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Zamenjava HVAC:Kdaj naj zamenjam svojo HVAC enoto?

Vaš HVAC sistem je odgovoren za to, da vam je udobno skozi vse leto. Pozimi vas bo sistem grel, poleti pa vas bo sistem HVAC hladil. Prav tako prezračuje zrak v vašem domu, da kroži svež zrak in pomaga odstraniti prah in alergene.

Toda kaj se zgodi, ko sistem HVAC ne deluje več tako učinkovito, kot bi moral?

Preprosto povedano, vi in ​​vaša družina se ne boste več udobno počutili v svojem domu, vaši računi za komunalne storitve pa bodo morda opazno višji. Včasih je težave z učinkovitostjo mogoče rešiti s popravili. Drugič je treba načrtovati zamenjavo HVAC.

Toda kako veste, ali je vaš HVAC sistem treba zamenjati ali ali bo popravilo rešilo težavo? Nadaljujte z branjem spodaj, če želite izvedeti nekaj pomembnih znakov, da je čas za zamenjavo ogrevalnega, prezračevalnega in klimatskega sistema namesto za popravilo.

Vaš sistem HVAC je star več kot 10 let

Povprečna življenjska doba HVAC enote se giblje med 10 in 20 leti, odvisno od več dejavnikov. Če je vaš sistem starejši od deset let, se morda zdi, da deluje. V resnici je verjetno postal veliko manj učinkovit in vas lahko stane veliko dodatnega denarja.

Številne novejše enote HVAC, na primer tiste, ki jih prodaja Carrier, so veliko bolj učinkovite. Some units have such a high efficiency rating they can end up paying for themselves over time.

As systems become older, they start to wear down. The more an HVAC system runs, the faster it ages. After a certain point, replacement becomes the more cost-effective option because you’ll save considerably on repairs, maintenance, and energy bills.

Your Energy Bills Are Higher Than Normal

A small increase in your energy bills is standard when you need more heat or cooling than usual. Freezing winters and boiling summers are a common cause to see a temporary increase in energy bills.

But what if those energy bills continue to rise, despite no apparent changes to how you run your unit?

The rise in costs may be slow and steady, but it can cost you a fortune over time. If this sounds like your situation, it’s probably time for an HVAC replacement.

A Repair Will Cost Half or More of What Replacement Would Cost

If your air conditioning and heating system has broken, your repair cost will let you know whether it’s worthwhile to have a new one installed. If the repair costs half or more what a new unit would, experts recommend moving forward with a replacement.

The idea is that more extensive repairs usually signal a unit that’s on its way out. Paying half or more the cost of a HVAC replacement isn’t an efficient use of time, money, or energy.

You Can’t Keep Your Home at a Comfortable Temperature

One of the most noticeable signs it’s time for an HVAC replacement is finding it challenging to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. This includes finding it difficult to cool your home in summer and heat your home in winter. It may not be able to remove the humidity as efficiently as it did before, and that can make your indoor environment less comfortable.

When an HVAC system either gets old or falls into a state of disrepair, it no longer works as efficiently as it once did. When a unit doesn’t work efficiently, it cannot do the job it was designed to. When your home can no longer be kept at an appropriate temperature, homeowners should start looking into replacing their HVAC units.

Odd Sounds or Loud Noises Are Coming From the HVAC System

You may be familiar with the sounds of your HVAC system starting up and shutting off. While these noises are normal, many others are not.

Loud clangs and bangs, or even whistling can be signs there is a significant issue. If these issues are caught early enough, it is sometimes reasonable to repair your HVAC unit. More often than not, however, these odd noises are signs of more significant issues that require replacing the entire central air conditioning and heating system.

You Notice an Increase in Dust Around Your Home

Besides heating or cooling your home, an HVAC system is also meant to circulate air. By doing this, your HVAC system filters much of the dust and allergens from the air.

If you notice more dust around your home, this is a sign your HVAC unit is no longer ventilating and filtering the air around your home correctly. The first step is to check the air filters to see if they need to be replaced or cleaned. If this doesn’t solve the problem, however, your unit might no longer be able to perform as it should.

If You Still Aren’t Sure Whether You Need to Replace Your HVAC System

If you’re still on the fence about whether you need to replace your HVAC system, the best thing to do is ask a professional. An licensed HVAC technician can inspect your unit to see what the problem is. Depending on what they find, the expert can tell you whether they suggest repairing or replacing your unit. A second opinion is another tactic you can take if you’re not sure if replacement is needed.

During their inspection, an HVAC technician may find issues you wouldn’t otherwise be aware of. Whether they suggest repairs or replacement, the expert you hired should also be able to help you moving forward.

It’s important to note that if you need HVAC replacement, it isn’t a do-it-yourself job. Working with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units is both complex and potentially dangerous. You should always have a professional handle replacement or necessary repairs.

Do You Have More Questions About HVAC Replacement?

There are several reasons you may want to replace your HVAC system. The most common reasons are listed above. If you still aren’t sure, you can consult with a professional HVAC technician.

Do you have more questions about HVAC replacement? Or would you like to schedule an inspection of your HVAC system?

Contact Terry’s A/C &Heating today if you think you might need AC service or an HVAC replacement. Our family-owned company strives to treat each of our customers like family. See what makes our company different from others in the Houston, Texas area.

One of our associates would be more than happy to answer any questions you might still have. They can also set you up for an appointment if you need one.

Photo Credit:Canva.com/vshal

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