Kako je videti puščanje hladilnega sredstva? 11 znakov puščanja hladilnega sredstva AC, ki jih nikoli ne smete prezreti

Hladilno sredstvo, znano tudi kot hladilno sredstvo ali freon, je nedvomno najpomembnejši del vaše klimatske naprave. Hladilno sredstvo za izmenični tok je kemična spojina, ki je odgovorna za absorpcijo toplote iz zraka v zaprtih prostorih, njeno odvajanje na prosto in tako dovajanje hladnega zraka. Spreminja svoje stanje iz tekočine v plin in nazaj, ko teče skozi različne komponente vaše klimatske naprave, da dovaja hladen zrak (ali toploto v primeru reverzibilne klimatske naprave).
Ne glede na to, ali imate klimatsko napravo s kanali ali brez njih, za hlajenje vaše hiše uporablja hladilno sredstvo.
Včasih lahko hladilno sredstvo AC pušča, kar močno ovira hladilno sposobnost vašega AC. Če vaša klimatska naprava ne hladi dobro, so vaši računi nenadoma višji, voda kaplja ali opazite druge znake, ki so opisani spodaj, morate preveriti, ali pušča hladilno sredstvo.
Če sumite na puščanje hladilnega sredstva ali se želite o tem poučiti vnaprej, da bi se izognili poznejšim težavam, potem je ta članek za vas! Raziščite:
- Nevarnosti puščanja hladilnega sredstva AC
- Vzroki za puščanje hladilnega sredstva ali freona
- Znaki puščanja hladiva iz klimatske naprave
- Kaj storiti, če sumite, da hladilno sredstvo pušča
- Kako preprečiti puščanje hladilne tekočine AC
Nevarnosti puščanja AC hladilnega sredstva
Čeprav freon nima okusa ali vonja, vpliva na nas in našo okolico. Puščanje hladilnega sredstva je škodljivo za okolje, vaše zdravje in vašo HVAC enoto.
Nevarnost za okolje
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da CFC tanjšajo ozonski plašč, zaradi česar so bili opuščeni. Vendar so jih zamenjali s fluoroogljikovodiki (HFC) in delno halogeniranimi klorofluoroogljikovodiki (HCFC), ki imajo svoje težave. So izjemno močni toplogredni plini. Na primer, HFC 134-a, priljubljeno hladilno sredstvo, ima 3400-krat večji potencial globalnega segrevanja kot ogljikov dioksid. Medtem ko dandanes prehajajo na hladilno sredstvo R410A ali njegove nadgradnje, veliko klimatskih naprav še vedno vsebuje freon ali HFC.
Preprečevanje in takojšnje odpravljanje puščanja hladilnega sredstva, skupaj z odgovornim odstranjevanjem vaše klimatske naprave ob koncu njene življenjske dobe, lahko veliko pripomore k zmanjšanju vpliva enot HVAC na okolje.
Nevarnost za ljudi
Puščanje freona je vsekakor nevarno za zdravje in v primeru polnjenja naj se tega loti le strokovnjak. Če ste dlje časa izpostavljeni hladilnemu sredstvu, lahko doživite "zastrupitev s hladilnim sredstvom". Čeprav je nenamerna zastrupitev s hladilnim sredstvom redka, se je vseeno treba zavedati možnih nevarnosti. Simptomi blage do zmerne zastrupitve s hladilnim sredstvom vključujejo:
- Glavobol
- Omotičnost
- Bruhanje
- Slabost
- Kašelj
- Draženje oči, ušes in grla
Da bi se izognili nenamerni zastrupitvi s hladilnim sredstvom zaradi puščanja hladilnega sredstva, dajte vsako puščanje odpraviti čim prej.
Huda zastrupitev s hladilnim sredstvom je pogosta samo pri ljudeh, ki uporabljajo hladilno sredstvo kot rekreativno drogo in lahko povzroči izgubo zavesti, napade, komo ali nenadno smrt.
Nevarnost za vašo klimatsko napravo
Ker je hladilno sredstvo hladilno sredstvo, lahko puščanje hladilnega sredstva iz klimatske naprave močno škodi delovanju klimatske naprave.
Ko ima vaša klimatska naprava nizko vsebnost freona, to obremeni komponente vaše enote. Vaša AC enota se mora bolj potruditi, da doseže nastavljeno temperaturo, kar lahko privede do okvare kompresorja, če je dolgo časa ne upoštevate. Prav tako lahko povzroči zmrzovanje AC tuljav, zvišanje računov in splošno neučinkovito hlajenje.
4 Vzroki za puščanje hladilnega sredstva ali AC freona
Vzroki za uhajanje freona so številni. Hladilno sredstvo ni nekaj, kar se sčasoma porabi ali izčrpa; pušča zaradi težave, ki povzroči majhne luknje, ki omogočajo uhajanje hladilnega sredstva. Nekateri najpogostejši vzroki vključujejo:
1. Obraba AC enote
Starostna obraba in poškodbe so pogost vzrok za puščanje hladilnega sredstva iz klimatske naprave. Sčasoma lahko sklepi in povezave v vaši klimatski napravi oslabijo in erodirajo. Poleg tega se lahko gumijasta tesnila okoli servisnih ventilov ali priključki za dostop obrabijo in povzročijo puščanje hladiva.
Moreover, if you delay or neglect HVAC repairs and maintenance for a long time, you will face this issue sooner than expected.
2. Pinhole Leak
Also known as ‘Champagne leaks’ since they create tiny bubbles, pinhole leaks are very minute holes in your AC coils. They normally occur in older units as a result of degradation over time and the main cause is certain acids such as Formic formed by Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that are generally present in the air. Products such as air fresheners, glues or paints contain VOCs making it very easy for them to reach your indoor air conditioning unit. Overtime, these can eat or corrode your AC’s copper tubing causing tiny leaks.
Due to the vulnerability of copper tubing to VOCs forming formic acid, manufacturers are starting to switch to aluminum coils.
3. Vibrations
Your compressor motor, located outside, is an important component of your AC. If your outdoor unit is improperly sealed, it can generate severe vibrations, weakening refrigerant lines. Moreover, if your refrigerant lines were improperly installed in the first place, even mild vibration caused by the system’s running could wear holes in the copper coils, leading to an AC refrigerant leak.
4. Physical Damage
Children, animals, and lawnmowers have the potential to cause damage to your outdoor unit. In addition, lawnmowers can project their cuttings towards the outdoor unit, leading to debris build-up. Children and animals can accidentally hit or throw something while playing. This can also cause all sorts of physical damage. To prevent any damage to your outdoor AC unit, surround it with a block wall or install it higher up.
Read our guide to learn how to hide the air conditioner unit outside.
11 Signs of an AC Refrigerant Leak
Has your AC been acting up recently, and you can’t figure out why? If your AC isn’t turning on or its performance has taken a hit, a leaking refrigerant might be the cause to blame. Here are some signs your AC may have an air conditioner coolant leak:
1. Decreased Cooling Ability
The refrigerant absorbs heat from your home and releases it outside. If you have low refrigerant levels, effective heat transfer cannot take place. Thus, if your air conditioner has suddenly lost its cooling ability and doesn’t narrow down to any other cause, a refrigerant leak may be to blame.
2. AC Not Blowing Cold Air

A quick test is to place your hand right in front of your vents. If the air coming from the vents feels warm and you’ve tried everything to fix it but failed, then your AC could have a Freon leak.
3. Long Cooling Cycles
When your AC has a refrigerant leak, it often has a harder time reaching the set temperature on the thermostat. As a result, your HVAC unit must run longer than usual to achieve the desired temperature. If you notice your air conditioner is taking too long to reach a certain temperature, it’s best to get it checked.
4. Low Airflow
Place your hand directly in front of your AC vents. If the air is cold, but the airflow is too low, you may have a refrigerant leak. An air conditioner with a coolant leak cannot produce as much cold air as normal. While there may be many causes behind poor HVAC airflow, it may be due to a leak if everything else seems fine.
5. Unexpectedly High Electricity Bills
Due to a lack of coolant, your AC needs to work harder to cool your room effectively, leading to higher electricity bills.
If your electricity bills have skyrocketed despite no change in consumption, an HVAC refrigerant leak could be to blame. Increased bills indicate your AC is working longer than normal to reach your desired thermostat settings.
6. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Notice your AC freezing up even at the peak of summer? When refrigerant levels are too low, the evaporator coils cannot absorb heat adequately. As a result, the condensation on the coils freezes. Thus, ice crystals on the evaporator coils are often the result of a refrigerant leak.
7. AC Leaking Water
When your AC stops running, the frozen condensation on the evaporator coils melts, and water drips on the floor. If you didn’t notice you had frozen evaporator coils, a puddle of water on the floor near your HVAC unit is also indicative of a refrigerant leak.
8. Increased Indoor Humidity
Dehumidification is a natural result of your air conditioner’s cooling process. A fully functional air conditioner begins to offer serious dehumidification benefits after 15 minutes of runtime. Thus, if your house suddenly feels humid, it’s a sign you have a refrigerant leak.
9. Hissing or Bubbling Sounds
A refrigerant leak is the result of tiny holes or cracks in the coils. When coolant leaks through these holes, due to its high pressure, it produces a hissing noise. If the leak is large enough, there may even be a bubbling or gurgling noise coming from your unit.
10. Tiny Bubbles in the Evaporator Coils
If your evaporator coil has tiny holes through which it is leaking refrigerant, you can detect them by a collection of tiny bubbles near the leak. These are also known as “champagne leaks” due to the presence of tiny bubbles.
11. A Sweet or Chloroform-Like Smell
Your sense of smell can be your strongest ally when attempting to diagnose problems with your air conditioner. Odd smells from your air conditioner often signal a deeper problem.
For example, most refrigerants have a sweet or chloroform-like odor. If you smell any of those, it’s time to contact a professional. However, some refrigerants are completely odorless, so keep an eye out for other signs as well.
What to Do if You Suspect a Refrigerant Leak?
Since refrigerant leaks can be hazardous, never attempt to fix them yourself. Always leave it to a certified HVAC professional. Be wary of any professionals who recharge the refrigerant without finding the source of the leak and fixing it.
The leak will reoccur, leading to expensive repairs in the future. A qualified technician will also be able to judge whether your air conditioner needs to be replaced or if it is worth fixing the leak.
How to Prevent a Refrigerant Leak?
Over time, pollutants and debris can build up on your coils, leading to the formation of formic acid. Formic acid can create holes in copper coils, leading to your air conditioner leaking refrigerant. Therefore, regularly cleaning your AC coils is the first step towards preventing an AC refrigerant leakage.
While refrigerant leaks mostly occur due to age-related wear and tear, you can still take some steps to prevent them. One of these is regular maintenance of your HVAC unit. Schedule annual maintenance, especially before the summer and winter seasons, to identify and repair any issue beforehand.
Though coolant leaks can put a damper on your AC’s performance, you shouldn’t be too worried. Once you know how to detect a refrigerant leak, you can easily contact an HVAC professional to fix it. Your AC will be up and running in no time! Just make sure it doesn’t get ignored for too long otherwise, you could end up with a bigger, more expensive problem.