Najboljši Nikon fotoaparat leta 2022
Od najnovejšega brezzrcalnega fotoaparata Z do fotoaparatov DSLR in kompaktnih fotoaparatov Coolpix, izbira najboljšega Nikonovega fotoaparata leta ni lahka naloga!
Uporabnik fotoaparata Nikon sem že več kot 10 let in zgradil sem uspešno fotografsko podjetje okoli njihovih fotoaparatov DSLR polnega formata.
Ne glede na to, kje ste na svoji fotografski poti, je za vas neverjeten fotoaparat Nikon ... in eden za vsak proračun.
Ne glede na to, ali želite senzor polnega formata za najvišjo kakovost slike, APS-C za neverjetno učinkovitost ali celo samo kompakten za vrhunsko prenosljivost, je to vodnik za vas.
Naložba v fotoaparat Nikon z izmenljivimi objektivi odpre vrata širokemu naboru impresivnih objektivov Nikon za vsako zvrst fotografije.
Oglejmo si torej pobližje najboljši fotoaparat Nikon za vaše potrebe.
Najboljši fotoaparat Nikon v letu 2022
Slika | Izdelek | Funkcije | |
Nikon Z50NAŠA IZBIRA št. 1 |
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Nikon Coolpix P1000BEST VSE V ENEM |
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Nikon Coolpix W300BEST COMPACT |
Najboljši brezzrcalni fotoaparat Nikon Z
Nikon je vodilni digitalni založnik, ki pošilja jasno sporočilo, da namerava biti ključni igralec na trgu brezzrcalnikov.
Linija digitalnih brezzrcalnih fotoaparatov Nikon z bajonetom Z je vredna ogleda, ko razmišljate o najboljšem Nikonovem fotoaparatu za svojo fotografijo in video.
Nikon trenutno ponuja pet fotoaparatov polnega formata in en fotoaparat APS-C v svoji brezzrcalni ponudbi. Vseh šest fotoaparatov ima enak Nikonov nastavek Z za poenostavitev in racionalizacijo postopka izbire objektiva.
Ponudba vključuje manjši APS-C Nikon Z50 ter Nikon polnega formata Z6, Z6 II, Z7 in vodilni Nikon Z7 II.
Nikon ima tudi adapterje za namestitev svojih obsežnih objektivov DSLR na katero koli ohišje z bajonetom Z.
S šestimi obstoječimi ohišji in nedavno najavljenim profesionalnim Nikonom Z9 je na voljo brezzrcalni fotoaparat Nikon, ki ustreza vsakemu fotografu in vsakemu proračunu.
Oglejmo si podrobneje letošnja najboljša ohišja fotoaparatov Nikon v brezzrcalni ponudbi.
1. Nikon Z50
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- Senzor APS-C z 21 MP
- Ohišje, zaščiteno pred vremenskimi vplivi
- Združljivost z objektivom Z-mount
- Sistem samodejnega ostrenja oči živali v realnem času
- Odlično razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo
- Videoposnetek 4K je obrezan
- Brez stabilizacije slike v telesu
- Ena reža za kartico
Če poznate kakovost Nikonovih DSLR-jev ali se želite prvič lotiti fotografiranja, je brezzrcalni fotoaparat Z50 najboljši Nikonov fotoaparat za vaš denar.
Nikon Z50 je digitalni brezzrcalni fotoaparat s slikovnim senzorjem APS-C z 21 milijoni slikovnih pik, ki zagotavlja izjemno kakovost slike in obrezan video 4K.
Nikon Z50 je kompakten in lahek v primerjavi s svojimi večjimi brati in sestrami Z6/Z7, hkrati pa ima še vedno visokokakovosten Nikonov nastavek Z.
Posledično se prilagaja celotnemu naboru Nikonovih objektivov z bajonetom Z, zaradi česar je Z50 odličen drugi fotograf za nekoga, ki je že vložil v fotoaparat polne velikosti serije Z.
Odlikuje ga velik, svetel 3,2-palčni nagibni zaslon LCD na dotik z ločljivostjo 1040.000 točk in popolnim nadzorom menija. Čeprav je majhno, elektronsko iskalo zagotavlja ločljivost slike 2360.000 točk za realistično delovanje.
Posebnost fotoaparata Nikon Z50 je vgrajen način Focus Stacking – skupaj s sistemom samodejnega ostrenja s sledenjem obrazu in očem. To omogoča makro fotografom, da zajamejo več slik s premikajočim se fokusom, da ustvarijo makro posnetke s primerno globinsko ostrino.
Nikon Z50 je izbira številka ena glede zmogljivosti, cene in uporabnosti v celotnem naboru žanrov fotografije in videa. Za to ceno dobite veliko fotoaparata!
2. Nikon Z6II
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- Senzor polnega formata s 25 MP
- 5-osna stabilizacija slike s premikanjem senzorja
- 4k video 10-bit 4:2:2
- Hitrost neprekinjenega fotografiranja 14 sličic na sekundo
- Odlična ergonomija
- Dvojne reže za kartice
- Povprečna življenjska doba baterije
- Različne reže za kartice
Če iščete najboljšega Nikona za profesionalne fotografe, je težko iti mimo brezzrcalni Nikon Z6 II polnega formata.
Mark II je generacijski preskok od prvotnega Z6 in izboljšuje funkcije, zmogljivost in rezultate Nikonovih prejšnjih brezzrcalnikov polnega formata.
Nikon Z6 II zagotavlja izjemno sliko in največji video izhod zahvaljujoč senzorju BSI-CMOS polnega formata s 25 milijoni slikovnih pik in slikovnemu procesorju.
Učinkovitost pri šibki svetlobi je zagotovljena zahvaljujoč 5-osni stabilizaciji slike s premikanjem senzorja in izjemnemu razponu ISO od 100 do 51200.
Za profesionalne video vsebine Z6 II zajema osupljivo 4K (Ultra-HD) pri 30p. Zagotavlja tudi 10-bitni video 4:2:2 pri 4K prek izhoda HDMI na zunanji snemalnik.
Vključitev zunanjega mikrofona in vrat za slušalke kaže, kako primerna je ta kamera za resno video produkcijo.
Ko gre za izbiro med Nikonom Z6 II in vodilnim Nikonom Z7 II, je treba upoštevati nekaj točk.
Z6 in Z7 Mark II imata enako težo, mere, LCD, EVF, dvojno režo za pomnilniške kartice in 5-osno stabilizacijo slike v ohišju – največja razlika je 46-milijonsko tipalo v Z7 II, kar je verjetno všeč mnogim fotografom preprosto ne potrebujejo.
Z6 Mark II se ponaša tudi s sistemom samodejnega ostrenja z zaznavanjem kontrasta in faznim zaznavanjem z zaznavanjem obrazov in sledenjem očem za portretne fotografe.
Medtem ko ima Z7 II nekoliko večji dinamični razpon in barvno globino, Z6 II zagotavlja višjo največjo hitrost neprekinjenega fotografiranja s 14 sličicami na sekundo, obseg ISO in večjo zmogljivost pri šibki svetlobi. To je ena najboljših hitrosti neprekinjenega fotografiranja v razredu.
Več o Z7 II lahko preberete spodaj, a za denar je naša izbira Nikon Z6 II. Je celo boljši od najboljše Canonove kamere v tej cenovni kategoriji – R6 II.
3. Nikon Z7II
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- Senzor polnega formata s 46 MP
- 5-osna stabilizacija slike s premikanjem senzorja
- 10-bitni video 4:2:2 pri 4K
- Hitrost neprekinjenega fotografiranja 10 sličic na sekundo
- Dvojne reže za kartice
- Slabša življenjska doba baterije
- Različne reže za kartice
Če je Nikon Z50 idealen začetni fotoaparat Nikon in je Nikon Z6 II pro-fotoaparat z najboljšim razmerjem med ceno in kakovostjo, kje je Nikon Z7 II?
Nikon Z7 II je vodilni fotoaparat z zmogljivostjo in zmogljivostjo, ki je vodilna v svojem razredu. As a result, the Nikon Z7 II is the best choice for professional fine-art portrait, commercial and wedding photographers demanding large resolution imagery.
Nikon’s Z7 II is the best Nikon camera for this pupose thanks to its whopping 46MP full-frame BSI-CMOS sensor and Dual Expeed 6 processor.
Aside from the uncompromised image resolution, the Z7 II captures 10-bit 4:2:2 4K max video at 60p via the HDMI port to an external recorder.
It has the same dimensions and weight as the Nikon Z6 II despite housing more megapixels. It also features the Nikon Z-mount to pair with the growing range of quality Nikon Z interchangeable lenses.
A pro and a con of the Z7II is the inclusion of dual card slots, which support CFexpress (Type B), XQD and SD (UHS-II).
This is great if you want to take advantage of lightning-fast XQD write speeds, but not great if you prefer to use two of the same memory card – the Z6II has the same ‘issue’.
Thanks to the smart eye tracking AF system and image resolution, the Nikon Z7 II is an ideal camera for portrait, wedding and event photographers.
Low light performance is effectively managed with the high ISO range and 5-axis image stabilization.
The Nikon Z7 II is a premium product with a premium price tag – but if you demand the very best Nikon camera, this is the one for you.
4. Nikon Z5
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 24MP full-frame sensor
- 5-axis Sensor-shift Image Stabilization
- Weather sealed compact full-frame
- Dvojne reže za kartice SD
- Budget-friendly
- 4K video features a 1.7x crop
- 4.5 fps continuous shooting speed
We consider the Nikon Z5 digital camera to be the ‘Goldilocks’ option within the Nikon mirrorless range.
It’s not too expensive, not too cheap, yet features full-frame performance, extensive features, and amazing output.
The Nikon Z5 features a large 3.2″ touch screen with 1.040k dots of resolution and a true-to-life 3690k dot viewfinder with 0.8x magnification.
Autofocus performance is assured thanks to the 273 focus points, face detection, and real-time animal eye-tracking autofocus system.
The Z5 only delivers 4.5fps maximum continuous shooting speed making it unsuitable for sports and wildlife photography. It does, however, offer two SD memory card slots, making it perfect for in-camera photo backups.
Nikon’s Z5 captures 4K (UHD) video at 30p – although it’s with a crop factor of 1.70x, limiting the use of the full-frame image sensor.
The Nikon Z5 is a smaller body compared to the Z6 and Z7 series and is our choice of the best Nikon camera for photographers needing a compact full-frame all-rounder.
If you travel a lot or need a smaller backup camera, you’ll appreciate the smaller form and outstanding performance of the Z5.
Best Nikon DSLR
Nikon is one of the oldest commercial camera manufacturers, founded in Tokyo in 2017. Their history as a camera and lens developer speaks for their longevity in a competitive market.
The very first camera, the Nikon Model I, was released in 1948 and set the stage for decades of film and digital camera design excellence.
Despite the rise in popularity of mirrorless cameras, Nikon is still one of the most popular choices for DLSR cameras.
Regardless of opting for a full-frame, APS-C, or even a point-and-shoot camera, it’s hard to beat the quality, performance, and output found with Nikon cameras.
Nikon’s full-frame DSLRs are the professional’s choice for various genres, including portraiture, landscape, wildlife, and events.
However, full-frame DSLRs are experiencing a decline in popularity due to the exceptional performance and output of current-generation mirrorless bodies.
Nikon’s APS-C DSLRs represent the ideal solution for beginner and enthusiast user-level photographers to enjoy the art of photography. While APS-C DSLRs need to work harder to achieve optical excellence in low light, Nikon models are among the very best at high ISOs.
5. Nikon D850
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 46MP full-frame sensor
- 4K (UHD) video
- Long battery life (1840 shots)
- Optical viewfinder
- Excellent build
- Dual cards slots
- No image stabilisation
- Težko in okorno
- Non identical card slots
If you’re looking for the very best Nikon DSLR camera, look no further than the class-leading Nikon D850.
While many believe that the Nikon D5 and D6 are, in fact, the flagship DSLR options from Nikon, they serve such a small audience of professional photographers. The D5 / D6 is a niche camera that’s both incredibly heavy and super-expensive.
With a 46MP full-frame BSI-CMOS sensor and Expeed 5 image processor, the D850 is an ideal DSLR for sports and wildlife photographers, along with portrait and wedding photographers where resolution counts.
While the Nikon D850 doesn’t feature in-body image stabilization, the extensive Nikon and third-party lenses range include countless high-spec options with built-in vibration reduction (VR).
With the absence of an EVF, the Nikon captures 1840 shots on a single battery – one of the standout features of Nikon DSLR cameras in general.
On the minus side, the D850 is a hulk of a camera – weighing in at 1,005 g/2 lb 3.5 oz with battery and memory card, it can be a challenge to shoot with for extended periods.
The dual memory card slot is also a contentious topic, with one slot for XQD/CFexpress B and the other for SDXC/SDHC/SD cards. XQD is perfect for high-speed recording, while SD cards are much more affordable – you’ll also need a card reader that supports both formats.
Focusing performance is assured thanks to the combination of Contrast Detection and Phase Detection autofocus system plus face detection tracking. The 7fps maximum continuous shooting speed is more than enough for sports and wildlife encounters.
The Nikon D850 is a great camera and one of the best DSLRs ever created. It gives photographers some serious pause for thought before leaping to mirrorless.
6. Nikon D780
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 25MP full-frame sensor
- 4K (UHD) video
- Long battery life (2,260 shots)
- Weather sealed body
- Dvojne reže za kartice SD
- No image stabilisation
- No AF joystick or touchpad
Another recent entry in the Nikon full-frame DSLR lineup is the Nikon D780 featuring a 25MP full-frame BSI-CMOS sensor.
If you’re after an enthusiast or pro-grade DSLR camera, the Nikon D780 ticks all the boxes, including high-resolution image output, 4K max video recording, and exceptional low light performance.
While it doesn’t feature image stabilization, the Nikon D780 delivers class-leading performance thanks to its 1/8000 shutter speed, 7fps mechanical shutter burst, and a staggering 2,260 shot battery!
(While all the modern full frame Nikon DSLR bodies typically offer long battery life, the Nikon mirrorless cameras still lag behind the battery life of the best Sony cameras.)
The D780 can record 4K (UHD) at 30p without crop and includes a headphone and external microphone port. The quality of its 4k footage is excellent, esepcially when recording 10-bit Log to an external recorder.
The optical viewfinder achieves 100% cover and a huge 0.7x magnification ratio. As for the LCD, it’s a large 3.2″ tilting touch screen pumping out 2359k dots of stunning resolution.
Nikon’s D780 is an excellent DSLR camera for sports, wildlife, and even wedding photography due to its features, performance, and exceptional output. Plus, with one of the best battery lives we’ve seen, you’ll shoot all day on a single charge.
7. Nikon D7500
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 21MP APS-C sensor
- ISO 100 – 51200(expands to 50-1,640,000)
- 8fps continuous shooting speed
- Odporno na vremenske vplive
- Great touchscreen
- 4K video has 1.5x crop
- Ena reža za kartico
Despite getting on in age, the Nikon D7500 is still considered one of the best Nikon APS-C DSLR cameras ever made.
With a 21MP APS-C image sensor, it captures excellent image quality in any lighting conditions. The D7500 is renowned for its mind-blowing extended ISO range of up to 1,640,000.
However, the Nikon D7500 shows its age with a 3.2″ LCD with a sub-par 922k dots of resolution – not ideal in bright conditions.
A neat feature is the top monochrome LCD which displays key shooting and settings information. It also boasts a more compact body and lighter weight when compared to its full-frame family.
The weather-sealed D7500 is an excellent choice as a first DSLR camera while still having access to a wide range of Nikon and third-party lenses.
A single battery charge delivers a respectable 950 shots and powers 4K (UHD) max video recording at 30p – keep in mind that the 4K has a 1.5x crop factor, meaning that the video is taken from a small crop of the sensor, limiting lens choice.
There’s also only one memory card slot, which may not be an issue for many non-professionals.
While it’s older and not as flashy as some of the newer Nikon DSLR entries, the D7500 is a solid workhorse ideal for beginner and enthusiast photographers.
8. Nikon D750
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 24MP full-frame sensor
- Top LCD for shooting information
- Odporno na vremenske vplive
- Dvojne reže za kartice SD
- Excellent low light performance
- No touch screen
- Limited buffer capacity
- Limited max shutter speed of 1/4000s
- Sluggish AF in live view
The D750 is the camera that started a revolution. At a time when Canon was lagging in the DSLR game, the Nikon D750 blew away all competition with its compact form-factor, incredible low light performance and refreshing price tag.
While build quality is no match for its big brother the D850, it’s more than enough for most photographers. The D750 feels great in the hand as one of the smallest full-frame DSLRs ever made.
The dual SD card slots ensure infield backups are taken care of, but photographers need to be aware of the limited buffer capacity which makes the camera less than ideal for fast-paced action and trigger-happy shooters.
Dynamic range performance is also legendary, allowing mind-boggling highlight and shadow recovery from tricky scenes. This along with the high ISO performance has made the D750 a firm favourite with wedding photographers.
The 6.5fps continuous shooting speed may not sound so great when compared to the best Nikon mirrorless cameras, but it’s more than enough for most situations, and when coupled with the excellent AF system, the D750 won’t miss a shot.
The D750 was the first Nikon full frame DSLR to feature a tilting LCD screen, allowing for creative compositions and greater ease when shooting video. However, live view performance is abysmal – prepare for a lot of AF hunting and a sluggish cursor.
Released back in 2014, the D750 is still our choice of best Nikon camera for the money if you need a full-frame DSLR – you can get a couple of them for the same price as one of the more modern full-frame mirrorless camera options.
9. Nikon D3500
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 24MP APS-C sensor
- Long battery life (1550 shots)
- Lahek
- Ideal entry-level DSLR
- Fixed LCD with no touchscreen
- Small 0.56x magnification viewfinder
If buying for yourself or as a gift, the best Nikon camera for beginners is still the humble the Nikon D3500.
Despite its compact and lightweight body (365g), the Nikon D3500 boasts a 24MP APS-C image sensor, Expeed 4 processor, and a decent ISO range of 100 – 25600.
A downside to the Nikon D3500 for video shooters is its lack of 4K video capture. While it’s only a few years old, it only captures Full HD video at 60p – although it would be a suitable option for those just starting a YouTube channel.
The flip-side is that the D3500 boasts a staggering 1,550 shot battery allowing you to shoot all day and night without recharging – much higher than its competition at this price point.
As a daily camera, travel camera, or first DSLR, the Nikon D3500 is exceptional value for money and opens the doors to a wide array of Nikon lenses to complete your kit.
(If you’re looking for something even cheaper, its predecessor the D3400 is a compelling option.)
Best Nikon Coolpix Compacts
Nikon’s range of Coolpix cameras delivers an exciting set of features in a neat and compact all-in-one camera body.
Nikon’s compact line-up is ideal for those who perhaps aren’t ready to dive into APS-C or full-frame interchangeable lens photography.
The Coolpix range is also ideal for those looking for a second camera body, a bridging camera, or a pocketable compact for everyday use and travel.
Nikon Coolpix features fixed zoom range lenses providing better image quality and convenience for no-fuss photography.
10. Nikon Coolpix P1000
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 16MP – 1/2.3-inch BSI-CMOS sensor
- 24-3000 mm f/2.8-8 Super Zoom Lens
- 4K (UHD) video
- 7fps continuous shooting speed
- Heavy
- Poor battery life
This wouldn’t be a complete guide to the best Nikon cameras if we didn’t include some of the unsung heroes of the Nikon family.
Often overlooked, the Coolpix P100 has a lot to offer those looking for a fixed lens camera that will cover almost every scenario.
However, with its f/2.8 to f/8 aperture range and the maximum ISo range of only 6400, the P100 is unfortunately not ideal for low-light shooting (at 3,000mm, you’re limited to f/8).
With such incredible zoom lens reach, sports and wildlife photography subjects will appear nice and close, while the 24mm wide end is suitable for landscape photographers.
The 16MP 1/2.3-inch BSI-CMOS sensor delivers average image quality and 4K (UHD) max video at 30p. Unfortunately, you’ll need to carry a couple of spare batteries as it chews them up pretty quick – expect just 250 shots per charge or 80 minutes of recording time.
Another downside to the Coolpix P1000 is its size and weight. To fit that 3,000mm zoom range lens, the all-in-one lens, and body combo is 7.13″(181mm) long and weighs 3.09lbs (1.4kg).
While not the best camera for discreet street photography, it’s a great travel companion and one of the best Nikon cameras in its class if you need to view things up close.
If you’re going on safari and don’t want to spend a fortune on super-telephoto lenses, this is the camera for you.
11. Nikon Coolpix W300
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika Pro- 16MP – 1/2.3-inch Sensor
- 24-120 mm F2.8-4.9 Lens
- Optical image stabilizer
- Waterproof down to 98′ (30m)
- No touch screen
- No RAW format
The ultimate holiday adventure camera from the Nikon range is the Coolpix W300. It takes a serious beating at this price point.
Aside from being waterproof down to 98-feet, the Nikon W300 is drop-proof from 7.9′ (2.4m) and freezeproof to -10!
As a result, the Nikon Coolpix W300 is the ideal travel companion for your snorkelling, mountain climbing, and Arctic holidays.
The 16MP – 1/2.3-inch sensor delivers decent image quality and 4K (UHD) video quality at 30p. However, don’t expect when taking underwater photos – you’ll need to rely on the tiny flash unless you’re close to the surface on a sunny day.
When the light starts to fall, the W300 struggles with its limited 125 – 6400 ISO range. The built-in image stabilization compensates to some degree; however, the deeper you dive, the more the image quality suffers.
Once you reach ISO6400, images become grainy and murky, but details can still be salvaged using editing software.
The lightweight and pocketable body feature a fixed non-touch 3.0 LCD with 921k dots of resolution.
It’s not spec-heavy, but you can literally throw the Coolpix W300 in your beach bag or holiday daypack and know you’ll capture every memorable occasion. It’s also great for kids or those with basic camera-handling skills.
Zadnje besede
When shopping for the best Nikon cameras, there’s a lot to consider – the first of which is to choose between a full-frame mirrorless camera, DSLR, or compact camera.
There’s no denying that DSLRs form the backbone of the best Nikon camera lineup. However, it’s also clear that mirrorless cameras offer the very best and latest camera technology.
Nikon cameras have been the trusted choice for beginner, enthusiast, and professional photographers for generations.
The history of Nikon cameras is long and has demonstrated excellence, ingenuity, and professional outcomes in the photography world.
There’s a Nikon camera to suit every level and style of the photographer – no matter your budget or user level. The question is, what do you consider to be the best Nikon cameras past and present?
What have been your experiences with the Z-series mirrorless models? Do you prefer Nikon’s full-frame mirrorless cameras, or is the APS-C option sufficient?
Let us know your thought in the comments below. Happy Shooting.