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  >> Elektronske tehnologije Online >  >> Domači glasbeni sistem >> Zvočniki in globokotonci

Kaj je SPL globokotonec in zakaj je pomemben?

Kaj pa, če bi od svojega avdio sistema želeli najgloblje, rohneče in osupljive nizke tone, tudi če bi se odrekli kakovosti zvoka?

No, temu je namenjen subwoofer SPL.

SPL ali nizkotonski zvočniki z nivojem zvočnega tlaka so zasnovani za ustvarjanje ogromne količine nizkih tonov. To naredijo tako, da premaknejo veliko zraka, kar povzroči velik zvočni tlak. Vendar je to na račun kakovosti zvoka. Kakovost zvoka bo osiromašena, slabo definirana in lahko poškoduje uho.

Sodobni nizkotonci SPL proizvajajo visok zvočni tlak, kar potrebujete za ustvarjanje globokih, bučečih basov.

Danes razlagamo več o teh specializiranih nizkotonskih zvočnikih SPL, kako delujejo in še veliko več, da vam pomagamo do najboljše izkušnje z njimi.

Kaj je globokotonski zvočnik SPL?

»SPL« je okrajšava za raven zvočnega tlaka in tukaj nakazuje, da so globokotonci SPL zelo učinkoviti pri ustvarjanju glasnih nizkih tonov. Vsi zvočniki proizvajajo določeno stopnjo akustičnega tlaka.

Komu so namenjeni nizkotonski zvočniki SQL?

Nizkotonski zvočniki SPL so zasnovani za posameznike, ki radi redno poslušajo glasbo ali gledajo videoposnetke z veliko globokimi, bobnečimi basi.

Nizkotonci SPL so tudi odlična možnost za posameznike, ki želijo imeti možnost natančnega merjenja zmogljivosti svojih zvočnikov. Nivo zvočnega tlaka lahko izmerite v decibelih (dB).

Nekateri se odločijo za nizkotonske zvočnike SQ, da bi dobili zvok popolne kakovosti. SQ pomeni kakovost zvoka. Mnogi ljudje, zlasti tisti, ki niso navdušeni nad glasnimi nizkimi toni, pravijo, da ponuja impresivno kakovost. Spodaj pojasnjujemo več o nizkotonskih zvočnikih SQ proti SPL.

Kljub temu je njihova učinkovitost v veliki meri odvisna od poslušalca, vključno z zaznavanjem vaših ušes, oddaljenostjo od gonilnika nizkotonskega zvočnika itd.

Z drugimi besedami, nimate objektivnega načina za določitev učinkovitosti globokotonskega zvočnika SQ. Torej, izbira je odvisna od vaših okusov in preferenc.

Očitno ni tako pri nizkotonskih zvočnikih SPL, kot bomo podrobneje videli spodaj.

Ali SPL nadomestki zvenijo dobro?

Pri nizkih frekvencah so subverterji SPL nedvomno učinkovitejši od lažjih stožčastih subverterjev "SQ". Za zmanjševanje popačenj se v nadomestkih SQ uporabljajo obroči za kratko stikanje, manj Le in drugi ukrepi. Nizkotonski zvočnik SPL lahko zveni fantastično, vendar kakovost zvoka na koncu določi ohišje in ne nizkotonec. Če je ohišje slabo nameščeno, bo to vplivalo na kakovost zvoka, ki ga oddaja podvodnik.

Kako izmeriti učinkovitost globokotonskega zvočnika SPL

Učinkovitost nizkotonskega zvočnika SPL lahko natančno izmerite tako, da sledite tem korakom:

  1. Zberite potrebne materiale
    • Merilnik ravni zvočnega tlaka: Večina teh je ročnih naprav, mobilnih in lahkih. Poleg tega so izdelani v skladu z IEC 61672 in drugimi ustreznimi mednarodnimi standardi. Uporabite lahko merilnike razreda 1 ali razreda 2. Vendar pa prva možnost zagotavlja natančnejše rezultate.
    • Mikrofon: Uporabite lahko kateri koli brezžični ali žični mikrofon.
  2. Vklopite zvočni sistem: Seveda mora pri merjenju SPL zvok prehajati skozi mikrofon.
  3. Približajte svoj merilnik ravni zvočnega tlaka globokotoncu SPL: Merilnik bo ocenil zvok, ki vstopa skozi mikrofon, in ga pretvori v vrednosti in odčitke, ki so zlahka razumljivi.
  4. Preberite SPL podvodnika na merilniku: Ravni zvočnega tlaka, ki jih običajno prikaže merilnik nizkotonskega zvočnika SPL, segajo od 20 dB do 140 dB. Kljub temu ga lahko nastavite tako, da meri nižje ali višje ravni zvočnega tlaka od tega.

Ali lahko dobim več kot to? Ja lahko. Če se odločite, lahko nastavite merilnik SPL za nizkotonec, da meri SPL v daljšem obdobju ali v določenih intervalih.

Merilnik se vam lahko zdi uporaben pri ocenjevanju vpliva zvoka, ki ga podvodnik proizvaja na okolje.

Podatke lahko shranite tudi v notranji pomnilnik in jih pozneje prenesete za podrobno analizo. Tako dobite objektivne informacije, ki jih lahko preučite, da prepoznate ustrezne nadzorne ukrepe.

Kot smo že omenili, je to privilegij, ki ga drugi nizkotonci nimajo, čeprav proizvajajo tudi nekaj akustičnega pritiska. Za merjenje ravni zvočnega tlaka lahko uporabite merilnik SPL, vendar to morda ne pomeni izboljšanja jasnosti in zvestobe zvoka globokotonca.

Kateri so najboljši nizkotonski zvočniki SPL?

Ker so globokotonci SPL zasnovani tako, da vam pomagajo doseči globoke nizke tone, nekateri nizkotonci niso ugodni za nastavitve SPL. Najboljša možnost tukaj je prestavljeno ohišje.

The typical primary features of ported enclosures are:

  • Low distortion around port tuning
  • Require little amp power
  • Louder bass and more “boomy.”
  • Large box
  • Less accurate bass
  • Port

Please note that the efficiency of ported enclosures results from their ability to drive a lot of air and creates tremendously intense acoustic pressure. By enabling air to flow freely through the port, SPL subwoofers can roar more.

Another alternative enclosure for an SPL subwoofer is the sealed box. We do not recommend it as it can’t create and sustain high sound pressure levels for an extended period.

However, it can work for someone who prefers ‘tight’ and focused bass. However, if you are for booming bass and maximum volume, the ported option suits your needs. Here are the key features of sealed enclosures that influence the subwoofer’s bass:

  • Small box size
  • Requires lots of power for louder bass
  • Tighter and focused bass

In short, since a sealed box moderates the movement of the subwoofer’s diaphragm, the loudspeaker hardly thunders or roars. So, the choice is yours.

What Can Affect Your SPL Subwoofer’s Bass?

Size of Subwoofer

As we have seen, the type of your sub’s enclosure is essential, but you need to think seriously about the sub enclosure’s size. If you choose a small ported box, your SPL subwoofer will still likely perform below your expectations.

That explains why many SPL subs are very large. Many of them in the market today are 15 inches and 18 inches. Other users also have multiple SPL subwoofers.

With huge or multiple subwoofers, you get more cone area for creating more air pressure.

Type and Quality of Speakers and Tweeters

Your choice of speakers and tweeters play a vital role in the efficiency of SPL subwoofers. Of course, you need high-quality speakers.

Other than that, your subwoofer will make sure your neighbors can hear you if you are using metal tweeters. They are great at preventing the bass from draining our high audio frequencies.

Remember, deep bass can quickly destroy a weak tweeter cone or diaphragm.

Impedance Matching

Don’t forget that proper circuit operation relies heavily on the circuit’s ability to transfer signals efficiently.

So, if you choose the right SPL sub but fail to treat impedance correctly, it is highly likely that you will experience interruptions like reflections of signals and standing waves. Some users often incorrectly blame this on SPL subwoofers.

To avoid problems, you should ensure that your subwoofer’s impedance falls within that of your amplifier.

Best Music Genres For SQL Subwoofers

The best music genres for SQL subwoofers are those that are bass-heavy including rap, hip-hop, punk, techno, or other synthesized bass music.

SPL vs SQ Subwoofers

In addition to SQL subwoofers, there is another type of subwoofer on the market referred to as SQ or sound quality subwoofers.

As you may have guessed, SQ or sound quality subwoofers are designed to accurately reproduce the original source sound with the best sound quality. However, they won’t deliver the thundering bass that you can achieve from n SPL subwoofers.

You can read more on our article on SQL vs SQ subwoofers.

What’s Better In An SPL Subwoofer a 12 or a 15?

The subject of whether 15-inch subwoofers have a better foundation than 12-inch subwoofers is difficult to answer because, to be honest, “better” is a subjective term. Because 15-inch subwoofers are bigger, and so are able to displace more air than 12-inch subwoofers, the smaller ones will sound crisper and sharper.

This makes the 12-inch subs greater for quality bass generation and able to produce amazing sound on multiple frequencies.

SPL 12 Subwoofer Box

The SPL 12 inch shared vented dual enclosure comes with dual shared chamber. This is a heavy duty subwoofer box made with a ¾ inch MDF with 1 inch face.

It has gold tipped spring loaded terminal and premium charcoal colored carpet finish.

Key specifications include:

  • 6 cubic feet air space per sub
  • Height:13.25 inches
  • Width:36 inches
  • Depth:16.25 inches
  • The tuning frequency of the sub box is 39Hz

SPL 15 Subwoofer Box

Also referred to as shok 15’x2’ final, this SPL subwoofer box carries two subwoofers and is 15 inches in length.

Key specifications include:

  • The material thickness is 0.6 inches
  • Net internal volume is 6.28 cubic ft
  • The tuning frequency of the box is 34 Hz
  • Port area is 28.3 square inches
  • Pipe inner diameter is 6.00 inches
  • Pipe length is 4.61 inches s

SPL 18 Subwoofer Box

Type Sub woofer loudspeaker
Color Black
Frequency response 33Hz – 380Hz
LF driver 18 inch x 1
Power rating 900W
Peak power 3600W
Impedance 8 ohms
Sensitivity 100dB
Cabinet construction 18mm plywood
Cabinet finish Polyurethane coating
Dimension L715 x H525 x W762
Material thickness 0.71 inches
Net internal volume 7.06 ft
Pipe inner diameter 9.84 inches
Pipe length 22.56 inches
Weight 46Kg

SPL Vs SQ Subwoofers

SQ Subwoofers

An SQ subwoofer is one that is built for sound quality. They are typically smaller in size and deliver less power compared to SPL subwoofers.

This does not however mean that they are lame in terms of power output. Although they may not be louder than SPL, they can still produce clean and clear bass sound.

SQ subwoofers perfectly support music genres that rely on precise bass foundation such as hip hop, EDM, and R&B. Also, the subs perform best with rap or electronic dance music. If you are not up to music with powerful bass, an SQ subwoofer is the best.

SPL Subwoofers

SPL subwoofers are subwoofers that are built for power and volume. They are larger in size and have more power than SQ subwoofers.

If you prefer to listen to music with some ground-braking bass, then n SPL subwoofer is the way to go. They can be very loud and are perfect choice for people who love music with powerful bass foundation such as rock and metal.

Check out our guide on SPL vs SQ subwoofers to learn more.

SPL Gorilla Subwoofers

There are several SPL Gorilla subwoofers in the market today. However, it is important to consider the peak power when choosing the best for your home theater. Here are some of the SPL Gorilla subwoofers to buy:

  • Loud Sound SPL Audio Subwoofer Die Casted Aluminum Frame ODM OEM Service
  • Audio System SPL Car Speaker, Pro Audio Car Subwoofer Black Anodized Finish
  • 12 Inch SPL Car Speaker 1 Layer Magnet With Heavy Gauge Steel Basket
  • SPL Car Speaker Triple Stacked 450oz High Energy Magnets 2 Gasket Layers


SPL subwoofers are perfect for those who want to fill their rooms with deep bass. However, you should opt for a sizeable ported enclosure, metal tweeters, and quality speakers to get the best overall quality. Given the high demand for current, you should also correctly match the impedance of the SPL subwoofer and amplifier.

To je vse. We hope you will put these tips into practice to be able to get your desired high-pitched sound.

  1. Kaj Povzroča Subwoofer narediti visoko frekvenčni zvok ?
  2. Zakaj stereo zvočnikov Pop
  3. Kakšna jerazlika med Sealed , preneseno in poudarjen Subwoofer Enclosure
  4. Kaj jeHole v globokotonec
  5. Zakaj imajo ločen subwoofer