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Kako očistiti in vzdrževati vaš aparat za kavo

Na dobro skodelico kave vpliva veliko dejavnikov, eden od njih je čistoča vašega kavnega aparata. Kakršna koli nakopičena olja in umazanija lahko pokvarijo okus vašega domačega zvarka, kava pa pusti grenak okus. Torej, če želite odlično kavo, morate opraviti umazano delo in poskrbeti, da bo vaš aparat ves čas čist.

Obstajajo trije glavni tipi espresso kavnih avtomatov – ročni, s kapsulo/kavo in samodejni – kar pomeni, da nekateri deli obstajajo na nekaterih modelih, drugi pa ne (manj komponent za čiščenje, juhu!). Ker nekateri kavni avtomati stanejo 5000 $ ali več, je v vašem interesu, da ostanejo čisti in delujejo čim dlje.

Kako očistiti kavni aparat

Svoje prednostne naloge pri čiščenju aparata za kavo boste morali razdeliti na vsakodnevno, tedensko, mesečno in letno čiščenje. Obstajajo manjša čiščenja, ki jih boste morali opraviti, če vaš stroj uporabljate vsak dan, in večja čiščenja, ki jih morate opraviti vsak mesec.

Tako si razdelite čas, da ne boste porabili ves čas za vsakodnevno dolgotrajno čiščenje, obenem pa dobite najbolj kakovostno kavo, ki jo lahko skuha vaš aparat. Če ste zmedeni glede katere koli terminologije, ki jo uporabljamo, smo spodaj na strani vključili glosar.

Dnevno vzdrževanje kavnega aparata

Vse, kar se uporablja v procesu proizvodnje espresso kave, je treba pogosto obrisati, da se odstranijo zmleti in olja, ki ostanejo. Priporočljivo je, da če imate avtomatski aparat, ga očistite vsak dan in splaknete po vsaki pijači.

  • Osnovno odstranljivo pranje: operite vse odstranljive dele
  • Zunanje čiščenje: obrišite zunanjost stroja z mehko vlažno krpo
  • Izpiranje pladnja za zbiranje tekočine: izpraznite pladenj za kapljanje in ga obrišite
  • Palica za penjenje mleka: obrišite in očistite cev za penjenje mleka
  • Čiščenje košare filtra: odstranite košarico filtra iz portafiltra in jo obrišite s čisto krpo
  • Ročni strojni portafiltri: pri ročnih aparatih odstranite vse ostanke kave iz vratnih filtrov in jih temeljito sperite.

Tedensko vzdrževanje kavnega aparata

Vaš stroj je treba vsaj enkrat na teden (ali štirinajst dni, če ga ne uporabljate vsak dan) temeljiteje očistiti s čistilom. Redna čiščenja, kot je to, bodo vsak dan podprla okus vaše kave in olajšala mesečno čiščenje.

  • Očistite vsako komponento: po potrebi z mokro krpo temeljito očistite ohišje, rezervoar za vodo in pladenj za kapljanje. Nikoli ne uporabljajte topil ali abrazivov na zunanji površini stroja. Pri nekaterih aparatih za kavo je mogoče za lažje pomivanje izliv tudi odstraniti
  • Za stroje v obliki stroka: izpraznite uporabljeno posodo za stroke tako, da izvlečete posodo. Nikoli ne vtikajte rok v jašek kapsule
  • Za ročne stroje: izpraznite zbiralnik, ki je del, ki zbira uporabljeno usedlino iz portafiltra.

Mesečno vzdrževanje kavnega aparata

Vsak mesec je priporočljivo, da očistite notranje dele kavnega aparata po postopku, imenovanem "povratno izpiranje":

  • Povratno izpiranje: requires you to run a cleaning cycle (if your machine has one) or backflush (for three-way-valve systems) using a coffee machine cleaner. This will help to remove any oils and grime built up in the internal piping of the group heads. Follow up with a rinse cycle (if available) as coffee cleaners are typically quite strong and you don’t want to be left with residue inside
  • Cleaning portafilters: for manual machines, clean the portafilters by removing any traces of coffee and soaking each component (including the filter basket and shower screen) in a bucket of cleaning solution, then rinsing off with water. After, wipe out the filter basket with a clean cloth
  • Cleaning shower screens: depending on your unit, the group head shower screens may be secured by a screw, which you’ll need to remove to clean away any grime build up. You can use a toothbrush to help remove any coffee grounds. The group head’s rubber seals should also be wiped with a cloth to remove ground coffee build-up.

The video below demonstrates this particular step in detail:

Annual coffee machine maintenance

Every year you should dedicate some time to a much deeper coffee machine clean. Here are the things you should do:

  • Descaling: descale the coffee machine (by following your manual)
  • Deep clean: soak the group head, shower screen and portafilter in coffee machine cleaner solution
  • On-board hopper clean: clean the on-board hopper with a damp cloth
  • For stainless steel machines: if your coffee machine has a stainless steel design, you can use metal polish to finish
  • Coffee grinder cleaning: if your machine features a coffee grinder, brush grounds from around burrs.

Coffee machine terminology

If you’re confused about any coffee machine lingo, here are some coffee machine parts you need to know about:

  • Portafilter: a filter-basket with a handle that holds the coffee grounds and locks into the group head
  • Group head: the permanent metal attachment at the front of the machine to which the portafilter attaches. It transports hot water out of the machine into the portafilter’s filter basket.
  • Shower screen: sits inside the group head and disperses the water to ensure it spreads evenly over the filter basket, which is holding the coffee grounds
  • Knockbox: the container (plastic or metal) with a rubber bar across the middle that collects used grounds from the portafilter.
  • On-board hopper: the container that holds your coffee beans until you’re ready to grind them.

FAQs about cleaning a coffee machine

How do I a coffee pod machine

Coffee pod machines are a bit easier to clean and maintain than manual machines – simply run two cycles with clean water, and thoroughly wipe down your coffee maker for any excess coffee and staining. Clean any removable parts thoroughly by handwashing them, and empty the used pod receptacle regularly.

Wipe over the critical (and non-critical) parts of your coffee machine with a damp cloth. You should also follow your manufacturer’s advice on descaling, as specified in the manual of the coffee machine.

Can I clean coffee machine parts in the dishwasher?

Most brands don’t recommend that you clean removable parts in the dishwasher as it can decrease the lifespan of the components. Instead, handwash each part or soak it in coffee cleaner solution.

What do I do if my used coffee pod receptacle is jammed?

In this situation, coffee machine manufacturers recommend trying to loosen the container by shaking it lightly. Don’t put excessive force onto the lever or handle to avoid damaging the machine.

We hope you’ve found this guide helpful and will make the recommended steps above part of your coffee making routine. Keeping your coffee machine in tip-top shape could help enhance your coffee results, so you can enjoy a great cup of coffee every time.

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