Poceni glavne enote Android na Amazonu in eBayu – ali so kaj dobre?
V tem članku: Popeljali vas bomo skozi vse informacije, ki jih morate vedeti o cenejših glavnih enotah Amazon Android in tradicionalnih glavnih enotah podjetij z blagovnimi znamkami.
- Kako so poceni stereo naprave v primerjavi z velikimi blagovnimi znamkami
- Enote Android – kaj je zanimivo?
- Podofo 609 Double Din Android glavna enota
- Druge glavne enote Android
- Tradicionalne glavne enote – norma
- Sony XAV-AX5500
- Alpine iLX-W650
- Kako deluje enota Android
- OS Android – velika razlika
- Dvojni DIN ni vedno dvojni DIN
- Dolgoročna vzdržljivost Android
- Garancijski zahtevki
- Zaključek
Kako so poceni stereo sistemi v primerjavi z velikimi blagovnimi znamkami
Glavne enote, ki temeljijo na sistemu Android, so dandanes vse pogostejše. Njihova zasluga je, da so mnogi videti kot drage enote z zaslonom na dotik, ki so jih izdelala nekatera svetovno najbolj znana podjetja za avtomobilske zvoke. Vendar se je treba vprašati; ali plačam nekaj sto dolarjev za logotip? Koliko slabše ali celo bolje bi lahko deloval poceni stereo sistem Android z dvojnim DIN zaslonom na dotik?
Osebno smo jih nekaj že vgradili v avtomobile in želeli smo odgovoriti na nekatera vprašanja, ki smo jih imeli ob nakupu in namestitvi ene od teh poceni glavnih enot, ki jih boste našli na Amazonu ali eBayu. Sestavili smo seznam nekaj primerov poceni možnosti za Android, da vam pokažemo, zakaj so te glavne enote za 50 USD tako poceni, in jih primerjali z nekaterimi našimi najljubšimi glavnimi enotami blagovnih znamk s ceno med 300 in 400 USD. Nekateri rezultati so nas presenetili
V primeru, da ste iščete glavno enoto, poglejte te sezname!

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Podofo 2609 Double Din Android glavna enota

Ključne lastnosti
- 7" zaslon na dotik
- 25w x 4 kanali (RMS)/ 50w x 4 kanali (peak)
- Ločljivost 800×480/video 1080P
- Zrcalna povezava
- Aux IN
- Sprednji USB
- 4-kanalni predizhodi
- Vnos kamere
- Vključena zadnja kamera s 4 LED
- Vgrajen Bluetooth
Zadnje cene
To je ena redkih glavnih enot, ki smo si jih ogledali, za katero je enostavno najti podatke o proizvajalcu. Glavno enoto prodaja Shenzhen ShunXinDa Trading Company, Ltd. Podjetje je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2013 in ima sedež v Guangdongu na Kitajskem. So proizvajalec in distributer avtomobilske elektronike. Njihova linija izdelkov vključuje kamere, glavne enote in drugo avtomobilsko elektroniko. Če ste seznanjeni s ponaredki ali kitajskimi izdelki brez blagovne znamke, verjetno že poznate besedo "Shenzhen" ali "Guangzhou" v imenu proizvajalca. To so lokacije na Kitajskem, kjer se izdelki običajno izdelujejo, in to je precej zgovoren znak lažne blagovne znamke.
Ta glavna enota Podofo je navedena kot 7-palčni zaslon na dotik z dvojnim DIN. Njegove dejanske mere so 7,05" (178 mm) širine in 4,06" (103 mm) višine. Ta enota je na slikah videti kot zelo plitka zasnova, vendar globina ni navedena.
Predvsem pomanjkljive funkcije:
- Brez predizhoda za globokotonec.
- Ne podpira vseh telefonov. Uporabniki Androida 9 ali novejših in Apple X ali novejših ne bodo mogli uporabljati svojega telefona s to glavno enoto.
- Nima vgrajene združljivosti z Android Auto ali Apple CarPlay.
Na splošno je glavna enota videti kot kakovosten del opreme. Prisotnost fizičnega večfunkcijskega gumba na obrazu je lastnost, ki si jo želijo številni kupci. Ikone na zaslonu so kockaste in preproste. Informacije so minimalne in poenostavljene. Enota ne more prikazati informacij o pesmi, umetniškem delu ali drugih digitalnih funkcijah, ki jih ponujajo številne glavne enote. Ni integracije večjih programov za prostoročno telefoniranje, zato se bodo uporabniki morali zadovoljiti z manj zanesljivimi povezavami prek zrcaljenja in Bluetootha. To zahteva neposredno povezavo prek USB-ja, kar je za mnoge gonilnike neprijetno.
Ne poznamo nobene strojne opreme, uporabljene za izdelavo te glavne enote, zato je težko reči, ali je zelo robustna. Podrobnosti, kot so vrsta zaslona na dotik, značilnosti frekvenčnega odziva in podatki, povezani z zmogljivostjo, niso na voljo. Pomanjkanje predizhoda za globokotonec je velik minus.
To je precej pogost primer nekaterih nižjih enot Android. Toda kljub pomanjkanju funkcij se cena prodaja. Zdaj obstajajo dražje in kakovostnejše enote (a še vedno relativno poceni), ki imajo platformo Android. Vzemite enoto Pumpkin, ki je na spodnji povezavi. Ta enota je imela vse funkcije, ki jih ima običajna glavna enota, očitno je bila kitajska izdelava Double Din, vendar je bila precej dobro izdelana enota. Bil pa je tudi več kot 200 dolarjev.
Druge glavne enote Android
Naslednje povezave so za druge nizkocenovne glavne enote, ki smo jih pregledali med pisanjem tega članka. They are all similar in design and function to the unit described above.
Pumpkin Auto (click to read our in-car review of this android head unit)
Traditional Units – The Norm
Brand-name double-DIN car stereos can get expensive in a hurry. These are the units you'll find at your local Best Buy, WalMart or audio shop. Some of the units we have reviewed in the last year cost over $1,000. And although these may be some spectacular units, they're simply a lot of money. Many people want a high-quality head unit at a reasonable price. The big-name brands provide numerous lower cost options -even lower than some of the units we are going to look at next.
These units all have a few things in common. They represent the midpoint model for the brand, have a 7” screen, and cost between $300 and $380. If you're interested in these types of units, you can check out our full list of recommended touch screen head units, Apple CarPlay &Android head units, or Multimedia/DVD head units. But here's a few recent ones to chew on to give you an idea of their features and how they stack up agains the Android Head Units.
Sony XAV-AX5500

Key Features
- 6.95” TFT Active Matrix Touchscreen
- 800×480 Resolution
- 17” Wide x 3.21” Tall
- Shallow, Single-DIN Chassis
- Android Auto/ Apple CarPlay Compatible
- Dual Rear USB
- 55 watts x 4 channels (Peak)
- Built-in Bluetooth
- Dual Preouts (Front &Rear Speakers)/ Subwoofer Pre Out
- Dual Rear USB
- Single Camera Input
Latest Prices
The Sony XAV-AX5500 provides a bezel-less head unit at a mid-range price. The 5500 was just released this year. We did a full review of the unit in a 2015 Subaru STI, check it out.
Alpine iLX-W650

Key Features
- 7” capacitive touchscreen
- 800×480 Resolution
- 18 watt x 4 channel RMS/ 50 watt x 4 channel peak
- Compatible with Android Auto &Apple CarPlay
- 7” wide x 3.5” tall x 1.25” deep
- Compatible with Alpine KTA-450 PowerPack (400 watt amplifier)
- Built-in Bluetooth
- Dual Pre Outs (Front &Rear) and Subwoofer Pre Out
- Rear USB
- Dual Camera Input
See our full review of the Alpine iLX-W650
Latest Prices
How The Android Unit Fares
Just looking at the basic details provided by the various manufacturers, the tech specs of the Android unit seem to be inline with the brand-name units. In fact, the advertised RMS power of the $50 unit is higher than any of the mainstream units listed here. The obvious features missing from the $50 head units are the dedicated compatibility with apps we commonly use. Sure, screen mirroring can place Google Maps on your screen, but it’s also a frustrating experience. The cheap head units feature two-way control of some Android phones, but only one way control with Apple phones. Only older phones are supported by the Android unit, while the name-brand stereos support even the newest devices.
Little things, like the version of Bluetooth the head unit is compatible with, make a big difference in the performance of the stereo. All of the mainstream units provide buyers with current information about compatibility. Most are even capable of updates. The Android unit, unfortunately, is vague about the type of technology used in its head unit. Voice control, for example, may or may not work correctly because of the mirror connection Bluetooth compatibility. The Android unit requires both connections to work, which kind of defeats the purpose of Bluetooth. You’ll still have to plug in your phone to access most features.
Android OS – The Big Difference
Probably the most remarkably different thing the cheap head units allow is unadulterated versions of Android OS. The newest head units are running Marshmallow 4.0, while the mainstream head units use various, in-house versions. Mainstream units typical on the US market restrict certain types of playback. For example, you can’t play Call of Duty Mobile on any of the mainstream units listed here. It simply won’t work, and that’s by design. Manufacturers do not want to be on the hook for providing products that lead to fatal distracted driving accidents.
The low-cost Android systems are not similarly restricted. Think about it like having a tablet on your dash instead of a head unit. These units have full access to Google Play Store where you can install any app imaginable. This can be wonderful for accessing apps you need, but also allows these head units to function as entertainment systems. You can watch movies and stream TV stations, play video games, and do all of the things you would do sitting on your couch in front of your tablet, all from behind the wheel. Scary? Yes, but it’s also kind of cool. The ability to use the full suite of apps on your touchscreen might be particularly attractive to ride-share drivers who often spend hours sitting in their car waiting for a pick-up. Install Netflix and stream away! (Please don’t watch movies or TV while driving.)
This same open access to apps allows these head units to be much more customizable. Most of them offer the ability to change the boot-up screen to display vehicle manufacturer logos, custom pictures, and other tricked out visuals. Customizability is the biggest drawback to the mainstream units using closed-source OS. The big-name brand head units give you only limited customizability, and in some cases, none at all. On the up side, generally the mainstream units closed-source OS is more reliable than open source.
Double-DIN isn’t Always Double-DIN
If you look at the mainstream head units listed here, you will see they all have similar measurements to fit a standard double-DIN space. All of them have chassis measurements under 7” except the Pioneer, which isn’t listed by the manufacturer. The Android head units will vary in size, with many being over 7” wide. The irregular sizes can make installation much more challenging, and can even prevent the head unit from fitting. The minor difference in size makes a big difference in tight spaces. Many mainstream double-DIN head units can use modified brackets and bezels to fit 1.5-DIN opening, for example, but an oversized Android unit simply will never fit. Before buying an Android unit, check the actual size of the opening in your car and make sure the unit will fit. A number of buyers ended up returning Android units due to the variance in size.
Android Long-term Durability
A nice-looking touchscreen that works well, even if it is basic, is only as good as long as it lasts. The major difference between Android units and name-brand equipment is the quality of components. Reviewers of the inexpensive Android units comment on the poor quality of connectors. Many buyers had to order two units to get a working one. Professional installers report failures of various internal components due to low quality parts and shoddy construction. Numerous reviewers report total failures within one year. Other people also had problems with volume, fade, and equalizer settings that randomly change or won’t stay set once the stereo is turned off.
Some of these things are minor issues, and it certainly could be argued that simply buying a new stereo every year or two at $50, it would take several years before spending as much as a name-brand head unit. Then again, who wants to tear up the interior of their car every year or so.
Negative reviews of the name-brand head units typically focus on minor issues, such as the layout of icons, lack of customizability, and the locations of features. The units we examined for this article have a reputation for robustness, but sometimes things do go wrong, even with an expensive head unit. That’s where a warranty comes in.
Warranty Claims
Sony, Kenwood, Pioneer, and Alpine all provide warranties for parts and labor. Alpine and Kenwood provide a 90-day warranty for manufacturing defects, while Pioneer and Sony both offer a one-year warranty. Warranty claims are handled by authorized retailers in the United States.
The Android unit provides no warranty, and any claims must go through the seller. Many users report that requests for warranty service are often unanswered by sellers. The experience can be particularly frustrating for buyers because often, the only solution is to buy another head unit.
The cheap Android units available today are a fair option for buyers on a shoestring budget. Saving money on the head unit may allow for better quality speakers or other components. Performance from the Android units is acceptable for most listeners, but an audiophile will instantly know the difference between a name-brand head unit and an Android-based one. The sound reproduction quality is lacking with Android units. The absence of a subwoofer pre out on the Android stereo prevents expansion of the system significantly.
Most buyers are going to be happier in the long run spending a little more money and buying a high-quality name-brand stereo. The initial costs may be higher, but will provide many years of listening enjoyment. All of the units here include subwoofer pre outs, making hooking up amplifiers easier. The graphics, fonts, and available on-screen information with a name-brand head unit are all better than the Android. Numerous features, like built-in compatibility with Pandora, make listening to the music you want easier. The Android units have varying ability to take advantage of apps like Pandora or Sirius XM. Some people may find the lack of ease of app use to be a deal breaker, while others may be fine running Pandora through screen mirroring.
A big deal any buyer must be aware of with the Android units is the lack of compatibility with many of the most modern and popular phones. For owners who have a newer Samsung or iPhone, they may be forced to use the USB or TF slots to play music. However, the Android units are capable of displaying video easily, while the name-brand units make it impossible or nearly impossible to play video on the screen for safety reasons. If playing videos is important to you, an Android unit might be the best option.