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Kakšne priključke uporabljajo avtomobilski zvočniki?

Dobri avtomobilski zvočniki izboljšajo vašo izkušnjo poslušanja in podvojijo vaš užitek, vendar ste se kdaj vprašali, katere konektorje bi morali uporabiti za avtomobilske zvočnike?

Na splošno avtomobilski zvočniki uporabljajo tri vrste žičnih konektorjev s kabli zvočnikov:viličasti konektorji, obročasti konektorji, bananasti konektorji, lopatičasti konektorji ali nožni konektorji, odvisno od zasnove terminala zvočnika. Najpogosteje uporabljeni v poprodajnih avtomobilskih zvočnikih so moški/ženski priključki za hitro ločitev.

Na drugi strani imajo standardne konektorje ženskega tipa, ki se ujemajo z poprodajnimi zvočniki.

V tem članku bom razložil, kako povezati avtomobilske zvočnike z žicami z različnimi vrstami priključkov.

Kakšne so vrste žičnih konektorjev za zvočnike?

Žični konektorji so odličen način za povezovanje zvočnikov. Namesto da na priključek zvočnika priključite golo žico, najprej priključite priključek na žico zvočnika in ga nato povežite z zvočnikom.

Pri povezovanju avtoradio ali ojačevalnika z zvočniki morate poiskati priključke, ki so združljivi s terminali zvočnikov, zagotavljajo varno povezavo in zmanjšajo izgubo signala.

Na trgu je na voljo veliko vrst žičnih konektorjev za zvočnike in zaradi njihove različne zasnove jih lahko uporabite v nekoliko drugačnih aplikacijah:

Konektorji za vezne drogove

Ti priključki imajo barvno kodiran pokrov in kovinsko palico z navojem z luknjo.

Uporabljajo se za povezovanje z eno samo golo žico in lahko delujejo skupaj z drugimi konektorji, kot so banana vtiči, nožni konektorji ali lopasti konektorji.

Spade konektorji

So konektorji v obliki črke U. Večina lopatastih konektorjev je stisnjenih z žico, tisti z vijakom pa držijo žico v žepu. Lopatičasti konektorji se uporabljajo za zvočnike z vijačnimi sponkami ali z veznimi drogovi.

Glavna prednost teh konektorjev v primerjavi z golo žico je, da pokrivajo vse žične niti in zagotavljajo, da je povezava močna, poleg tega so najbolj priljubljeni pri zvočnikih za poprodajne cene.

Banana čepki

Banana konektorji se pogosto uporabljajo v avtomobilskem zvoku, vendar vsi zvočniki ne podpirajo tega tipa.

Na voljo so v dveh različnih izvedbah, ena uporablja vijake za držanje žice, druge pa so v stilu zavezujočih drogov. So najhitrejši za povezavo in prekinitev povezave.

Pin konektorji

So manjša različica banana konektorjev brez vzmetnega kontakta in se uporabljajo samo z veznimi drogovi z luknjami v sredini navojne palice.

RCA priključki

Izumila jih je korporacija RCA v štiridesetih letih 20. stoletja in se uporabljajo v avtomobilskem zvoku za prenos signalov med radii in ojačevalniki. Imenujejo se tudi fono konektorji.

Kako povezati žico zvočnika z zvočniki?

Obstaja veliko načinov za priključitev žic zvočnikov na priključke zvočnikov, vendar je res odvisno od tega, katere priključke imajo vaši zvočniki.

Žico zvočnika lahko povežete z zvočniki tako, da žico preprosto spajkate s sponkami zvočnikov ali uporabite nožne konektorje, banane ali lopaste konektorje.

Pri izbiri priključkov za zvočnike se prepričajte, da ustrezajo premeru žice vašega zvočnika. Večina priključkov je zasnovanih za delovanje z žicami premera 12–18 (AWG).

Spodaj je nekaj primerov žic s terminalskimi povezavami:

Povezovanje golih žic

Gola žica je žica iz bakra ali katerega koli drugega prevodnega materiala, ki prenaša električne signale.

Za začasne povezave lahko uporabite golo žico, ker so te povezave nagnjene k napakam.

Za vzpostavitev te povezave samo odstranite izolacijo žice s kleščami in vstavite goli konec žice v priključek zvočnika.

Gola žica dobro deluje z vsemi priključki. Na voljo so različne vrste žic, kot so polna žica, vpredena žica, ravna trakasta žica itd.

Priključitev žic zvočnikov na vzmetne sponke

Nekateri zvočniki imajo sponke z vzmetnimi sponkami, zaradi česar je žična povezava enostavna.

Samo olupite žico do ½ palca in jo nato s kazalcem in palcem zavrtite na koncu. Nato vzmetno sponko potisnite navzdol in vanjo vstavite žico.

Sprostite sponko in povezava mora biti trdna, vendar je to odvisno od sile vzmeti.

Povezovanje žic zvočnikov s spajkanjem

Najtrdnejša povezava je spajkanje žice s priključkom zvočnika.

Za spajkalno povezavo morate opraviti naslednje:

  • spajkalnik
  • pretok
  • spajkanje
  • odstranjevalec žice

Najprej odstranite žico zvočnika do pol palca in segrejte spajkalnik na ustrezno temperaturo.

Apple flux onto the soldering iron, place the speaker wire on the speaker terminal and make a joint using soldering iron and solder.

Connecting Speaker Wires to Binding Posts Terminals

Connecting speaker wires to binding post terminals is straightforward. These caps are colored red and black, indicating positive and negative terminals.

  • First, unscrew the caps of these terminals until you start seeing the hole in the post.
  • Strip the speaker wire up to half inches and twist it at the end, then insert the positive speaker wire into the hole of the positive terminal of the binding post.
  • Now tighten the caps until it fully covers the hole. Repeat the same process with the negative speaker wire.

Connecting Speaker Wires Using Banana Plugs

When making solid connections, there are many benefits of using banana plugs with your car speaker wire.

I like the banana plugs, especially when the speaker terminals are visible, like in upside-down connected subwoofers. It is crucial not only for the stable connection but also for its aesthetic.

You can find three design types of banana plugs:

  • set screw plastic cover
  • set screw metal cover
  • binding post style

Banana plugs also come with color-coding:

  • red for the positive speaker wire, and
  • black for the negative speaker wire

Connection of the banana plugs with the wires is not complicated, and it requires a few steps to complete the task:

  • Cut The Wire to the required length. Make sure that the wires are long enough to run in the tight corners through the car chassis. I leave an extra wire of approx a foot long to avoid any surprises.
  • Separate Wires. Before removing isolation, you have to work with each individual wire to make the job easier, so pull ends of the cables away from each other for a length of around 5 inches.
  • Strip Away the jacket at a length of approx 0.5 inches from the end of the wire. Use the wire stripper, but do not apply too much pressure on it, otherwise, you will cut the wire.
  • Repeat the same process on the other wire
  • If you do not use solid speaker wires, twist the copper strands to be able to easily feed the wire into the banana plugs. Hold one of the wire ends between your finger and thumb, then turn the hand and twist the wires around each other.
  • Once you’ve twisted the wire strands together, next attach the Banana Plugs to the wire. Each pair of cables will use one red striped banana plug on the positive wire and one black on the negative wire.
  • When wires are in place, screw the back of the banana plug to lock and secure the wire. This will twist the wire deeper into the connector, giving a better connection.
  • Repeat the same with other wire ends, ensuring a solid connection.
  • The last step is to connect the banana plugs to the speakers or the amplifier.

What Is the Best Connector for Speaker Wire?

The purpose of a connector, as the name suggests, is to connect two things. However, because many types of connectors are available in the marketplace, it may not be easy to decide which connector to choose for speaker wire.

In my opinion, banana connectors are better than other connectors because they are easy to connect to a wire, can be used with binding posts, and have a lower signal-to-noise ratio.

From all banana plugs, I particularly like Xaugiry 8 pcs banana connectors with gold-plated copper.

This pack includes 4 binding posts style design banana connectors and four screw-type banana connectors. The gold plating protects the pin from rusting and makes good contact.

Other popular connectors are binding posts and spade lugs. However, the pin and RCA connectors are not so popular because of the specific design speaker’s terminals.

Your car stereo may have used more than one type of connector. For example, if your speaker has spring clips, you can use bare wire or pin connectors.

If other parts of the system have binding posts, you should consider banana connectors or spade connectors.

How Do You Connect Speaker Wire to Pin Connectors?

Pin connectors come with a threaded end cap, bushings, and a pin connector. An important thing to remember is to select the correct size of the pin connector to match the wire gauge.

To connect pin connectors with speaker wire, follow the few steps below:

  • Take the positive speaker wire and remove insulation from it.
  • Twist the strands properly using your thumb and forefinger so that all the wire hairs get together.
  • Now take the threaded end cap of the pin connector and put it into the wire with threads facing your side.
  • To make the connection tight, insert bushing into the threaded end cap. Now take the pin connector and insert it onto the wire.
  • Tighten the threaded end cap to the connector and make sure your connection is secure. Don’t apply too much force while tightening the connector because it may break.
  • Repeat the same steps with the negative speaker wire.

Are Spade Connectors Better Than Banana Plugs?

All types of connectors have their pros and cons.

The type of connector you need for the speaker terminal depends mainly on the application type and whether you want to make a strong joint or temporarily connect them.

To hold the speaker wire firmly in spade connectors, you either need to crimp the speaker wire into it with a crimping tool, or there are also available spade connectors with the screw adjustments to make connections solid and reliable.

On the other hand, Banana plugs are not bolted with the terminals. Therefore they may seem less reliable, especially for the installation with lots of vibrations because of the spring-loaded pins, but they are solid when sitting in the matching terminals and can be disconnected easily.

Banana plugs speaker wires are easy to replace in case of a fault in the wire. However, some banana connectors come with a screw, thus making the connections as secure as spade connectors, but they are a bit more expensive than spade connectors.

Are Banana Plugs Better Than Bare Wire?

Banana plug connectors and bare wires are the connections you will see most often in the car audio installation with speakers, amplifiers, and stereos.

You can simply insert both banana plug and bare wire into the binding posts.

There are various advantages of using banana connectors over the bare wire. With banana connectors, you will get a clean installation, and these connectors also boost the signal transfer speed.

You can easily pull off a bare wire, and if the hairs of these wires are not appropriately twisted, they can degrade the sound system’s performance.

If you don’t want a messy system, then use banana connectors. Banana connectors are gold plated, and they didn’t get attacked by rust as bare wires are more prone to rusting. So using banana connectors increases the quality of your joints.

You can use bare wire if you want to make a temporary connection, but to make a permanent, durable and reliable connection, you should choose banana connectors over the bare wire.


Speaker wire connectors make it easy to plug and unplug the speakers from amplifiers or the head unit.

If the space between terminals is confined, bare wire is unreliable because the strands can short circuit with other cables. So, it is easier to insert a connector in terminals than a bare wire.

Apart from this, the speaker wire connectors ensure a solid connection if you follow all the steps correctly. In addition, connectors increase the stereo’s sound quality and minimize signal loss.

I think these reasons are enough to convince you to use speaker wire connectors.

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