se na osnovno goriščno razdaljo, ki je natančnejši način primerjave povečave med lečami. Naj na hitro opišem to zaradi jasnosti, saj je lahko zmedeno.
Vse leče imajo tako imenovano goriščno razdaljo, ki se meri v milimetrih (mm). Če je številka mm majhna, recimo 20 mm, je to širokokotni objektiv, tako da bo v okvirju veliko prizora. Če je številka večja od 50 mm, je to teleobjektiv, kar pomeni, da poveča sliko.
Tukaj je nekaj primerov istega prizora pri dveh različnih goriščnih razdaljah, da boste lahko videli razliko. To so neobrezane slike.

Kot lahko vidite na zgornjih slikah, vam goriščna razdalja 400 mm očitno omogoča, da se subjektu veliko približate. Zgornji posnetek bi lahko obrezali do podobnega rezultata, vendar bi bil zaradi tega veliko manj oster in bolj zrnat.
Ko ima fotoaparat zoom objektiv, to pomeni, da lahko spremenite goriščno razdaljo, da bo slika videti večja (povečanje) in manjša (pomanjšanje). Število optičnega zooma se nanaša na razliko med najmanjšim in največjim številom goriščne razdalje.
Na primer, če imate fotoaparat, kot je Sony RX10 IV, ima ta enakovredno goriščno razdaljo 24 mm – 600 mm. 600 deljeno s 24 je 24, zato ima ta fotoaparat 24-kratni optični zoom.
Če imate DSLR ali brezzrcalni fotoaparat z objektivom 150 mm – 600 mm, je to tehnično le 4-kratni optični zoom, ker je 600 deljeno s 150 4-krat. Vendar pa bi tako fotoaparat Sony kot fotoaparat DSLR dala enak rezultat v smislu kadriranja, ko bi bila zoomirana do konca.
Razlika je v tem, da vam Sony omogoča tudi širokokotno fotografiranje. Vendar, če primerjate številko 4x s številko 16x, Sony zveni veliko bolj impresivno! Zato je pomembno razumeti osnovne številke, da se lahko izognete trženju.
Na splošno za fotografiranje divjih živali na safariju potrebujete fotoaparat z objektivom, ki vam omogoča povečavo med 70 mm in 400 mm. Ta razpon bo dobro deloval pri večini scenarijev fotografiranja divjih živali, zlasti na safariju, saj običajno ne morete izstopiti iz vozila ali zapustiti ceste, zato ste omejeni s tem, kako blizu se lahko približate živalim.
Zdaj so na voljo tudi ultra-telefoto ali superzoom objektivi, ki se začnejo pri 400 mm in lahko segajo do 1200 mm. Ti objektivi bodo preveliki in predragi za večino ljudi, vendar bodo morda zanimivi za goreče fotografe divjih živali z velikim proračunom, zlasti tiste, ki jih zanima fotografiranje ptic.
Čeprav se boste na safariju verjetno osredotočali predvsem na fotografiranje živali in ptic, je verjetno, da boste želeli tudi fotoaparat, s katerim boste lahko fotografirali pokrajino, zgradbe, hrano, ljudi itd.
Zato boste morda želeli fotoaparat, ki lahko posname tudi širokokotne posnetke (približno 20 mm). To je lahko vsestranski zoom objektiv na vašem obstoječem fotoaparatu, ločen širokokotni objektiv ali pa razmislite o uporabi drugega fotoaparata, kot je vaš pametni telefon za širokokotne posnetke.
Zaslonka za Safari
Poleg goriščne razdalje ima vsaka leča specifikacijo, znano kot zaslonka. Zaslonka je luknja znotraj leče, skozi katero prehaja svetloba. Malo je kot zenica v očesu.
Tako kot zenica v očesu se lahko tudi zaslonka poveča ali zmanjša, da prepusti več ali manj svetlobe.
Vsaka leča ima zaslonko in glavna specifikacija, na katero morate biti pozorni, je, kako velika bo ta zaslonka. Zaslonka se meri v f/stopi, pri čemer manjše število pomeni, da je luknja večja.
Na primer, objektiv z zaslonko f/2,8 ima večjo luknjo kot objektiv z zaslonko f/5,6.
Na splošno velja, da večja kot je zaslonka, bolj je zaželeno. Večja odprtina zaslonke prepušča več svetlobe, kar pomeni, da lahko uporabite višjo hitrost zaklopa ali nižji ISO, kar je oboje lahko koristno.
Ko gledate kamere ali objektive, boste morda opazili, da je zaslonka prikazana kot obseg, na primer f/3,5 – 5,6. To pomeni, da se največja zaslonka spreminja, ko spreminjate goriščno razdaljo. Pri najširšem kotu bo največja zaslonka f/3,5. Pri polni povečavi bo f/5,6.
To je še posebej pogosto pri kompaktnih fotoaparatih in fotoaparatih z mostom z zelo velikimi zoom objektivi ter cenejših objektivih. To pomeni, da bolj kot povečate, manj svetlobe bo padlo na tipalo, zato boste morali za kompenzacijo uporabiti krajšo hitrost zaklopa ali višjo vrednost ISO.
Dražji vrhunski samostojni objektivi za fotoaparate DSLR in brezzrcalne fotoaparate imajo lahko fiksno zaslonko skozi celotno goriščno razdaljo. To so tudi največje in najtežje leče.
Za safari velja, da večja kot je zaslonka (in manjše število f/stop), tem bolje, čeprav boste seveda morali to upoštevati glede na težo in stroške. V idealnem svetu bi si za safari želeli lečo z največjo zaslonko f/2,8 ali f/4, vendar to ni vedno praktično, če upoštevamo ceno in težo.
Enostavnost uporabe in krivulja učenja
Kamere niso ustvarjene enako, ko gre za enostavno uporabo. Kamera pametnega telefona je na primer zelo enostavna za uporabo, saj pritisnete gumb in posname fotografijo. Prihajajo tudi z veliko pametne tehnologije, znane kot računalniška fotografija, ki poskuša doseči najboljše rezultate za vsako sliko, ki jo posnamete. To je verjetno tudi naprava, ki jo dobro poznate in jo redno uporabljate.
Vendar bodo druge vrste fotoaparatov imele bolj strmo krivuljo učenja, zlasti brezzrcalni fotoaparati in fotoaparati DSLR. Seveda bo imel brezzrcalni fotoaparat ali fotoaparat DSLR tudi samodejni način, ki deluje na enak način kot kompaktni fotoaparat ali pametni telefon, tako da lahko pritisnete gumb in posnamete fotografijo, čeprav običajno manjka element računalniške fotografije.
Zato so lahko slike s fotoaparatom pametnega telefona videti bolje kot posnetki z brezzrcalnikom ali DSLR, zlasti če jih posname uporabnik začetnik.
Dobra novica je, da lahko z vrhunskim fotoaparatom dosežete osupljive rezultate, če si vzamete čas in se naučite, kaj vse gumbi in vrtljivi gumbi dejansko počnejo, saj boste tako lahko fotoaparatu omogočili, da naredi, kar želite. . Vendar to zahteva vlaganje časa in prakse.
Odločitev, ki jo morate sprejeti, je, koliko časa želite porabiti za učenje uporabe fotoaparata. Če bi res raje imeli boljšo izkušnjo usmeri in fotografiraj, potem je pametni telefon, kompaktni fotoaparat ali kamera na mostu verjetno najboljša možnost. Seveda boste še vedno dosegli boljše rezultate, če se boste naučili njegovih različnih funkcij, vendar bi moral še vedno dosegati dobre rezultate s svojimi nastavitvami iz škatle.
Po drugi strani pa, če bi radi porabili nekaj časa za resnično učenje, kako deluje vaš fotoaparat, je DSLR ali brezzrcalni fotoaparat dobra izbira. To bo imelo široko paleto načinov fotografiranja, vključno s popolnoma ročnimi možnostmi, kar vam bo omogočilo popoln nadzor nad končnim rezultatom.
Če nameravate kupiti nov fotoaparat in želite pomoč pri njegovi uporabi in izboljšanju svoje fotografije, je na voljo veliko knjig, delavnic in tečajev. Na primer, vodim spletni tečaj popotniške fotografije, ki je zasnovan tako, da vsakomur pomaga izboljšati svojo fotografijo.
Število milijonov slikovnih pik
Vsak senzor kamere ima število milijonov slikovnih pik, običajno v razponu od 12 MP do 50 MP+.
Višje kot je število, več slikovnih pik bo senzor kamere posnel pri shranjevanju vaše slike. Megapiksel pomeni samo 1 milijon slikovnih pik in bi se nanašal na sliko, široko 1000 slikovnih pik in visoko 1000 slikovnih pik. 1000 krat 1000 je milijon, torej megapiksel.
Več megapikslov pomeni, da bo končna slika večja glede na širino in višino slike. Prednost tega je, da lahko svoje slike bolj obrežete, ne da bi pri tem izgubili podrobnosti.
Pomanjkljivost je, da so slikovne datoteke večje, slike z več megapiksli pa so lahko nekoliko bolj zrnate.
Ne bi me preveč skrbelo število megapikslov, razen če nameravate veliko fotografirati manjše subjekte, kot so ptice, z daljše razdalje ali nameravate natisniti veliko svojih slik v večji velikosti. V teh primerih vam bo veliko število megapikslov (30 MP+) omogočilo večjo obrezovanje posnetka in še vedno dober rezultat.
Sicer je za pametne telefone dobro vse nad 12MP, za druge kamere pa bo za safari dovolj vse nad 20MP. Če ima fotoaparat zelo velik zoom, se lahko izognete tudi z manjšim številom milijonov slikovnih pik, saj to izniči potrebo po obrezovanju po posnetku.
Stabilizacija slike
Ko fotografirate in držite fotoaparat v roki, se lahko kakršno koli gibanje vaše roke spremeni v zameglitev gibanja na vaših slikah. Posledica tega bodo slike, ki niso ostre.
To vpliva na slike, posnete s počasnejšimi hitrostmi zaklopa, na primer pri fotografiranju pri šibki svetlobi. Prav tako je bolj očitno pri uporabi daljših povečav, ki lahko pretiravajo z gibi rok. To je podobno učinku, ki ga dobite, ko gledate skozi daljnogled ali teleskop – že majhni premiki povzročijo, da je slika zamegljena.
Kamere s stabilizacijo slike lahko to do določene mere kompenzirajo, kar pomeni, da bodo vaše slike ostrejše. Stabilizator slike je lahko vgrajen bodisi v ohišje fotoaparata bodisi v objektiv (ali oboje), zato predlagam, da za najboljše rezultate izberete ohišje fotoaparata in objektiv s stabilizacijo slike.
Zavedajte se le, da lahko stabilizacija slike naredi le toliko, da ni rešitev za ostrino slike! Zato pred fotografiranjem poskusite čim bolje stabilizirati fotoaparat in uporabite ustrezno hitrost zaklopa glede na goriščno razdaljo, pri kateri fotografirate.
Vremensko tesnjenje
Safari je lahko zelo prašno mesto in kamere ponavadi ne marajo preveč prahu. Če se odpravljate v tropski del sveta ali obiščete državo v deževnem obdobju, boste verjetno naleteli tudi na dež in vlago. Nekatere kamere na trgu, zlasti dražji modeli, nudijo vremensko zaščito.
Fotoaparat, zaščiten pred vremenskimi vplivi, ima običajno različne funkcije za preprečevanje vdora vlage v fotoaparat, kot je gumijasta zaščita na nastavkih za objektiv in reže za pomnilniške kartice. To pomaga pri preprečevanju vdora vode v fotoaparat med deževno prho, pomaga pa tudi pri preprečevanju vdora prahu v fotoaparat.
Prah v notranjosti fotoaparata ima lahko različne negativne učinke, od ustvarjanja nečednih madežev na vaših slikah, če pade na senzor, do tega, da sploh ne deluje.
Če imate fotoaparat, ki ponuja določeno stopnjo zaščite pred vremenskimi vplivi, lahko to zaščiti pred vodo in prahom, kar pomeni, da imate eno skrb manj. Idealno bi bilo, če bi za fotografiranje safarija želeli fotoaparat z zaščito pred vremenskimi vplivi, čeprav to ni funkcija, ki je na voljo pri vseh fotoaparatih.
Sistem samodejnega ostrenja
Fotografiranje premikajočih se prostoživečih živali je lahko izziv, zlasti ko gre za pridobivanje in ohranjanje fokusa. Ključnega pomena je pridobitev fotoaparata z dobrim sistemom samodejnega ostrenja.
Sodobni sistemi samodejnega ostrenja lahko samodejno prepoznajo in sledijo stvarem, kot so živali in njihove oči, zato morate skrbeti le, da motiv ostane v kadru.
Ko si ogledujete fotoaparat za safari fotografijo, preverite, katere funkcije ima sistem samodejnega ostrenja. Posebej želite videti, kako hitro lahko izostri (hitreje je bolje) in ali ponuja kakršno koli zaznavanje predmeta ali sledenje očem. Tako boste veliko lažje dobili ostre fotografije.
Rafalna hitrost
Rafalna hitrost fotoaparata se nanaša na to, koliko fotografij lahko posname v sekundi. Kamera višjega cenovnega razreda bo lahko posnela med 12 in 30 slik na sekundo. Kamera srednjega razreda bo lahko posnela približno 4–12 slik na sekundo.
Višja hitrost rafalnega fotografiranja pomeni večjo verjetnost, da boste ujeli določene trenutke, zlasti hitrejšega dogajanja, kot je ptica v letu ali žival, ki teče.
Poleg tega, ker je hitrost zaporednih posnetkov neposredno povezana s splošnimi tehničnimi zmogljivostmi kamere, bo kamera z višjo hitrostjo zaporednih posnetkov bolje opredeljena kot kamera z nizko hitrostjo zaporednih posnetkov.
Za safari je dobra ideja kamera, ki lahko posname vsaj pet sličic na sekundo, vendar je večja vedno boljša.
Najboljša kamera za Safari
Zdaj sem zajel glavne značilnosti fotoaparata za safari. Zdaj bom dal seznam nekaterih kamer, ki jih priporočam za safari. Ta seznam ni izčrpen, saj je izbire očitno veliko.
Kombinacija tega seznama z informacijami o tem, kaj iskati pri safari kameri, bi vam morala dati dobro izhodišče. Za tiste fotoaparate, ki omogočajo menjavo leč, imam v naslednjem razdelku tudi nekaj priporočenih safari leč.
Te kamere so razvrščene približno po ceni, od nizke do visoke, vendar boste cene seveda želeli preveriti sami, saj se razlikujejo. Cene se začnejo od približno 400 $ do več kot 3000 $ za vrhunske modele.
Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80 / FZ82
Če želite fotoaparat odlične vrednosti za safari, ki je enostaven za uporabo in ima dober zoom, je Panasonicova premostitvena kamera Lumix DC-FZ80 odlična možnost.
Ta možnost, ki je bila predstavljena marca 2017, je najcenejša možnost na našem seznamu kamer za safari, vendar še vedno dobite veliko kamer za svoj denar.
Prvič, tu je objektiv s stabilizacijo slike 20–1200 mm (60x) s približno petimi stopnjami stabilizacije. To je združeno s senzorjem 1/2,3″ z 18,1 milijona slikovnih pik, ki podpira tudi video 4K.
Zaslon na zadnji strani je fiksen, vendar je omogočen na dotik. Kamera ima omogočen WiFi in je lahka, 616 g (21,7 oz). Glavna slabost je, da ni zaščite pred vremenskimi vplivi, čeprav to pri tej ceni ni presenetljivo. Tudi življenjska doba baterije ni spektakularna.
Vseeno pa dobite odličen zoom in to je solidna proračunska safari kamera z zoomom, ki vam omogoča zajemanje tudi bolj oddaljenih predmetov.
Ključne specifikacije :goriščna razdalja 20–1200 mm (60x), zaslonka f/2,8–5,9, 10 slik/sekundo, senzor 1/2,3″ z ločljivostjo 18,1 milijona slikovnih pik
Teža :616 g / 21,7 oz
Življenjska doba baterije :330 strelov
Cena :Preverite najnovejšo ceno na Amazonu tukaj, B&H tukaj in Adorami tukaj
Panasonic Lumix ZS70 / (TZ90 v ZK)
Če želite kompakten fotoaparat za safari po ugodni ceni, si oglejte ta model Panasonic Lumix. Dobite objektiv s 30-kratnim optičnim zoomom (24 mm – 720 mm), 20,3 MP 1/2,3″ senzor, stabilizacijo slike, polne ročne kontrole in celo podporo za RAW.
Na voljo je tudi elektronsko iskalo, nedvomna prednost kompaktnega fotoaparata po tej ceni. To lahko olajša sestavljanje slik pri močni sončni svetlobi. Kar zadeva hitrost, lahko snema do 10 sličic na sekundo.
Leta 2019 je bil izdan novejši model – ZS80. To doda Bluetooth in višjo ločljivost EVF, vendar nič drugega.
Nismo prepričani, da je to zadostna nadgradnja, ki bi upravičila razliko v ceni, vendar je odvisno od vas. Če jih najdete po enaki ceni, potem lahko dobite tudi ZS80, sicer pa ZS70 ostaja naš izbor, dokler je še na voljo.
Ključne specifikacije :goriščna razdalja 24–720 mm (30x), zaslonka f/3,3–6,4, 10 slik/sekundo, senzor 1/2,3″ z 20,3 milijona slikovnih pik
Teža :322 g / 11,36 oz
Življenjska doba baterije :380 strelov
Cena na Amazon tukaj, B&H tukaj in Adorama tukaj
Canon Powershot SX740
Canon že desetletja izdeluje široko paleto fotoaparatov in na tem seznamu boste našli nekaj njihovih fotoaparatov. To bi bila naša priporočena Canonova možnost, če iščete cenovno ugoden kompaktni fotoaparat z dobrim zoomom za safari.
Za svoj denar dobite 1/2,3-palčno tipalo z 20,3 milijona slikovnih pik in 40-kratno optično povečavo (24–960 mm). Tako kot pri drugih kompaktnih fotoaparatih z dolgo povečavo, ima največjo zaslonko le f3,3 in pri največjem zoomu je povsem navzdol pri f/6,9. Tudi življenjska doba baterije pri 265 posnetkih in brez iskala ni dobra.
Kljub temu je to eden najbolj cenovno ugodnih kompaktnih fotoaparatov s povečavo, zlasti pri tej ceni, cena pa je odlična glede na to, kar dobite. Samo ne pričakujte čudežev v smislu kakovosti slike ali učinkovitosti pri šibki svetlobi, še posebej, če je zoom do konca povečan.
Ključne specifikacije :24–960 mm (40x) goriščna razdalja, zaslonka f/3,3–6,9, 10 1 slik/sekundo, senzor 1/2,3″ z 20,3 milijona slikovnih pik
Teža :299 g / 10,55 oz
Življenjska doba baterije :265 strelov
Cena na Amazon tukaj, B&H tukaj in Adorama tukaj
Panasonic Lumix ZS200 (TZ200 v ZK)
Če sta vam kakovost slike in zmogljivost pri šibki svetlobi pomembnejša od povečave, si oglejte Panasonicov Lumix ZS200.
Ta kompaktni fotoaparat ima 1-palčno tipalo z 20,1 milijona slikovnih pik, zaradi česar je približno štirikrat večji od standardnih kompaktnih senzorjev 1/2,3″ fotoaparata.
Dobite tudi 15x (24–360 mm) objektiv s spremenljivo zaslonko f/3,3 – f/6,4 in stabilizacijo slike. To je pravzaprav precej razumen zoom za večino situacij na safariju, z izjemo majhnih oddaljenih ptic.
Ima tudi popolno ročno upravljanje, vmesnik z zaslonom na dotik, elektronsko iskalo in možnost fotografiranja v formatu RAW.
To je vsekakor nekoliko dražja možnost, ko gre za kompaktne fotoaparate za safari, vendar je ta optični zoom vsekakor prednost, zlasti v kategoriji 1-palčnega senzorja.
Ključne specifikacije: 24–360 mm (15x) goriščna razdalja, zaslonka f/3,3–6,4, 10 slik/sekundo, 20,1 milijona slikovnih pik 1-palčni senzor
Teža: 340 g / 11,99 oz
Življenjska doba baterije :370 posnetkov
Cena na Amazon tukaj, B&H tukaj in Adorama tukaj.
Canon Powershot SX70 HS
Canonova ponudba premostitvenih kamer je še ena zmogljiva možnost. Odlikuje ga impresiven objektiv z 21-1365 mm (65-kratnim optičnim) zoomom, ki ima spremenljivo največjo zaslonko f/3,4-6,5. Če upoštevamo težo, je tudi ena najlažjih mostnih kamer na trgu.
Objektiv je optično stabiliziran, kar zagotavlja do pet stopenj stabilnosti. Tipalo 1/2,3″ ponuja 20 milijonov slikovnih pik, kar je dovolj za večino uporabnikov, zlasti glede na impresivno povečavo, ki pomeni, da vam ne bi bilo treba veliko obrezovati.
It has full manual controls as well as RAW support, and you get both Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity as well as 4K video support.
There are some drawbacks. Image quality at the zoom and wide angles is a little soft, and there’s no touch screen or weather sealing. The screen does flip out and tilt though.
My parents have an earlier model of this camera (they provided the tiger photo earlier in the post) and they have been very happy with the results from safaris in destinations around the world.
Key Specifications :21-1365mm (65x) focal length, f/3.4-6.5 aperture, 10 images / second, 20 megapixel 1/2.3″ sensor
Weight :610 g / 21.5 oz
Battery life :325 shots
Price :Check latest price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Nikon D3500
Nikon are a well known brand well it comes to DSLR cameras, and the Nikon D3500 is an excellent value DSLR. It also comes with the big advantage that you get access to all the Nikon and Nikon compatible lenses, which is a huge choice.
For your money, you get a 24MP APS-C sized sensor, full manual controls and RAW support. Burst speeds are a little slow at 5 frames per second, but battery life is incredible at 1,550 shots. It’s also relatively light for a DSLR.
There’s no weather sealing, and the screen doesn’t feature any touch or flip out technology. There’s also no image stabilization, but a great many lenses are available which do feature this technology. If you want a budget DSLR for safari, this is a good option.
Key Specifications: 5 images / second, 24 megapixel / APS-C sensor
Weight: 365g / 12.87oz
Battery life: 1550 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here.
Canon Rebel SL3 (EOS 250D in Europe)
The SL3 (or EOS 250D) is one of Canon’s budget-oriented DSLR cameras. The Canon Rebel line is an excellent series of good value entry-level DSLR cameras (my first DSLR was a Rebel), and the SL3 is no exception.
It’s one of the smaller SLR cameras Canon has made, and it offers great performance for an excellent price. Specs include a touchscreen, 24.2MP APS-C sized sensor, WiFi, 1070 shot battery capacity, 4K video support, and compatibility with all of Canon’s lenses (and a great many third party lenses.).
There’s no image stabilization, but as with the Nikon there are a great many lenses available which do feature this technology. It’s also not weather sealed.
Key Specifications: 5 images / second, 24.2 megapixel APS-C sensor
Weight: 449g / 15.84oz
Battery life: 1070 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here.
Nikon Coolpix P950
The Nikon Coolpix P950, released in 2020, has a lot going for it. First, you get an impressive 24-2000mm lens, which is an 83x optical zoom. That should be more than enough for any kind of safari photo, and in particular for those of you looking for a camera for bird photography.
The maximum aperture starts at a wide f/2.8, and narrows down to f/6.5 when zoomed in. Given the length of the lens, this is to be expected.
The lens is stabilized, and the stabilization offers an impressive 5.5 stops of improvement. Sensor wise, you’re looking at a 1/2.3″ 16MP sensor, which offers a good balance between size and low light performance.
Image quality is good although softens as you zoom further in. This is quite common on compact and bridge cameras with big zooms. There is a reason high end mirrorless and DSLR lenses cost thousands of dollars after all! However, I think most users will be happy with the performance.
The megapixel count isn’t particularly high, but you are unlikely to need to crop much given you have an incredible zoom.
The P950 has support for RAW photography as well as manual modes that let you set shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. There’s also 4K video support as well as WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity options.
There are a few downsides. Battery life is quite low at 290 shots, and the huge lens means this camera is quite heavy for a bridge camera, weighing just over 1 kg (2.2 lb). There’s also no touchscreen, or weather sealing.
Key Specifications :24-2000mm (83x) focal length, f/2.8-6.5 aperture, 7 images / second, 16 megapixel 1/2.3″ sensor
Weight :1005 g / 35.4 oz
Battery life :290 shots
Price :Check latest price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Nikon Z50
The Z50 is Nikon’s more entry level mirrorless camera, which features a 20.9MP APS-C sized sensor, which Nikon calls DX sized.
Despite being entry-level, you still get a lot for your money. There’s 11fps burst shooting, 4K video support, a tilting touchscreen display and an OLED viewfinder. You also get Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, with battery life rated to around 300 shots.
This is a great lightweight mirrorless camera at a good price, however do be aware when comparing this and other DSLR and mirrorless cameras to other cameras on our round up that you will have to buy a lens as well. It is also compatible with most of Nikon’s lenses via an adaptor, which gives you a huge choice.
It even has some weather-sealing, although the pop-up flash means it isn’t considered as weather-sealed as some of its more expensive siblings.
Key Specifications :11 images / second, 20.9 megapixel APS-C sensor
Weight :450g / 15.87 oz
Battery life :320 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 II
If you like the idea of a bridge camera but would prefer improved image quality and low light performance over a huge zoom, check out the FZ1000 II from Panasonic.
Released in 2019, this camera features a 20.1 Megapixel 1 inch sensor. This means you get better low light performance than bridge cameras with smaller sensors, as well as higher image quality.
Unfortunately, a larger sensor comes with some tradeoffs, namely the zoom. The FZ1000II features a 25-400mm lens, equivalent to a 16x optical zoom. This is definitely on the low end for a bridge camera, but if you’re not too worried about shooting very distant subjects, 400mm is still on par in terms of magnification with DSLR or mirrorless zoom lenses.
When I go on safari, I find a 400mm lens works fine 99% of the time. The only exception really is for small birds, where a longer lens is nearly always helpful.
The other nice thing about this lens is that it features a wide f/2.8 aperture. This drops to f/4 when zoomed in, which is still very respectable. A wider aperture lets more light in, meaning you can shoot at higher shutter speeds and lower ISO values. The lens is also image stabilized, offering 3-5 stops of stabilization.
The display tilts and swivels out from the camera and is touch enabled. You also get WiFi and Bluetooth support, as well as a relatively good battery life of 440 shots. Video wise, you get 4K video support. Despite having a larger sensor, the camera is not too heavy at 810 g (1.79 lbs).
There’s no dust or water protection, which is a shame in a camera at this price point, and probably the main downside. Otherwise though, if you are happy with the zoom range, this is a solid option.
Key Specifications :25-400mm (16x) focal length, f/2.8-4 aperture, 10 images / second, 20.1 megapixel 1″ sensor
Weight :810 g / 28.5 oz
Battery life :440 shots
Price :Check latest price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra / iPhone 14 Pro Max
I appreciate it’s a little jarring to go from cameras to smartphones, but I know that many of you might not want to take anything other than a smartphone on safari. For many shots, a smartphone will work just fine, especially in those scenarios where the animals are very near.
If you are going to take a smartphone for your safari camera, then you might as well pick the best option. The two contenders I recommend are either the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra or the iPhone 14 Pro Max. I’ve put these together because at this point, most people have likely settled on Android or iPhone.
Specs wise they are not dissimilar when it comes to the camera technology. The most important feature, and the reason I chose these two phones for safari photography, is that they both have a relatively good optical zoom (by smartphone standards at least). That means you’ll still be able to shoot wildlife that is a little further away and get good results.
The Samsung S22 Ultra actually has four cameras, each with its own sensor. Most importantly, there’s a 10x (230mm equivalent) optical zoom on a 10 megapixel 1/3.52″ sensor. It’s quite a small sensor even by smartphone standards, but that 10x zoom could definitely come in handy.
The iPhone 14 Pro Max has three cameras. The longest reach it has is from a 2x (77mm equivalent) optical zoom on a 1/3.4″ sensor.
Both phones offer a range of photography focused features, from image stabilization through to powerful computational technology to improve how your images look. If you really want a smartphone for your safari, one of these two options would be our pick.
Price on Amazon for Samsung here, Apple on Apple store here.
Sony RX100 VII
If you like the idea of a compact camera but don’t want to sacrifice too much image quality, consider the RX100 VII. Released in August 2019, in our opinion this is one of the best compact cameras for safari that money can buy, and we travel with an earlier version ourselves.
The RX100 VII has an 8x optical zoom, equivalent to a 24mm – 200mm lens. That’s about the absolute minimum focal length we’d recommend for a safari. It also has a 20.1 megapixel 1-inch sized sensor like the Panasonic ZS200, which is the closest alternative.
The main differences are that the ZS200 has more zoom at the expense of a narrower aperture. The RX100 has a faster burst rate at 20 frames per second, and it also has a much-improved focus system which can lock on and track subjects very quickly. As you might imagine, that can come in very handy for safari photography.
Sony have used the learning acquired from the focus technology in their high-end professional cameras and it definitely shows.
Image quality in the Sony is also a little better than the Panasonic.
The RX100 also has image stabilisation, a tilting screen and an impressive electronic viewfinder. This is a great all-round compact camera, although it is quite expensive. If the price is too high, the ZS200 offers a great deal at a much more reasonable price.
Key Specifications: 24-200mm (x) focal length, f/2.8-4.5 aperture, 20 images / second, 20.1 megapixel /1″ sensor
Weight: 302g / 10.65oz
Battery life: 240 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here
Sony A6600
Sony have been making excellent consumer oriented mirrorless cameras for a long time. The A6600 is the current top of their A6xxx range.
The A6600 has a lot of technology packed into its relatively diminutive body. There’s a 24.2 megapixel APS-C sized sensor which can shoot at 11 frames per second. It has Sony’s impressive real-time subject tracking which can recognise and track human and animals’ eyes very quickly.
You also get in body image stabilization, a flip up touch screen, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, an impressive 810 shot battery life and weather sealing. All in all, this is a feature packed camera that would be a great option for safari photography when paired with a good telephoto lens.
Key Specifications :11 images / second, 24.2 megapixel APS-C sensor
Weight :503g / 17.74oz
Battery life :810 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here
Canon EOS R7
This mirrorless camera for Canon was launched in 2022, and it is packed with features that make it an excellent choice for a safari camera. In fact, a lot of the technology in this camera, especially around autofocus, is borrowed from Canon’s high-end EOS R3, a camera which retails in excess of $6,000 USD.
At the heart of this camera is a 32.5MP APS-C sized sensor. That is fully image stabilized, and it supports shooting at 15 frames per second (mechanical) and a staggering 30 frames per second (electronic).
Perhaps the most impressive feature though is the autofocus. This can identify and track a range of subjects, including animals and birds. I have used this system extensively and it is amazing how well it can lock onto even a fast moving subject to enable you to get sharp shots every time.
You also get a touch-enabled flip screen, weather sealing, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and compatibility with a massive selection of Canon lenses. Battery life is reasonable at 660 shots, and the weight without a lens is also good at 612g/ 21.58oz.
If you are looking for an APS-C sensor camera for safari photography, this would be at the top of my list.
Key Specifications :30 images / second, 32.5 megapixel APS-C sensor
Weight :612g / 21.58oz
Battery life :660 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 IV
If you love the idea of a bridge camera but don’t want to sacrifice image quality, speed and weather sealing, look no further than the stunning Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 IV. Sony has been leading the way with high performance camera sensors for a number of years, and the RX10 IV is the current pinnacle of their bridge camera offerings.
This is probably the best bridge camera for safari, although as with every decision, there are of course some compromises. The main one being price. This is definitely a premium offering. However, you do get a lot for your money.
To start with, this is a 1″ sensor camera, with 20.1 megapixels of resolution. That is paired with a 24-600mm (25x optical) lens, which we think will be enough for most safari needs.
The lens starts out at a very wide f/2.4, meaning lots of light can reach the sensor. At 600mm the lens stops down to f/4. This is still very impressive, when you consider that a 600mm f/4 lens for a DSLR will set you back five figures! The lens is also stabilized, offering around 4.5 stops of improvement.
You also get one of the fastest autofocus systems in the world, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 4K video, superb image quality, a touch-enabled screen, a weather sealed body, and a truly impressive 24 frames per second shooting speed. Naturally there are full manual controls and RAW support.
With all that tech onboard, combined with the relatively large sensor and wider aperture zoom lens, this camera does weigh quite a bit. In fact, at 1095g (2.4lbs) it’s heavier than some DSLRs. However, if quality and performance are your key goals, and you just want an all-in-one camera that will just work, then this camera still offers excellent value for money.
If the price is a bit much, then consider the earlier model RX10 III, which offers similar features at a lower price point. You will lose the touchscreen, and the autofocus and shooting speeds are a little slower.
Key Specifications :24-600mm (24x) focal length, f2.4/4 aperture, 24 images / second, 20.1megapixel 1″ sensor
Weight :1095 g / 38.6 oz
Battery life :400 shots
Price :Check latest price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Sony A7c
If you like the look of the Sony A6xxx line but want something with a full frame sensor, consider the Sony A7C.
Somehow, Sony has managed to fit a full frame sensor into a body that is almost identical in size and weight to the A6600, making it one of the smallest full frame mirrorless cameras on the market today.
They haven’t cut corners in terms of features either. You get a 24.2MP sensor, 10fps shooting, in body image stabilization, 4K video, WiFi, Bluetooth, vari-angle touchscreen and weather proofing. It also has excellent animal and people tracking with Sony’s eye-tracking autofocus system.
It even manages 740 shots on a charge. A fantastic option if you want something with a full frame sensor but in a relatively compact size.
The only downside is that it can feel a bit small and fiddly in the hands. However, that is a minor niggle for what is otherwise a standout option.
Key Specifications :10 images / second, 24.2 megapixel full frame sensor
Weight :509g / 17.95oz
Battery life :740 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here, and Adorama here
Canon EOS R6
In 2020, Canon launched two excellent mirrorless camera options, namely the Canon EOS R6 and the Canon EOS R5.
These were the first full frame mirrorless cameras from Canon to feature in-body image stabilization, which offers an amazing 8 stops of stabilization when used with a compatible lens.
The R6 is the lower priced version of the two, but it is still very capable. It has a 20.1MP full frame sensor, autofocus that can track both people and animals, up to 20 frames per second burst shooting, Wi-Fi &Bluetooth, 4K video, as well as a flip-out touchscreen. It’s also dust and drip-proof.
The fantastic autofocus system is brilliant on safari, as is the high burst shooting rate.
There’s a lens adaptor which will let you use all EF and EF-S Canon lenses with the camera, which opens the door to a massive choice.
The main downside is that on paper the megapixel count does feel a bit miserly when stacked up against the competition. Honestly though, we don’t think it’s that big of a deal, and it does mean that high ISO and low light performance is fantastic. The battery life is also not that great compared to its peers.
You can see our full Canon EOS R5 review here, which covers a lot of the features of the R6, to see if it might be the camera for you.
Key Specifications: 20 images / second, 20.1 megapixel full frame sensor
Weight: 680g / 23.99oz
Battery life: 360 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here.
Sony Alpha a7 IV
Sony effectively started the mirrorless camera revolution, and the Sony a7 IV, as the name suggests, is the fourth iteration in their excellent a7 range.

It comes with a full frame 33MP full frame sensor, flip out LCD display, a high refresh rate EVF, WiFi, 10fps burst shooting and a fast autofocus system that includes Sony’s excellent animal and people eye tracking.
It also has good battery life at 580 shots per full charge, and includes weather sealing, meaning it’s an excellent all-round camera and a solid option for safari. The burst rate is a bit slower than the Canon R6, but you do get a higher resolution sensor as a trade-off, as well as extended battery life.
Key Specifications :10 images / second, 33 megapixel full frame sensor
Weight :659g / 23.25oz
Battery life :580 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here.
Nikon Z7 II
The Nikon Z7 II is the second iteration of the Z7 model, which is towards the upper end of Nikon’s mirrorless camera range. You get a lot for your money. There’s a 45.7MP full frame sensor, weather sealeding, tilting touch screen and it has WiFi and Bluetooth. Battery life is also good enough at 420 shots.
The main downside is reviews suggest the autofocus system, whilst good, isn’t quite up to the performance of the Sony and Canon options. A burst speed of 10 frames a second is also at the lower end in this price bracket, similar to the Sony A7 IV.
However, Nikon users will likely appreciate the familiar interface and the fact that it’s compatible with the whole range of Nikon lenses with an adaptor.
Key Specifications :10 images / second, 45.7 megapixel full frame sensor
Weight :705g / 24.87oz
Battery life :420 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here.
Canon EOS R5
I will admit to being a little bit biased as this is the camera I actually use on a day-to-day basis, and that I have shot my most recent safaris on. I wrote a full review of the R5 here.
In summary though, I think this is a phenomenal camera. Let’s look at the specs. You get a 45 megapixel full frame sensor, with built-in image stabilization. It can shoot up to 20 frames a second. The autofocus system for tracking animals and people is truly incredible. It’s also remarkably versatile as an all-round camera, able to do everything from landscapes to wildlife.
There’s WiFi, bluetooth, a flip out touchscreen, and loads of customization options so you can set it up to work for you. It also supports 8K video, if you want to shoot video. You also get access to Canon’s massive range of lenses, including the older EF and EF-S lenses via an adaptor.
The only real downside is that it’s expensive, and the battery life at 320 shots means spare batteries are an essential purchase. Other than that though, this was my pick for my favourite camera for safari.
Key Specifications :20 images / second, 45 megapixel full frame sensor
Weight :738g / 26.03oz
Battery life :320 shots
Price on Amazon here, B&H here and Adorama here
Safari Camera Recommendations Summary
If you are finding the above list of recommended cameras and their specifications a bit overwhelming but have a general idea of your budget and what kind of camera you want, here are some personal recommendations of the best camera for safari across budgets and types of cameras:
- Best Safari Camera Under $500 :Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80 / FZ82
- Best Safari Camera under $1000: Nikon Z50
- Best Safari Camera under $5000: Canon EOS R5
- Best Smartphone for Safari :Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
- Best Compact Camera for Safari :Sony RX100 VII
- Best Bridge Camera for Safari :Sony DSC-RX10 IV
- Best Mirrorless Camera for Safar i:Canon EOS R5
Hopefully if you are having a hard time deciding, the above list will give you a good place to start your search for a specific camera.
But if you have any questions, just ask me in the comments section at the end of the article and I am happy to try to provide advice on which camera (and lens) might be best for you given your budget and what you want to do with it.
The Best Lenses for Safari
If you decide to buy a mirrorless or DSLR camera, then you are going to also need to buy a lens to go with it. Whilst some cameras may come with a lens, in most cases this won’t be ideal for safari as it won’t have sufficient reach.
There are a great many lenses on the market, and they are not generally compatible with different camera systems due to different mounting systems. If you want more background on lenses and what to look for in general, see my guide to the best lenses for travel photography, which breaks down all the terminology in detail.
I’m not going to be able to cover every lens out there, but I will provide a quick rundown of what I think are some of the best options on the market across a variety of camera systems and price points. This should give you some ideas for what to look for.
I’m going to primarily focus on longer focal lengths for wildlife photography, but do also consider bringing a wide-angle lens for the landscape opportunities as well. Ideally, for wildlife photography you want around a 400mm lens if your budget will allow for it.
I will also be recommending zoom lenses, meaning you can change the focal length, as this gives a lot more compositional control compared to a fixed focal length lens. There is a small loss in image quality and maximum aperture as a result, but this is very much worth the trade-off in my opinion for most users.

70-300mm lenses for safari
Sony, Nikon, and Canon all have at least one 70-300 lens available, which tends to be a fairly reasonably priced offering.
Most of these lenses have a variable aperture of f/4-5.6 and offer a good compromise between size, weight, image quality and affordability.
For example, see this Canon 70-300, this Nikon 70-300 and this Sony 70-300. This popular focal length is also available from third party manufacturers, such as with this Tamron for the Sony mount. If you are looking for a more budget safari lens, one of these is likely going to be a good pick.
300mm would be the absolute minimum I’d recommend for a lens for safari. However, I appreciate not everyone wants to spend a huge amount on camera equipment, and one of these lenses is a good way to get a reasonable reach in a relatively lightweight package.
100-400mm lenses for safari
The 100-400mm range is one of the most popular for safari photographers. 100mm lets you get quite a lot of the scene in shot, whilst 400mm will let you zoom in quite close on most subjects. Most of these lenses come with a variable aperture of around f/4.5 – f/5.6.
There’s a wide range of choice at the 100-400mm range across a number of systems. At the higher end you have the weather-sealed, heavier options like this Canon 100-400, this Sony 100-400 and this Nikon 100-400.
If you are willing to sacrifice your maximum aperture, you can save a bit of money with something like this Canon 100-400 f/5.6-8 for RF mount cameras, or this Sigma 100-400 f/5-6.3.
Generally, I’d advise trying to get the widest aperture you can afford as it will make a big difference in low light situations. However, I did want to make it clear that there are options out there across a range of budgets.
Other telephoto lens options for safari.
There are of course other options that are worth considering. If you want more reach, consider the Canon 100-500 f/4.5 – 7.1 for RF mount, or the excellent Sony 200-600 f/5.6-6.3.
If you want more reach but don’t want to spend as much, you can save money by using third party lenses from the likes of Sigma and Tamron for example. Image quality and autofocus speeds might be marginally impacted, but the price difference can be significant.
For example, check out this Tamron 150-600 f/5 – 6.3, which is available in a range of mounts for different camera systems. You get an excellent focal range, image stabilization and weather sealing at what is a very reasonable price. Sigma also do a range of 150-600mm lenses for different mounts.
Lens and Camera Rental for Safari
A high-end camera and lens can be a very expensive investment, which might not make a lot of sense for one-off usage. You obviously want to get great photos on your trip, but buying an expensive telephoto zoom lens or high specification full frame body that you only plan to use once might not make sense.
In this case, consider renting your camera equipment. A company like Lens Rentals will allow you to rent a lens and a camera body at a much lower cost than buying it outright. They also give you the option to purchase the gear rather than return it, so if you love the experience then you can invest having tested the gear out.
This is definitely worth looking into if you want high end gear but don’t want to invest into an expensive setup for long term use. You can browse what they have available here.
Accessories for Safari
Now that you have your camera and lens figured out, I wanted to share some tips for what camera and photography accessories you may want to bring on safari.
Memory Cards
You are going to be taking a lot of photos when on safari. Memory cards are not very expensive these days, and it is worth having a backup memory card as well as plenty of memory.
I recommend at least a 64GB memory card. If you are travelling with a laptop then you can back up your photos as you go. If you prefer to travel light, then you will want to pack many more memory cards so you don’t run out of space on your trip.
Spare Batteries
It is definitely worth bringing at least one spare battery for your camera, and ideally two. These are easy to keep on you or in your photography bag and come in handy when you are out all day.
You don’t want to be half way through a busy day and run out of battery, and then potentially miss some great shots. Modern mirrorless cameras in particular can eat through batteries quickly, so a spare or two is definitely a must in my opinion.
USB Battery Charger / Power Pack
As well as spare batteries, you might consider bringing a USB power pack and USB powered camera battery charger. This will allow you to charge your camera batteries while on the go from the battery pack (or a USB outlet in your vehicle).
Some locations you stay at on safari may also have limited power outlet availability, especially in the more remote areas or if you are staying in tented camps. In these scenarios, they often have USB power outlets from solar panels, but might not have higher voltage outlets.
In these situations, a USB battery charger for your camera batteries will be invaluable. I travel with both a USB battery pack and a USB powered battery charger for my Canon camera batteries, and it has come in handy many times.
Monopod / Tripod
A common question is whether or not you should take a tripod on safari. I would say that in general, for wildlife photography from a vehicle, a tripod is not going to be very useful. There likely won’t be enough room to set it up unless you have a vehicle specifically set up for it.
Another option is a monopod, which is certainly something to consider, depending on your vehicle configuration. If you are also likely to be doing foot-based safaris and have big lenses, then a monopod is definitely something to consider.
For example, I used a monopod when shooting chimpanzees in Uganda, a trip which required a hike through the jungle. A monopod allows for very quick movement of your camera, often necessary in wildlife photography, whilst still taking most of the weight off your shoulders.
A good option if you want to pack a tripod for your safari trip but are maybe also thinking you may want a monopod is to bring a travel tripod that can convert to a monopod such as the recent VEO 3 range from Vanguard.
I’ve been an ambassador for Vanguard for many years now. If you see something on their store that works for your equipment, you can save money using our exclusive Vanguard discount code. This will give you 20% off everything in the Vanguard store.
Just use the code FindingTheUniverse for your discount! This code works in the Vanguard USA, UK, Australia, Spain, and Germany stores.
Photography Bean Bag
For vehicle-based photography, the most useful accessory in my opinion is a photography bean bag rather than a tripod or monopod. I used these every day we did vehicle safaris on our recent trip.
Photography bean bags can be placed on the roof of the vehicle for use when looking out a pop-up top, or over a window or window sill for in-vehicle use.
Photography bean bags are normally made out of a durable canvas (or similar material), and have a zipped opening so you can add or remove the contents. These can be polystyrene beads, or you can simply fill them with something environmentally friendly like dried kidney beans when you arrive in a destination.
I used a photography bean bag extensively on my safari trips, and they are really an invaluable item. You can see some options online here.
Appropriate Clothing
Whilst this isn’t camera specific, having the right clothing for your safari can improve your overall experience. If you are comfortable and prepared for the weather, you are also likely to get better photos.
Personally, I prefer clothes with lots of pockets where I can store things like spare batteries, lens wipes and lens caps. Most safaris tend to be hot, so you also want lightweight clothing.
A vest is a popular option for photographers such as those by ScotteVest, and I own a couple of these vests. They are great for travel days and airports as well.
But my preference on safari are the safari focused shirts from the brand Craghoppers. These have a range of features for travel, including being quick-drying and sun proof. They are really lightweight, and are available in safari appropriate colors (light greens and beige are good, blue and black are bad if going to teste fly infested areas). Some models, like the NosiLife line, even come with built-in insect repellent.
The main thing I love about them though is that they have lots of pockets and so it’s easy for me to quickly access a spare battery without having to root around in my bag. You can get them from REI in the US here, as well as on their Amazon store here and in the UK here.
Comfortable Camera Strap
A safari trip is going to involve you carrying and using your camera a lot. You are likely going to be bumping along on dirt roads, sticking your head out of the safari vehicle, and hiking along in forests during your trip. So you want to make sure you have both a secure and comfortable camera strap.
It is likely that your camera came with a manufacturer branded strap such as one from Canon or Nikon. This strap may be fine for some people. For others, especially if you have a heavy camera setup, it may not provide enough support or comfort.
I personally use Peak Design straps, as I find them much more comfortable than a standard camera strap. You can purchase them from Peak Design here, as well as on Amazon or B&H Photo.
A Good Camera Bag
A safari can be a dusty and bumpy experience, two things that can cause damage to cameras and lenses. To protect your gear in between shoots, I highly recommend getting a good camera bag.
Camera bags are specially designed to provide padding and protection for your gear, and many of them also come with rain covers. This means that you have somewhere safe, protected and padded to put your gear.
Personally, I use Vanguard photography bags and I’ve been an ambassador for Vanguard for many years now. If you see something on their store that works for your equipment, you can save money using our exclusive Vanguard discount code. This will give you 20% off everything in the Vanguard store.
Just use the code FindingTheUniverse for your discount! This code works in the Vanguard USA, UK, Australia, Spain, and Germany stores.
There are of course a range of other camera bags available, you can see the options on Amazon here and B&H Photo here.
Camera Cleaning Kit
No matter how well you protect your camera and lens, it is inevitable that it is going to get some dust or dirt on it. To help keep it clean, I recommend picking up a camera cleaning kit. These are normally fairly inexpensive and some come with carrying cases which are handy for travel.
They can come with a range of different items. My recommendation is to get one which includes a blower and a lens cloth like this, which will make it easier to remove the dust.
Further Reading
That’s it for my guide to the best safari camera. If you found this useful, you might enjoy some of my other photography content. Here are some articles to get you started.
- I have a detailed guide full of safari photography tips to help you get great photos whatever your camera is
- I have a guide to my favourite photo editing applications, as well as the best alternatives to Lightroom
- Once you’ve taken all your photos you don’t want to lose them! Read our guide to backing up your photos for an idea of how to keep them all safe.
- Wildlife photography can often result in noisy images. See my guide to the best noise reduction software for some ideas on how to get the best out of your photos even when they might be a bit noisy
- We have a guide to how to use a compact camera, how to use a DSLR camera, and how to use a mirrorless camera. We also have a guide to how a DSLR works
- Knowing how to compose a great photo is a key photography skill. See our guide to composition in photography for lots of tips on this subject
- We have a guide to what depth of field is and when you would want to use it.
- We are big fans of getting the most out of your digital photo files, and do to that you will need to shoot in RAW. See our guide to RAW in photography to understand what RAW is, and why you should switch to RAW as soon as you can if your camera supports it.
- You’re going to need something to run your photo editing software on. See our guide to the best laptops for photo editing for some tips on what to look for.
- If you’re looking for more advice on specific tips for different scenarios, we also have you covered. See our guide to Northern Lights photography, long exposure photography, fireworks photography, tips for taking photos of stars, and cold weather photography.
- Color accuracy is important for photography – see our guide to monitor calibration to ensure your screen is set up correctly.
- If you’re looking for a great gift for a photography loving friend or family member (or yourself!), take a look at our photography gift guide,
- If you’re in the market for a new camera, we have a detailed guide to the best travel cameras, as well as specific guides for the best cameras for hiking and backpacking, the best compact camera, best bridge camera, best mirrorless camera and best DSLR camera. We also have a guide to the best camera lenses.
- If you want a camera or lens, but the prices are a bit high, see our guide to where to buy used cameras and camera gear for some budget savings options.
- We have a guide to why you need a tripod, a guide to choosing a travel tripod, and a round-up of our favourite travel tripods
Looking to Improve Your Photography?
If you found this post helpful, and you want to improve your photography overall, you might want to check out my online travel photography course.
Since launching the course in 2016, I’ve already helped over 2,000 students learn how to take better photos. The course covers pretty much everything you need to know, from the basics of how a camera works, through to composition, light, and photo editing.
It also covers more advanced topics, including astrophotography, long exposure photography, flash photography, and HDR photography.
You get feedback from me as you progress, access to webinars, interviews and videos, as well as exclusive membership of a Facebook group where you can get feedback on your work and take part in regular challenges.
It’s available for an amazing one-off price for lifetime access, and I think you should check it out. Which you can do by clicking here.
And that’s it! I’d love to hear about your thoughts on wildlife photography on safari, and am happy to answer any questions you have. Just pop them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.