Kako priključiti prostorski zvok RCA na televizor HDMI
Torej imate prostorski zvočni sistem, ki uporablja RCA (rdeči in beli vtič), vaš TV pa uporablja HDMI. Kako vzpostavite to povezavo? V tem članku vam pokažemo, kako prostorski zvok RCA priključite na televizor HDMI.
Če želite televizor prek HDMI povezati s sistemom prostorskega zvoka prek RCA, imate na voljo nekaj možnosti. Svojo izvorno napravo (DirectTV, DVD, Roku) lahko povežete s televizorjem prek HDMI-ja in nato povežete televizor s sistemom prostorskega zvoka prek RCA ali pa uporabite pretvornik HDMI v RCA ali ekstraktor zvoka.
Pojdimo v podrobnosti.
Morda boste potrebovali nov sprejemnik
Preden preidemo v podrobnosti o tem, kako nastaviti te povezave, vam moramo priporočiti, da če je vaš cilj doseči resničen in popoln prostorski zvok (to je, če menite, da se prostorski zvok splača) in vaš sprejemnik uporablja samo RCA, potrebujem nov sprejemnik.
Da, vemo, da so sprejemniki dragi, vendar nas poslušajte.
Najboljša možnost za pravi prostorski zvok je, da kupite poceni sprejemnik, če imate omejen proračun. Zagotovite le, da ima vsaj 3 vhode HDMI in 1 izhod HDMI.
V tem primeru je vse, kar morate storiti, to, da povežete en kabel HDMI iz vsakega vašega vira s sprejemnikom in enega s sprejemnika na televizor ter priključite zvočnike. To vam prihrani veliko težav in je veliko lažje.
Skratka, obstajajo načini za povezavo prostorskega zvoka s sprejemnikom, na primer s televizorjem brez HDMI-ja, vendar če izberete pot RCA, boste dobili samo stereo zvok.
Zakaj ima moj sprejemnik samo vhode RCA?
Nekateri starejši sprejemniki, znani kot stereo sprejemniki, podpirajo samo RCA. To pomeni, da podpirajo le stereo zvok ali spremembe levo in desno. Torej, kako so lahko ti sprejemniki sprejemniki prostorskega zvoka? Spodaj pojasnjujemo.
Kaj RCA kabel naredi z večkanalnim zvokom?
Pri povezovanju s televizorjem HDMI in analognem večkanalnem izhodu ni treba paziti na posebne kable. Potrebujete samo analogni kabel RCA za povezavo RCA z RCA.
Povezava za prostorski zvok RCA pomaga pri prenosu večkanalnih analognih signalov, kot je prostorski zvočni posnetek na DVD-ju. To je zato, ker povezava prostorskega zvoka RCA ne podpira digitalnih zvočnih signalov.
Ali lahko stereo sprejemniki, ki uporabljajo RCA, podpirajo prostorski zvok?
Se prostorski zvok splača? Seveda je, vendar ne ponarejena nastavitev, ki jo lahko dobite pri RCA. Stereo sprejemniki niso pravi sprejemniki prostorskega zvoka. Z RCA ne morete dobiti pravega prostorskega zvoka.
RCA ne prenaša vseh digitalnih kanalov za prostorski zvok, prenaša samo leve in desne spremembe. Nikoli ne boste dobili pravega prostorskega zvoka 5.1 ali 7.1 brez digitalne avdio povezave – koaksialna, optična ali HDMI so tri glavne možnosti.
To pomeni, da če na tem sprejemniku ni digitalnih vhodnih povezav, potem sprejemnik verjetno niti ne more dekodirati 5.1 ali katerega koli drugega prostorskega zvoka.
Lahko pa uporabite dekoder, ki bo poskušal pretvoriti HDMI iz vašega televizorja v prostorski zvok. To raziskujemo v razdelku o avdio dekoderjih.
Dolby Pro Logic
Nekateri sprejemniki lahko ponaredijo prostorski zvok. Ti sprejemniki bodo vzorčili nizke frekvence in jih poslali zadnjim zvočnikom, medtem ko nizkotoncu pošiljajo najnižje frekvence.
Mnogi od teh sprejemnikov uporabljajo staro tehnologijo, znano kot Dolby Pro Logic ali Dolby Matrix Surround. To naredi tisto, kar smo pravkar opisali, izvleče "prostorski zvok" iz stereo signala. Ali bolje rečeno, vzame stereo zvok in poskuša ustvariti prostorski zvočni signal. Seveda je pravi prostorski zvok veliko boljši od Dolbyja.
Obstaja tudi nekaj drugih podobnih tehnologij. Ti vključujejo SACD, Dolby TrueHD in DTS-HD Master. O tem bomo govorili v naslednjem razdelku.
Kdaj lahko uporabljate priključke za prostorski zvok RCA?
V številnih scenarijih, če nameravate poslati večkanalni zvok v sprejemnik, boste morali uporabiti neko obliko digitalne povezave, kot je priključek HDMI ali optični digitalni zvok.
Če pa vaš ojačevalnik ali sprejemnik nima digitalnih zvočnih povezav, lahko še vedno prenašate prostorski zvok v svoje prostore prek analognih večkanalnih priključkov na predvajalniku.
V nekaterih primerih boste morda morali uporabiti analogne večkanalne izhode, da boste lahko slišali večkanalni zvok, kot je SACD, Dolby TrueHD in DTS-HD Master.
Kako naj televizor predvaja prek prostorskega zvoka?
Povezave sistema prostorskega zvoka RCA so alternativa ožičenju komponent prostorskega zvoka, kadar ni dostopa do HDMI ali optičnih možnosti. Na ta način lahko napajate prostorski zvok 5.1 ali 7.1 prek osnovne povezave analognih stereo naprav. Poglejmo, kako povezati prostorski sistem RCA.
1. Priključite RCA neposredno s televizorja
Prva in najpreprostejša možnost je, da televizor povežete neposredno s sistemom prostorskega zvoka. Vendar upoštevajte, da to ne bo zagotovilo pravega prostorskega zvoka, saj kabel RCA prenaša stereo zvok.
Tukaj je postopek:
- Povežite HDMI iz BluRay, DirecTV ali Roku ali katerega koli drugega na TV
- Uporabite RCA za povezavo z levega in desnega zvočnega izhoda televizorja na vhod na "prostorskem zvoku."
2. Use A Audio Extractor or De-Embedder
An audio extractor or de-embedder will extract audio from your HDMI and output to stereo RCA. You need to look for one that has HDMI input and stereo Left and Right RCA outputs. Be careful because some only have Toslink output.
A good example is the 4K HDMI Audio Extractor Splitter.
3. AV-to-HDMI Converters
AV to HDMI converters are similia to audio extractors. Before you can connect RCA Surround Sound to a TV that features HDMI connectivity only, you will need to convert the AV signal. With an AV-to-HDMI converter (also called an HDMI -to component audio converter), the process of converting both audio and video signal is much easier.
An AV-to-HDMI converter is a form of portable hardware box with both AV-input and HDMI-output capabilities. When the AV or RCA cables are fed into the box input, the inbuilt hardware converts the AV signal into an HDMI-compatible signal that can be output by the HDMI out.
Please note however that using these converters won’t give your true surround sound. A simple and cheap one is the RCA to HDMI Converter Dingsun AV to HDMI Adapter.
4. Use A Decoder
Surround sound systems have multiple channels. For example, a 5.1 system will have front left, front right, center, surround left, surround right, and subwoofer. This means that your RCA connection will need to produce all these channels. This can be done somewhat using an audio extractor.
The decoder will decode or break down HDMI audio to 6 mono channels so that you can make your own 5.1 setup at home.
An example of a good decoder is the HDMI LPCM 7.1 to Analog Surround Sound Audio Decoder- 4K Version. This device converts HDMI LPCM 7.1 or 5.1 into multi-channel analog surround sound which is exactly what you need.
How Do I Hook Up A RCA Surround Sound To An HDMI TV Directly?
Before you can set up an RCA surround sound system, you will need to assemble the right cables and tools first. The tools required will depend on the kind of inputs your receiver and other devices support.
Step 1:Setting Up The Receiver
Basically, all RCA surround systems come with AV receivers as their nerve centers for the surround system. Follow the procedure below to set it up.
Place the receiver close to the television set. You are connecting the two devices together, and usually, the connection cable is not terribly long.
Step 2:Connect The RCA Cable
Insert the RCA video cable into the “Video Out” port on the RCA surround sound system. If the receiver has a built-in Blu-ray player, connect the HDMI cable into the HDMI port instead. Insert the opposite end of the cable into the appropriate port on the television (RCA cable into the “Video In” port and HDMI cable into the “HDMI” port)
Step 3:Position The Speakers
Position the speakers around the area where you are most likely going to be sitting. The speakers are marked where they need to go (such as “rear left” or “front right”).
Place the rear speakers behind your seat or next to it if it is against the wall. Place the front speakers at the front, along with the TV. There is a long, middle speaker; position this either directly below or above the TV. Set the subwoofer speaker on the ground next to the TV.
Step 4:Connect The Speakers
Run the wires coming out of the speakers into the appropriate connection ports on the back of the RCA home theater receiver.
The ports are marked to match the speakers (“front left,” “back right”). Plug the wires running out of the speakers into the ports that are marked the same as the speakers.
Step 5:Turn On The Power
Turn on the power for the connected television set and the RCA receiver. Press the “input” button on the TV; select either “Video” or “HDMI,” depending on where the receiver is connected.
The Arrangement And Connection Of Your Speakers
Step 1:Identify The Sweet Sport For Center Speaker
Place the center channel speaker below the TV and properly aligned it to the main sitting position. For the best sound performance, adjust the speaker to the level of your ear.
Step 2:Position The Left And Right Speakers
Place the right and left speakers to the right and left of the center channel. The amount of spacing between the speakers will depend on the size of the room and the general layout. However, try to space out the speakers as much as possible.
Step 3:Suspend The Speakers
Properly arrange the surround satellite speakers. You can also wall-mount the speakers or use speaker towers to keep them suspended in place.
Step 4:Subwoofer Connection
Connect the speakers to the subwoofer. This can be easily done by simply inserting the speaker wires into the terminals. The receiver should have marked terminals for the speakers as follows:
- SL and SR for surround-left and surround-right speakers respectively
- CT or sometimes CEN for the center channel
- FR and FL for front-right and front-left speakers
- SUB for the subwoofer. This is only used in cases where the sub is not integrated in the AV receiver
Test Your Surround Sound
Once the RCA surround sound is properly hooked and the speakers well placed, it is time to test the surround sound.
Sit in the “sweet spot” of the arrangement and turn on the TV to play some video. If some speakers fail to work, check if there’s an issue with the AV receiver. Confirm that the receiver is set to “surround” mode and that all the cables are secure.
How do I set up my RCA Surround Sound?
All RCA surround systems come with an AV receiver, which serves as the pillar center for your surround system. How the receiver is integrated depends on which model you’ve purchased.
1. korak
Set the receiver on your entertainment center, near your TV and other devices. If you’re using a sub-woofer receiver, set it on the floor instead, within reach of your other devices.
2. korak
Plug the receiver/sub-woofer in to the wall outlet, leaving the back accessible
3. korak
Connect your TV to the receiver/sub-woofer’s video-out port by using what you have available, which could be HDMI, component video, composite video.
Step 4
Connect any other devices like DVD players, Blu-ray players, and game consoles in the same fashion. Consult your owner’s documentation for specifics on setting up each device in case you are not sure.
How do I set Up the Speakers?
Speaker setup varies depending on whether your speakers are wired or wireless.
1. korak
Measure the distance between the speaker and the receiver and cut the wire slightly longer than the actual measurement. This extra length allows a little bit of slack during setup, just in case you need it.
2. korak
Using the stripper on your wire cutter, remove the sheath from the last 0.5 to the 1-millimeter wire on each end. How long you need varies depending on the connection terminals for your speakers, but generally, you won’t need longer than 1mm.
Testing Your Surround Sound
Launch some music or a movie to test the sound. If some of the speakers don’t seem to be working, reaffirm that you’re set to “surround” mode on the AV receiver and that all cable connections are secure.