How to Boost Digital TV Signal Reception

Your television may not receive ghostly and snowy images since the 2009 transition from analog to digital signals, but digital broadcasts are not perfect. From channels blinking off and on to channels not being received at all by your digital converter box or television, digital TV broadcasts have its own unique set of problems. But there are ways to boost your digital TV signal reception and you don't have to modify your television or digital converter box.
Making Antenna Adjustments
1. korak
Turn on your television.
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Move any objects blocking your television's antenna to another location. Aim the antenna toward a window or other opening to increase signal reception.
3. korak
Click "Menu" on your television or digital converter box's remote control. Navigate to the "Signal Strength Meter." Move your television's antenna slowly as you watch the strength meter to position the antenna in the highest strength location possible, if you are still getting a poor signal on certain channels.
4. korak
Place the antenna on a shelf or location higher or lower than your television. A change in antenna location can improve reception.
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Turn the rotor knob slowly on the antenna box that controls your outdoor antenna to improve the digital TV signal reception.
Connecting a Bow-Tie Antenna
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Add a bow-tie antenna to your current antenna, if you are still experiencing reception problems, by turning off your television and attaching the bow-tie antenna to one of the aerials on your television's antenna.
2. korak
Plug the bow-tie antenna's connection cable into one of the coaxial ports on a splitter.
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Disconnect the antenna's coaxial cable from the back of your television or digital converter box.
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Kabel televizijske antene priključite na drugo koaksialno vrata na cepilo.
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En konec kosa koaksialnega kabla priključite v en koaksialni vrat na cepilnici.
6. korak
Drugi konec koaksialnega kabla priključite v vrata "antena v" na zadnji strani televizije ali digitalnega pretvornika.
7. korak
Turn on your television.
8. korak
Pritisnite gumb "Sken" ali "Meni" na daljinskem upravljalniku televizije ali digitalnega pretvornika.
9. korak
Select "Channel Scan" to scan the channels on your television or converter box so the TV or converter box can receive any new or missing channels.
Pogosto preučite kanale televizije ali pretvornika, da preverite, ali so na voljo novi ali manjkajoči kanali.
Prav tako lahko povečate sprejem digitalnega TV signala tako, da namestite signalni ojačevalnik. The signal booster is connected by unplugging your television's antenna and connecting the antenna's cable to the "Antenna" port on the signal booster. En konec kosa koaksialnega kabla priključite v vrata "antena out" na ojačevalniku. Drugi konec kabla priključite v vrata "antena v" na zadnji strani televizije ali digitalnega pretvornika.
Če uporabljate anteno, ki ima vgrajen ojačevalnik, ne namestite signalnega spodbujanja, da izboljšate sprejem vašega digitalnega TV signala. Prekomerno ojačan signal bo poškodoval televizijsko/digitalno pretvorniško polje.