Kako obrezati v Adobe Illustratorju

Programski paket Adobe Illustrator ponuja uporabnikom široko paleto zmogljivih orodij za risanje, ilustracije in postavitev. Ne glede na to, ali ste ambiciozni grafični umetnik ali delujoč profesionalec, je Illustrator eno izmed več orodij, ki bi moralo postati sestavni del vašega kompleta delovnih orodij.
Podobno kot katera koli najboljša grafična aplikacija, ki je danes na voljo, Illustrator uporabnikom poleg bolj zapletenih operacij ponuja možnost opravljanja preprostih nalog. Če poskušate obrezati v Illustratorju, lahko to storite z vrsto preprostih korakov.
Adobe Illustrator ponuja uporabnikom zmogljivo zbirko orodij, ki olajšajo profesionalna medijska opravila. Sliko lahko obrežete v Illustratorju tako, da v meniju »Object menu« izberete možnost »Crop Image«, izberete specifično regijo, ki jo želite ohraniti, in nato pritisnete tipko »Enter« ali »Return«.
Osnove Adobe Illustratorja
Adobe Illustrator je ena od številnih grafičnih aplikacij na profesionalni ravni, ki jih je oblikovala in prodajala družba Adobe. Ena glavnih razlik med Illustratorjem in njegovim priljubljenim primerkom Photoshopom je način urejanja in izvažanja slik. Medtem ko Photoshop deluje predvsem v formatu, ki temelji na slikovnih pikah, se Illustrator osredotoča na vektorsko delo.
Slike in umetnine, ustvarjene z uporabo vektorjev, je mogoče prilagoditi na poljubno velikost brez poslabšanja jasnosti ali ločljivosti. S tem v mislih je Illustrator postal standardna aplikacija za grafične umetnike, ki ustvarjajo nova dela, namesto da preprosto urejajo že obstoječe fotografije in druge digitalne medije.
Orodja, ki jih morate poznati v Illustratorju
Obrezovanje je ena od številnih funkcij, ki jih je mogoče hitro in enostavno izvesti v Illustratorju. That being said, it may be worth your time to explore the combination of tools available in Illustrator in order to ensure that you can get started with your work immediately.
The scissor tool in Illustrator is one of several common utilities that you will undoubtedly use. This particular tool allows you to cut out, move and delete specific sections of an image with a high degree of precision. For example, if you are attempting to remove a small portion of a larger image while preserving the integrity of the graphic content surrounding it, the scissor tool may be your best solution.
If you have used previous versions of the software, you may be familiar with the knife tool in Illustrator. However, Illustrator 2019 does not include this specific tool in the "Essentials" view of the workspace. Switching your workspace to the "Essentials Classic" mode, however, will bring the knife back to its original location.
Completing a Crop in Illustrator
To complete your crop, your first step should be to select the "Crop Image" option from the "Object" menu found in the toolbar at the top of your workspace. At this point, a small selection box should appear that will allow you to define the bounds of your cropped area. As you modify the cropped area, you should notice that Illustrator provides you with the current dimensions of this region.
This is particularly useful if you are planning your crop around spatial constraints within a larger document. Once you have selected the area you would like to crop to, you can simply press your "Enter" or "Return" key to complete the process. You should notice that the image onscreen has been cropped to your specific preferences. If you find that this crop is not exactly what you intended, you can return to the pre-cropped image by using the "Undo" command specific to your keyboard.