Težave pri delovanju klimatske naprave brez filtra
Zračni filtri so pomemben del klimatske naprave in čeprav vaša klimatska naprava lahko deluje brez njih, to ni pametno. Filtri so odgovorni za blokiranje umazanije in ostankov pred vstopom v vašo klimatsko napravo ter vam omogočajo čist in zdrav zrak za dihanje. Če filtra ni, se umazanija in ostanki naberejo v vašem sistemu, kar povzroči zmanjšano kakovost zraka v vašem domu in po določenem času resno poškoduje vaš sistem. Pri delovanju klimatske naprave brez filtra se lahko srečate z različnimi težavami, ki vam jih bomo podrobneje opisali v tem članku.
Težave pri delovanju klimatske naprave brez filtra
Ko se zrak vsesa v klimatsko napravo, filter deluje kot pregrada pred odprtino in preprečuje, da bi umazanija in ostanki prišli v sistem skupaj z zrakom. Pomanjkanje filtra lahko dolgoročno močno vpliva na kakovost zraka v zaprtih prostorih in na delovanje klimatske naprave.

Najbolj priporočeni filtri za vašo klimatsko napravo so:
- Čistilec zraka Celotna hiša Uv luč v kanalu za Hvac AC (klimatska naprava) Kanalski germicidni filter + 2 nadomestni žarnici
- Originalni PURE AIR UV čistilec zraka Dvojna UV UVC lučka za celotno hišo v kanalu za HVAC AC kanal GERMICIDNI filter
- Zamenjava nagubanega elektrostatičnega zračnega filtra Trophy Air 20x25x1 | Pralno | 6-stopenjski HVAC | Zaščita pred mikro alergeni, bolj zdravo domače okolje | Zamenjava zračnega filtra AC peči | Izdelano v ZDA
- Air-Care 16x20x1 Srebrni elektrostatični pralni zračni filter za klimatsko napravo – omejeno, nikoli ne kupujte drugega filtra!! – Izdelano v ZDA
- Flanders PrecisionAire 10155.011212 12 x 12 x 1 ploski zračni filter EZ
- Fiberglass Filter Purolator/Indigo 20x20x1 (12 paketov)
- AIRx Filtri Allergy 16x25x1 Air Filter MERV 11 AC Furnace Pleated Air Filter Replacement Box of 6, Made in USA
- Naguban zračni filter Aerostar Allergen &Pet Dander 16 3/8×21 1/2×1 MERV 11, izdelan v ZDA (dejanska velikost:16 3/8″x21 1/2″x3/4″), Paket 6 kosov
- Nagubani zračni filter Aerostar Home Max 20x20x1 MERV 13, izdelan v ZDA, zajame virusne delce, paket 6 kosov
Sledi nekaj težav pri delovanju klimatske naprave brez filtra:
- Težave z odvajanjem kondenzata:
Ko gre zrak skozi tuljavo uparjalnika klimatske naprave, pretvori vlago, ki je v zraku, v vodo. Ta kondenzirana voda kaplja navzdol v odtočno posodo in nato preide skozi odtočno cev do izhodne cevi. Filter vaše klimatske naprave zadržuje umazanijo in smeti stran od odvoda kondenzata in preprečuje njegovo zamašitev. Zamašen odtok ne more prenesti kondenzirane vode navzven in posledično povzroči škodo zaradi vode na vaši klimatski napravi. Če te poškodbe zaradi vode ne nadzorujete dlje časa, lahko povzročijo resne trajne poškodbe vaše klimatske naprave.
- Air quality problems:
The filter of your air conditioner is responsible for improving the air quality of your home by capturing the dirt, dust, and other pollutants present in the air. When there is no filter in your AC, the dirt and other particulates just pass through the air vents and remain inside the air of your house for you to breathe in. The impurities suspended in your indoor air due to lack of filter decrease the air quality of your home and it can cause some health issues, such as:
a) Symptoms of flu
b) Nose and throat irritation
c) Itchy and watery eyes
d) Increased chances of an asthma attack
e) Respiratory disease - Frozen evaporator coils:
The evaporator coils of your air conditioner are responsible for converting the refrigerant running in the system from liquid to gas by absorbing the heat from the air. This gaseous form of the refrigerant is then transferred to the condenser and converted back into liquid form, before releasing the heat outside. If you have dirty filters in your AC or no filter at all, dirt and debris will collect inside the system. This dirt and debris stick to the evaporator coils carrying the refrigerant, causing the system difficulty for the evaporator coils to absorb heat. This inability to absorb heat will cause the condensation to become too cold and lead the evaporator coils to freeze.
Image credit:pixy.org
This issue of frozen evaporator coils will lead to some serious issues such as:
a) Increased energy bills: The frozen evaporator coils are unable to absorb heat efficiently, causing your air conditioner to run for longer periods to cool your home. The system running for a longer period will lead to increased energy usage and thus increased energy bills.
b) Damaged compressor: The compressor is located in the outdoor unit of your air conditioner and is responsible for pumping the refrigerant throughout your system. But when the evaporator coils freeze, it becomes difficult to transfer the refrigerant in the system. When you keep running your air conditioner with frozen evaporator coils, it will put more pressure on the compressor resulting in damage to the compressor of your system. Now, the compressor is an important and expensive part of your AC and your system will not function without a compressor.
c) Less conditioned air: Frozen evaporator coils cause the air conditioner to produce less conditioned air. When your evaporator coils are frozen, the air coming out from your air vents will be very less and cooler than normal. It will affect your air conditioner in the long run and can even cause serious damage to the system. - Ductwork problems:
The dirt and debris that stick don’t to the evaporator coils travel through your ductwork, due to lack of filter. The debris traveling through the ductwork is trapped inside it, causing moisture to build up inside the ductwork. This accumulated moisture in the ductwork is the perfect place for molds to grow. After that, whenever you run your air conditioner, the mold spores will circulate inside your home with the air. These mold spores in the air of your home cause several health issues such as allergies, asthma, etc.
Image credit:Wikimedia Commons
The filter of your air conditioner plays an important role in providing you clean, healthy air and helping your system to perform its work efficiently. Therefore, it is a must to use a filter in your air conditioner. You can choose the best air filter for your air conditioner based on various factors like size of the filter, types of filter, MERV ratings, etc. Get the best air filter suitable for your air conditioner and home and breathe in the air of peace and relief.