Hitro razloženi kanali prostorskega zvoka:2.0, 2.1, 5.1, 7.1, 9.1 in več!
Če nastavljate kakršen koli prostorski zvočni sistem, boste verjetno naleteli na številke, kot so 2.1, 5.1, 7.1, 7.1.2, 9.1 in celo več! Morda se sprašujete, kaj so te čudne številke in kaj pomenijo za vaš sistem za domači kino.
No, te številke so zelo pomembne, saj opisujejo konfiguracijo zvočnikov sistema in v nekaterih primerih format zvočnega signala, ki se dostavlja. Pomembni so tudi pri odločanju, ali se prostorski zvok splača za vas.
Zato se na hitro poglobimo v podrobnosti teh različnih sistemov zvočnikov za prostorski zvok in kako so nastavljeni njihovi različni sistemi kanalov.
Upoštevajte, da če iščete brezžični avdio sistem za svoj dom, je brezžični večsobni sistem, kot sta Sonos ali Heos, boljša izbira. Ogledate si lahko našo recenzijo Sonosa proti Heosu.
Kaj pomenijo številke v terminologiji prostorskega zvoka?
Prva številka (npr. »5« v 5.1)
Prva številka konfiguracije sistema zvočnikov označuje število glavnih zvočnikov v nastavitvi prostorskega zvoka. Ko govorimo o glavnih zvočnikih, mislimo na sredinski, sprednji levi, sprednji desni in druge prostorske zvočnike.
Sodobni prostorski sistemi bodo običajno imeli od vsaj 2 do 9 ali celo več glavnih zvočnikov.
Drugo število (npr. »1« v 5.1)
Druga številka konfiguracije sistema zvočnikov označuje število globokotonskih zvočnikov v nastavitvi. V večini primerov bo ta številka 1, kar pomeni, da ima sistem en sam sub.
Vendar pa nekatere konfiguracije dodajo dodatni sub za doseganje polnejših nizkih tonov v njihovem domačem kinu in tako boste namesto tega videli številko 2, npr. 7.2.
Tretje število (npr. »2« v 7.1.2)
Tretja številka konfiguracije zvočniškega sistema je redkeje vidna in se nanaša na višinske zvočnike. Ta konfiguracija označuje število »višinskih« ali »navzgor usmerjenih« zvočnikov.
Višinski zvočniki so dodatni zvočniki za prostorski zvok, ki so običajno nameščeni na strop na sprednji strani domačega kina. Ti zvočniki prostorskemu zvočnemu polju dodajo dimenzijo višine, da ustvarijo tridimenzionalni učinek.
Pri teh zvočnikih strop ne sme biti višji od 14 čevljev, vendar mora biti vsaj tri čevlje neposredno nad vašim levim in desnim glavnim sprednjim zvočnikom in obrnjen neposredno proti poslušalcu.
V večini primerov bo večina ljudi imela dva navzgor usmerjena zvočnika, zato je ta tretja številka pogosto 2.
Pojasnjeni prostorski zvočni sistemi za domači kino:2.0 do 13.1
Sistem stereo zvočnikov 2.0
Sistemi zvočnikov 2.0 so običajni stereo sistemi in ne prostorski zvok. To so najosnovnejši stereo sistemi, ki jih boste našli. Pravzaprav si lahko ogledate naš vodnik o tem, kako pretvoriti stereo v prostorski zvok 5.1.
Ti stereo sistemi imajo 2.0 desni in levi stereo zvok z dvema različnima kanaloma. Sestavljata jih preprost levi in desni kanal (ali levi in desni zvočnik).
Pravimo, da so osnovni, ker so takšni kot vaši stari stereo sistemi. Uporabljata dva zvočniška kanala za ločevanje zvokov in ustvarjanje popolnejše izkušnje.
Večina današnjih namenskih glasbenih naprav, od osnovnih radijskih sprejemnikov do boomboxov, bo imela vsaj stereo zvok in jih je tako mogoče razvrstiti kot sisteme prostorskega zvoka 2.0.
Glavna prednost nastavitve 2.0 je, da je cenovno dostopna. Mnogi ljudje začnejo svoj domači kino na ta način, saj je poceni in preprost.
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 2.0
V večini primerov, ko ljudje nastavijo sistem zvočnikov 2.0, bodo imeli poleg televizije dva zvočnika – enega na levi in enega na desni.
V večini primerov bodo te zvočnike napajali tudi AV sprejemnik ali ojačevalnik. Pri najpreprostejših nastavitvah bo večina ljudi izbrala aktivne zvočnike, ki ne potrebujejo ločenega vira napajanja, da bo nastavitev preprosta in funkcionalna.
Ena od pomanjkljivosti sistemov 2.0 je, da nimajo ločenega nizkotonca, zato bo kakovost nizkih tonov morda slabša, razen če dobite dobre električne zvočnike.
Ker se ta sistem osredotoča na zvok spredaj, tudi okoliških zvočnikov ni, zato je nastavitev 2.0 še vedno precej osnovna. Spet si lahko ogledate naš vodnik o tem, kako pretvoriti 2.0 stereo zvok v 5.1 prostorski zvočni sistem.
Eden od pomembnih dejavnikov pri teh preprostih sistemih je, da zagotovite, da so vaši zvočniki združljivi z vsemi vašimi napravami, od Tour TV do vašega pametnega telefona, in imajo brezžično zmogljivost, vključno z Bluetoothom.
Sistem zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 2.1
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov 2.1 je korak naprej od nastavitve 2.0. V tej nastavitvi imate levi in desni zvočnik ter nizkotonec.
Če imate v nastavitvi nizkotonec, bo vaš prostorski sistem zagotavljal boljše nizke tone.
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 2.1
Nastavitev 2.1 bo podobna nastavitvi 2.1 z vsakim zvočnikom na vsaki strani televizorja. Nizkotonec bo običajno nameščen v kotu ob steni.
Vendar je res odvisno, ker je vsaka soba drugačna, zato morate nizkotonec premakniti, da dobite polni učinek nizkih tonov. Pravzaprav je veliko ljudi ugotovilo, da je najboljša postavitev nizkotonca za kavčem.
Mnogi ljudje dandanes preprosto izberejo 2.1-kanalni zvočnik, da bi dobili 2.1-nizkotonec. Ta nastavitev je odlična za vsak domači kino, če nimate sredstev za dodatne naprave. Pravzaprav priporočamo, da v domačem kinu uporabite vsaj 2.1 nastavitev .
Sistem zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 3.1
Zvočni sistem 3.1 je štirikanalni zvočni sistem. Ta nastavitev ima tri glavne zvočnike in nizkotonec.
To pomeni, da bo sistem sestavljen iz levega, sredinskega in desnega zvočnika.
S 3.1 boste poleg nastavitve 2.1 dobili dodaten sredinski zvočnik. Ta osrednji zvočnik ločuje zvočni dialog, ki je bil obdelan za ločen kanal. Vendar levi in desni kanal ostajata različna.
Torej, medtem ko sredinski zvočniki reproducirajo dialog, bosta levi in desni zvočnik uporabljena za učinke, glasbo in druge stereo zvoke.
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 3.1
Pri nastavitvi 3.1 sta vaš levi in desni zvočnik običajno nameščena ob strani televizorja, sredinski zvočnik pa na vrhu ali pod televizorjem, nizkotonec pa je običajno prav tako nameščen na tleh v sredini namestitve.
3.1 sistemi so še vedno relativno preprosti in nimajo okoliških zvočnikov. Vendar dodatek osrednjega zvočnika dobro izboljša kinematografski zvok.
Nastavitev 3.1 je zelo priljubljena v nekaterih zvočnih palicah. Te zvočne palice imajo tri zvočnike ali palico spredaj in imajo celo vgrajen nizkotonec. Drugi imajo morda pod ločeno.
Sistem prostorskih zvočnikov 4.1
Prostorski zvočni sistem 4.1 za domači kino je korak naprej od sistema zvočnikov 3.1. To je zelo pogosta konfiguracija in vključuje naslednje:
- spredaj levo in spredaj desno
- zadaj levo in zadaj desno
- en globokotonec.
To pomeni, da je to petkanalna nastavitev, le da ne vključuje tipičnega zvočnika sredinskega kanala.
Sistem zvočnikov za prostorski zvok 5.1
Sistem za domači kino 5.1 je najbolj priljubljen sistem za domači kino. Ta konfiguracija domačega kina, ki ponuja pravi prostorski zvok, je postala merilo prostorskega zvoka domačega kina.Zakaj je sistem prostorskega zvoka 5.1 priljubljen?
Ko iščete ali brskate po izdelkih za domači kino, boste videli, da se sistem prostorskega zvoka 5.1 pogosto omenja. Tukaj je razlog, zakaj je konfiguracija zvočnikov 5.1 tako priljubljena:- Enostavno: Je najpreprostejši pravi prostorski zvočni sistem
- Poglobljeni zvok: Ta konfiguracija ponuja veliko bolj poglobljeno zvočno izkušnjo kot običajni dvo- ali trikanalni stereo.
- Upoštevanje prostora: Odličen je za manjše prostore. Prostorski sistem 5.1 je dovolj dober za prostorski zvok, vendar vključuje samo 5 zvočnikov in sub. To je dobro za manjše prostore, ko veste, kako jih postaviti. Oglejte si naš članek o tem, kako nastaviti 5.1 zvočnike v majhni sobi.
- Povezljivost: Nastavitve prostorskega zvoka 5.1 so zelo priljubljene in zato ponujajo široko paleto možnosti povezave. Na primer, nekateri sistemi 5.1 se lahko povežejo celo z mobilnim telefonom. Kot primer si oglejte ta vodnik o tem, kako povezati zvočnike Philips 5.1 z mobilnim telefonom.
Ugotovili boste, da sistemi za domači kino vseh oblik in velikosti uporabljajo konfiguracijo prostorskega sistema 5.1 za ustvarjanje odlične zvočne izkušnje.
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov 5.1
Nastavitev sistema zvočnikov 5.1 je precej preprosta. Ima šest kanalov, ki vključujejo pet glavnih zvočnikov in seveda nizkotonec.
Tukaj je tipična nastavitev:
- Glavni govornik: Sistem ima običajno tri zvočnike spredaj, enega na levi, enega na sredini in enega na desni strani televizorja.
- Niskotonec: podmornica je običajno postavljena na sredino ali v vogale prostora.
- Zvočniki za prostorski zvok: Na voljo sta tudi dva zvočnika za prostorski zvok, ki sta običajno nameščena na zadnji strani sobe – običajno na obeh straneh kavča – enega na levi in enega na desni strani. Te zvočnike imenujemo tudi satelitski zvočniki. Razlikujejo se od običajnih zvočnikov za knjižne police, ki jih morda poznate. Če ne poznate razlike, si oglejte naš članek o satelitskih in knjižnih zvočnikih.
Vendar upoštevajte, da je to samo najpogostejša nastavitev, sistem zvočnikov 5.1 je precej vsestranski in ga je mogoče konfigurirati na več načinov, odvisno od edinstvenih potreb vaše sobe za domači kino.
Če pa imate v domačem kinu dovolj prostora, je idealna postavitev naslednja:
Sprednji zvočniki: Sprednji levi in sprednji desni zvočnik pod kotom 22–30 stopinj glede na sredinski zvočnik/TV
Niskotonec: V idealnem primeru bi morali podstavek postaviti na sredino tal ali v enega od kotov. Podmornico lahko postavite celo za kavč, če želite učinek vibracij. Vendar pa je s substancami najbolje, da ga premikate, dokler ne dobite najboljšega basa.
Prostorski zvočniki: Zvočniki za prostorski zvok morajo biti nameščeni pod kotom 90–110 stopinj glede na sredinski zvočnik/TV.
Sistem zvočnikov 5.1 je tako priljubljen, da boste ugotovili, da je ta konfiguracija združljiva s številnimi vrstami naprav.
Pravzaprav ima veliko prenosnih in namiznih računalnikov zvočno kartico 5.1, zato jo je mogoče uporabljati s temi napravami, pa tudi s čim drugim, od običajnih DVD-jev do kinodvoran in digitalnih pametnih televizorjev.
Sistem prostorskih zvočnikov 6.1
Konfiguracija prostorskega zvoka domačega kina 6.1 je korak višje od konfiguracije 5.1.
Pravzaprav je podoben prostorskemu sistemu 5.1, vendar vključuje dodaten zvočnik. Ta zvočnik pomaga ustvariti popolnejšo in zagotovo bolj realistično zvočno izkušnjo.
Tukaj je nastavitev:
- Vse je konfigurirano kot sistem 5.1
- Obstaja dodatni zvočnik, ki je običajno nameščen na zadnji strani vašega domačega kina
Ideja konfiguracije 6.1 je, da bo nastavitvi domačega kina dodala dodatno zvočno dimenzijo, ne da bi morali preiti na popolno nastavitev prostorskega zvoka 7.1.
To je odlična ideja, če iščete dodaten učinek, vendar imate nizek proračun. Če je potrebno, lahko kasneje dodate še en zadnji zvočnik, da dokončate spodnjo nastavitev 7.1.
7.1 and 7.1.2 Surround Sound Systems
7.1 Surround Sound System
The 7.1 speaker configuration is the next step up from the 6.1 speaker system. This means that it includes all the components of a regular 5.1 channel speaker system but also includes two rear speakers, one more than the 6.1 system.
These two rear speakers deliver surround sound which means that the two sides surround speakers won’t be responsible for both rear and surround sound unlike in 5.1 systems.
This gives an even more full, rounded sound experience to complete that surround sound cinematic effect. This makes it an eight-channel speaker system and is quite common.
7.1 Speaker System Setup
The 7.1 speaker system is similar to the 5.1 as mentioned before. In fact, the setup is the same except for the addition of two rear speakers. H
In general, the two additional rear speakers should ideally be placed at a 135 to a 150-degree angle from the center channel/TV. This ensures that you will achieve the best ad most optimal surround sound experience by amplifying background sounds. These are also satellite speakers. Remember, these are different from say bookshelf speakers (check out satellite vs bookshelf speakers).
You can get a better idea as to what this means by checking our our guide on surround vs surround back speakers.
7.1.2 Surround Sound System
Remember above we explained that the last number refers to the number of ‘height’ speakers?So what are height speakers?

7.1.2 Surround Sound System Setup
Firstly, because this system normally includes ceiling speakers, you will find that it is most suited for basic ceilings made of drywall or plaster.
Additionally, the ceiling shouldn’t be higher than 14 feet but should be at least three feet directly above your left and right main front speaker and face the listener directly.
This surround sound configuration is becoming more popular in modern home theaters and does well to create a dome of sound that is like nothing else.
One important consideration however is to ensure that your system is Dolby Atmos compatible if you are using Dolby Atmo upward-firing speakers.
7.2 Surround Sound System
While 5.1 systems are the most popular today, 7.2 surround sound systems are becoming quite popular as well.
Today, many modern receivers support this surround sound layout. 7.2 surround sound systems are very similar to the 7.1 surround sound setup except that it has an additional subwoofer.
Why do you need two subwoofers?
Well, first of all, you don’t necessarily need two subwoofers. One is fine for most people. However, if you want stronger and more balanced bass, two subwoofers are a great choice.
It’s about creating a better overall bass experience really with excellent bass all around the room. As such, if you are a bass bum, a second subwoofer is a great choice for you.
7.2 Surround Sound System Setup
The 7.2 setup is similar to that of the 7.1 except that there is an additional subwoofer. There are many placement options for your subwoofers to get more bass.
However, the most important consideration initially is that your receiver or amplifier needs to support two subwoofers to support the 7.2 configurations.
9.1 Surround Sound:The Cinematic Experience
Now for the hard-hitting, mega 9.1 home theater surround sound system. The 9.1 home theater surround system is a ten-channel surround sound system that includes nine speakers and a subwoofer.
Of course, these systems are quite expensive and are for very high-end home theater surround sound setup for the most discerning of audiophiles or those who crave a completely immersive surround sound experience.
This is why the 9.1 setup is not as common as the 5.1 or 7.1.2 home theater system.
The 9.1 surround system is really the same as the 7.1.2 configuration with the addition of two height speakers.
Remember, the height speakers are Dolby Atmos speakers that are used to add the dimension of height to the surround field to create a 3D surround sound effect.
9.1 Surround Sound System Setup
Setting up a 9.1 home theater system is not extremely complicated, however, each component should be positioned and chosen carefully considering the acoustics of the room and the specs of the audio components.
Failing to do so can cause any number of problems This is why setting up such a system requires a professional audio technician. For example, you will need a modern receiver that can handle the 9.1 configuration.
Keep in mind that similar to the 7.1 systems, so the ceiling shouldn’t be higher than 14 feet but should be at least three feet directly above your left and right main front speaker and face the listener directly.
9.1.2 Home Theater Surround System
The 9.1.2 surround sound home theater system is similar to the 9.1 system except that it has two front wide speakers, instead of the two front height speakers.
This is in addition to the two ceiling or upward-firing speakers.
If that is confusing, let’s explain further. In the 9.1.2 home theater system, you have a left and right front speaker, a center speaker, a subwoofer, a left and a right front wide speaker, a left and a right surround speaker, a left and a right rear speaker, and a left and a right ceiling speaker.
9.1.2 Surround Sound System Setup
The 9.1.2 configuration setup is to create a fully immersive, high-end dome sound experience.
The left and right speakers provide an additional layer of sound to create that dome effect.
Here are the typical components:
Item # | Description | Remarks |
2 | Center Speaker | 1 set |
3 | Left / Right Speaker | 1 for each side (L/R) |
4 | Left / Right Front Wide Speaker | 1 for each side (L/R) |
5 | Left / Right Surround Speaker | 1 for each side (L/R) |
6 | Left / Right Back Speaker | 1 for each side (L/R) |
7 | Left / Right Ceiling Speaker | 1 for each side (L/R) |
8 | Subwoofer | 1 set |
10.2 Home Theater Surround Sound System
The hard-hitting 10.2 home theater surround sound system is a full-blown, professional and advanced home theater system for high-end home theaters.
This one is for the most advanced home theater professionals who are seeking the highest fidelity in home theater setups.
The 10.2 configuration includes 14 discrete channels if the left and right point surround channels are included.
The 10.2 system was in fact built by the developers of THX, the high fidelity audio/visual reproduction standards for movie theaters.
This configuration includes seven front channels:left and right wide speakers, left and right height speakers, left and right front speakers, and a center front speaker.
There are three surround speakers, including one left, one back, and one right, and two subwoofers.
10.2 Surround Sound System Setup
The 10.2 system is of course not typical and so only a few, dedicated devices are currently sold to accommodate this configuration.
Here is the typical setup:
- Seven front channels: Left Wide, Left Height, Left, Center, Right, Right Height, Right Wide
- Three surround channels: Left Surround, Back Surround, Right Surround
- Two LFE channels: LFE Left and LFE Right
12.2 Home Theater Surround Sound System
The 12.2 home theater system is rather similar to the 10.2 setup except that the 12.2 augments the LS (left surround) and RS (right surround) channels by two-point surround channels.
This way, the overall sound can be better manipulated and controlled by the system because the mixer will be allowed to shift sounds in a distinct 360° circle around the movie watcher.
These additional speakers may be referred to as “point surround” or “diffuse surround” channels.
12.2 Surround Sound System Setup
These point surround speakers are normally placed at the same angles as the standard surround speakers at +/-120 degrees. As already mentioned, these speakers are made into diffuse radiators using dipole speakers.
Here is the setup with point surround channels:- Five front speakers: Left Wide, Left, Center, Right and Right Wide
- Five surround channels: Left Surround Diffuse, Left Surround Direct, Back Surround, Right Surround Diffuse and Right Surround Direct
- Two LFE channels: LFE Left, LFE Right (these are the subwoofers)
- Two Height channels: Left Height, Right Height
13.1 Home Theater Surround Sound and Beyond
The amazing 13.1 home theater surround sound system is one of the most complex home theater configurations out there.
As you might imagine, these setups are rather rare and you certainly won’t find them in a typical home theater system in a regular home. At this point, you are talking about high fidelity music rooms and theaters.
Higher Surround Sound Configurations
Dolby Digital Plus supports surround systems up to 13.1, and there are many other configurations for surround sound, like 12.2, 22.2, and more.
While these surround sound setups are fascinating and complex, they are a rare find in a typical home theater. However, they are fun to research and learn about, and there’s nothing wrong with dreaming of the possibilities!
Do You Need a Professional To Install Your Surround Sound System?
For simple setups such as the 3.1, 5.1 or even 7.2 home theater systems, you can surely go about that kind of setup yourself.
However, for the more complex configurations like the 9.1 or 10.2, you certainly need professional installers who have experience with things like overhead speakers and room acoustics.
Please be reminded that just purchasing a complex home theater surround system doesn’t mean or guarantee the best experience unless the room is set up professionally considering its own unique acoustics.
Consider Dolby Atmos
Many of these systems are Dolby Atmos compatible or based on the setup require Dolby Atmos speakers. If you want to create a cinematic experience, it’s not as good as RPX, but its the best you’ll get to in your house.
Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology that creates a fuller cinematic experiencing which is high quality and highly realistic.
However, not all devices including receivers and amplifiers are compatible with Dolby Atmos. Before you go out and buy Dolby speakers, make sure your current devices are compatible. In addition, not all system,s support Dolby. For example, YouTube does not support Dolby audio. In fact, youtube does not support surround sound. For more information, read our article where we explore the question – does youtube support surround sound.
What Is The Best Number of Home Theater Channels
You may be surprised to learn that there is no magic number for how many speaker channels you should use. This is why we have so many different configurations.
The best options in terms of channels for you will depend solely on your room’s configurations including its size, shape, furniture, whether your home theater is soundproof or not, and many other considerations.
However, there are a number of rules of thumb to consider. For example, if your home theater is small, then you’ll want to go with a smaller number of speaker channels.
If you are having issues with your surround system where one or more speakers are not working, please check out our guide on how to make all speakers work on surround sound.
Surround Sound and Streaming Services
Today, many people get their content from streaming services like Netflix. While Netflix does support surround sound, not all content is compatible with surround sound.
For more information on how to determine if your Netflix title is compatible with surround sound and how to get Netflix to play through surround sound check out this guide.
What Does Each Channel In A Surround Sound System Do?
The audio signals connected to a surround sound system is divided through the different channels, which are then fed to the various speakers to be reproduced in specified frequencies such that the same sound is reproduced through the speakers in different ways.
Depending on the effect intended, emphasis on the sound quality will vary according to the channel it is fed into as dictated by the frequency settings on that speaker.
What Is The Difference Between 5.1 Channel And 2.1 Channel?
The bigger a soundbar is, the more channels it has. While a 2.1 channel soundbar has just two channels (one on either side) and a subwoofer, a 5.1 channel soundbar has two side speakers, a center channel and two extra speakers in the back which are either built-in or external.
What Is The Difference Between 3.1 Channel And 5.1 Channel?
Soundbars with 3.1 channel contain a channel more than the 2.1 soundbars, a center channel for better, clearer speech and background sound effects.
5.1 Soundbars come with an external subwoofer and five other channels –two side channels, one center, one surround left, and one surround right channels.
How Far Away Should Surround Speakers Be?
It is recommended that the front speakers be at least three feet away from the center speaker (which should be aligned with the TV) on either side, facing the audience. They should also be at least 6 feet back from the viewers.
Surround sound channels can seem rather confusing at first with all the numbers and strange terminology. However, once you know what you are really looking at, you will find that it is quite simple really.