Najboljši objektivi Sony za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov
Čeprav lahko fotoaparat Sony naredi fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov zabavno in prijetno, je izbira najboljšega objektiva za uporabo vedno izziv.
Tukaj je nekaj najboljših Sonyjevih objektivov za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov.
Kateri je najboljši objektiv Sony za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov?
Najboljši objektivi Sony za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov so vsestranski in lahko posnamejo različne hišne ljubljenčke, vključno s pernatimi živalmi, mačkami in psi. Ta pregled vam bo pomagal prepoznati najboljši objektiv Sony za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov.
Objektiv Sony 70–300 mm f/4,5–5,6 G OSS
Če iščete objektiv, ki vam bo omogočil spremljanje gibanja vašega ljubljenčka, potem je Sony 70–300 mm f/4,5–5,6 dobra izbira.
Odlikuje ga širok razpon povečave, ki vam omogoča približevanje in pomanjševanje, ko se vaš ljubljenček premika.
Optična zasnova ima dva steklena elementa z izjemno nizko disperzijo in štiri asferične elemente. Ti elementi pomagajo zatreti kromatične aberacije in popačenja v celotnem obsegu povečave, s čimer izboljšajo barvno natančnost in jasnost slike.
Prevleka Nano AR, ki je nanesena na ta objektiv, vam omogoča fotografiranje vašega hišnega ljubljenčka v pogojih osvetlitve od zadaj z minimalnimi bleščicami.
Glede na to, da je gibanje ljubljenčka nepričakovano, morda ne boste imeli časa za postavitev stojala.
Na srečo ima ta objektiv funkcijo optične stabilizacije slike pri mirnem posnetku, ki vam omogoča snemanje mirnih slik tudi pri fotografiranju iz roke pri daljših goriščnih razdaljah.
Vsebuje tudi mehanizem samodejnega ostrenja linearnega aktuatorja, ki izboljša ostrino slike z izboljšanjem učinkovitosti ostrenja.
Gumb za zadrževanje izostritve in funkcija omejevalnika razpona izostritve v tem objektivu prav tako pomagata izboljšati splošno učinkovitost ostrenja.
Vendar je zaslonka v tem objektivu neprimerna za fotografiranje hišnih ljubljenčkov v slabo osvetljenih pogojih.
- Z obsežnim razponom povečave je vsestranski.
- Funkcija stabilizacije slike zmanjša učinek tresenja fotoaparata.
- Gumb za zadrževanje izostritve izboljša učinkovitost ostrenja.
- Ni primeren za uporabo v slabih svetlobnih pogojih
Sony 70-200 mm f/4 G OSS
Sony 70–200 mm f/4 G OSS je eden najbolj vsestranskih zoom objektivov, ki vam bo omogočil, da svojega hišnega ljubljenčka posnamete od daleč in ga nato povečate, ko se približa.
Optična zasnova vključuje tri asferične elemente in tri elemente z izjemno nizko disperzijo, ki pomagajo pri boju proti kromatskim in sferičnim aberacijam ter popačenjem.
Če ste v močno osvetljenem prostoru in želite posneti gibanje vašega ljubljenčka, vam ni treba skrbeti, če uporabljate ta objektiv.
Na voljo je s premazom Nano AR, ki pomaga zatreti podvojene slike in bleščanje pri fotografiranju v težkih svetlobnih pogojih.
Mehanizem z dvojnim linearnim motorjem poskrbi za hitro delovanje samodejnega ostrenja in posneli boste lahko hitre gibe hišnega ljubljenčka brez zameglitve.
Poleg tega ima Sony 70–200 mm f/4 G OSS zasnovo notranjega ostrenja, ki zagotavlja, da se celotna dolžina tulca med ostrenjem ne spremeni. S to zasnovo med ostrenjem ne morete prestrašiti hišnih ljubljenčkov, občutljivih na fotoaparat.
Kar zadeva fizično konstrukcijo, je ta zasnova objektiva odporna na vlago in prah, kar vam omogoča fotografiranje vaših ljubljenčkov v zaprtih prostorih in na prostem brez skrbi glede vremenskih razmer.
Tako kot pri Sony 70–300 mm f/4,5–5,6 zaslonka ni idealna za fotografiranje v slabih svetlobnih pogojih.
- Ta leča ima minimalne kromatske aberacije in popačenja
- Zaradi robustne zasnove je primeren za uporabo tako v zaprtih prostorih kot na prostem
- Zaslonka f/4 ni dobra pri fotografiranju v slabo osvetljenih prostorih
Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS
Sony 100–400 mm f/4,5–5,6 GM OSS ima enega najboljših razponov zooma, zaradi česar je idealen za zajemanje hišnih ljubljenčkov, občutljivih na kamero, od daleč.
Glede na to, da je član serije Sony G, ima izjemen dizajn, ki izboljša ostrino in ločljivost slike.
Vsebuje dva ED in en super ED element, ki pomaga zatreti kromatične in sferične aberacije ter popačenja.
Upoštevajte, da lahko hišni ljubljenček naredi nepričakovane gibe, ki bi jih morda želeli ujeti, zato morda ne boste imeli časa za postavitev stojala.
With this lens, you can capture handheld with minimal camera shake effect even when shooting at longer focal lengths, thanks to the optical steady shot image stabilization functionality.
Additionally, the Direct Drive SSM autofocusing functionality will allow you to smoothly capture your fast pet movements. The focus holds controls, and the focus range limiter helps prevent focus hunting.
Keeping in mind that you may want to take photos or videos of your pets indoors or outdoors, you will need a lens with a rugged design.
Fortunately, this lens comes with weather and dust sealing which allows you to shoot indoors and outdoors regardless of the weather conditions.
However, the 3.08 pounds weight might make your wrist hurt if shooting for an extended time.
- You can shoot with the lens handheld with minimal camera shake effect
- The focus range limiter helps to reduce the focus hunting
- The moisture and dust resistant design makes this lens ideal for use in extreme weather conditions
- The weight might make your wrist hurt if shooting for an extended time
Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 Wide-Angle Zoom Lens
The Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 is a flexible wide-angle zoom lens that can shoot sharp images throughout the zoom range.
The bright aperture of f/2.8 makes it the best option if you shoot your pet indoors where the ambient light is insufficient.
It comes with two XA elements and two extra-low dispersion elements, which helps to combat the chromatic aberration and distortions for enhanced image clarity.
It also includes three aspherical elements, which help to minimize the spherical aberrations for enhanced image sharpness.
If you are shooting your pet in backlit conditions, the Nano AR coating in this lens helps prevent ghosting and flare.
With a weight of 1.5 pounds only, you can carry it around and shoot for a prolonged time without feeling exhausted.
The Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 features an 11-blade aperture diaphragm, which helps realize a fine and smooth bokeh quality, especially selective focus techniques.
Although it performs exceptionally well in low-light, its zooming capability cannot match the Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6.
- Then Nano AR coating in this lens helps to reduce the flare and ghosting when shooting backlit conditions.
- It produces a smooth and pleasing bokeh quality, especially selective focus techniques.
- It performs exceptionally well in low-light backgrounds.
- Although it is a zoom lens, it cannot zoom far away subjects like the Sony 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6.
Sony 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS
The Sony 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS is one of the lenses that come with everything you will need in pet photography, from telephoto to wide-angle capabilities.
The f/3.5-6.3 variable aperture helps to keep the lens weight and size minimal, making it suitable for an extended shooting time.
This lens enhances the image clarity and sharpness using five aspherical elements and one extra-low dispersion element to suppress chromatic and spherical aberrations.
When focusing on a moving pet, you will love the linear autofocus motor in this lens, which enhances reliable, accurate, and fast focusing performance.
The internal focus design ensures the overall length of the barrel doesn’t change when focusing, so you can’t scare away a camera-sensitive pet. However, the bokeh quality produced by the seven-blade aperture diaphragm is not impressive.
The Sony 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS comes with a rugged design, allowing you to shoot pets indoors and outdoors without minding the weather conditions.
Additionally, the control rings are rubberized to enhance handling during cold weather.
- The linear autofocus motor in enhances accurate, fast, and reliable focusing performance.
- The lightweight and minimalistic design make it suitable for every day, all-day use.
- The rubberized control rings enhance handling, especially in cold weather.
- The aperture in this lens might not perform well in low-light situations
Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja
What Are The Best Camera Settings For Pet Photography?
Considering that you may want to freeze the action of a playing pet, it is advisable to use the Shutter Priority mode with a fast shutter speed like 1/25.
You can also use an ISO range of around 100 to 400, although this will depend on whether the day is sunny and bright or the clouds are gray.
Can I Be Able To Photograph A Pet Indoors?
Yes, it is possible to photograph a pet indoors. However, it is advisable to use ambient light when photographing a pet to help keep the eyes sharp.
That means you’ll need a lens that can shoot sharp and clear images using the available ambient light.
Can A Dog Pose For A Photo?
Dogs do not pose for a photo as they do not care about looking pretty in photos. However, you can improve the overall picture results by ensuring the dog is comfortable around you and is not nervous about the camera.
Zadnje misli
The quality of the lens you equip your Sony camera with significantly determines the quality of the pet image you can capture.
The features in the above lenses are great for pet photography, and any option will suit you.