Najboljši objektiv za portrete (fotografija ljudi)
Če imate fotoaparat, obstaja velika verjetnost, da vas bo zanimal ta vodnik o najboljših objektivih za portretno fotografijo .
Razpravljal bom o najboljših portretnih objektivih, ki jih priporočam tako začetnikom kot profesionalnim fotografom, ki preprosto želijo posneti boljše fotografije ljudi.
Ne glede na to, ali ste lastnik fotoaparatov Nikon, Canon, Sony ali Fujifilm, boste tukaj našli priporočila za portretne objektive, ki vam bodo v pomoč pri fotografiranju.
Kjer je bilo primerno, sem vključil tudi nekaj možnosti portretnih objektivov tretjih oseb.
Že veste, da pri fotografiranju odličnih portretnih fotografij ne gre le za opremo, temveč je prav gotovo pomembno, da imate pravo orodje za delo.
S tem v mislih se zataknimo!
Najboljši objektivi za portretno fotografijo – NIKON
Slika | Izdelek | Podrobnosti | |
Nikon 85mm f/1.4 BEST ALL ROUND |
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Nikon 50mm f/1.8G AF-SBEST BUDGET |
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Nikon 85mm f/1.8 NAJBOLJŠA VREDNOST |
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Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 |
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Nikon 105mm f/1.4 |
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Nikon 135 mm f/2 |
Ta pregled Nikonovih portretnih objektivov se ne ukvarja z znanstvenimi ocenami in statistiko objektivov, temveč z dejansko uporabo in uravnoteženim mnenjem o tem, kateri portretni objektivi so najboljši za vsestransko uporabo .
Dober primer je Nikon 58 mm f/1,4 (pregledan tukaj) – objektiv s slabšo zmogljivostjo na papirju, ki pa zagotavlja edinstveno kakovost pri uporabi v resničnem svetu, je lahek in ponuja vsestransko goriščno razdaljo.
(Glejte:kaj pomeni goriščna razdalja leče?)
Da bi poenostavili nalogo iskanja odličnih Nikonovih objektivov za portrete, objektivi z ročnim ostrenjem niso bili vključeni, saj preprosto niso praktični za večino tukajšnjih fotografov leta 2022.
Ostal sem pri objektivih Nikon FX (polnega formata), ki jih je mogoče uporabljati tudi na fotoaparatih formata Nikon DX (senzor obrezovanja). (Oglejte si naš vodnik po najboljših objektivih FX in DX Nikon tukaj.)
Torej, brez odlašanja, poglejmo, kateri Nikonovi objektivi so priporočljivi za portretno fotografijo za večino strelcev.
Nikon 85 mm f/1.4
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 127,5 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 3,4 palca (86,2 mm) x 3,3 palca (84 mm)
Teža: 21,0 oz. (595 g)
Težko je premagati 85 mm objektiv, ko gre za portretno fotografijo, in Nikon 85 mm f/1.4G je eden najboljših portretnih objektivov, kar jih je bilo kdaj izdelanih.
Čeprav lahko dolga leča ustvari še bolj laskav učinek na subjekt, ponavadi vnese element nepovezanosti med subjektom in gledalcem. S 85-milimetrskim objektivom dobite ustrezen doseg, laskavo stisnjen videz vašega subjekta, medtem ko še vedno ohranite nekaj osebnega občutka širšega objektiva.
85-milimetrski objektiv vam prav tako običajno omogoči dovolj prostora za "varnostno kopiranje" v večini notranjih prostorov (seveda odvisno od velikosti prostora), tako da je lahko še vedno uporaben za fotografiranje dogodkov in poroke, ko je prostor problem.
Možnost brisanja neizostrenih elementov v vašem prizoru je lahko izjemno uporabna, saj vam omogoča, da se bolj osredotočite na svetlobo, motiv ali karkoli drugega kot grdo ozadje.
Nikon 85mm f/1.4 | Fotografiranje mlečne kopeli | © Mark Condon
Nikon 85 mm f/1,4 je oster pri f/1,4 in postane še ostrejši proti f/4, pri čemer ohranja osupljivo barvno natančnost, kontrast in pomanjkanje kromatične aberacije.
Gre za težko lečo, vendar je to pričakovano glede na vrhunsko kakovost izdelave in dovolj stekla, da prepušča veliko svetlobe. Prav tako je veliko lažji od Canon 85 mm f/1.2, prave zveri med objektivi, in je priljubljen za glamurozno fotografijo ali karkoli, kar vključuje ustvarjanje lepih obrazov!
Če ste profesionalni ali amaterski fotograf, ki uporablja Nikon in želite absolutno vrhunske rezultate s portretnim objektivom, ki ustvarja zamegljenost, ne iščite dlje od 85 mm f/1,4G.
Nikon 50mm F/1.8G
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 75 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 2,09 palca (53 mm) x 2,83 palca (71 mm)
Teža: 6,61 oz. (187 g)
V prejšnjem pregledu objektivov Nikon sem priporočil cenejšega bratranca tega objektiva, Nikon 50 mm f/1.8D.
Čeprav še vedno vztrajam pri svojem priporočilu, je novejši Nikon 50 mm f/1,8G dejansko boljša izbira, če ste pripravljeni porabiti malo več ... in pravzaprav še vedno ugoden objektiv.
Goriščna razdalja 50 mm (ekvivalent 75 mm pri fotoaparatih formata DX) s hitro zaslonko f/1,8 omogoča zajemanje osupljivih slik s plitvo globinsko ostrino, tako da vaši motivi izstopajo iz ozadja.
F/1,8 pomeni tudi, da boste lahko posneli slike pri slabši svetlobi kot enakovredni "počasnejši" objektivi, kot je značilno za zoom objektiv, ki ga običajno dobite ob nakupu novega fotoaparata.
Nekaj, kar imenujemo Super Integrated Coating (SIC), izboljša prepustnost svetlobe in nudi vrhunsko barvno konsistenco ter zmanjšan bleščanje, medtem ko Aspherical Lens Element (AS) pomaga odpraviti komo in druge vrste aberacij, tudi pri fotografiranju pri f/1,8.
Oglejte si tudi naš vodnik o značilnostih Asph Lens.
Nikon 50mm f/1.8 | Meegs Kougias &Sarah Jehan © Steven Markham
Vsa ta tehnologija pomeni, da je Nikon 50 mm f/1,8G sposoben ustvariti ostre slike po celotnem okvirju z odličnim kontrastom slike tudi pri zahtevni svetlobi.
50-milimetrsko vidno polje je odlično za portretno fotografijo, saj omogoča dovolj ločevanja motiva, da lahko motiv "poskoči", hkrati pa ne uvaja občutka "kukanja" daljšega objektiva.
50 mm je enakovredno 75 mm na fotoaparatu DX, kar pomeni, da je Nikon 50 mm f/1,8G še vedno odličen portretni objektiv za tiste s formatom senzorja obrezovanja.
Če želite 50-milimetrski ekvivalent na ohišju Nikon DX, toplo priporočam Nikon 35 mm f/1,8G ED, ki je ocenjen tukaj. (Več o 35 mm proti 50 mm.)
Z več kot 1800 pozitivnimi ocenami je enostavno razumeti, zakaj je ta cenovno ugoden in lahek objektiv priljubljen pri mnogih Nikonovih strelcih. Njegova velikost in teža vam omogočata, da ga ves dan nosite v žepu jakne, ne da bi opazili, pripravljenega, da ga izvlečete za hiter portretni posnetek.
Če vaš proračun dopušča in imate brezzrcalne fotoaparate Nikon serije Z, si oglejte naš pregled Nikon 50mm f/1.2 S.
Nikon 85mm f/1.8
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 127,5 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 2,87 palca (73 mm) x 3,15 palca (80 mm)
Teža: 12,32 oz. (349 g)
Ja, ja, vem …. dva 85-milimetrski objektivi v tem pregledu 3 najboljših Nikonovih portretnih objektivov ... kaj je to?!
No, že poznate moje misli o tem, zakaj ima 85 mm objektiv tako veliko goriščno razdaljo za portretni objektiv, zato se o tem ne bom več spuščal.
Nikon ponuja izbor cenovno ugodnih objektivov f/1.8G:24 mm f/1.8, 35 mm f/1.8 in 85 mm f/1.8. Vsak objektiv je manjši, lažji in cenejši od svojih sorodnikov f/1,4, vendar še vedno ponuja neverjetno kakovost slike in spodobno zgradbo.
V nekaterih primerih je različica f/1,8 dejansko ostrejša kot pri različici f/1,4, in to velja za izjemni Nikon 85 mm f/1,8G.
Da bi prihranil stroške, je Nikon v različico f/1,8 vključil najosnovnejšo mehaniko s plastičnim obročem za ostrenje in precej cenejšim občutkom v primerjavi s f/1,4.
To bi lahko odvrnilo marsikaterega profesionalca, vendar še vedno trdim, da je Nikon 85mm f/1.8G odlična izbira, tako za amaterje kot za profesionalce.
Všeč mi je, kako se izbor lahkih Nikonovih objektivov f/1,8 tako dobro ujema z njihovimi ohišji fotoaparatov. Celodnevno fotografiranje z Nikonom 85 mm f/1,8G na sprednji strani mojega Nikona D750 je veliko bolj prijetna izkušnja kot z različico s težko f/1,4.
Nikon 85 mm f/1.8G ni boljši kot f/1,4G na papirju, niti pri primerjavi slik eno ob drugi. Vendar so razlike minimalne in za večino fotografov nepomemben.
Skoraj nemogoče bi bilo ugotoviti razliko med dvema portretoma, posnetima pri f/1,8 z obema objektivoma.
Če nujno potrebujete prednosti f/1.4 vsekakor porabite 3x ceno. Vendar pa je za vse nas, ki samo potrebujemo zvezdniški portretni objektiv, Nikon 85 mm f/1.8G absolutna kupčija in si zasluži svoje mesto v tem pregledu.
Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8E FL ED VR
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 105-300 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 7,9 palca (202 mm) x 3,4 palca (86 mm)
Teža: 50,4 oz. (1430 g)
Če iščete Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8E FL ED VR kot potencialni portretni objektiv za vaš fotoaparat Nikon, lahko trdimo, da ste profesionalni fotograf. No, bodisi to ali pa ste bogat hobist!
Vsak zoom f/2,8 bo drag nakup zaradi same narave materialov in tehnologije, ki se uporablja za njegovo proizvodnjo, vendar je lahko tudi ena najmodrejših naložb lahko naredite kot portretni fotograf.
Če vas ne moti teža objektiva, je obseg zooma 70–200 mm praktičen in vsestranski. Posnamete lahko laskav portret skozi celotno goriščno območje, fiksna zaslonka f/2,8 pa vam omogoča fotografiranje pri šibki svetlobi in/ali spreminjanje izostrenih elementov v kašo.
Fotografiranje portreta pri 200 mm daje subjektovi postavi stisnjen, laskav videz. Stiskanje je lahko tudi koristno, da se oddaljeni predmeti zdijo bližje motivu ali pri uporabi vsiljene perspektive pri fotografiji.
Nikon 70–200 mm f/2.8E FL ED VR je velik napredek v primerjavi s staro različico iz leta 2009, saj tehta manj in izostri veliko bližje, tudi če je povečan na 200 mm. To vam omogoča ustvarjanje privlačnih portretnih slik od blizu, ki se resnično osredotočajo na poteze obraza subjekta.
Ostrina ni na lestvici, prav tako jasnost in kontrast – zlahka primerljivi z objektivom s fiksno lečo, vsaj če primerjate slike drugo ob drugi.
Na papirju lahko fiksni objektiv prejme boljše rezultate, toda v resničnih situacijah, posnetih pri f/2,8, bi težko opazili kakršno koli razliko v ostrini in zameglitvi.
Zoomiranje objektiva je lahko in tekoče ter nikoli ne zdrsne, ko ga nastavite na svoje mesto. Na tem objektivu vse kar kriči po visoki kakovosti, kar se odraža v izdelavi in posledično ceni.
Ne glede na to, kako drag se zdi Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8E FL ED VR, bi lahko dejansko prihranil (in izdelal), če pomislite, da je to morda edini portretni zoom objektiv, ki ga kdaj potrebujete. ) dolgoročno denar.
Nikon 105 mm f/1.4E ED
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 157,5 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 4,1 palca (106 mm) x 3,7 palca (94,5 mm)
Teža: 34,7 oz. (985 g)
Po tem, ko sem si za mesec dni izposodil Nikon 105 mm f/1.4 pri Nikonu v Avstraliji in z njim solidno fotografiral, imam ta objektiv ljubezen/sovraž.
Všeč mi je edinstven videz, ki ga lahko da sliki. Tako kot pri Nikonu 58 mm f/1.4, dragem in nenavadnem objektivu, ki polarizira mnenje o svojih zmožnostih (pregledano tukaj), je videz obeh objektivov preprosto nedosegljiv z uporabo drugih leč – skoraj kot učinek 3D, ko ga zabijete.
105 mm je trenutno najdaljši Nikon objektiv z zaslonko f/1,4, ki je na voljo, in fotografirati pri tej laskavi goriščni razdalji pri tako veliki zaslonki je veselje.
Ne želim reči, da lahko vsakdo posname čudovito fotografijo s tem objektivom ... vendar je to res! Samo usmerite ga v smeri motiva pri f/1,4, kliknite sprožilec in hej no, fotografija, ki je takoj 10-krat boljša od vsega, kar lahko ustvari kompaktni fotoaparat.
Nikon 105mm f/1.4 | Posnela moja žena (amaterska fotografinja!)
Očitno je, da bo za izdelavo resnično odlične fotografije potrebnih veliko več kot zgolj oprema, ki jo uporabljate, vendar se zdi, da ta objektiv vse naredi veliko lažje.
Nikon 105 mm f/1.4 je Nikon 105 mm f/1.4, ki ga odlikuje profesionalna portretna leča, ko fotografirate na široko odprto zaslonko pri f/1,4 ali zmanjšano.
105 mm pri f/1,4 ne pušča veliko prostora za napake, zato boste morali paziti, da na primer niste izostrili trepalnic subjekta od blizu, ker bo oko popolnoma izostreno.
Kaj mi torej ni všeč pri tem objektivu? No, če zanemarimo ceno, saj je ta subjektivna (če lahko z njim zaslužite kot portretni fotograf, se morda zdi ugodno!), je Nikon 105 mm f/1.4 absolutna zver objektiva.
Zgoraj si lahko ogledate njegovo statistiko, vendar je dovolj reči, da ne boste želeli ves dan hoditi naokoli s tem objektivom, pritrjenim na fotoaparat.
Če pa ga nameravate uporabiti za snemanje portretov v studijskem okolju s stativom DSLR, vam verjetno ne bo vseeno. Je tudi veliko lažji kot tudi zoom f/2,8.
Splošni zaključek – je drag, težek in zajeten ... vendar je tudi najhitrejši 105 mm objektiv na svetu, ki vam omogoča snemanje jasnih slik pri šibki svetlobi in ustvarjanje nekaterih najbolj neverjetnih portretnih slik z zelo malo truda. To je skrivno orožje premožnega fotografa!
Nikon 135 mm f/2 DC
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: FX, DX (ekvivalent 202,5 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 3,1 palca (79 mm) x 4,7 palca (120 mm)
Teža: 28,8 oz. (817 g)
Prejšnji objektiv je dober primer nedavno izdanega Nikonovega portretnega objektiva, zdaj pa gremo k nečemu nekoliko starejšemu – pravzaprav 23 let starejšemu.
Nikon 135 mm f/2 DC je precej nenavaden objektiv, ki pa je prestal preizkus časa kot eden izmed Nikonovih najboljših portretnih objektivov doslej.
135 mm je goriščna razdalja, ki je običajno ni mogoče uporabiti v zaprtih prostorih v studiu, ampak je bolj primerna za večje prostore ali na prostem. Medtem ko je 200 mm običajno predolgo, da bi ga poročni fotograf uporabil v večini situacij, je 135 mm lahko koristno, da na primer pritegnete odkrit odziv v cerkvi.
Ta objektiv, ki se uporablja na fotoaparatu DX, daje zorni kot, podoben tistemu, ki bi ga dal 200 mm objektiv na fotoaparatu FX.
Učinki DC so precej subtilni in jih dejansko ni mogoče videti, preden dejansko posnamete fotografijo. DC prilagodite prek ločenega obroča na objektivu, nato pa ga nastavite na poljubno zaslonko, pri kateri fotografirate.
Obstaja tudi »R« za mehkejše ozadje in »F« za optimizacijo učinka za ospredje.
Če pustite obroč za izostritev na nič, se objektiv obnaša kot običajno, pri čemer vaša zaslonka in razdalja od motiva določata količino zameglitve.
Nikon 135 mm f/2 DC je eden najostrejših portretnih objektivov sem kdaj uporabil. V kombinaciji z Nikonovim zrcalno-refleksnim fotoaparatom z več milijoni slikovnih pik, kot je Nikon D810 (recenzija tukaj), boste lahko videli vsako najmanjšo podrobnost na obrazu svojega portretiranca.
Vsak objektiv, ki tako dolgo ni bil posodobljen, je dober pokazatelj njegovega doslednega delovanja in ustreznosti, tudi danes.
Morda je videti in čutiti nekoliko drugače kot sodobni Nikonovi objektivi našega časa, vendar je Nikon 135 mm f/2 DC prava klasika, ki fotografom po vsem svetu še naprej zagotavlja osupljive rezultate.
Najboljši objektivi za portretno fotografijo – CANON
Slika | Izdelek | Podrobnosti | |
Canon 85mm f/1.2 BEST ALL ROUND |
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Canon 50mm f/1.8 NAJBOLJŠA PROCJENA |
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Canon 85mm f/1.8 NAJBOLJŠA VREDNOST |
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Canon 135 mm f/2 |
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Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 |
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Canon 50mm f/1.2 |
Ta povzetek najboljših Canonovih objektivov za portrete se ne ukvarja z znanstvenimi ocenami in statistiko objektivov, temveč z dejansko uporabo in uravnoteženim mnenjem o tem, kateri portretni objektivi so priporočljivi za vsestransko uporabo .
Pisanje takšnega vodnika bo vedno vključevalo veliko subjektivnosti in prepričan sem, da se nekateri od vas ne boste strinjali z mojimi spodnjimi odločitvami. Vendar menim, da je izbor dobro zaokrožen in ponuja uravnotežen pogled na to, kaj je za večino lastnikov Canonovih fotoaparatov številka 1.
Da bi poenostavili nalogo iskanja najboljših Canonovih objektivov za portrete, objektivi z ročnim ostrenjem niso bili vključeni, saj preprosto niso praktični za večino fotografov v letu 2022.
Ostal sem pri objektivih Canon EF (polnega formata), ki jih je mogoče uporabljati tudi na fotoaparatih formata Canon EF-S (senzor obrezovanja/APS-C). [Povezano:najboljši objektivi Canon EF.]
Oglejmo si torej, kateri Canonovi objektivi so priporočljivi za portretno fotografijo za večino fotografov.
Canon 85 mm f/1.2 L II
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: EF, EF-S (ekvivalent 136 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 3,6 palca (91 mm) x 3,3 palca (84 mm)
Teža: 34,2 oz. (970 g)
Bil sem v dvomih, ali bi ta objektiv priporočil kot najboljši Canonov portretni objektiv vseh časov. Imenovati ga kot vsestranskega fotoaparata številka ena je bilo tudi malo težko, saj je, če sem iskren, uporaba Canon 85 mm f/1.2 lahko jezna včasih.
Nisem ga vključil v svoj seznam 9 odličnih Canonovih objektivov, a od takrat in ko sem z njim malo več fotografiral, sem se odločil, da ga tukaj res moram omeniti kot odličen Canonov portretni objektiv.
85 mm je odlična goriščna razdalja za portretno fotografijo, ki zagotavlja laskavo perspektivo, hkrati pa omogoča nekaj prostora med vami in motivom. Biti blizu in oseben pri fotografiranju portretov je super, če želite gledalca resnično potopiti v sliko, vendar je lahko za subjekt nekoliko klavstrofobičen.
Canon je kralj objektivov f/1,2, Nikon pa mu ne more slediti s tako velikimi zaslonkami, deloma zaradi velikosti Nikonovega nastavka za objektiv. Objektiv f/1,2, še posebej tisti z dolgo goriščno razdaljo, zahteva velik premer stekla in Nikonovi bajoneti tega preprosto ne morejo podpirati.
Canon je s ponudbo objektivov f/1.2 vedno držal korak pred Nikonom v igri primarnih objektivov in nikjer ni to bolj očitno kot pri Canon 85 mm f/1.2.
Dobesedno ne morete razločiti nobenih elementov, ki padejo le nekaj centimetrov pred ali za motivom – to je preprosto najbolj kremast bokeh, kar ste jih kdaj videli.
Odpiranje do f/1,2 vam omogoča izredno plitvo globinsko ostrino, ki je pri 85 mm objektivu pretirana. Če poskušate posneti premikajoči se subjekt na široko odprt s Canon 85mm f/1.2, boste imeli zelo malo zadržkov , toda tisti, ki jih zabijete, bodo vredni truda.
Za statične motive tudi pri šibki svetlobi bo stopnja ohranjanja očitno višja, vendar je to leča za ostritev zelo počasna – ogromen kos stekla se premika boleče počasi in brez zadostnega kontrasta v prizoru se vam bo morda zdel AF predmet.
Kljub vsem padcem je Canon 85 mm f/1.2 še vedno eden najboljših Canonovih portretnih objektivov, ki jih je mogoče kupiti z denarjem ... če ne absolutna možnost št. 1.
Enostavno ne morete ponoviti videza fotografije, posnete s tem objektivom, in za fotografe, ki fotografirajo v nadzorovanih okoljih, kot je uredniško delo na prizoriščih in v studiih, bled AF ne bi smel biti težava.
Ta objektiv in Canon 50 mm f/1,2L sta dva dobra razloga, da se številni Nikonovi strelci odločijo za Canon. Če ste portretni fotograf, ki iz kakršnega koli razloga potrebuje največjo zaslonko, je to pravi objektiv.
Canon 50mm f/1.8 STM
Oglejte si več ocen
Izbira urednika
Združljiv format: EF, EF-S (ekvivalent 80 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 2,72 palca (69 mm) x 1,55 palca (39 mm)
Teža: 5,6 oz. (159 g)
Preden skočimo nazaj v čudoviti svet f/1,2, sem želel izpostaviti ta mali dragulj Canonovih portretnih objektivov – Canon 50 mm f/1,8 STM.
Majhna, lahka in cenovno ugodna bi morala biti ta elegantna petdesetka del arzenala leč vsakega Canonovega fotografa, ne glede na to, ali fotografirate portrete ali ne.
50 mm je bila vedno "varna" goriščna razdalja – ne preširoka, da bi popačila funkcije, vendar ne predolga, da bi povzročila prekinitev povezave med subjektom in gledalcem.
Dokler snemate s fotoaparatom polnega formata, je 50-mm objektiv morda vse, kar potrebujete (na ohišju senzorja za obrezovanje je enakovredna goriščna razdalja 80 mm manj vsestranska).
Zaradi velikosti, teže in cene lahko Canon 50 mm f/1,8 STM pogosto najdete v torbi za fotoaparat kot rezervni objektiv. Poznam fotografe, ki enega vedno nosijo v žepu jakne, kot objektiv za vsak primer – res je tako kompakten.
Vendar pa je le škoda, če ga hranite samo kot rezervni objektiv, saj je Canon 50 mm f/1.8 STM pravzaprav odličen mali zmogljiv – oster, kontrasten in hiter za ostrenje, je zabaven mali objektiv za portrete, ki bodo naj se vaše ohišje Canon DSLR počuti kot igrača.
"STM" v imenu se nanaša na tihi koračni motor, kar je resnično pomembno le, če snemate video in želite uporabiti mikrofon v kameri. Če ste portretni fotograf, bo »STM« malo vplival.
Zapakirati vrhunsko optiko v majhno, poceni embalažo ni zanemarljiv podvig in lahko je razumeti, zakaj je ta čuden mali zmogljiv Canonov objektiv že nekaj časa najbolje prodajan objektiv.
Samodejno ostrenje je hitro, natančno in tiho, ročna preglasitev ostrenja pa je enostavna – samo zavrtite obroč, medtem ko s prstom do polovice pritiskate sprožilec. Kakovost slike je odlična, zameglitev pa gladka, z lepim padcem od izostrenih do neizostrenih elementov.
Težko je zgrešiti z objektivom pod 80 USD in zato je ta izvrstni objektiv še vedno Canonov najboljši dostopni portretni objektiv v letu 2022.
Canon 85 mm f/1.8
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Združljiv format: EF, EF-S (ekvivalent 136 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 2,9 palca (74 mm) x 2,8 palca (71 mm)
Teža: 14 oz. (398 g)
Ne glede na to, ali ste Canonov strelec s senzorjem obrezovanja (EF-S) ali polnim formatom (EF), je impresiven, cenovno dostopen in sodoben Canonov 85 mm f/1,8 morda edini portretni objektiv, ki ga potrebujete.
Pri Canonu pomnožite goriščno lečo objektiva polnega formata (35 mm) z 1,6, da dobite enakovredno število senzorja obrezovanja (APS-C). V tem primeru se bo objektiv pretvoril v 136-milimetrski ekvivalent na osnovnem Canonovem DSLR-ju, kar je še vedno odličen zorni kot za portretno fotografijo.
Prepričan sem bil in se motil, ko sem vključil ta Canon 85 mm f/1.8 kot najboljši vsestranski Canonov portretni objektiv leta 2022 namesto različice f/1.2. Pravzaprav je boljši v mnogih pogledih – stroški, velikost, teža, sposobnost ostrenja, ostrina … in brez dvoma je boljša vsestranska izbira kot okorni Canon 85 mm f/1.2.
Ne bom se spuščal dlje v ta argument, saj sem se zdaj odločil – vedeli boste, ali je to pravi objektiv za vas, če ste fotografirali s f/1.2 in ugotovili, da so njegove pomanjkljivosti za vas večje od njegove prednosti.
Canon 85mm f/1.8 | © Eolo Perfido Photography
Canon 85mm f/1.8 je po kakovosti slike podoben Nikonovi različici – izjemno oster po okvirju ter s čudovitim bokehom in hitrim, natančnim samodejnim ostrenjem.
Ena velika prednost, ki jo ima pred Nikonom, je ta, da lahko preglasite AF samo z vrtenjem obroča za ostrenje, za veliko lažje ročne nastavitve ostrenja kot Nikonovo stikalo AF/MF.
Pri starejših Canonovih fotoaparatih DSLR s slabšo visoko zmogljivostjo ISO so morali profesionalci, ki so snemali pri šibki svetlobi, pogosto uporabljati hitre objektive f/1,4 ali f/1,2. Dandanes pa se je s fotoaparati, kot je Canon 5D Mark IV (pregledan tukaj), zmogljivost ISO močno izboljšala in izvedljivost visokega ISO in objektiva f/1,8 je veliko večja.
Poznam veliko poročnih fotografov, ki ne bi mogli biti bolj zadovoljni s fotografiranjem s Canon 85 mm f/1,8, tudi pri šibki svetlobi (kjer je zmogljivost AF dejansko veliko boljša od različice f/1,2 85 mm).
Če ste portretni fotograf in fotografirate v umetno osvetljenih studiih, pri dnevni svetlobi ali kjer koli, kjer izjemno hitro steklo in globinska ostrina nista potrebna, bi morali resno razmisliti o Canon 85 mm f/1.8 namesto različici f/1.2. – vaša denarnica, vaš hrbet in vaša potrpežljivost vam bodo hvaležni za vašo odločitev!
Canon 135 mm f/2L USM
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Združljiv format: EF, EF-S (ekvivalent 216 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 3,27 palca (83 mm) x 4,41 palca (112 mm)
Teža: 27 oz. (771 g)
Canon 135 mm f/2, ki je bil izdan davnega leta 1996, je eden tistih klasičnih Canonovih portretnih objektivov, ki preprosto ne potrebujejo posodobitve.
Vprašajte katerega koli fotografa na Shotkitu, ki ima ta objektiv, in povedal vam bo, da je preprosto eden najboljših Canonovih objektivov vseh časov, zlasti za portretno fotografijo.
Če mu damo polno ime, je Canon EF 135 mm f/2L USM optično zelo impresiven. Barve in kontrast so odlični kot pri vseh objektivih serije L, zameglitev pa pri široko odprtem posnetku povzroči, da se ozadja stopijo v kremastem vrtincu barv.
Če približate sliko, da si ogledate fotografije, posnete s tem objektivom, boste opazili, da 8 lopatic diafragme ustvari čudovito krožno zamegljenost, zlasti pri f/2.
Težko je zanikati, da fotografija, posneta s Canon 135 mm f/2, ni videti kot nobena druga , in je bil pravzaprav velik razlog za številne Nikonove strelce, da so v zadnjih letih prešli na Canon.
Samodejno ostrenje je bliskovito hitro in natančno, ergonomsko pa se ta objektiv odlično prilega celo največjim Canonovim dSLR.
Nikakor ni kompakten ali lahek objektiv, vendar sta njegova ergonomija in kakovost izdelave na občutek pravšnji .
135 mm je še ena klasična goriščna razdalja za portretno fotografijo, ki zagotavlja laskavi učinek telesu in obrazu motiva.
Pri 216 mm na fotoaparatu s senzorjem Canon APS-C je učinek še vedno prisoten, vendar boste očitno potrebovali veliko več prostora za fotografiranje – zaradi tega bi Canonov objektiv 135 mm f/2 resnično priporočil samo za uporabo s polno okvir Canon DSLR.
Mnogi fotografi, ki so prej imeli odličen Canon 70-200 mm f/2.8L, preidejo na Canon 135 mm f/2 in nikoli več nazaj. Možnost povečave je uporabna, vendar je zaradi manjše velikosti, teže in večje zaslonke 135 70–200 odveč.
To je preprosto eden najbolj priporočenih Canonovih objektivov za portrete in je dejansko odlična vrednost za denar glede na sliko, ki jo lahko ustvari.
Canon 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS II
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Združljiv format: EF, EF-S (ekvivalent 112 – 320 mm)
Mere (premer x dolžina): 3,5 palca (88 mm) x 7,4 palca (199 mm)
Teža: 56,4 oz. (1599 g)
Vsakič, ko vzamem v roke zoom objektiv, kot je Canon 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS II, pomislim na dvoje:1. uau, to je super priročno! Ni mi treba več premikati nog! …in 2. omg ta stvar tehta tono!
f/2.8 zooms are always going to be big and heavy, due to the amount of glass involved to take you between focal lengths at a constant, fast aperture. Attached to a full frame or crop sensor Canon DSLRs, there’s no getting away from it – this is one beast of a lens!
While I’ve included plenty of prime lenses for photographers in this line up, a zoom lens certainly has its advantages. With one twist of the zoom ring, you can go from medium crop to tight crop on your subject, providing versatility and convenience in one.
70-200mm has long been the choice lens for all kinds of photographer, be it portrait, sports, event or even wedding. From 70 all the way to 200mm, you can create a flattering photo, as well as exaggerate the compression between subject and back/foreground elements.
Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 II | © Fernando Decillis
Shooting at 200mm on the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 with your subject in front of the Sydney Opera House for example, can make the background seem much closer, and create a more compelling environmental portrait.
For more casual use, the Canon 70-200mm f/4 is cheaper and lighter, but for AF speed, sharpness and bokeh, the f/2.8 version really can’t be beaten.
This is the one lens you’ll find in any professional Canon zoom shooter’s bag, and is usually a lens that’s a firm favourite in photography studios around the world too. If you can afford it, don’t think twice – it’s Canon’s best zoom lens ever.
Canon 50mm f/1.2L
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Compatible Format: EF, EF-S (80 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 3.4 in. (86 mm) x 2.6 in. (66 mm)
Weight: 20.8 oz. (593 g)
Well, here it is – the one Canon portrait lens that has arguably caused the most DSLR shooters to choose (and jump ship to) Canon over the years. I know, because I was one of them…
I remember a few years ago after acquiring a Nikon D700, looking enviously at images created with the Canon 50mm f/1.2L. There was just some dreaminess about the photos; some three-dimensionality that Nikon f/1.4 lenses simply couldn’t reproduce.
I know of some photographers who shoot Nikon, but have one Canon DSLR just so they can take advantage of this unique lens!
So, what’s so special about the Canon 50mm f/1.2L anyway?! It’s certainly not a lens priced for everyone’s wallet, but if you’re a shooter who wants one amazing, all purpose lens to start out, this is a great investment.
50mm is versatile and useful, and even on a crop sensor Canon body, can be used as an 80mm equivalent for flattering portrait photography.
Unsurprisingly though, the magic of this lens is in the exotic f/1.2 maximum aperture.
Image quality is excellent, and the auto-focus is leagues better than the 85mm f/1.2 mentioned previously. Its a heavy lens for its size, but not overly so – I can imagine leaving this on the camera all day, with no complaints from my back.
f/1.2 doesn’t give much room for error, but thankfully, manual focus override is easy with the Canon 50mm f/1.2L – just half press the shutter and twist the ring. Used in conjunction with focus peaking on the new Canon mirrorless camera, you can be sure to nail focus every time.
50mm is the most versatile focal length for portrait photography, and as wide as you would traditionally go without distorting facial features. Combined with a maximum aperture of f/1.2, this is an absolute gem of a lens, and should be at the top of any Canon photographer’s wishlist.
Best Lenses for Portrait Photography – SONY
Slika | Izdelek | Details | |
Sony 85mm f/1.4BEST ALL ROUND |
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Sony 85mm f/1.8BEST BUDGET |
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Sony 50mm f/1.8BEST VALUE |
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Sony 55mm f1/.8 |
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Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 |
Since the release of the first full frame mirrorless camera, the sticking point for many photographers looking to switch to Sony has been the distinct lack of lenses.
However, over time Sony has built up a stellar range of prime and zoom lenses for its E mount system, and now with third party options such as Sigma offering first class native lenses, Sony is truly dominating the mirrorless market.
I’ve written in more depth about the top all round Sony lenses here, but below I’ll be covering the recommended lenses for portrait photography.
It’s possible to use adaptors to attach any of the recommended lenses from other camera brands to a Sony camera, but using native (no-mount) lenses will always be the most convenient option. Unless you have a very specific reason to use a 3rd party (adapted) lens, there really isn’t any need.
Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM
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Compatible Format: FE, E (127.5 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 3.5 in. (89.5 mm) x 4.2 in. (107.5 mm)
Weight: 28.9 oz. (820 g)
At the time of writing, Sony offers 3 native 85mm prime lenses for its FE (full frame) and E (APS-C) mount mirrorless cameras. It’s a tough choice recommending just one as the best Sony portrait lens, but we’ve ended up on this one – the Sony FE 85mm f/1.4 GM.
For portrait photography, 85mm really is hard to beat. It offers enough working distance from your subject to give them some room (or allow you to remain unnoticed, if candid photography is more your style), and creates a flattering, compressed look to your subject’s features, without making the final image feel too ‘detached’.
As we discussed previously, a longer lens will typically introduce a ‘spying’ sensation when the final image is viewed, making your viewer feel more detached from the subject than they would be if you used something wider.
Whether this is an issue to you or not is up to you to decide, but in general, the more involved you can make the viewer feel when seeing your image, the better. This is especially the case with a portrait photo.
It’s Sony’s flagship mid-range G-Master lens, and delivers stunning optics in a robust package.
Autofocus is fast and silent, and an additional Focus Lock button on the barrel is a nice touch – much more convenient in my opinion than an on-camera button, and can actually be reprogrammed to a custom button depending on your Sony camera model.
The only downsides of this lens for me were the size, weight, and the price. Being a wedding photographer that likes to get up close and personal, I don’t use 85mm all that much, so couldn’t justify the price tag.
However, if you’re a portrait photographer, 85mm will be your bread and butter, so the Sony 85mm f/1.4 should be an excellent investment.
Sony FE 85mm f/1.8
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Compatible Format: FE, E (127.5 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 3.07 in. (78 mm) x 3.2 in. (82mm)
Weight: 13 oz. (371 g)
I had a hard time choosing between the aforementioned f/1.4 85mm Sony lens and the one I ended up keeping for myself – the Sony 85mm f/1.8.
The actual difference between f/1.4 and f/1.8 in use is often debated. Sure, we all know that the difference in light capturing ability means that f/1.4 will allow you to shoot in slightly lower light than f/1.8, and that the depth of field will also be slightly shallower.
However, in practice, does it really make much of a difference? Well, yes and no.
If your job is portrait photography, and you want an edge on your competitors, to be able to consistently deliver images that have a ‘certain something’ about them… by all means, invest in the Sony 85mm f/1.4.
You’ll also need it if you shoot in adverse weather conditions a lot since it’s weather sealed.
Sony 85mm f/1.8 | © Mark Condon
Aside from the ‘on paper’ advantages of the f/1.4 85mm lens, the images do have a certain look to them – some kind of additional 3-dimensionality, caused in part by smoother, rounder bokeh elements and some image rendering magic thanks to the extremely shallow depth of field.
However, and this is a big one, it’s arguable as to whether anyone will ever notice… except you. Maybe at the highest levels of portrait photography, or for those looking for that shallow DOF ‘dreamy’ look, yes, but for all the rest of us that can easily make so with a super sharp lens with excellent bokeh, the Sony 85mm f/1.8 is a hard one to pass by.
Even on an APS-C sensor body like the immensely popular Sony A6000 (reviewed here), this lens feels great. It’s actually one of the few FE lenses I’d recommend buying for an E mount Sony body too (see other recommended Sony a6000 lenses).
All in all, I highly recommend the Sony 85mm f/1.8 as an affordable, lightweight, versatile, all round lens, whatever your level of photography.
Sony FE 50mm f/1.8
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Compatible Format: FE, E (75 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 2.67 in. (68 mm) x 2.3 in. (59mm)
Weight: 6.6 oz. (186 g)
At the time of writing this, Sony offers 4 50mm focal length prime lenses for its full frame mirrorless cameras. I wouldn’t say that the Sony FE 50mm f/1.8 is the top one of the lot, but for its price, it’s without a doubt the best budget Sony portrait lens available in 2022.
For a little under 500 bucks, you’re getting a fantastic little lens that’s as light as a feather, ready to make your full frame or crop sensor Sony mirrorless camera an absolute joy to use.
On a crop sensor (E mount) camera, 50mm is equivalent to 75mm – another perfectly viable focal length for flattering photos.
As a nifty-fifty on FE mount cameras such as the Sony a7RIII (reviewed here), the combination makes for a great walk-around street photography set up.
50mm is long enough to deliver hardly any visible facial distortion, but still wide enough to include some surroundings for environmental portraiture.
Sony 50mm f/1.8 | © Charles Torrealba
Auto focus is slower than other lenses, so if you’re shooting moving subjects, there are better options available out there. For static subjects however, the Sony FE 50mm f/1.8 does just fine.
Bokeh is impressive for such a cheap lens, and dare I say, even less distracting than the Canon/Nikon equivalents.
Out of focus elements are soft and creamy, and shooting at f/1.8 is useful for when the scene gets darker and you don’t want to push your ISO too high, or risk a blurred shot with a slower shutter speed.
The Sony FE 50mm f/1.8 is a great budget, all-purpose Sony lens, and does a fine job for people photos too.
If you’re a pro who wants better AF performance and the ability to shoot in lower light, by all means invest 3x the price in one of the f/1.4 Sony offerings… but I highly recommend you keep one of these mini-marvels as a backup in your jacket pocket too.
Sony FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA Zeiss Sonnar T*
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Compatible Format: FE, E (82.5 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 2.5 in. (64 mm) x 2.7 in. (70 mm)
Weight: 9.9 oz. (281 g)
If you know anything about Sony portrait lenses, chances are you’ve come across this little beauty. It’s actually one of the sharpest Sony lenses ever produced, despite being over 5 years old.
Announced to complement the first Sony A7 and A7R mirrorless cameras, the Sony 55mm f/1.8 was the perfect match for these groundbreaking devices. Its size/weight went well with the smaller bodies, and the impeccable Carl Zeiss optics made the most of the A7R’s 36MP sensor.
If you’re looking a sharp lens with lightning fast AF, and at a useful, flattering focal length, it’s hard to beat the Sony 55mm f/1.8.
55mm may sound unusual, but the difference between a 50mm and a 55mm field of view is minor and something you’ll quickly get used to.
When mounted on a Sony APS-C body, the field of view is converted to 82.5mm, a nice all round focal length for all forms of photographers
The focus falloff from these razor sharp in-focus elements to creamy bokeh is gradual and subtle, and the bokeh itself is beautifully smooth.
If you’re shooting moving subjects, the AF performance of this lens is nothing short of breathtaking – when combined with face tracking and continuous AF, the lens holds tight focus on your subject, even when approaching your camera fast.
At only 281 g, the Sony 55mm f/1.8 feels great on any Sony FE or E mount camera, and could be the only portrait lens you ever need. If you’re stuck deciding between a 50mm and an 85mm prime lens, this 55mm is the perfect in-between.
Sony FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS
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Compatible Format: FE, E (105-300 mm equivalent)
Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 3.4 in. (88 mm) x 7.8 in. (200 mm)
Weight: 52 oz. (1480 g)
It wouldn’t be fair of me to not include Sony’s epic 70-200mm f/2.8 zoom lens in this line up of the top Sony portrait lenses.
Despite being a fan of prime lenses, I’m the first to admit how much more versatile and useful a zoom lens is. Being able to twist the barrel and go from a tight full body shot to a tight head shot… without moving any other muscle in your body, is amazing! Who needs legs?!
Being a G Master lens, you can expect first class build and performance from the Sony 70-200mm f/2.8. Ultra sharp at every aperture, it excels when shot at f/2.8, where, let’s face it, you’ll be for 99% of the time with this lens.
Auto focus is similarly excellent, with the AF locking on to moving subjects very easily indeed.
70-200mm f/2.8 zooms are engineered predominately for sports photographers or those who require reliable AF for moving subjects. For your average photography session of a subject dancing around, running or jumping, this lens has you well and truly covered.
Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 | © Hanna Saba
The Optical Steady Shot (OSS) works in conjunction with Sony camera bodies’ own image stabilization, meaning you can shoot at much slower shutter speeds, and consequently, much lower ISO levels too.
This means that f/2.8 shouldn’t be a limiting factor even in low light, with the OSS and high ISO capabilities of all Sony full frame mirrorless cameras taking up the slack.
On a crop sensor body, you’ll have to work harder with the 105-300mm focal lens. Also, at a whopping 1.5kg, the Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 will quickly unbalance any crop sensor body you attach it to… and any full frame bodies too come to think of it!
Thankfully, the detachable foot allows you to securely attach the lens to any camera tripod, and also doubles as a comfortable way to grip the lens when hand holding your camera.
Make no mistake, this is one serious lens for professional photographers or hobbyists who don’t mind dropping some serious coin on the top Sony telephoto zoom lens ever made :-)
Best Lenses for Portrait Photography – FUJIFILM
Slika | Izdelek | Details | |
Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2BEST ALL ROUND |
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Fujfilm 90mm f/2BEST VALUE |
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Fujifilm 50-140mm f/2.8 |
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Fujifim 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 |
I’m a big fan of Fujifilm, having shot with them for years and written several Fujifilm lens reviews.
Fujifilm seems to concentrate the majority of their R&D efforts on the crop sensor format (and more recently on medium format, with the GFX line), and doing so, are the leaders in APS-C imaging, and their stellar lens lineup reflects this.
Fujifilm lenses are renowned for their excellent image quality and build, and thanks to the smaller APS-C format, reduced size and weight too.
With several great Fujifilm portrait lenses to choose from already and others on the roadmap, it’s an exciting time to be shooting people with a Fujifilm camera.
Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2
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Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 2.8 in. (73 mm) x 2.7 in. (70 mm)
Weight: 14.2 oz. (403 g)
If anyone ever argues with you that the crop sensor format struggles to create shallow depth of field like full frame, this is the lens to show them…
The Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2 is arguably the best Fuji portrait lens ever made, and should be at the top of your wish list as a photographer.
Whilst similar f/1.2 lenses from Canon (which are over twice the price of this Fuji) display softness around the edges when shot at f/1.2, the Fuji 56mm f/1.2 manages to achieve incredible sharpness from edge to edge.
Equivalent to an 85mm lens on a full frame sensor, this is the perfect focal length for a flattering people photo and comfortable working distance. 85mm is a sweet spot between ‘immersive wide angle’ and ‘distant telephoto’ – it’s able to capture subjects from further away, but without the scene looking too compressed.
Auto focus on the Canon f/1.2 lenses is clunky to say the least, but it’s much faster and more accurate with the Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2.
With a sturdy but lightweight build, it’s easy to attach this lens to the front of any small Fujifilm mirrorless camera body and walk around with it all day long.
If you’re looking for stellar subject separation and low light performance, its hard to beat the Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2, and the hundreds of positive customer reviews since its launch in 2014 tell a similar story.
This is a lens that should be in the arsenal of every Fujifilm camera owner, portrait photographer or otherwise – it’s just that dobro.
Fujifilm 90mm f/2
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Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 2.95 x 2.95 x 4.13 in. (75 x 75 x 104 mm)
Weight: 1.32 lbs (600 g)
With an equivalent focal length of 137mm on a 35mm sensor, the Fuji 90mm f/2 would be my second choice as the top Fujifilm lens for portrait photography… and a very close second at that!
If you have the space to back up enough to use a 137mm equivalent lens, the Fujifilm 90mm f/2 would actually be at the number one spot in my list. However, it’s just not quite as versatile as the 56mm lens discussed earlier.
Either way, this is one impressive lens that delivers ultra-sharp, flattering results with zero distortion.
The first-class optical construction of the lens minimizes vignetting, and the 8 rounded aperture blades produce some of the most beautiful bokeh you’ll see out of a Fujifilm camera.
Fujifilm 90mm f/2 | © Dylan Goldby
Shot at f/2, centre sharpness is excellent, and still very good all the way out to the edges – an essential trait of a great portrait lens.
As with all Fuji X mount lenses, the construction is solid. The Fujifilm 90mm f/2 features weather and dust-resistant sealing, allowing usage to temperatures as low as -10 degrees.
When compared to the Nikon/Canon 135mm alternatives, this lens is actually lighter and smaller , perfect for the more portable nature of the Fujifilm camera system.
All in all, this is one impressive Fuji lens for portrait photography. I’m a big fan of prime (fixed focal length) lenses, and this is one I’d recommend to all level of photographer, whatever the genre.
Fujifilm 50-140mm f/2.8
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Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 4.9 x 7 x 11.1 in. (124 x 177 x 281 mm)
Weight: 2.19 lbs (995 g)
Equating to roughly a 70-200mm in full frame terms, it’s easy to see why the Fujifilm 50-140m f/2.8 is such a popular lens for portrait photography.
Similar to the other big name f/2.8 telephoto lenses, this a must-have for any photographer wanting the convenience and performance of a fast, medium-long range zoom.
Being able to go from a flattering half-body crop at 50mm, all the way up to isolating facial features at 140mm is an effective way to bring diversity to your shoot with minimal effort.
Imagine a model standing in a pose – when you’re happy with the light and composition, you can get a whole range of different photos just by turning the lens barrel and narrowing your field of view. Lazy, but very effective!
(Check out our guide to Model Mayhem if you’re in need of a model to practice your portrait photography.)
Sharpness is impressive across the image when shot at f/2.8, and improves up to around f/5.6, where images are razor sharp and comparable to the sharpest prime lenses.
Fujifilm 50-140mm f/2.8 | © Dylan Goldby
Auto focus is almost instantaneous and incredibly accurate, especially in daylight. When the light starts to drop, you may notice a few more missed shots, but overall there’s little to complain about here.
Out of focus bokeh elements are soft and creamy, and when shot at its full range of 140mm, the Fujifilm 50-140mm f/2.8 offers excellent subject separation, making it a great lens if you have the room to back up enough.
Another great feature perfect for portrait photographers is the built in image stabilisation, with handheld shots at shutter speeds as slow as 1/15s shot at 140mm still remaining sharp.
This means you won’t need to rely on high ISOs to get a fast enough shutter speed to shoot any low light portrait opportunities.
All in all, the Fujifilm 50-140mm f/2.8 is one serious, pro-grade zoom lens that’s as suited for shooting static people photography as it is for sports, events, weddings and anything else that requires some flexibility, speed and reach.
It’s an all-in-one top-performer of a lens, and as such, highly recommended to all Fuji shooters.
Fujifim 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8
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Dimensions (Diameter x Length): 2.95 x 2.95 x 4.65 in. (74 x 74 x 118mm)
Weight: 1.28 lbs (580 g)
The last lens I feel like I should recommend in this roundup of the best Fujifilm lenses for portrait photography is the Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8.
With an equivalent focal length of 83-300mm, the range of these type of zoom lenses is more suited for outdoor use (or a large studio), but that doesn’t mean that it’s not an incredibly versatile lens for portrait use.
The minimum focus distance is only 1.1m (3.67 ft), meaning that the zoom range allows you to crop right in on your subject’s eyes, for example.
f/3.5 may not sound very fast, but for the equivalent lens on a DSLR, it’s actually half a stop quicker . Combined with Optical Image Stabilisation, this makes the Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 a viable option for low light photography.
Image quality is impressive, with low chromatic aberration, and distortion and vignetting which are corrected via the camera’s internal software. The amount of detail in the files is impressive, with images offering great clarity and contrast.
One thing that takes a little getting used to with the Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8, is the inclusion of 3 control rings, for zoom, aperture and (manual) focusing. In practice, you’ll only usually be using the zoom dial, and this feels beautifully smooth and well-engineered.
Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 | Shot on assignment for White Caviar Life | © Kent Johnson Photography
Autofocus is similar to all other Fujifilm lenses I’ve used – quick and accurate, and totally competent for the speed at which your average subject will be moving!
Shooting at 300mm is a lot of fun, either to capture subjects at a distance, or for zooming right in on a subject’s features for some interesting crops.
If you’ve ever seen headshot photography that highlights a model’s eyes, or lips in dramatic fashion, chances are the photographer used either a macro lens, or a telephoto such as the Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8.
One thing to note – this is a rather large lens for mirrorless standards (but still small when compared with a DSLR equivalent), and as such, may make a smaller Fujifilm body such as the Fujifilm X-T20 feel somewhat unwieldy – one way to overcome this is to use a hand strap (see more accessories for Fuji cameras here).
Overall, the Fujifilm 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 is an impressive lens, and one that can produce a wide variety of images thanks to its wide (and somewhat unusual) focal range.
It’s fantastically engineered, and offers excellent image quality in a well-built, ergonomic body.
Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja
What lenses are best for portrait photography?
A good place to start is a prime lens with a focal length of 85mm or 50mm. For Nikon, our top pick is the Nikon 85mm f/1.4G, while for Canon we’d suggest something like the Canon 85mm f/1.2. Sony’s 85mm f/1.4 GM is another great option, and if you’re looking for a Fuji lens, check out the Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2.
Is 50mm lens good for portraits?
Yes, 50mm can be excellent for shooting portraits as it’s a very versatile focal length. 50mm will normally allow you to fit someone’s full body into the frame (granted that you have a little space to move) or to capture details, as well as being perfect for three-quarter length shots.
Which is better for portraits 50mm or 85mm?
Choosing between 50mm or 85mm really depends on the type of portraits you want to create. 85mm is better for closely framing your subjects and capturing up-close details, while 50mm won’t be quite as suited to details but also gives you greater versatility.
How do I choose a portrait lens?
Choosing a portrait lens comes down to a number of factors like your shooting style, which camera system you use, and of course your budget. Once you’ve determined those things, it’s wise to read reviews to narrow down which lens will be best for you.
Best Portrait Lenses – Final Words
With so many great lenses for portrait photographers on the market in 2022, the choice can be a little overwhelming.
My advice when trying to decide upon the best lens for you is to first try and understand which is your preferred focal length.
The longer the focal length, the greater the degree of compression and subject separation you’re able to achieve. However, you simply may not have enough space to shoot with a 200mm lens, for example.
It’s also important to take into account the feeling of ‘detachment’ that comes with using a long lens. Shooting over 85mm tends to make the viewer feel like they’re detached from the moment, rather than involved in it. This may or may not be important to you and your style of photography.
I’ve only included lenses longer than 50mm in this guide to the best portrait lenses. While lenses wider than 50mm can still be used for great portrait photography, it’s traditionally not their usage, so I’ve neglected them here for the sake of simplicity.
Other factors to take into consideration include price (obviously), maximum aperture (for low light), size and weight (for all-day shooting), and AF capabilities.
If you’re shooting static subjects in controlled environments, maximum aperture and AF may not be important to you. If you use a tripod to shoot portraits, size and weight may be irrelevant too.
So have a good think about what factors are most important to you, and be sure to check out our article on editing portraits in Lightroom too.