Kako izbrati najboljši kopalniški grelnik
Dejstvo preverjeno
Kopalniški grelec lahko strašno kopalnico spremeni v topel raj, če le izberete pravega.
Predstavljajte si tole:stopite iz parne prhe v svojo bleščeče čisto kopalnico in postavite noge v mehko, plišasto kopalno preprogo. Zavijete se v svojo najljubšo puhasto kopalno brisačo in si vzamete čas, da se odpravite do ogledala, kjer kljub pari odlično vidite svoj obraz, in se začnete pripravljati na dan v popolnem udobju.
Vse to lahko dosežete s čarobnostjo kopalniškega grelnika. Nič več mrzlih ploščic, zmrzovanja nog ali predolgega visenja pod tušem. Z dodatkom kopalniškega grelnika hladnega šoka ni več in vaša kopalnica je odličen kraj za bivanje.
Izbira pravega kopalniškega grelnika je pomembna in na srečo je preprosta. Preprosto je treba poznati svoje možnosti in razumeti svoje potrebe. Canstar Blue je sestavil priročen vodnik po kopalniških grelnikih in dodal celo nekaj možnosti, tako da lahko porabite manj časa za iskanje in več časa za udobno bivanje.
Na tej strani:
- 6 najboljših kopalniških grelnikov
- Vodnik za nakup kopalniških grelnikov
- Različne vrste kopalniških grelnikov
- Prednosti kopalniškega grelnika
- Koliko stanejo kopalniški grelci?
- Kaj iskati pri kopalniškem grelniku
6 najboljših kopalniških grelnikov
Kopalnice so različnih oblik in velikosti, zato je pomembno, da izberete grelnik, ki ustreza vašemu prostoru. Medtem ko so možnosti neskončne, je Canstar Blue naredil vse za vas in izbral najboljše kopalniške grelnike v ponudbi, z enotami, ki ustrezajo vsem, od tal do stropa.
Najboljši stenski grelnik
Nobo 1000W tanek električni grelnik za stensko montažo – 489,95 USD*
Stenski grelnik je odličen prihranek prostora, idealen za tiste z majhnimi kopalnicami. Ozki panelni grelnik Nobo 1000 W je še posebej primeren za tiste, ki želijo prinesti toploto, vendar ne želijo, da njihova enota štrli ven. Ta grelec, ki je debel samo 5,5 cm, ima skrite zračne reže za odstranjevanje vizualne nereda in ga lahko vstavite kamor koli; ima tudi izhodno moč 1000 W in deluje dovolj tiho, da je primeren za kopalnice ali bivalne prostore.
Glavne značilnosti ozkega stenskega grelnika Nobo 1000 W vključujejo:
- Ogrevalna moč:1000 W
- Izjemno natančen termostat (nihanje le 0,1 °C)
- Ocena IP24 (zaščita pred vdorom vlage)
- Skrije zračnike in se zlije s steno
- Tiho
- Priporočena velikost sobe:10 m²
Najboljši prenosni grelnik
Olimpia Splendid 2200 W keramični grelnik – 189 USD*
Prenosni grelnik je vaš najboljši prijatelj pozimi. Ne glede na to, ali počivate na kavču, trdo delate v delovni sobi ali se pripravljate v kopalnici, gre vaš topel mali partner lahko kamorkoli greste. Keramični grelnik Olimpia Splendid (CALDOSTILE DT) ima zaslon na dotik, daljinski upravljalnik, preklopno stikalo in funkcijo proti ledu. Ima tudi prednost, saj ima visoko toplotno moč, nihajočo zasnovo, ki spodbuja pretok toplega zraka, in časovnik, tako da lahko kopalnico ogrejete, še preden vstopite vanjo.
Glavne značilnosti keramičnega grelnika Olimpia Splendid vključujejo:
- Ogrevalna moč:2200 W
- Termostat in časovnik
- Lahek (2,6 kg)
- Oscilirajoča porazdelitev toplote
Najboljši stropni grelec
Kopalniški grelec Profile Plus 4 LED z izpušnim ventilatorjem − 284 USD – 304 USD*
Dobra svetloba je ključnega pomena v kopalnici, zato, če želite stropni grelec, se prepričajte, da izberete takšnega, ki vam lahko osvetli življenje. Izpušni ventilator je prav tako na višjem koncu prednostne izbire, saj ne le omogoča, da vaš prostor ostane svež, ampak tudi sesa vlago iz zraka in preprečuje plesen. Kopalniški grelnik Profile Plus je odličen primer stropnega grelnika, ki združuje vse te lastnosti, hkrati pa je videti dovolj eleganten, da krasi vsak kopalniški prostor. Upoštevajte, da je treba stropne grelnike namestiti.
Glavne značilnosti kopalniškega grelnika Profile Plus vključujejo:
- Štiri grelne luči in LED luči
- Zmogljivo odvajanje zraka (460 m³/uro)
- Motor s krogličnimi ležaji
- 300 cm aluminijast kanal
Najboljši grelec za velik prostor
Vgradni kopalniški grelec Ventair Sunset 1200 W – 704 USD*
Velika kopalnica je luksuz – dokler ne pride zima, ko nenadoma postane najhladnejši prostor v hiši! Na srečo obstaja veliko možnosti za ogrevanje teh veličastnih stranišč. Ventair Sunset sevalni grelnik lahko prinese toplo, ambientalno vzdušje v vsak velik prostor. Ima izjemno tanko zasnovo, ki omogoča, da je poravnan s stropom, medtem ko iz keramičnega stekla oddaja do 1200 W toplote z nizkim bleščanjem.
Glavne značilnosti sevalnega grelnika Ventair Sunset vključujejo:
- Ogrevalna moč:1200 W
- Ocena prahu in vlage IP65
- Oniks keramično steklo za odličen prenos toplote
- Izjemno tanek dizajn
- Idealna višina namestitve je tri metre
Najboljši grelnik z več funkcijami
Grelec Ventair Myka 4 z izpušnim ventilatorjem – 209 USD*
V kopalnici se marsikaj dogaja, zato včasih potrebujete več kot grelec. Ventair Myka 4 je grelec, luč in izpušna naprava, združeni v enem aparatu. Njegova tanka oblika pomeni, da se lahko udobno prilega vašemu stropu, medtem ko štiristopenjska stikala pomenijo, da lahko izberete, kdaj želite svetlobo, toploto ali izpušne pline. Tako kot drugi omenjeni grelniki so dobri za preprečevanje nabiranja vlage, sevalna toplota pa ustvarja vzdušje v vaši kopalnici.
Ključne značilnosti Ventair Myka 4 vključujejo:
- 10W LED luč
- Stranski odvodni ventilator
- Toplotno varnostno stikalo
- Priloženo je vse, kar potrebujete za samostojno namestitev enote
Najboljši grelec po nizki ceni
Heller stenski grelec 2000 W z daljinskim upravljalnikom – 104,95 USD*
Včasih se preprosto želite pogreti, ne da bi pri tem porabili veliko denarja – tu pridejo na vrsto poceni grelniki. Stenski grelnik Heller z močjo 2000 W obljublja, da vas bo ogrel, ne da bi ga opazili. Njegova tanka zasnova se dobro zlije s steno, njegova moč gretja 2000 W pa zagotavlja, da ne boste čutili tistega zimskega mraza. Ta model ima tudi kul funkcijo, zaradi česar je primeren za vse letne čase.
Glavne značilnosti stenskega grelnika Heller 2000 W vključujejo:
- Dve nastavitvi toplote
- Funkcije ventilatorja za hlajenje, ogrevanje in vroče
- LED zaslon
- 12-urni časovnik
- Zmogljivosti zaščite pred pregrevanjem
- Daljinsko upravljanje
Kateri je energijsko najučinkovitejši grelec?
Sevalni grelniki so energijsko najučinkovitejši grelniki, če jih uporabljate krajši čas. Ti sevajo toploto na osebe in predmete v neposredni bližini, kjer se lahko toplota zadrži dlje. Konvekcijski grelniki so energetsko najmanj učinkoviti, saj v prostor vpihujejo segret zrak, ki se zlahka izgubi, ko so vrata odprta ali če okna niso dobro tesnjena. Prav tako se segrejejo dlje.
Ali je v kopalnici varno uporabljati grelec?
Večina prenosnih električnih grelnikov ni primerna za uporabo v prostorih z visoko vlažnostjo (kot so kopalnice), ker:
- električni grelniki, ki se uporabljajo v bližini vode, predstavljajo nevarnost električnega udara za vse družinske člane
- vlaga v zraku lahko povzroči, da notranji elementi v napravi sčasoma zarjavijo, kar povzroči krajšo življenjsko dobo.
Vendar pa gre za prenosne grelnike (čeprav zelo malo), ki so posebej zasnovani za uporabo v kopalnici. Elektrika in voda nista nikoli dobra mešanica, zato mora biti vsak grelnik, ki je vgrajen v kopalnico, ustrezno vodotesen in vodoodporen, da preprečite električni udar in poškodbe vaše enote. Če ste v dvomih, izklopite grelnik na steni, preden spustite vodo.
Preberite več:Kateri je najboljši način za ogrevanje kopalnice?
Vodnik za nakup kopalniškega grelnika
Ko se prebijate skozi vodnik, poskusite imeti v mislih, kakšen prostor želite ogrevati. Ujemanje velikosti kopalnice s pravim grelnikom je najboljši način, da najdete idealno napravo za vaš dom. Poleg tega si vedno zapomnite, ne glede na to, ali je prenosen, stenski ali stropni, mora biti ustrezno vodoodporen, da je varen za uporabo.
Kaj je v našem nakupovalnem vodniku?
- Različne vrste kopalniških grelnikov
- Prednosti kopalniškega grelnika
- Koliko stanejo kopalniški grelci?
- Kaj iskati pri kopalniškem grelniku
- Ali se kopalniški grelci splačajo?
Različne vrste kopalniških grelnikov
Kopalniške grelnike delimo na vgradne in prenosne grelnike. Nameščen grelnik zahteva, da tehnik pride k vam domov in vam vgradi aparat, medtem ko lahko prenosni grelec prenašate iz sobe v sobo. Vsaka vrsta grelnika ima svoje prednosti in slabosti, ki so opisane spodaj, skupaj s kratkim opisom, kaj vsak tip zmore. Portable, wall-mounted and ceiling heaters explain where the heaters are installed, while infrared, convection and fan-forced explain the type of heat these technologies produce. It should be noted that oil-filled and ceramic heaters are not mentioned, as they are generally not suitable to use in bathrooms.
Different types of bathroom heaters include:
- Portable heaters
- Wall-mounted heaters
- Ceiling-installed heaters
- Infrared heaters
- Convection heaters
- Panelni grelci
- Fan-forced heaters
Portable heaters
A portable heater refers to any heating unit that can be moved to different rooms around your house. They have an average power output above 1000W, and are small enough to move around by hand, which makes them highly convenient. They usually have a few different heat settings, a timer and a temperature display and can be operated by a control panel, or via remote control. You can pick up a portable heater from a hardware store, a department store, or even a supermarket.
Pros | Cons |
Can be moved to anywhere in the house | Can be dangerous if it’s placed too close to fabrics or objects that block ventilation |
Save on heating costs by only heating one space at a time | Can be expensive to run if it’s left to run for a long time or to heat a large space |
A budget-friendly option if you only need, or use the heater occasionally | Some portable heaters may not be bathroom specific, and if they aren’t, you cannot use them in the bathroom. A bathroom heater must be waterproofed to be able to withstand not only the inevitable droplets but the moisture build that occurs in the bathroom |
Cheap and easy to buy | Portable heaters are not as powerful as other types of heaters, so won’t be effective in every climate or space |
No installation required | Have a shorter lifespan |
Wall-mounted heaters
Wall-mounted heaters are heating units that are attached to the wall, usually via a mount, but they can also be installed into the wall with a vent. They are useful for heating smaller spaces like bathrooms, bedrooms and studios, as they save space by being off the floor, heat up quickly and generate enough warmth to easily keep a smaller room toasty.
You can purchase electric wall heaters, which are the mounted kind, or have a gas wall heater installed. An electric wall heater is usually cheaper, requires less installation, and is suitable for smaller rooms. A gas wall heater is usually more expensive, requires a more involved installation process but is better at heating larger spaces.
Pros | Cons |
Save floor space | Not suitable for large spaces |
Can be safely left unattended | Require installation |
Cheaper running costs | Not ducted, which increases the time it takes to heat a room |
Warm up quickly | Can be an aesthetic disruption to a space |
Ceiling-installed heaters
Ceiling heaters are, as the name suggests, heaters that are installed onto your ceiling. They can be nestled within the roof, or be suspended from it, and are operated via a switch on the wall or a pull cord. Ceiling heaters are a popular choice for bathrooms, as they usually come with lights and often extraction fans built into the same panel. They save space by combining these features, and their location is unintrusive to a space. Most ceiling heaters operate above 2000W and are good at heating larger spaces, including those with openings.
Pros | Cons |
Reduce clutter | Require installation |
Able to heat large spaces | May not suit every space |
Often come with additional features such as lights and extraction fans | Fans can be noisy |
Some come with reverse systems, allowing you to also cool a room in summer | Cost more to buy upfront |
Infrared heaters
Infrared heaters work by emitting heat rays that are then absorbed by other objects, similar to the sun. The cumulative heat of the heater and objects gradually increases the temperature in the room. This makes them an energy-efficient alternative to other types of heating. Many bathroom heaters work via infrared heating technology, as they heat up quickly, give off a warm glow and stop heating a space when off – everything you want when you’re dashing in and out of the shower. Most infrared heaters operate at 1500W, and can heat large and smaller spaces.
Pros | Cons |
Energy efficient | Some can get quite hot, making them dangerous to touch |
Provide an ambient atmosphere | Emit a red glow that may not suit every space |
Heat up quickly | Only produce heat when they are on and don’t provide residual heat |
Quiet &no pollutants | Not suitable around pets &children |
Convection heaters
Convection heaters warm up a room by drawing cool air in at the bottom, and producing warm air at the top, via a heated element. This makes them a good choice for rooms that can be closed off to avoid the heat escaping through windows, doors and floor gaps. This also makes them great at heating up smaller rooms in the house, like bathrooms. Panel heaters are usually pretty cheap to pick up, but they are not the most energy-efficient heater, which can make them more expensive to run. Panel heaters generally operate above 2000W.
Pros | Cons |
Cheap to buy | Take up floor space |
Warm-up a room nicely | Not the most energy-efficient |
Cost effective if you use them for a long time | Take a while to heat up |
Great for small rooms | Expensive to run compared to their heat output |
Fan forced heaters
Fan forced heaters warm up a room by heating an element inside the unit and using a fan to blow the hot air across the element and out through a vent. They can be quite small and compact, and are good at warming up small spaces quickly, making them a popular choice as a cheap bathroom heater. They can be sold on their own, or as an additional unit with lighting.
Pros | Cons |
Compact | The fan(s) can be noisy |
Heat up a space quickly | Unable to emit the temperature of other heaters |
Cheap to buy | Not suitable for large areas |
Benefits of a bathroom heater
If you’re still on the fence as to whether a heater is worth the investment, consider some of the additional benefits of a toasty bathroom.
Benefits of a bathroom heater include:
- Doubles as a dehumidifier
- Reduces steam – allowing you to use the mirror straight after a shower or, allowing someone else to use it while you’re soaping up in the steam – the holy grail of bathroom sharing.
- Reduces the moisture in the air, which in turn prevents mould build-up on the bathroom fixtures, on the ceiling and walls.
- Saves water and time – there’s no need to prolong jumping out of a hot shower if your bathroom is just as warm as the water.
How much do bathroom heaters cost?
Heaters sit on the more affordable end of bathroom accessories. They can range from $50 for a small wall-mount unit, right up to $900 for an installed unit with additional features. The price of your heater will fluctuate depending on whether it needs to be installed, how big it is and how much heat it can emit. Interestingly enough, a bigger price tag does not always equate to a better unit. In fact, you are better off considering exactly how and where you’re going to use your heater, and find a unit to match those needs, rather than going off the price.
What type of heater is cheapest to run?
In general, infrared heaters are the cheapest heaters to run because they use 100% of the heat they produce. Infrared heaters function by adding heat to objects, not the air. This means the heat is more easily retained, and can be more effectively generated to create a warmer environment.
The cost of running a heater depends on a variety of factors including:
- How and when you use your heater
- The size of the room you are heating
- How well insulated your space is
- How much you pay for connection to gas and electricity
What to look for in a bathroom heater
Heat is heat, right? When you’re freezing, grabbing any old heater can seem mighty tempting, but taking the time to choose the right unit can save you time, money, and cold toes in the long run. Listed below are some of the most important things to look for when buying a bathroom heater.
- Waterproofing: Bathrooms are naturally humid places. Between the shower, the bath, the sink and the toilet, there’s enough water running through the place to warrant a lifejacket or two. When it comes to water and electrics, it’s a dangerous combo, so if you don’t want to battle a fire after your bubble bath, you need to look for a heater with a good safety rating.
- Wattage: Every heater comes with a wattage reading. Before you jump to the highest one, consider your heating needs – a small room may require a lower heating capacity or you may live somewhere that only needs minimal heating at certain times throughout the year, or maybe you just want something to heat up fast. Choosing the right wattage will save you money in the long run.
- Velikost: Choose a heater size that fits the room, but bear in mind that some types of heaters throw out more heat than others, regardless of the size. It’s more important to match the size of the room to heat output when selecting a unit.
- Heating times: Don’t leave yourself out in the cold – look at how long a heater takes to warm up. If it’s too long, it probably isn’t worth putting in the bathroom, where you won’t spend hours of your time.
- Controls: Controls allow you to get the most out of your unit. Here are some common ones to look out for.
- A thermostat cuts down on power costs and gives you temperature control
- A remote allows you to use the heater from anywhere in the room or even house
- Multiple switches independently control fans, heat, and lights
- Safety features such as automatic switch-off, tip-off sensors, drip protection, and waterproofing
- A timer will set heating times, or even preheat a room before you enter it
Are bathroom heaters worth it?
A bathroom heater is (quite literally) a small price to pay for a greatly improved bathroom experience. For less than $60 you can transform your bathroom into a toasty oasis, and ban those winter chills for good.
Key things to remember before purchasing a heater
- The size of the room you are heating
- How often you use your heater
- The capabilities of the heater
Check out our guides on portable, electric, and panel heaters if you’re looking for more information on how to heat your home.
*Prices taken from respective retailers, correct as of July 2022.